A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
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Date: January 07, 2008 08:25PM
Apologies for the subject, i wanted to catch people's attentions
Just a couple things everyone ought to know.
1. Information on school profiles is highly doctored
Principals will put up whatever information they think is good for their school. The school safety section does not accurately reflect the school's security or lack therof. It is almost a garuntee that the numbers for each school are significantly lower than reality. South Lakes HS is not the only school with students who bring weapons or have a massive amount of fights. Every school has fights, and every school has drug violations. This is the reality of high school, and unless your kid is a social retard, they will be exposed to something to that extent unless you homeschool him/her. And if your kids is a social retard they will get beat up and made fun of, so dont try that. Send your kids to south lakes. They will enjoy it and since it will be undercrowded due to everyone getting the hell out classes will be small.
2.If you are going to move to get your kid(s) to get to your school of choice, you are a dumbass.
All the schools are the same (see above paragraph) and if a school has a program not available at whatever school you get redistricted to, FCPS will provide a bus and call it an academy. That is unless you want to go to Westfield, where you can get free steroids if you are in sports. If you are going to Chantilly now, for example, and will be redistricted to Mount Vernon, I could "locating" a lease which says you live in a place that goes to Chantilly. I have heard of this happening where students went to the same elementary and middle school but would be going to different high schools, and they wanted to be with friends. But moving becuase of acdemics is retarded and illegal. FCPS wont check to see if your lease is real but if they do become informed, you are in trouble. It is similar to lying on your drivers license application, the cops will come after you if they are tipped off by an angry neighbor.
3. If you are opposed to redistricting in general becuase of where it will put your student:
Yes, i agree that the current redistricting plan is not very good. FCPS schould do a county wide redistricting, it will save on bussing costs and we wont have kids who live in lorton going to Herndon HS. But after all, public school is free. Private school is not. Private schools also do not have all the programs that public schools do. But thats not the main idea. Your kids will go to a different high school, big deal. It will be nearly the same and if they go to south lakes they will not die or be in danger. There are cops in schools for a reason. There was also cops at VA tech, but Cho Shung Whee still managed to shoot up the place. This can/will happen at any school, not just south lakes.
4. If you want a South County Middle school:
Such a thing already exists. South county Secondary school puts the middle and high schools in the same building. It saves the cost of building 2 buildings and the middle school gets a bunch of cool equipment. You say oh its overcrowded, build one now! It wouldnt be over crowded if the county was districted correctly. The money should be used to fix the current older schools, which have gone to shit phsically becuase the money to fix them is spent elsewhere. Woodson was not fixed for years becuase its renovation money kept dissapearing to build new, unnecessary schools. Or if there is such a budget leftover that we can afford new schools, put it towards building roads, or should i say paying residents to get out of the way so the road can be put in their backyard. If the roads would be widened/built, we would not have the traffic that makes your kid have to get up at 4:30 am to catch a bus that drives across the county. And BTW, the county doesnt have all this extra money. There is a $200 million budget shortfall projected for the end of this year, which means no summer school.
So, in conclusion, please remove your heads from your asses. Your kid will be fine at whatever school he/she goes to, becuase FCPS has one of the (if not the best) school systems in the nation, in terms of getting kids edjewmakated. (sp)