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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 01, 2007 02:46PM

I got pulled over yesterday. Just bought a brand new car last night (chrysler 300 hemi) and got pulled over by lifetime fitness in fairfax. Cop was really nice but ended up writing me up for 67 in 35 NON WRECKLESS( it was 2:30 am). I have a bad driving record to begin with. I got 6 speeding tickets (all 20+) and blowing through a red light. ALL OF THEM happened in the middle of the night between midnight and 3. Usually coming from some event or from the gym. I would never endanger by driving wrecklessly during the day but when I am the only one on the road I usually speed just for the sake of getting home. I got a court date on the 29th of January. Does anyone know a REALLY good traffic lawyer? Money is not an issue, I will pay double whatever he/she asks but I would like this to be dropped to a non-moving violation. I just dont want my license taken away from the DMV, which is guaranteed if I dont fight this one. Thanks for any help

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 01, 2007 02:51PM

Forgot to mention, the cop pretty much told me to fight it in court. I am a volunteed firefighter for city of Alexandria so while there is no specific criteria to how many points you can or cannot have , either way it dont look good. He said that he will present the case in the best possible way and say that I was polite , sober ect ect . He did ask me bunch of weird questions to see if I was drinking ......it was sort of amusiing. BTW the 300 is the SRT8 version......a lot of car for $35k

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: cc ()
Date: December 01, 2007 07:07PM

6 tickets for 20+ over.......6pts each.....36 points..........

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: cc ()
Date: December 01, 2007 07:08PM

the point of this post was to say 'damn....36 pts"

cc Wrote:
> 6 tickets for 20+ over.......6pts each.....36
> points..........

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 01, 2007 07:46PM

yea that sounds about right, I think I have 29 because I have taken the course and its been 2 years since my last ticket before these two. I dont really care about the points as long as my license is valid. Insurance is kind of rough but I accepted the fact that thats the cost for what I did....Just need a good lawyer

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 01, 2007 09:06PM

I forgot to add. I am a complete douchebag and deserve to have my liscence revoked. Also Alexandria volunteer firefighters all like to suck cock.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 01, 2007 09:55PM

Well, now that that has been cleared up.

Cant tell you who to call, but

Dont call Tim Hugo's office. they will be pleased to get you convicted, since it means more $$$ for the state.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: RAT'Z AZZ ()
Date: December 02, 2007 07:04AM

Hemi(see REDNECK, WiKi),

Any way you slice it, YOU ARE FUCKED.

The Fairfax officer cut you a major freakin break by writing you for Speeding instead of RECKLESS(not wreckless, you dumb azz)Driving, see 46.2-862 Code of Virginia. If convicted of Speeding, ALL you can get from the judge is a fine MAX to $250.00, had it been RECKLESS DRIVING-- MAX $2500.00, JAIL TIME and LICENSE SUSPENSION. With a record like yours, you woulda been fresh meat for the azz rippers in da jail.

If it had been a Trooper or Deputy that met you that night you may not have been so lucky.

You don't say what period of time you managed to rack up all those invitations to see the judge. You get 1 good driving point for every year you DON"T get a moving violation up to a max of 5 points. If you think the Commonwealth Attorney or a judge is gonna let you plead out to a non-moving violation then you need to stop sucking on your bong and come back to reality.

DMV is gonna bust your azz wide open, RAPID POINT ACCUMMILATION, when you fart it'll sound like wind through a screen door. I'll give you $1.98 for your ride cause yo azz is gonna be sad singin and slo WALKIN,all the way to SHIT CREEK.

Use your spare time and learn how to read regulatory road signs and oh yeah, brush up on yo spellin.
slo walkin.jpg

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 02, 2007 02:07PM

I wouldnt say I am fucked as money seems to make all the calls especially in this county. If my lawyer and I dont get a chance to talk them down to a non-moving violation I can always make an appeal take it up higher and there they always let you speak with the prosecutor personally before the case. Simply put I can put up a lot of money, whatever they ask for, as long as they dont get me slammed with reckless. Like I said money speaks. I am not really worried about a judge taking away my license but the DMV,
As far as the bong goes I never got into drugs, just not my thing. Alcohol is my anti-drug.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: December 02, 2007 02:48PM

1. You are absolutely dreaming if you think you will get a non-moving violation out of this. (especially with your horrendous record)

2. DMV WILL take your license after this conviction. If ANYONE deserves to be suspended, it is YOU.

3. During your suspension, you WILL drive and get caught. Then, you will post on here asking how you can get out of a driving on suspended charge.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: The Public ()
Date: December 02, 2007 02:57PM

You actually think you are going to get a 67/35 on a driver with 29 points knocked down to a non-moving violation? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The judge can't take away your license since you were only charged with speeding. The DMV will take it away however. The judge will probably be upset with the officer for only writing you up for speeding instead of reckless. If you had been charged with reckless with your driving history I can guarantee you would be looking at jail time instead of a maximum $250 fine (which you will get with your record).

You mention that you are a tick volunteer with Alexandria. Do they actually let you drive any of the apparatus or do you just run the canteen unit and help at bingo?

You sound like a maniac. Please let us know when and where you drive so that we can avoid you.


The Public

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: Caroe ()
Date: December 02, 2007 02:58PM

There was an accident last Thursday niht near where you were speeding where a car cut another car in half speeding down 236. THe guy that was hit worked at Cinema Arts - he is in the hospial and is not going to make it. Excessive speeding any time is STUPID.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 02, 2007 03:58PM

so coming home at 2 am on a friday night sober going over the speed limit is so horrific especially since I am the only one on the road.... Believe me I will walk with a non-moving, like I said money speaks. Working at my station on Friday/Saturday night, speeding is the worst thing you can do. I hope the fire department takes their time next time you decide to get tanked and drive your civic into a tree. I completely forgot how perfect Fairfax county residents are and how nobody ever gets ticketed.... my mistake

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: someone ()
Date: December 02, 2007 04:06PM

Dear squirrel,

You have already provided ample information about yourself in order to identify who you are. It would be a crying shame if the wrong people read your comments (the police officer, people in the judicial system, your fire department). My advice to you: keep your mouth shut and your foot off the accelerator!

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: hemi ()
Date: December 02, 2007 04:06PM

so you telling me that when I put $5000 in front of my lawyers and offer another $5000 to pay the county and propose a high fine instead of charging me with a $250 moving violation , you telling me that the prosecutor OR the judge will deny that???? Maybe you are the one that needs to put down tha bong. Judges and prosecutors seem to look the other way when large sums of money presented to the county. One of my buddies old roomates got pulled 6 times for DUI and guess what , everytime its been dropped, why? he has a lot of money

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: . ()
Date: December 02, 2007 04:37PM

Maybe it's time the courts quit letting rich knuckleheads like you buy their way out of their screw ups. And NO,2AM with no other traffic is not justifiable. If that was the case, the signs would read

"speed limit 35 until 1:30am, then it's what ever you want"

It's too bad the cop didn't nail your ass with a Reckless. I bet if he read this thread he'd regret cutting you a break.

I don't see anyone on here claiming they are perfect. Half the threads are about getting a ticket, or something that happened to them.

Meatheads like you probably keep cops from cutting people breaks like you got. I bet after seeing your antics in court, he'll think twice before giving anyone a break again, and then they'll be on here complaining about how the cop didn't give them a break.

Why don't you take all your money and buy a governor for your car since you can't seem to do it on your own with your foot. I hope the dmv nail's your ass.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: Grunt ()
Date: December 02, 2007 04:49PM

I say who cares, noone got hurt and I must agree that there are million assholes that speed, whats the matter of fact I have seen people getting away with worse and I am not trying to defend HEMI but getting a car like that will automatically get attention from the cops whether your speeding or not.....If he is willing to waste money on that, let him. Someone walking away with a non moving violation and county getting $5000 that he claims to offer is a bargain for the county. Just hope that that money goes into improving into the county instead of going into someones pocket AND THAT my friends is a worse crime then driving reckless.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: December 02, 2007 05:25PM

hemi Wrote:
> so coming home at 2 am on a friday night sober
> going over the speed limit is so horrific
> especially since I am the only one on the road....

Oh...thats right ... you own the roads at night. Maybe i didn't see the fine print on the speed limit signs that says "unless you are driving at night"

hemi Wrote:
> so you telling me that when I put $5000 in front
> of my lawyers and offer another $5000 to pay the
> county and propose a high fine instead of charging
> me with a $250 moving violation , you telling me
> that the prosecutor OR the judge will deny
> that???? Maybe you are the one that needs to put
> down tha bong. Judges and prosecutors seem to look
> the other way when large sums of money presented
> to the county. One of my buddies old roomates got
> pulled 6 times for DUI and guess what , everytime
> its been dropped, why? he has a lot of money

Right ... you have the money, you own the hemi, you are better than everyone else...

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: December 02, 2007 05:36PM

You probably do not need another person to say that you are driving n borrowed time. Speed aside, the DMV WILL take your license and you may be eligable for the habitual offendor programs offered by the state. Don't know what those are? You may have to add SR22 to your SRT-8 when you renew your insurance policy.

Aside from all that, Albo's new fines may also target and lock in on you. Seems that this was what he introduced them for, not that I support them.

Chrysler, the pinnacle of performance, LOL

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: DMVSucks ()
Date: December 02, 2007 06:50PM

DMV Points are GAY!!!

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: Grunt ()
Date: December 02, 2007 07:05PM

hey I got a question. Do your points transfer if you move out of state and get a license from a different state? and how are they translated?

I must disagree with ffxn8v, 6.1 hemi is a beast. You have to remember that this is a 3600lbs sedan that is fully restricted. I have seen the base hemi charger burn an STI right off the traffic light by Mason. If you open the exhaust put some headers on with some good tires, you can be running a 500hp SEDAN. Put an intercooled blower and upgrade the driveshaft and you are pushing into a super car category, the car has lots of potential. I am sure the car will triple its value in 30 years...

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: duh ()
Date: December 02, 2007 07:26PM

I have to laugh at these assholes bragging about their "hemis". Sure, the new hemis have hemispherical combustion chambers....but they are NOT the fabled Mopar hemi of old.

I had a 1970 hemi'Cuda when I was a kid that ran low 11's in the quarter mile...and that was bone stock. There is a reason that top fuel and funny car dragsters STILL use this motor today. The marketing gurus brought back the "hemi" designation to sell cars to the modern day morons.

To the money bags OP...I doubt like hell you could afford a REAL hemi...they are very rare, and VERY expensive.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 02, 2007 07:29PM

It accelerates allright, but what about braking/handling? That's what you need more drivin' NOVA roads.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: Grunt ()
Date: December 02, 2007 07:43PM

Duh, fully restored Hemi would be at least 150k+. With all due respect to American muscle cars, there are better way to spend 150k. You can get a lighter quicker car for less but if 60's muscle cars is your thing then go for it.
Duh, I think low 11's is a bit dramatic dont you think

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: RAT'Z AZZ ()
Date: December 02, 2007 07:50PM

Hemi(see REDNECK, WiKi),

Bro you just don't get it do ya? I've turned on my crew at FCPD to this string. They gonna backtrack yo azz in da paperwork and give the 411 to da man that owned you in da first place, you arrogant prick.

Wait till he reads yo post, your azz is grazz. DMV gonna own yo shit for sure. I hope da next time you be runnin that fast, a late night big truck is making a delivery across your path. BTW dumbazz, when you violate the speed limit, you give up your right of way, check it out in the code or better yet pay a freakin mouthpiece to read it to ya.
owned police.jpg
jesus owned.jpg

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: December 02, 2007 09:06PM

Grunt Wrote:
> I must disagree with ffxn8v, 6.1 hemi is a beast.
> You have to remember that this is a 3600lbs sedan
> that is fully restricted. I have seen the base
> hemi charger burn an STI right off the traffic
> light by Mason. If you open the exhaust put some
> headers on with some good tires, you can be
> running a 500hp SEDAN. Put an intercooled blower
> and upgrade the driveshaft and you are pushing
> into a super car category, the car has lots of
> potential. I am sure the car will triple its value
> in 30 years...


Yeah, I know, they are reasonably quick however, they are saddled withthe lame torque mgmt. controls that all modern cars seem to have. Even with things like traction control turned off, it is still going to keep you from full power on acceleration in an effort to save the rest of the drivetrain.

I have heard from some of the local guys with Hemi Magnums, etc. say they cannot seem to program past it. A 13 sec. ride at best, even modified.

My old Charger with its 440/4bbl. had traction control, my right foot!

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: Grunt ()
Date: December 02, 2007 09:23PM

Lol, well said.

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Re: Speeding
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: December 03, 2007 09:13AM

The Public Wrote:
> If you had been charged with reckless
> with your driving history I can guarantee you would
> be looking at jail time instead of a maximum $250
> fine (which you will get with your record).

reckless on a suspended and over 90mph (and i have a similarly bad record, although not that bad - because i seem to get lucky in various ways) and I payed $492 and THATS IT... i shoulda gone to jail for a few reason, but didnt... hell i think they probably shoulda arrested me when pulled over..

and then (i'm sure this will happen to you too), the court took my liscense, then the DMV took it again... and i had a good lawyer..

duh Wrote:
> The marketing gurus brought back the "hemi"
> designation to sell cars to the modern day
> morons.

lol, yep

and also, i'm thinking that in 30 years the 300 is gonna suck as much as it does now..

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