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BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 10, 2005 06:12PM

I just went to pick up a pulled chicken sandwich and saw that centreville BBQ Country has turned into a jap/korean place.


please tell me it just moved

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Date: April 10, 2005 07:12PM

I think they're gone for good. Not sure though. I used to go to that place once a week back in high school. That was when I lived in Burke. Odd thing is I don't think that I've been there since I moved to centreville a few years ago. go figure. I will still miss it. I'm not sure if the BS BBQ World in Burke is still open. That place was created by a guy that quit BBQ Country and opened his own place in burke with almost the exact same foods and sauces etc. It sucked though. The meat was no where near as tender.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: April 11, 2005 08:58PM

The last time I was there a few months ago the food sucked and place was dirtyer than ever.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: Lucifer ()
Date: August 11, 2009 02:07AM

Thou shall not speak thy name tis BBQ Country. Thou shall not hear. Thou shall not see. Only if Thou wills't make thy deal. Then thou shall do the above mentioned.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 11, 2009 03:18AM

Ptomaine palace went out of business?

Where the fuck can I get food poisoning around here, anymore?

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: BBQ Sampler ()
Date: August 11, 2009 07:04AM

There is a BBQ Country on 123 in Vienna, but I'm not sure if their related. I haven't had a chance to sample it yet. The C'ville BBQ Country moved out 29 to a truck stop by Clark Bros. Go to Willard's by the Chantilly Expo. It's the premier BBQ shack in FFX Co. BBQ World's only bonus is that it has a drive thru. Other than that, the place sucks.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: tcf ()
Date: August 11, 2009 08:35AM

BBQ World in Burke is still there... Food is ehhh OK but the place could use a good redecorating.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: August 11, 2009 08:47AM

I think the BBQ Country in Vieanna is gone, and it was by the same people for a while. I think some Koreans bought the business 5 or so years ago and probably ran it into the ground. BBQ Country was probably one of the better BBQ places around. T

here was another BBQ place out in Manansas that was well known and featured in a lot of traveling books as a good place to eat. I forgot what it was called. It was eventually sold to Koreans as well.

Williards is ok, its a little on the greasy side, I think its the stlye off BBQ that they serve which I don't like. I'm more of a Memphis or Kansas City style guy. Famous Daves is the place I go now for decent bbq.

It seems Asians have a different take on what "good" customer service is and it never translates well over here.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: August 11, 2009 08:47AM

I think the BBQ Country in Vieanna is gone, and it was by the same people for a while. I think some Koreans bought the business 5 or so years ago and probably ran it into the ground. BBQ Country was probably one of the better BBQ places around. T

there was another BBQ place out in Manansas that was well known and featured in a lot of traveling books as a good place to eat. I forgot what it was called. It was eventually sold to Koreans as well.

Williards is ok, its a little on the greasy side, I think its the stlye off BBQ that they serve which I don't like. I'm more of a Memphis or Kansas City style guy. Famous Daves is the place I go now for decent bbq.

It seems Asians have a different take on what "good" customer service is and it never translates well over here.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:00AM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> I think the BBQ Country in Vieanna

If you're talking about the place in Danor Plaza, it's still there.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:40AM

I like the pulled chicken at Willards, but they do a horrible job on most of their sides.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: August 11, 2009 02:54PM

Its still there. Ate there on Sunday. It does not ever seem very crowded so I do worry about it.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: henry rollins ()
Date: August 11, 2009 03:04PM

you're a liar!

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: August 11, 2009 06:28PM

You can get good North Carolina Bar-B-Que off Indian Head Hwy, just after you cross into Md on the WW bridge, on 495. It's a couple of miles down on the left, you'll be able to smell it before you see it. If feeling uncomfortable as a minority bothers you, then don't waste your time. The Q is good! It use to be sold out of a small trailer before locating to a store front. The post did an article on them, for which I was interviewed, the first time I went there. Carolina Q is the best there is!

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 11, 2009 07:52PM

Just went to the vienna one near norms.. it's the same good old bbq country. ahhhhhhhh.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:09PM

Yah, so I have no idea what "henry rollins" is talking about. Fuck off, in other words.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: Hunky ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:37PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2009 04:37PM by Hunky.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:43PM

that means a lot coming from a guy that calls himself Hunky

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2009 09:44PM by bloody blisters.

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Re: BBQ Country - RIP?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:44PM

OK, I'm not sure what incited your homoerotic fantasies, but feel free to dream.

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