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Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 08, 2005 11:59PM

and I don't mean the kind you play with a glass pipe.

Does anyone around here really feel like we "missed out" on the team? Mind you NO CHANCE of taxes going down if we had received the team. Not that there's much chance now but at least public outrage on the matter seems to be building. Having that team would have been a perfect diversion to avoid the topic altogether in the local gov't meeting halls.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 09, 2005 12:22PM

rstidman Wrote:
> and I don't mean the kind you play with a glass
> pipe.
> Does anyone around here really feel like we
> "missed out" on the team? Mind you NO CHANCE of
> taxes going down if we had received the team. Not
> that there's much chance now but at least public
> outrage on the matter seems to be building.
> Having that team would have been a perfect
> diversion to avoid the topic altogether in the
> local gov't meeting halls.

Traffic on 28/50/7100 is bad enough at rush hour, and having a stadium up by the airport would have just amplified it. Especially for Chantilly, which has all three roads going through it. Plus, RT 7 would have gotten even more out of control that it currently is.

My neighborhood is already a short-cut twice a day for people who don't want to wait for *one* light. We'd rather not have baseball fans cutting through, speeding, and running our stop signs on their way to games on top of that.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 10, 2005 12:07AM

> My neighborhood is already a short-cut twice a day
> for people who don't want to wait for *one* light.
> We'd rather not have baseball fans cutting
> through, speeding, and running our stop signs on
> their way to games on top of that.

Guilty. Fuck that Poplar Tree/Stringfellow light. Especially during rush hour.
But I have special privledges as a Brookfield resident, damnit.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 10, 2005 12:24AM

And I have special rights as a self-entitled asshole, so here's to cutting through poplar tree.

wait- what "one light" does the guy mean? When I cut through there it's to go towards c-ville in either direction, way more than one light either way to get to where I live from there...

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 10, 2005 01:28AM

rstidman Wrote:
> And I have special rights as a self-entitled
> asshole, so here's to cutting through poplar
> tree.
> wait- what "one light" does the guy mean? When I
> cut through there it's to go towards c-ville in
> either direction, way more than one light either
> way to get to where I live from there...

The light at Poplar Tree & Stringfellow, in front of Rocky Run MS. Most traffic cuts through my neighborhood to avoid the light- rightfully so, since that is a horrible light at rush hour. They need to widen that intersection so there are right/straight/left turn lanes, at least for Stringfellow South and Poplar Tree East. That would alleviate a huge amount of the backup.

Poplar Tree Estates is now planning on putting in speed bumps and a fracking TRAFFIC CIRCLE because of all the jackasses that speed and run the stop sign coming off of Poplar Tree Road.

I hate speedbumps.

Occasionally the county cops put up one of those worthless radar signs, but there has never been enforcement in the neighborhood.

My idea is to buy the roads from the county, make it a gated community, and charge rush hour drivers a toll to pass through the neighborhood. Then we would actually get to see a snow plow before the snow has already melted and the community could stop charging us exorbitant homeowners association dues.

I can only imagine how bad it would have been had the developers been able to connect my neighborhood to the subdivision that is on the corner of Walney and Poplar Tree.. talk about a bad idea.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 10, 2005 05:10AM

Holy shit that would be a nightmare. People cutting from walney to stringfellow? Hell even if both sides of Poplar Tree connected (pool side/school side) you'd have tons of people cutting through. That's why they put those speedhumps on northborne.

The were originally going to connect the bottom of my neighborhood through to Willard Rd (the street that goes past Dulles Expo Center). Thank god they made it a bike path instead.

A long long time ago Poplar Tree Rd went all the way down to 28 (where there's a culdesac now, past the business park). That would have made for a crapload of traffic through my neighborhood.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: hit the brakes ()
Date: July 16, 2009 11:38AM

ben Wrote:
> I hate speedbumps.

No shit. Those things are a sign of socialism

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: Judge Crater ()
Date: July 16, 2009 05:45PM

Good thing the Nats came to DC and far far away from NoVa. Anyway. Baseball in VA think they could have come up with a better name than NATIONALS. Stinkiest name EVER in the big leagues.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 16, 2009 05:55PM

I agree... I dislike everything about the team as it is right now. The name, the stadium is just average, the team sucks, the owners are money-grubbing tools and never will improve the team... it sucks. If my company didn't give me free skybox tix I wouldn't go.

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Re: Baseball
Posted by: Steal This Post ()
Date: July 16, 2009 08:07PM

nats should get some ball girls like this

Phillies ball girls

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