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Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Yuck ()
Date: October 12, 2011 11:08AM

Ok, I get the need for the deer managed kill program going on in Fairfax.

I live off of the parkway neer Rolling Road where there is park property nearby and I have seen the posted signs about the kill program.

However, when they kill the deer, shouldn't they clean it up?!!

My dog dragged deer intestines to my front porch this morning-it was quite a sight.

What is the protocol?

Are these hunters just gutting these animals in the woods? I mean really.

These parks are not in West VA-there are lots of folks out there walking, riding bikes and walking dogs.

This is just gross.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Lease Laws ()
Date: October 12, 2011 11:10AM

WTF is your dog doing running loose. Obey the law!!

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: jim bob ()
Date: October 12, 2011 11:14AM

yes they are gutting the deer in the woods- which is the standard procedure. Its your dog's fault for bringing it to your front porch-not the hunter. I'm sure the person who gutted the deer left the guts in a location far off the trails away from human contact, nobody can help the fact that your dog brought it back.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: October 12, 2011 11:24AM

Ever consider that some car hit a deer and your dog found the remains? What the hell is your dog doing running loose anyway?

Besides the remains feed other creatures in the woods. Cycle of life and all that.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: poopstick ()
Date: October 12, 2011 01:19PM

jim bob Wrote:
> yes they are gutting the deer in the woods- which
> is the standard procedure. Its your dog's fault
> for bringing it to your front porch-not the
> hunter. I'm sure the person who gutted the deer
> left the guts in a location far off the trails
> away from human contact, nobody can help the fact
> that your dog brought it back.

Agree 100%

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: October 12, 2011 01:26PM

pics or it didnt happen

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: then why this? ()
Date: October 12, 2011 01:47PM

During the Archery Program, a qualified Archery Group will conduct deer management activity from elevated tree stands in authorized areas within a selected park. Each group is comprised of experienced hunters who have demonstrated superior marksmanship and skill.

An ethical standard is strictly enforced for all participants in the Archery Program.

All activity conducted at least 100 feet from park property lines and 50 feet from established park trails.

Selected parks will NOT be closed to park patrons during this time. Sunday hunting is not permitted in Virginia.

From the Fairfax County website. My dog was no more than 10-15 yards from my back yard in the woods where he found these guts.

If activity is at least 100 feet from park property line, I guess these guts walked to this location all by themselves.

These guys have NO BUSINESS shooting at deer this close to houses.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: October 12, 2011 01:58PM

then why this? Wrote:
> These guys have NO BUSINESS shooting at deer this
> close to houses.

Not to nit a pick but there is no evidence they did - arrows don't kill very quickly - deer run (and run and run) until they collapse. The hunter could have been a half mile from your property when he/she let loose the arrow.

And...the hunter could simply have dragged the dead deer "elsewhere" (e.g., next to your house) to do the gutting.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: more rules ()
Date: October 12, 2011 02:06PM

13. Archery group is responsible for transporting deer and appropriate disposal of the carcass.

carcass should include internal organs.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: William Robert ()
Date: October 12, 2011 02:12PM

> These parks are not in West VA-there are lots of
> folks out there walking, riding bikes and walking
> dogs.

What does a park being in VA and not WV have anything to do with it? And yes it is common practice to field dress deer. Get your head out of your ass. What was your dog even doing running around without a leash?

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: BurkeRes ()
Date: October 12, 2011 03:31PM

Ignore this fool, he's just complaining.
First, we have no way of verifying anything said here. His dog may have dragged the guts from 1 mile away. He may even live in New York and just decided to stir up trouble. Who knows.
Second, even if what he says is true, he's obviously not very responsible because in a semi-urban environment with heavy traffic, he allows his dog to roam freely.
Third, urban archery is the most responsible, safe, economical, and ethical
method we have to control the deer overpopulation problem we have.
Fourth, animals die in the woods all the time. Yes, they often die 10 yards from your house. Shocking, I know! Some die of disease, others are killed by predators and there are always guts left over. Luckily birds and bugs are nice enough to clean this up for us.

Get over it.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: sumguy ()
Date: October 12, 2011 04:00PM

It's just some peta ass who would rather the deer starve to death or bounce off a car. It never happened. No hunter would risk a hunting spot by acting irresposible.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: October 12, 2011 04:05PM

Yuck Wrote:
> Ok, I get the need for the deer managed kill
> program going on in Fairfax.
> I live off of the parkway neer Rolling Road where
> there is park property nearby and I have seen the
> posted signs about the kill program.
> However, when they kill the deer, shouldn't they
> clean it up?!!
> My dog dragged deer intestines to my front porch
> this morning-it was quite a sight.
> What is the protocol?
> Are these hunters just gutting these animals in
> the woods? I mean really.
> These parks are not in West VA-there are lots of
> folks out there walking, riding bikes and walking
> dogs.
> This is just gross.

Meh. Toughen up.

I wish we'd leave the deer alone and go after the coyotes, black bears, foxes, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, and obama supporters....

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Tyrone ()
Date: October 12, 2011 07:03PM

OP, let me get this right....

You violated the leash law and left your dog unsupervised. Your dog then brought home something which you assume are deer intestines, from a deer that died of unknown causes.

You're now here whining about the repercussions of your violation of the law.

MAN THE FUCK UP and take responsibility for your own actions.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: October 12, 2011 07:36PM

Sorry, those were mine. I was wondering where I left those.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Hod do you know... ()
Date: October 12, 2011 07:38PM

...it was from a deer?

You don't sound like you hunt so how could you properly identify deer guts that your wayward dog brought back to you?

I smell a fraud. Or rotten deer carcass, one of the two.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Oh Dear! ()
Date: October 13, 2011 09:02PM

I'm a member of PETA which means people eating tasty animals. Leaving the gut pile in the woods allows other animals to have a nice meal. You could of to if you just fired up your grill. Do you like red meat? Venison is one of the healthiest meats you can eat......Enjoy, and keep your fricken dog on a leash or I may mistake it for a coyote and grill it to...Pansy Ass!

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: October 13, 2011 09:10PM


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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Sorry about that ()
Date: October 13, 2011 09:16PM

Yuck Wrote:
> Ok, I get the need for the deer managed kill
> program going on in Fairfax.
> I live off of the parkway neer Rolling Road where
> there is park property nearby and I have seen the
> posted signs about the kill program.
> However, when they kill the deer, shouldn't they
> clean it up?!!
> My dog dragged deer intestines to my front porch
> this morning-it was quite a sight.
> What is the protocol?
> Are these hunters just gutting these animals in
> the woods? I mean really.
> These parks are not in West VA-there are lots of
> folks out there walking, riding bikes and walking
> dogs.
> This is just gross.

You're right. Those hunters were very careless. They should have dropped the guts on your porch themselves. Shame on them for leaving that job to your pooch.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Clifton Person ()
Date: October 13, 2011 09:27PM

Please, one of my dogs found a deer leg on our property one night and was munching on it when I had to take it away.

Likely it was a fawn either hit by a car or killed by another animal, but my dog was always on my property. The deer guts could have been dragged onto your property by another animal and your dog discovered them.

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Mikeymike ()
Date: October 13, 2011 10:12PM

Maybe it's like that movie "The Thing." Did any of the guts seem to scurry around your porch? Were you penetrated?

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Re: Deer Guts On My Front Porch
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: October 13, 2011 11:52PM

Dear Guts On My Front Porch,

Please don't lie here any more.

Thank You!


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