darngenzer Wrote:
> Relax, y'all. Invest in some fox pee and spray the
> area around your yard. Talk to the owner. Stomp at
> the cat, or spray it with water (NOT A HOSE). Do
> not, for the love of God, poison a cat. Seriously,
> what's wrong with you?
> P.S. every cat owner I've ever met in my life has
> never believed you should love their cat just as
> much as they do.
> P.P.S. cats leave the birds because they think you
> can't hunt for yourself. It's affection, I'm
> afraid.
Where's the fun in poisoning a feral cat? Here in spotsy they are thick as theives. CB caps from a locked breech rifle with an oil can on the end are so quiet that the sound of the hammer dropping is more audible than the report itself. Some catnip, twelve pack of slurricaine, a lawn chair and a box of CBs makes for a highly entraining afternoon! I have dozens of scruffy feral cat hides tanning in my garage right now. Remember, there's always more than one way to skin a cat!