Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
The abbreviated name for this site sums up how I feel about our local government:
Fairfax is so easy to hate and so hard to leave.
Could just ONE fucking area around here have sync'd traffic lights????? I know someone mentioned this in another thread but it bears repeating. The most frustrating thing in the world is sitting at a pointless red, with a green off in the distance at the next light, and just as you get the green... the next light turns red.
And turn lane-only lights that don't clear the lane before changing back to red.
Fuck it, I say we just get rid of traffic lights and give everyone RPG's, and let the best man get further faster. Someone ahead of you holding you up? Light pissing you off? Blast. Problem solved.
> Someone ahead of you holding you
> up? Light pissing you off? Blast. Problem
> solved.
Yeah, but then you have a smoldering mess in front of you that you may not be able to drive around. Save the RPGs for the deer.
I think we need more blinking yellow lights at night... I too am tired of sitting almost within view of my destination all alone at a red light, knowing that the exact time I decide to say fuck it and run the light some hiding cop will catch me :)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2005 10:04PM by pgens.
I've lived here 26 years (yes that's the whole wad). I have roots. And a house I'd have to sell, accounts I would have to close and transfer, friends I would have to at least say "later" to, the list goes on.
But the real reason it's so hard to leave is traffic... I literally get stuck in traffic all times of the day in all areas. Took me 1 hour-
MOTHERFUCKING 1 HOUR!!! to get across fairfax this afternoon. The city, not the county. From the circle to Wegmans. 1 fucking hour.
foll if u think its hard to get out of nova ur a fucccin idiot like te rest of these mother fuckers that seem to be on this forum. yaw some bamma as tricks
fuclk u all get sme bawls
Don't even complain about Fairfax. The lights are synced better than you could ever imagine compared to some other areas...namely Harrisonburg, Fredricksburg and Blacksburg.
Little River tnpk's lights are so well synced that if you know what you're doing you can make it from before annandale to fairfax city without hitting a single red light
> Little River tnpk's lights are so well synced that
> if you know what you're doing you can make it from
> before annandale to fairfax city without hitting a
> single red light
This guy is on crack...assuming there are no cars on the road (which is impossible in this area), there is still no way this can be done. Unless your car is halfway passed the line where annandale and fairfax city meet. No way this can be done on a normal day from the middle of annandale. You'd be lucky to go 3 traffic lights.
i made it from NOVA ANNANDALE campus to eden center without catchin a red. i know where every fucking pothole is and i know where pigs hide. plus having a turbo helps too
MrDoctor, feel free to put up, or feel free to shut up. I'm free tomorrow for a demonstration of your rather lame talent. I'll buy you beers til you can't stand if you prove it.
then no deal remington steele. what's the big deal about me riding along? afraid you can't keeo the bet without losing me, thereby making it impossible for me to prove?
Sounds like someone is trying to find a way to pussy out and still get his cake, or beer as the case may be
hahaha. you guys should use the chat for general bullshit. not that it really matters, just easier.
MrDoctor what you got a 1988 Volvo 740 turbo? 86 whp! Holy shit!
NoVA Annandale sucks shit. 8am calc class was the worst idea ever.
Gravis Wrote:
> 496 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Spunky, you should try bumping those 4 yr old
> > crabs off your fetid crotch.
> i cant believe you feel for a screenshot of a
> post.
It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.....