Here's some info about Stink Bugs and how to get rid of them and keep them away...
What Are Stink Bugs?
Pentatomoidea, commonly known as stink bugs or shield bugs, is referred to a super family of insects belonging to the Heteroptera suborder. In this order the insects share common characteristics such as piercing mouth-parts as well as a particular kind of wings which are toughened at the base and membranous at the tips.
The scientific name of stink bugs, Pentatomoidea, has been derived from the fact that they have an antenna which is divided into five segments. Stink bugs have broad bodies that are either in triangular shape or semi-elliptical. Their bodies serve the purpose of defensive shield against predators; this is why they are sometimes referred to as "shield bugs".
Stink bugs excrete offensive smelling liquid from their thorax glands that are placed in between the first and second pair of legs. When they are molested or attacked by predators, they produce this liquid defensively in order to put off potential threat to their lives. Usually, they are not considered to be pests for they do not render significant loss to plants; however, when they make a larger group, they may become considerable pests.
It is worth mentioning here that all stink bugs have sucking mouthparts and broad bodies, but still there are variations in their body colorings. On account of this distinction they are further divided into fifteen different species. Among them brown stink bugs and green stink bugs are the most famous types.
Stink Bug Facts
Here is a list of the most important stink bug facts you should be aware about.
What do Stink Bugs Eat?
Stink bugs are basically herbivorous. They have sucking and piercing mouthparts which they use while feeding on a number of fruits and crops. They suck juice from fruits and cause significant damage to the plants. Their major hosts are birch, serviceberry, catalpa, butterfly bush, pecan, redbud, hackberry, pepper, dogwood, citrus, cucumber, tomato, sunflower, apple, pear, plum, and grape. They render damage to the plants in multiple ways: create necrotic areas on the surface of fruits, injure seeds, or even transfer plant-pathogens.
Some Asian stink bugs also hunt beetle larvae or caterpillars thus curbing devastative pests and proving beneficial for the plants. This is all about their eating habits in summer season; since they do not generate their heat on their own, they have to rely on external surroundings to keep themselves warm. Therefore, they remain hibernate in cold seasons.
Do Stink Bugs Bite?
Normally they do not. It is a fact that stink bugs feed on fruits and vegetables and they hold no grudge against humans. However, they do bite humans when they feel threatened and do this to prevent any sort of danger to their lives. As a result of their bite a person may feel painful, but harmless, swelling or rashes on the affected part of the body. Though stink bugs' bite is usually treated as non-poisonous bite for humans but it may prove poisonous for small kids and pets.
Are Stink Bugs Poisonous?
Sink bugs are not poisonous for human beings. Some people erroneously relate their pungent smelling liquid with that of poison. It should be noted at this point that they emit foul smelling liquid only to deter predators and discourage molestation. It will also be an interesting fact that in some African countries like Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Venda, Zambia and South Africa, people tend to eat stink bungs while considering it a part of their culture.
What Attracts Stink Bugs?
Food and environment both have attractions for stink bugs. They are mostly attracted by juicy plants which they suck through their sucking mouth parts. These plants include pepper, citrus, cucumber, tomato, sunflower, apple, pear, plum, and grape.
As for environment, they breed in warm weathers because they are cold-blooded and need external heat to keep them alive. It is therefore they are also attracted towards light colored houses or places where they find clear sun exposure. In homes their most favorite places are windowsills and door frames owing to the availability of suitable temperature.
Do Stink Bugs Fly?
Yes, stink bugs do fly. Although during their nymph stages, they do not have wings and therefore only climb from one plant to another; however, they are ready to fly as soon as they get full fledged wings. Since they remain inactive during winter season, they rarely fly when the temperature is not sufficient to provide them with enough heat. But again some species of stink bugs like brown marmorated stink bugs fly to warmer locations leaving their birth areas.
Do Stink Bugs Stink?
Definitely, they stink highly offensive and abhorrent smell when molested or crushed. Stink bugs embark upon stinking as a defensive act to prevent any threat to their lives. Moreover, this stink also serves the purpose of inviting other stink bugs to relatively warm and lightened areas.
How To Get Rid Of Stink Bugs
Stink bugs infest not only the gardens but also the homes thus equally annoying the farmers as well as homeowners. However, stink bug invasion in gardens is different than that of homes because in gardens they cause substantial damage to precious crops while they invade home just to pass winter season. Neither do they sting humans, nor cause any disease.
The best way to contain them in gardens is to attract parasitic wasps to kill them as this method is very realistic and well approved for their reduction. On the other hand, the use of chemical may reduce stink bugs but at the cost of damaging beneficial parasites that are essential for better growth of plants. So far no perfect method has been introduced to control them in gardens; however, there are certain effective and successful methods to get rid of stink bugs in the house.
When it comes to getting rid of stink bugs in the house, there are numerous methods to do this. We are going to discuss various methods that are based on prevention, deterrence, and elimination.
Call A Professional Exterminator
If stink bugs amass in a greater number and you feel it pretty hard to handle them, it is better to call a professional exterminator who will be able to exterminate nasty bugs in an effective manner. A certified pest controller will not only eliminate existing bugs by using special chemicals but also secure your house by sealing all the prospective entry points.
As a final remark, bear in mind that killing stink bugs by crushing or molesting is a dangerous method. Stink bugs eject their chemical pheromone which will persuade further infestation. Therefore it is essential to follow the proven stink bug eradication methods in order to get rid of them.
Click here to find a local stink bug exterminator in your area!Seal Your House Properly
The best preventive measure in this regard is to keep them off your home in the first place. Remove foliage, weeds and other attractive flowers from the perimeters of your home. Then check your house thoroughly to ensure there are no cracks or holes left in any entry point. Put curtains on your doors as well as windows and check that they do not have any crack. Normally, cracks on doors, windows, utility pipes, behind chimneys, or underneath wood fascia allow stink bugs to enter your home. Having found any crack, seal them with caulk or other relevant material. While taking this preventive measure keep in mind that stink bugs mostly start invading homes during the close of fall.
Deter Stink Bugs Outside Of Your Home
Draw a defensive border outside your home with the help of chemical sprays. Since stink bugs have strong shields, organic sprays do not eliminate them in an effective manner; they rather turn them into woozy state for a short span of time. So it is much better to spray cypermethrin, a synthetic insecticide in the surroundings of your home. It is a potent nerve poison that lasts on inert surfaces for a longer period of time. Moreover, use spreader sticker while adding it to the spray mix to help increase the coverage of the chemical on the surface and to slow down chemical residue loss.
Use The Weapon Of Vacuum Cleaners
When stink bugs take advantage of loophole and enter the house, the best possible way to get rid of them is to use vacuum cleaners. You can suck up stink bugs through the vacuum hose. Once you have collected the entire stink bugs population present in your home, seal the bag immediately and dispose them off somewhere far away from your home. It is so because their foul smell can invite other stink bugs to your home.
Use Water Detergent
Since stink bugs cannot live in water, using soap solution will prove result-oriented. Soap solution in fact penetrates into their shield and causes them to die in no time. What you have to do is mix water with liquid detergent using equal quantity and spray it on individual bugs. Although it is time-consuming yet it is cost-effective and result oriented.
Stink Bug Control and Prevention
Here are the most effective ways to control stink bugs and prevent them from coming back.
Prevent Gardens from Stink Bugs
The most effective method to prevent gardens from stink bugs is to grow herbs like mint, basil, borage coriander, and nasturtium because these plants have the potential to attract other predatory insects which make stink bug their prey. Unfortunately, the use of chemicals in the gardens and farms has not been proved effective and useful. On one hand, organic chemicals, though do not harm beneficial predators, cannot affect stink bugs as these have strong armor which can endure such chemicals. On the other hand, synthetic chemicals can effectively eradicate stink bugs but at the same time these chemicals kill the useful pests as well.
The invasion of stink bugs in homes creates disturbance for homeowners. Although these are harmless to humans, their stinky smell and amassing in larger number pose threat to delicate plants inside the home and become a source of annoyance for the homeowners.
Click here to find a local stink bug exterminator in your area!Common Preventive Measures
Over the years a few proven methods have been evolved to control stink bugs in houses. Spraying synthetic chemicals inside and outside the home; removing juicy plants from the surrounding of home; and switching off the lights when not needed are some of the ways to prevent stink bugs from entering your home.
Control Stink Bugs in Home
However, if sting bugs happen to find some cracks and enter your home, then some other methods are applied to control bugs. You can use vacuum to suck them out but never forget this will spread pungent smell in your home. Using soapy water to drown the bugs and their eggs is another effective method that helps wipe out the bugs.
Natural Stink Bug Repellents
There are some natural stink bug repellents that are potent enough to help you in getting rid of these relentless bugs. Of them, the most effective natural product one can use is Diatomaceous Earth. While acting as a desiccant on bugs, it dehydrates them and heralds death knell on them. Wherever it is used, it repels and discourages the stink bugs to exist. With the help of Gilmour pump duster, Dustin mizer and hand duster you can apply the dust anywhere the stink bugs like to rest.
You can also make another stink bug repellent by soaking few shredded cigarettes into water overnight; then add a few drops of soap and spray it over the bugs. Because of its pungent smell, the stink bugs are repelled efficiently.
Chemical and Natural Stink Bug Sprays
Using stink bug spray is yet another way to controlling them. In this method synthetic chemicals prove more effective than organic ones but one should take into account the presence of small kids and animals because they may receive skin allergens from such chemicals.
Apart from synthetic chemicals, you can apply home-made natural compounds for the sake of keeping bugs away. The advantage of natural compounds in comparison with chemicals is that they are normally considered to be safe and do not destroy delicate foliage. So you can make a mix of oil and water in 1:2 ratio and spray it in the home. As a result the strong smell of oil will drive the bugs away.
Stink Bug Traps
There are two types of stink bug traps: electric traps and natural sticking traps.
Electric stink bug traps are illuminated devices that use electrical current to exterminate stink bugs. Designed in square or lantern shaped, the electric trap boxes consist of a light bulb to attract bugs. These boxes also have a transformer and dual layer of electrified metal. When the bugs fly to it and complete the circuit on contact, it is trapped and killed instantly. The obvious advantage of electric stink bug trap is that it can last for a longer period of time and can be used repeatedly.
The natural sticky trap is made up of cardboard or sticky paper. Cut a square of cardboard, or use an old paper bag. Then use water, corn, and sugar to make paste; for this you should boil all these ingredients to disperse some water. After making the paste, coat it on the cardboard or paper bag and place this trap at apposite place in your house. Stink bugs will be attracted to the sweet paste and consequently become stuck.