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Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Corrective Eye Patient ()
Date: January 14, 2008 04:48PM

Anybody ever visit Lasik Plus? Any Thoughts? I am going soon and I wonder if they are any good....

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: § ()
Date: January 14, 2008 05:50PM

No, but I'd recommend TLC. -§

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 14, 2008 06:48PM

Anybody ever get Liposhape? It doesnt work either. Any "treatment" which promises to correct your health problems that doesnt involve stitches wont work.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 14, 2008 08:40PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> Any "treatment" which promises to correct your
> health problems that doesnt involve stitches wont
> work.

what are you, retarded? come on, lots of people have gotten it and it works!

personally, i wont get laser eye surgery as there is a 2% chance of getting poor night vision. i have horrible luck and am out at night a lot so 2% is 2% too high for me. when it's 0.01% ill get it.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Price ()
Date: January 14, 2008 10:23PM

Corrective Eye Patient Wrote:
> Anybody ever visit Lasik Plus? Any Thoughts? I am
> going soon and I wonder if they are any good....

I did, the one on King St in Alexandria. Good service, but be ready to spend ~$3k. They give 15% discount if you have a vision insurance, so say you Davis Vision (or any other), they don't check (nor care, I suspect).

Based on my experience, choose a place with a good reputation AND close to work/home for convenience (you'll have several follow up check ups).

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Price ()
Date: January 14, 2008 10:25PM

And one more think - since it's not covered by insurance, put a comparable amount on your FSA, you can get reimbursement thus saving ~20% or whatever your tax rate is.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Corrective Eye Patient ()
Date: January 15, 2008 07:28AM

Thanks Price,

I am also doing the FSA. I have admit I am really excited about this. Just the thought of waking up and being able to see. No more contacts, no more glasses. Eye's can be very high maintenence. Any suggestions other than what they mention for the day before, day after?

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 15, 2008 02:07PM

Corrective Eye Patient Wrote:
> Just the thought of waking up
> and being able to see. No more contacts, no more
> glasses. Eye's can be very high maintenence.

have you tried the month long contacts? i use them and they are awesome!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Price ()
Date: January 15, 2008 03:07PM

> Any suggestions other than what they mention for the
> day before, day after?

Well, they pretty much cover everything during "orientation". After the procedure, do try to sleep all night. The safety "goggles" they provide are kinda uncomfortable, I didn't use them after the first night - but you MUST resist the temptation to rub your eyes even weeks later! As funny as it sounds, I weared swimming goggles first few days when taking shower to avoid getting water/soap in your eyes - very usefull. Also, get a nice pair of sunglasses - you'll wear them more than now. Can't think of anything else.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2008 03:08PM by Price.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Prices ()
Date: January 16, 2008 01:27PM

How much did everyone pay for there Lasik, I saw one person said 3k.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: patient ()
Date: January 16, 2008 02:06PM

I am about to pay about 3200 at lasik plus..

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: gesoffen ()
Date: January 16, 2008 02:45PM

Granted, my vision was extremely bad prior to surgery but the Lasik Plus people were far from professional in my consult visit at the Tyson's Office - initial "technician" did not speak English very well (at least not in a fashion that I could readily understand), several technicians cycling in/out of the examination room, frequent interuptions, etc. In addition, they had some question as to my eligibility and promised to pass my file on to the doctor (the doctor rotates around through their various locations throughout the month). Never recieved a return call. When I pressed the question to the office manager, they said I could come back in for another consultation but would have to schedule it for a time when a doctor was there but not doing a surgery (i.e. the only time you see the doc is when you are under the knife).

I went with NewViewLaser Eye Center. Introduced me to a newer procedure that has better long term results (Epilasik). The doctor (Dr. Griffiths) is on sight as well as the opthamologist (Dr. Simms). Between my initial consult, pre-op screening, operation, and post-op follow-up, I've always been seen by either Dr. Griffiths or Dr. Simms (as well as a technician to do routine questions/exams).

Cost was just north of $4k but worth every penny for the piece of mind.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: gesoffen ()
Date: January 16, 2008 02:46PM

BTW - forgot to mention, after a few weeks, I was within 20/20. 9 months out, I'm seeing 20/15 with no issues besides the dry eye that I had before surgery.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Whoops ()
Date: January 16, 2008 04:02PM

Dang, I guess 2k for FSA was not enough for this procedure this year. I have vision insurance as well.....

-1.25 is my contact script, so I don't have a strong prescrip.


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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: § ()
Date: January 16, 2008 08:32PM

$4400 for custom lasik. Now stable @ 20/20 for 4 years and running. -§

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: January 16, 2008 09:15PM

I've heard good stuff about TLC and will probably be getting it done in the Tysons location in the next few months. I will post my results.

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Re: Lasik Plus?
Posted by: Price ()
Date: January 17, 2008 06:07AM

Whoops Wrote:
> Dang, I guess 2k for FSA was not enough for this
> procedure this year. I have vision insurance as
> well.....
> -1.25 is my contact script, so I don't have a
> strong prescrip.
> Thoughts?

Actually, I think Lasik+ treats such low prescriptions for much less, although I'm not sure about the limits and how good this cheap option is.

I had -7 and it cost me $2.8K.

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