Re: Moving out of this place...
Posted by:
Dishwasher Convention
Date: June 01, 2011 04:48PM
To correct the OP, VA has not been pushing ani immigration legislation, VA has been pushing anti ILLEGAL immigration legislation. Too bad if you're offended that VA chooses not to cater to those that break the law (illegal = not legal).
It sickens me to see what the people who put of the website have had to deal with, how their communities have been changed for the worse. With the banks being pressured to give subprime loans to illegals and such, as part of that social justice crap or whatever you choose to call it, P-William saw the worst drop in property values. I made the mistake of moving there when I first became employed in Fairfax. I could see how it would have been nice to live there at one point, but that time had long passed. I've since moved to a much more dempgraphically appealing area. I feel sorry for all those people who bought homes before the illegal immigrant influx, who thought they were buying into a safe, secure, clean neighborhood. I can't imagine the horror they experienced when all these apartments sprouted up and filled up with undesireables. My neighbor's kid went to first grade at George Mullen Elementary. They were so much slower than other schools since they had numerous ESL kids in each class that were holding back the students that already spoke english. This was a family originally from Texas with Mexican and Puerto Rican descent that were telling me about this.
I'm happy to hear that VA's lowering tolerance to illegal immigration is gaining momentum. Thanks for letting us know.