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John's Place
Posted by: Sam Bass ()
Date: September 06, 2011 05:17AM

Sign on window say Help Wanted. Business seems to have picked up.

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: Yankees27 ()
Date: September 06, 2011 07:57AM

Went there once and it blows only could buy beer

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: UmmBeer ()
Date: September 06, 2011 09:29AM

I was there last night. Same cool crowd, retired people, roddy pipers and bikers. Wheel of Fortune watching is a tradition at 7pm. Yes, they only serve beer. Hot bartender with some nice cleavage.

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: reeb reknird ()
Date: September 06, 2011 11:08AM

Yeah...I have heard conflicting stories about this place. Everything from, pinball joint to a off hours cop hangout, meth purchase spot, older cougar hangout, old man get together.....

And what is with the roof top? do people even go here, if so where the hell do they park?

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: Lamont Sanford ()
Date: September 06, 2011 04:45PM

ummmmbeeer said, "Hot bartender with some nice cleavage"
damnit haven't been to a bar in months but with football starting I've had a hankering. they got half way decent tv's in that place with NFL Network and CBS Sports network?

btws, what celebrity does the Hot Bartender look most like? the late Shirley Hemphill?

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: theinfo ()
Date: September 06, 2011 07:22PM

Was looking for reviews on this place and came across this thread.

Appears the pinball is legit and is one of the best selections in the area. What is the Wheel of Fortune tradition? They just watch it.. or bet on it or something?

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: () ()
Date: September 07, 2011 01:01PM

It also has really bad soft porn playing in the corner tv. The place gives dives a bad name.

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Re: John's Place
Posted by: Qwest ()
Date: September 07, 2011 01:13PM

theinfo Wrote:
> Was looking for reviews on this place and came
> across this thread.
> Appears the pinball is legit and is one of the
> best selections in the area. What is the Wheel of
> Fortune tradition? They just watch it.. or bet on
> it or something?

They just watch Wheel of Fortune every night at 7pm and try solve the words. Usually with in about 15 seconds the patrons figures it out.

The pinball is legit. They also do pinball leagues.

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