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Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uh Oh! ()
Date: May 26, 2011 09:03PM

Any ideas on what will happen next in the fire department?

Fairfax fire department tolerated sexual harassment, federal jury rules
By Tom Jackman, Thursday, May 26, 8:02 PM
A federal jury in Alexandria has ruled that the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department knew of and tolerated a male lieutenant’s sexual harassment of a female firefighter and has awarded her $250,000.

The county is facing a second federal trial next month involving allegations of years of far more intense and continual harassment of another female firefighter by her male colleagues and superiors.

Fairfax County spokeswoman Merni Fitzgerald declined to comment on either the jury’s verdict or the pending case.

The harassment of firefighter Mary Getts Bland, who retired last year, began when she was being recruited to the Fairfax department in 2001 by Lt. Timothy D. Young, according to a 61-page memorandum opinion written by U.S. District Court Judge James C. Cacheris this month. Summarizing the facts of the case, Cacheris noted that Young reportedly asked Bland questions such as “Do you enjoy having sex with more than one partner?” and “Do you like to be watched while you masturbate?” Young also asked Bland to accompany him to an adult sex-toy shop and did so several more times in ensuing years.

After three days of testimony, the jury deliberated for about three hours before reaching its verdict Wednesday evening, said Bland’s attorney Ellen K. Renaud. She declined to make Bland available for comment.

In her suit, Bland alleged that during her time in recruit school in 2002, Young called her two or three times to again request a joint trip to the sex-toy shop and made three or four more sexually explicit phone calls in 2002 and 2003 after she had joined the department, Cacheris wrote.

The two had no contact for the next four years, but in 2007, Bland alleged, Young initiated another sexual conversation, and in another instance, at a fire scene, Young walked past Bland carrying a long “pike pole” and told her “this looks like it would hurt.” After another episode in which the two were handling a fire hose and Young told Bland “you are squeezing me,” Bland reported Young, the judge wrote.

The fire department investigated Bland’s complaint, issued Young a written reprimand, ordered him to stay away from her and reassigned him to a station at the opposite end of the county. Bland claimed that these were meaningless measures and that the department later retaliated against her when she sought shift transfers.

Cacheris dismissed two of Bland’s three claims, including those for civil rights violations and retaliation, but allowed the sexual harassment claim to go to trial. He said that Bland had reported Young’s actions to a fire captain in 2006 and that “a reasonable juror could find that [Fairfax] knew or should have known about the harassment and failed to take effective action to stop it.”

Renaud said one witness testified that Young claimed the best way to find sex partners was to work in the recruitment division. She said that Young denied threatening Bland with the “pike pole” and that the department only substantiated claims against him that he admitted to.

Even after Young was disciplined for his treatment of Bland, he allegedly made repeated inappropriate statements to firefighter Stacey Bailey. Renaud is also representing Bailey, whose 27-page lawsuit is filled with allegations of constant sexual harassment.

Baily’s suit alleges that a fire captain saw Bailey on her first day and said, “Oh great we got a woman! Let’s see if we can make her quit her first day — it would be a new record.” After further alleged harassment, the captain reportedly told Bailey, “if you complain, they will protect me because I’ve been a union member for over 20 years, and you’ve been here five minutes.”

Bailey alleges that ambulance trash covered in bodily fluids was placed in her locker and on her gear and that she was forced to participate in a dangerous training video that caused her permanent lung damage. Court records show that Fairfax County has agreed that Bailey should be paid workers’ compensation for the injury.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Eh ()
Date: May 26, 2011 09:17PM

Just goes to show that the Fire Department isn't immune to workplace issues.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Piggy ()
Date: May 26, 2011 09:27PM

This department acts so high and mighty. Glad to see them being taken down a peg.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Boy Wonder ()
Date: May 26, 2011 09:44PM

Wow, who knew?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Highandmighty ()
Date: May 26, 2011 09:48PM

How does a department of 1700 act "high and mighty?"

Or is it just a select handful?

You know the police department, schools, parks, and admin of the county all have the same problems. And so does every private sector in every industry. Big whoop.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: UT OH ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:18PM

Time for the board of supervisors to step up and inform the fire chief and all of his assistants, it's their time to go!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: See ya ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:26PM

The board of supervisors needs to send a very strong message that the incompetent senior admin of the frd needs to leave within the next few months. Mastin should no longer be allowed to take about $370,000of his salary by being a lame duck.

Anthony Griffin needs to acknowledge the issues at hand and make things right for the frd it will get much worse before it gets better.

Do the right thing Caussin, Mastin, Dyer you need to leave.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: WWWWWH ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:26PM

What will that do exactly? Just curious, not trying to be a dick. So don't get all internet hero on me for it.

Replacing the upper 4 employee's of the fire department? Beyond saying "it's their fault," can you attempt to explain how you think that?

Maybe while we're at it, let's just replace the BOS too. Fuck, let's replace Obama too! I'm sure it's his fault as well.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: See ya ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:31PM

wwww you make a good point. Unless you work in the FRD you don't have a sense of the hypocrisy and incompetent leadership of these individuals. These posts can go on and on about the irresponsible actions allowed by Mastin and his merry men. The board of supervisors and Griffin are now on notice. They need to the responsible thing and leave while they can retain somewhat of a reputation if not it will get much worse for them.

As they say during tornado season there are multiple vortexs brewing and it just might suck the life out of you.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: InTheFRD ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:39PM

So we replace the FC an the 3 AC's...Then what?
What other personnel anywhere in the department are capable of leadership?

Plus...2 of the 3 AC's just got promoted to it. How are THEY responsible for something that's happened prior to their ascension?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: mmoore ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:54PM

I know there are other captains who DO NOT support this behavior. It's the older, higher up culture that is stale and needs to go.
Jack Dale and posse next, then Bulova.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: just sayin ()
Date: May 26, 2011 11:03PM

Nobody has mentioned where was the Employee Relations Division of HR when all this was happening. Did the female employee report it to them and they also did nothing about it. Or is this their usual response to these issues. I say yes and believe me.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: just sayin ()
Date: May 26, 2011 11:06PM

Hell HR can't keep their own business straight. Dissention reigns and also the buddy system, they never even address their own issues let alone another departments. Believe me.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: mmoore ()
Date: May 26, 2011 11:06PM

My understanding is the 2nd girl was shut out early on. HR just lawyered up the captain and lt.

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Looky, looky here
Posted by: I'm not the Fire Chief ()
Date: May 26, 2011 08:28PM


Well, well, well looks like we got ourselves in a dilemma. What's Johnny Caussin gonna do with this one?

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Re: Looky, looky here
Posted by: Tony Griffin ()
Date: May 26, 2011 08:31PM

We will have a meeting about this tomorrow!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: ETD ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:35AM

This is has been an ongoing issue within the FD for many, many years. Maybe if they stop hiring and promoting incompetent people these behaviors will stop.

The FRD is a mess and needs to clean house from the top down. The citizens deserve better.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:47AM

I dunno about the citizens, but I can DEFINITELY say that the female firefighters DAMN WELL deserve better than this crap.

Yes, the FRD chief needs to publicly accept responsibility for this, and whoever was in charge of that lady's dept., if this was allowed to happen and nothing was done about it, that person needs to be let go. EACH AND EVERY ONE of the firefighters who would attack a fellow firefighter to the point of INJURING them, they need to DEFINITELY be excused from duty.........................we cant be having that sorta bullshit in this day and age.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:47AM

@ETD - I'm betting this sorta thing isnt exclusive to Fairfax :(

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jack Hoff ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:15AM

The bad thing about this is it won't be the ones at fault paying the price it will be the taxpayers. Just once I would like to see the ones responsible take a financial hit. If courts started holding them accountable maybe this type of immature behavior would delcine.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Army Brat ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:45AM

I applaude this female fire fighter for coming forward and exposing these horrible incidents. The Post indicates a similar case is pending as well as a wrongful death suit. One has to ask, what is going on with the administration within the FXCO Fire Dept. As a registered voter in Fairfax County I'd like to think my tax dollars go to more worthy causes then the FD for covering up mistakes due to lack of leadership. Mr. Griffin needs to re-evaluate the upper level mgt. in this counties FD.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Agreed ()
Date: May 27, 2011 10:43AM

In this "COUNTY'S" FD you fucking moron.

I think this is a symptom of a larger problem. Follow me for a minute and then go on your internet warrior flamer path...

The FD use to be a boy's club, right? I don't remember seeing old photos of women being in the fire department. Classicaly, it's a "male" type job. In the last 25 or so years, women have been getting introduced into the fraternity-esque environment of the firehouse. This transition, which I find to be a good one in principle, is not without it's problems such as this. It'll take a generation, (or two?) of new firefighters to phase out the old "male-only" attitudes, and to usher in a new era where female firefighters are truely considered equal. Until that time, it'll take the bravery of this current rank and file of female firefighters to stand up for themselves; and it will take the bravery of existing leaderhip (male OR female) to hold people accountable on their watch.

That being said... I'm sure there are "bad apple" women who, just like other minorities, will take advantage of the fact they can use that for their advantage.
Still, with good Lieutenants, Captains, and Chiefs in place... Legitimate problems should be getting handled.

I'm sure the same problems exist in the police departments and other "classically male" type jobs. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying it's understandable that problems occur. This SHOULD be making it easier to identify, eradicate, and prevent though...

That's where FFX FD has fucked up...

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jack Hoff ()
Date: May 27, 2011 10:53AM

How this usually works is the fire department will hand out some severe punishment like termination. They will go on the local media to tout how they do not condone sexual harrasshment. Then after the furor dies down the fired employee will get their job back through an appeals process with back pay.
The problems will continue because other employees will see this and think well if he got away with it why not me.
If the courts ever put a financial burden on the offender rather than the deep pockets this behavior would come to a stop.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jim Zee ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:03AM

My cousin works in the FCFD. I have met a few of the members and some of them need to grow the hell up. The old days of a fire station being a frat house are over. He also despises the chest thumpers that brag about how tough their job is when they havent fought a real fire since joining the department.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:06AM

So, in 2001, 2002, 2003 everything was fine with the questions asked to her and with her accompanying him to an adult sex-toy shop. Then all of a sudden in 2007, she gets pissed about it?

I call bullshit.

She's pissed either because she wasn't getting the cock anymore or she got passed over for something and she pulled the female in a male workplace card.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2011 11:22AM by Highlander.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: WhoGivesAFuck ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:18AM

Hey JimZ,

No one gives a fuck what your cousin thinks or doesn't like...
Have you seen congress? I'm sure some of them need to grow up too; probably a bunch of chest thumpers in there too.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: average joe ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:30AM

I know exactly one person on FCFD. He's a hell of a good guy. I'm betting most of his co-workers are good people too.

Yes, there are almost certainly some scumbags in the FCFD, it's a big group. There are some scumbags in every big group. It's important to make sure those people are gotten rid of, but that's no reason to condemn everybody who grew up to be a fireman.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: makes me sick ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:31AM

Timothy Young is nothing more than a bully and a pig.

This is digraceful for Fairfax County.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Fixer ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:41AM

IF THE ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE, Timothy Young is nothing more than a bully and a


There, I fixed that for you.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Firefighter Dan ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:50AM

I kind of agree with the Highlander. I have seen women work in a male dominated enviornment. Some of them flirt with the men and laugh about the lame comments yet bask in the attention Then when same female gets in some kind of hot water or ignored by the men she calls foul.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jim Zee ()
Date: May 27, 2011 11:53AM

WhoGivesAFuck Wrote:
> Hey JimZ,
> No one gives a fuck what your cousin thinks or
> doesn't like...
> Have you seen congress? I'm sure some of them need
> to grow up too; probably a bunch of chest thumpers
> in there too.

Must have struck a nerve with you. Could you be one of those chest thumpers who run around with all those fire crap bumper stickers all over your F250. Take a hike volunteer tick.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Nopers ()
Date: May 27, 2011 12:47PM

Take your "a firetruck came down my street once" stories and go piss in the wind.

I drive a Mazda, it's got good fuel mileage. I have no stickers on it either.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jim Zee ()
Date: May 27, 2011 04:51PM

I figured as much you are a volunteer tick. Even worse than the paid chest thumpers .

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: tired of working with dirtbags ()
Date: May 27, 2011 07:08PM

This guy has been a cancer for years. everybody knows it. Once he accidentally broadcast over the radio while he was talking explicite smack to one of his ho's. He has always been in trouble but will never get fired because of his minority status.

A dirtbag like this brings the rest of us down.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jesse J ()
Date: May 27, 2011 07:39PM

tired of working with dirtbags Wrote:
> This guy has been a cancer for years. everybody
> knows it. Once he accidentally broadcast over the
> radio while he was talking explicite smack to one
> of his ho's. He has always been in trouble but
> will never get fired because of his minority
> status.
> A dirtbag like this brings the rest of us down.

Why am I not surprised

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 07:44PM

@Jim Zee - you must be a real asshole to want to clown someone just for being a VOLUNTEER to their community

a real asshole................................

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jim Zee ()
Date: May 27, 2011 07:48PM

ask any paid guy their opinion of the ticks then get back to me.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:24PM

Id rather ask the opinion of anybody who's been pulled out of a wrecked car, had his/her parent resuscitated, had their kid arm or leg set and secured, had a loved one safely transported by one of these "ticks" how they felt

Any paid guy (or girl....wow, you must REALLY be old school) who has a prob with a volunteer is PATHETIC!! Same with Volunteers who have probs with the Career. Just PATHETIC!!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Retired FD ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:24PM

The minorities in area governments have got the administration so scared of bringing them up on charges for fear of being "racist" that these things will continue to happen without being dealt with at the onset. It's a result of affirmative action and diversity rules. Taxpayers can expect this trend to remain the "norm" for years to come and expect numerous high-dollar settlements at our expense. The sole reason that "black firefighters" unions and "women in the fire service" organizations exist is to be litigious.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:38PM

wow.............talk about old school.

Sole reason, eh?

I think the black firefighters union exists for a Soul Reason


and "women in the fire service" organization, well HELL, DID YOU READ THE OP'S POST, OLD MAN?

yeah, it's more than just for litigation

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Reverse Discrimination ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:04PM

Retired FD's right! For example, look at the Vulcans at FDNY. They successfullt sued to freeze hiring off of list 6019. The numbers for the entrance test didn't turn out the way they wanted, so they claimed "disparate impact." D.I. means that if a test sdoes not produce results that are favorable to certain protected classes, then it is presumed to be discriminatory. It matters not how carefully it was designed to not be discriminatory.

Females succeeded in lowering the bar for FD Physical Ability Tests, saying that females were being discriminated against because the test was too physically demanding, and not enough females were being hired as a result. So, we now have the CPAT, which is a ridiculously easy course that in no way comes anywhere near replicating the demands of the fireground. Now we have 5'2" girls that weigh less than 120# making it out of the academy. I'd like to know how a 120-130lb weakling is going to carry a 180# unconscious victim out of a fire building, much less help me when I weigh over 250# with my gear on. They may be just as intelligent or more so than the males, and be able to run a five minute mile, but brute strength is required on the fireground. Without it, you're useless for anything other than driving and pump ops.

In our own county, we used to have what's called the "rule of nines." IIRC, when a promotional list is published in rank order, the dept can dip down up to nine spots below the person who is next in line for promotion and promote the person who belongs to a protected class, ahead of the rightful appointee. Despicable. I was so happy with the precedent the New Haven 20 court decision set. Up yours, Judge Sotomayor, you racist b****!

What's more, one of our firefighters, initials K.A.R. a black, was caught on Fairfax County Police camera at fire station 27, West Springfield, scratching "KKK" into the dumpster there. He had also scratched KKK onto a bed there as well. He made complaints of discrimination, to guard against a mounting paper trail of disciplinary actions against him. The county was sending out notices that the person responsible would be fired, exposed to the media, etc. When they found out who it really was, the whole matter just died out and got swept under the rug, where it remains to this day. This indivdual also took family medical leave from the FD for the birth of one of his children. Outside employment is expressly forbidden while on FML. What does he do? He drove a county school bus! He was caught and questioned. His reply was, "I'm not about that." That went away as well. When prople say that protected classes enjoy a favorable double standard and practically get away with murder, this would be a prime example.

Bottom line, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. That's what these protected classes don't get. They want to exploit their position to be "more equal" than others. They've done a fine job of it so far, I have to say. It should deeply insult the many hard working individuals from every protected class who play by the rules and better themselves the right way. I wonder how one would feel when they get a job or a promotion, and wonder if people respect them for their hard work and value to the dept/company, or if they got handed the position based solely on their outward appearance.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Reverse Discrimination ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:09PM

@ Gordon,
Protected classes at one time needed to form their own organizations, and in many areas the still need them. It's when they want to be more equal than others is when I have a problem with Affirmative Action and such. Civil Rights and AA were needed at one time, but that time has passed, and quota hiring, which is discriminating against someone not of that protected class based on outward appearance, has to go. Again, equal opportunity doesn't guarantee equal results. How does hiring a workforce based on the local demographic population make sense? Why is that better than merit based hiring, where only the best, most qualified applicants are hired? It's still equal opportunity. If you're more qualified than the next person, you get the nod, not because the employer has quota objectives to meet.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:18PM

@Reverse Discrimination: Preach on!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:25PM

if those organizations arent needed, then WTF is going on in the department now? Scroll to the top, and re-read if you dont understand what I'm talking about.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:27PM

@ reverse: um, I didnt see you go to the media with that story - and it sounds like a DOOZEY of a story so why not call WJLA and get them to cover it?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:28PM

Hey Gordo, you're the one who needs to read more carefully.

The case in question is a clash of protected classes. The alleged harasser is a minority too. FCFRD's over a barrel with this one. Canning the guy would have led to a lawsuit; doing nothing has led to a lawsuit.

Prima facie evidence for ending "affirmative action" (read: government-sanctioned discrimination) consideration in human resources matters—particularly when public health and safety are on the line.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Reverse Discrimination ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:37PM

@ Gordon, you don't need to be in an organized women's group to file a harrassment suit. We have laws in place to protect females from sexual discrimination. Many places have a dedicated EEO dept or officer.

Also, I don't know why no one follwed up with the K.A.R. KKK incident. Many in the dept know about it. It happened before I got on the dept, but I've spoken with several who worked at sta. 27 at the time of the incident, so I got it right from the horse's mouth.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:42PM

@reverse - so it's ok for the rumour mill, but not ok for the news crew?


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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Reverse Discrimination ()
Date: May 27, 2011 10:14PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @reverse - so it's ok for the rumour mill, but not
> ok for the news crew?
> o_0

My understanding is that the county made everythingquickly disappear, like it never happened. The video went away, so did the dumpster and headboard. It would difficult to impossible to make a story of it now. If you know anyone on the dept, just ask them. Most everyone knows.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: JZ Blows children ()
Date: May 27, 2011 10:22PM

For the record,
I'm career at FCFD.

You're still a giant douche.

Nothing you can say will change that.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 10:41PM

that's kinda spooky, reverse. kinda spooky indeed. It's not that I dont believe what you say, it's just I dont see why "the county" would do such a thing.

Either way, an organized womens group should have no bearing on what happens in the department

@ Ut - um, if the minority commits a crime, it's not going to lead to a very SUCCESSFUL lawsuit, now will it?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 10:41PM

@reverse _ I will agree with you on one thing - merit should matter more than race or gender anyday.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: COme on Man ()
Date: May 28, 2011 12:55PM

Its fun to say that, but what is your basis? Local governments dont have a problem discriminating against minorities in any form because they intimidate them and bank on them not knowing their rights. When a minority DOES defend themself, they are labeled as playing some sort of "card." Get your facts straight..unless you are an employee there and are NOT one of the offenders, you probably shouldn't assume such ridiculous things.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 28, 2011 01:22PM

And the Goons on the 7th floor should remember, before you strip the liberties from a person who served this country, vets are taught to think outside the box and determination, resolve and 'nothing to lose' attitude can be a combination you can't handle. So before you try to silence the tapping on the drum with the illegal tactics you employ, that tap may become thunderous... Soon, I hear, someone upstairs will be charged with falsification of a legal document. I can only assume it's nothing unusual to them, since they spin things all the time to wrongfully discipline their members. I only hope that the SUPERVISORS that are aware of this, even BEFORE all this, decide to move swiftly. Perhaps bring in an independent team to review policies and procedures and even review disciplinary procedures, going back at least 5 years, including demotions, promotions, terminations and anything else. As the FRD administrators continue to sleep with County HR and tell them 'Discipline is handed down evenly and fairly', I choke with nausea. How many more lawsuits are pending fellas??? How many more will it take? Walk away and allow the members to be lead fairly and by anyone with real leadership abilities. Stop the smoke and mirrors now!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Jim Zee ()
Date: May 28, 2011 01:31PM

JZ Blows children Wrote:
> JZ,
> For the record,
> I'm career at FCFD.
> You're still a giant douche.
> Nothing you can say will change that.

Come on now, you know if you are paid you work out of the massey building as as a desk officer and the last time you saw a real fire was during your backyard cookout.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Stupidly ()
Date: May 28, 2011 02:41PM

The Commander of the Blue Angels just stepped down because he lead the group to perform a in a dangerous maneuver.

Fire Chief Mastin and Assistant Chief John Caussin you MUST step down. If you care about the working men and women and if you care about this fire & rescue department like you say you do. YOU will DO the RIGHT thing and leave the department to a competent authority. Your integrity is now being questioned publicly bringing disrepute to our beloved organization.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: 7th Floor Rocks ()
Date: May 28, 2011 03:58PM

Very good point Stupidly, BUT, the difference between the commander of the Blue Angels and Ron John is, integrity, education, internal fortitude and just overall common sense.

Hopefully someone (BOS) shows these two to the door, and soon...we're running out of funds to cover up YOUR lack of, well...lack of everything.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: The Firemen ()
Date: May 28, 2011 07:26PM

To the Citizens of Fairfax County,

We regret the unfortunate incident of sexual harassment and misconduct has reached the court systems and the media. From this we will make every effort to ensure that change, we mean positive change will occur.

Our leadership has failed us but WE will not fail YOU. The professional fire fighters and paramedics that are on duty today, tomorrow and so on are ready to respond to your emergency call. YOU are our priority, your call will not go unanswered. These unfotunate incidents will not deter us in assisting you in your time of need.

What the Fire Chief should be saying to YOU!

On that note Mr. and Mrs. Citizen please write your local Board of Supervisor and demand the removal of Fire Chief Mastin.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Bled dry ()
Date: May 28, 2011 08:30PM

What really sucks is if these allegations are true then the taxapyers will be the ones taking the hit. That and the firefighters who have to bear the brunt when the actions of one are seen as indicative of all. The firefighters that go to work each day and just do their job without getting mixed up in this kind of crap.

It also costs money and money that could be better spent by the county instead of fending off lawsuits.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Easy rider ()
Date: May 28, 2011 09:08PM

True or not is irrelevant. It has already cost the taxpayers either way, 250K plus fees, and so will the pending suit, and the wrongful death suit.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Bled Dry ()
Date: May 28, 2011 09:22PM

"Even after Young was disciplined for his treatment of Bland, he allegedly made repeated inappropriate statements to firefighter Stacey Bailey. "

If this is true then the guy should have been fired. There are quite a few posts on here can anyone tell me what his current status and rank are?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: rediCERTulous ()
Date: May 28, 2011 09:58PM

As a CERT I have the most respect for fire fighters. They have their way of talking but that is the culture. If you do not know CERT you can go to http://fairfaxcountycert.blogspot.com CERT is run by the same people that run the volunteer firestations.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: lowered standards ()
Date: May 28, 2011 10:03PM

when you lower the standards for a few (i.e. allowing women to take the CPAT behind closed doors to boost female FF quotas), you lower the standards of the whole department.
you are getting what you paid for, fairfax county, with an EEO cherry on top.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 28, 2011 10:32PM

Blend, he is still enjoying the rank of LT...as HE himself states, they ain't doing nothing to me, I'm a black man...

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 28, 2011 11:07PM

And why is that vindictive, 5th choice for DEPUTY JJ WALSH getting off scott free? He's the worse example of a leader, 2nd ONLY to Mastin. He's a foul mouth, no priority idiot who, while en route to a scene, must think...I'm bustin 'em out on socks, vests, wheel chocks, mustaches, not whether or not they effectively stopped the progress of a fire or saved a life or safely functioned as a cohesive unit. HELL NO, let's SHOW them who the BOSS IS. ARROGANCE, complete ARROGANCE and chicken blood drinker. I've NEVER been more ashamed of the actions of a fellow, and I choke saying this, MARINE, in my life. Another chickensh@t like Morgan, who without authority, is so self minimized, he has to be a huge prick. What a total micro manger and loser. Walsh, shame on you. You tarnish the title of Marine. You should be embarrassed of your bulls@it leadership style and personal conduct.. You are foul, innefective and unrespected. RETIRE you load. Join your brother-in law in FLA. You cheated on your wife, yet unbecoming conduct or truthfulness isn't applicable to you? How about your morale conscious? Do you have one or are you a total sell out to accomplish career goals? Didn't you lock yourself in an office in order to avoid a deserved as@whooping as a Captain? You are the kind that never learns, huh?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 28, 2011 11:21PM

Apparently, the 'ticks' are NOT the issue, it's the leadership of the PAID ORGANIZATION. Even though some 'career' folks resent the 'ticks', most really do not. They do not because the 'ticks' know they can not effectively handle the call volume, yet desire to contribute. Go ahead and accuse them of screwing up your discounts at localo food establishments, and I will counter, with first hand experience, that the career side screws up the privilege more often through arrogance and cheapness. How many idiots refuse to pay $6 for a decent dinner at the station, only to take a unit out and use 2$ worth of fuel to get a $5 dinner? ABSOLUTE insanity....

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Ah. Kwerrd. ()
Date: May 28, 2011 11:22PM

How do you REALLY feel?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Burnin' down the House ()
Date: May 28, 2011 11:23PM


Sorry pal, I don't recall any volunteer "tick" costing Fairfax County taxpayers $250,000.

Clean your own damn house before throwing that outdated term around...

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: 2 dollars 2cents ()
Date: May 28, 2011 11:24PM

Seriously... It's not 2 dollars to drive 3 miles to a store for food. Dong hijack this thread with that bullshit again,,.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 29, 2011 12:04AM

2 dollars
LMAO, you're right! My bad!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: truthtomatter ()
Date: May 29, 2011 01:46AM

that dollar amount might be true if you look at amount paid for coordinating the volunteers. handful of people work that office. takes a few to do that job. add benefits and overtime.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Orrrrrrly ()
Date: May 29, 2011 09:25AM

As for the costs of volunteers... Don't forget they too go out for lunchs and dinners. O, and the costs of maintaining the vehicles and gear and training of the volunteers. There arent maintained by volunteer mechanics or voluntee gear managers. Or their workers comp when they get hurt isnt free either.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: EEO No Joke ()
Date: May 29, 2011 09:42AM

Women in FFX Co Fire have been treated this way for years. It is about time that these women finally said that's enough. I am willing to bet that something is going on right now.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Big Buck ()
Date: May 29, 2011 10:29AM

If all other minorities used the system as you mentioned, the FD would have been in deep shit a long time ago. You all here the conversations in the FD, they are discriminative and souls not be discussed in the FD atmosphere. Women and minorities have been in the FXFd for more than 39 years and the climate is still the same.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Big Buck ()
Date: May 29, 2011 10:32AM

You don't get it do you?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Undercover Brother ()
Date: May 29, 2011 11:07AM

I guess my so brothers in the FCFRD are starting to show their true colors, thats's whats up. Ya'll cowboys are quick to jump and talk about the protected class isuues, but ya'll are quick to forget about individuals such as yourself get convicted of DUI, child porn, spouse wife, T&A fraud, and the fucking list goes on. Lets preach on that.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Quietly Aware ()
Date: May 29, 2011 11:44AM

Yeah, like reinstating a 4 time offender( Who's neither a woman nor a minority) of the substance abuse policy just in time to take the lieutenants exam.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Linda Smyth ()
Date: May 29, 2011 12:37PM

Most of this harassment occurred at FS 30 home of the Deputy Chief who answers to AC Caussin who answers to Chief Mastin. Oh, and FS 30 also houses the Providence District Supervisor's office.......hmmm, gonna need a pretty big broom to sweep this one under the rug!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Linda Smyth ()
Date: May 29, 2011 12:55PM

Linda Smyth Wrote:
> Most of this harassment occurred at FS 30 home of
> the Deputy Chief who answers to AC Caussin who
> answers to Chief Mastin. Oh, and FS 30 also houses
> the Providence District Supervisor's
> office.......hmmm, gonna need a pretty big broom
> to sweep this one under the rug!

Oops, the next lawsuit, http://www.thebigeyeinfairfax.net/

which can be viewed here, http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WGACLRKD

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: TIME TO EAT SOME CROW! ()
Date: May 29, 2011 03:32PM

Ron Mastin, John Causin, Garret Dyer, John Burke, Derrick Baker, Duane Dodwell, JJ walsh, Andrew Duke, Charles Ryan and all of your BC's under your direction are a bunch of PUNKS! You have never stood for the right thing and you probably never will. You guys are the ones that had your lunch money taken in school and vowed to get retaliation when you became someone or so you think. This entire thing stinks to high heaven and I am ashamed to be associated with this so-called department. Since I was hired I have seen unfair and disparaging treatment to all employees who stood up for themselves and didn't drink the KOOL-AID. All of this that is taking place is finally what they deserve. All of these people named in this blog should be ashamed to be called public servants, these guys aren't public servants they are ALL FOR THEMSELVES and have never been for the good of the order, Ron Mastin was the former Fire Chief of Henrico County, they were so glad when he departed, he totally destoyed that department, John Causin is a RACIST HOT HEAD, Garret Dyer should be in someone's front yard wearing a jockey uniform, John Burke has he ever been in the field? Derrick Baker, watch your girlfriend or wife when he is around, he has plenty of knives for your back, Duane Dodwell a.k.a "MR. ROAD RAGE" who threatened a citizen's life in the Nation's Capitol while off duty, he chased a civilian into a police station in N.W. D.C. and threatened to kill him all while his wife was in the car. JJ Walsh where do I begin, aw, fuck it! This red headed step child is one of the worst Racist I have ever met in my life. He is such a fraud, this guy was living at FS411 on his off days because he lives in Berlin, MD (Ocean City), Andrew Duke, enough said, you know the rest, Charles Ryan wasn't he a lawyer in his previous life? Maybe the county should reatain him for some legal aid? Phew! I am winded now. The Massey building is about to be repo'd to pay for all of this arrogance and ignorance that has taken place since this department's beginning. These guys are quick to discipline but who is going to discipline them?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Dave ()
Date: May 29, 2011 03:43PM

Wow, after reading it all it amazes me that this has been going on for so long. The FD has to step up and make examples of these people. As a resident of this great county I now have to question all the bull we get fed about the USAR team as well every firefighter we come across. After reading a few articles about the FD in the website, The fairfax Bigeye, I see we are dealing with a bunch of immature, sex deprived kids. I demand changes or at least lower my taxes drastically!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: From the Republic ()
Date: May 29, 2011 04:11PM

Linda Smyth Wrote:
> Most of this harassment occurred at FS 30 home of
> the Deputy Chief who answers to AC Caussin who
> answers to Chief Mastin. Oh, and FS 30 also houses
> the Providence District Supervisor's
> office.......hmmm, gonna need a pretty big broom
> to sweep this one under the rug!

Will they use the same broom that was used for the woman who died in the Lorton townhouse fire a couple of years ago?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: johnny ()
Date: May 29, 2011 05:23PM

It's time to downsize. Look at the call volume at most stations, almost non existent. Keep the medics and start laying off firefighters. Let's start requiring more work with less resources. Start the layoffs from the top. Too many chiefs!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Adolf ()
Date: May 29, 2011 05:36PM

Fairfax FD used to be a great FD up until the time that the board of Supervisors decided to use it (about 30 years ago) as the breeding ground to promote it's diversity agenda. They believe all you need to do to be a quality Fireman, oops i mean firefighter is pass a 18 week recruit school. Recruit school is supposed to be the place where you weed out people that can't do the job. Instead all the instructors are scared to death to single out a female or a minority for fear of being called racist and becoming subject to a lawsuit. This mentality has made it's way out into the field where shift officers are also afraid to stand up and risk offending someone. Rightly so, because the department will not back it's officers. A Female or a minority screams harassment and the leadership of the FD scrambles like a bomb has been thrown in the room. Therefore the Board of supervisors are mostly to blame for the current state of this Fire department. Until they stop hiring people to fill their own self imposed quotas this department will continue to suffer from it's own self inflicted problems. Sad, very sad.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Adolf ()
Date: May 29, 2011 05:43PM

Yeah, just hire day laborers to set up deck gun's and aim them at the house that is going to burn down. EMS for the most part is a Taxi ride to the hospital anyway. Don't believe me? Go take a look at the waiting room at Fairfax hospital or the at the drunk tank that most ERs in Fairfax have become. Maybe Obama care will fix all that? Once that kicks in in 2014 all the helpless morons in Fairfax will feel safe and warm and will not need to go to an ER for their weekly Diversity hug.?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: DeardaVe ()
Date: May 29, 2011 05:56PM

Chill. The actions of few dont represent the whole. If that were the case, you yourself would be suffering for one of your peer's sins.

Hold the accountable.... ACCOUNTABLE

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: firstcomeswaste ()
Date: May 29, 2011 06:59PM

Make the coordinators of thevolunteer programs also do work and not paperpush.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: The Problem is........... ()
Date: May 29, 2011 08:05PM

Hold everyone accountable..................then they see WHO it is and they change their minds.

Every company, organization, and Department has problems. That 10% who make the other 90% look bad (or good in some cases). It is sad to see that these policies only apply when they benefit the upper management. Things have been known about for years and nothing has been done to change or correct them. I am sure the BOS knows about what is going on and I hope they will take the correct actions. I have heard several times that someone in the county has asked for both Mastin and Caussin's resignation.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: I pay your salary ()
Date: May 29, 2011 08:42PM

As a citizen of the County I find it interesting the attacks a few continue to place on others members of your profession. These problems exist in all walks of life and in all occupations. Every one of you who throw your insults or mask you language and explicative’s by using @#*$ trying to underscore the actions of a few, are no better than the ones accused. Each and every one of you should ask yourselves, what you have done to make the situation and your profession better. I certainly understand everyone has an opinion, but instead of belittling the very folks you depend on, all of you keep the proverbial pot swirling. Every one of you I’m sure are proud of your profession, but by taking no action, you’re as guilty as the ones you attack.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Wow ()
Date: May 29, 2011 09:31PM

Adolf, what an idiotic comment. First, the entire year plus process is designed to weed people out, NOT the academy. The academy is there to provide basic training..hence the term "basic training." ALso, your diversity comment is a recurring theme amongst bitter racist and sexist individuals. People like you like to believe that the Fire Department is a white collar job reserved for geniuses. You can train a dog to do our job.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 29, 2011 09:38PM

If you saw the court documents I've seen, these employees have EVERY RIGHT to say what they say. I have THESE documents have already contacted a Supervisor as well as FOX 45 to dispel the rebuttals. Glass house? When a DEPUTY CHIEF proposes a good employee be terminated unjustly, and the DEPUTY pursues it along with his corrupt boss and corrupt/biased internal affairs guy...they DESERVE TO BE EXPOSED. I'm not making FALSE accusations, I'm supporting them with REAL COURT DOCUMENTS to expose the corruption. Fair is fair...right JJ?

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: What happens now? ()
Date: May 30, 2011 08:22AM

So what really happens now? Does everyone get a chance to vent and show how angry they are for a couple of days? Then it blows over and admin comes out from their offices acting like nothing ever happened. That's the typical Fairfax event it happens, no one shows any leadership, it goes away and hopefully the next gig incident occurs diverting attention away from the other stuff. We cannot let that happen this time. These incidents Re very serious and the actions of the Fire Chief and his assistant chief caisson and deputy chief Walsh need to be addressed. They shouldn't be allowed to hide in their offices and wait for this storm to pass. The citizens are now aware of their sub oar leadership and the games they play.
It is time for a removal and the board or supervisors must demand that immediately.
If you care about this fire dept we are asking for your help with this.
Thank you.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Junior Fire Marshal ()
Date: May 30, 2011 09:25AM

This kind of behavior would stop if the courts started holding the ones at fault financially liable. Right now only the taxpayers get stuck with the bill. If there is no disciplinary action within the department such as suspenstion or termination then the offending employees have little or nothing to fear.

I remember years ago a Lorton guard was knocking around one of the inmates. When it went to civil court the Federal judge held DC liable but he also said the taxpayers shouldnt have to totally foot the bill and made the guard pay as well.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Change is needed ()
Date: May 30, 2011 10:37AM

I completely agree.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Change and Hope ()
Date: May 30, 2011 10:45AM

This is not a case of simple negligence or I didnt know this was happening. This is Gross Negligence by Ron Mastin and John Caussin. I'm not sure when Fairfax Fire will learn it's lesson that they are not insulated from the law. I like how the previous poster said it as these so-called leaders hide away in their offices only to be shielded by as incompetent PIOs.

These idiots need to call Statter stat and take his advice on media relations. Here is an interesting link with more docuements. http://firelawblog.com/2011/05/fairfax-county-sexual-harassment-double-header/

And Fairfax County citizens - Do these guys a favor by asking for the immediate resignation of Ron Mastin and John Caussin. They will be fine in their lives and will learn to deal with it. Caussin will go away with a 100K plus annual pension and Mastin will have a 200k plus annual pension.

Someone needs to post email addressed to the board of supervisors and these clowns of a chief demanding immediate removal!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: get a new Board now ()
Date: May 30, 2011 12:05PM

Adolf Wrote:
> Fairfax FD used to be a great FD up until the time
> that the board of Supervisors decided to use it
> (about 30 years ago) as the breeding ground to
> promote it's diversity agenda. They believe all
> you need to do to be a quality Fireman, oops i
> mean firefighter is pass a 18 week recruit school.
> Recruit school is supposed to be the place where
> you weed out people that can't do the job. Instead
> all the instructors are scared to death to single
> out a female or a minority for fear of being
> called racist and becoming subject to a lawsuit.
> This mentality has made it's way out into the
> field where shift officers are also afraid to
> stand up and risk offending someone. Rightly so,
> because the department will not back it's
> officers. A Female or a minority screams
> harassment and the leadership of the FD scrambles
> like a bomb has been thrown in the room. Therefore
> the Board of supervisors are mostly to blame for
> the current state of this Fire department. Until
> they stop hiring people to fill their own self
> imposed quotas this department will continue to
> suffer from it's own self inflicted problems. Sad,
> very sad.

The most truthful thing have seen on FFU, You can write the same summary but substitute the police dept, where cowardice and lack of ability can be overcome by coaching and pushing people through their academy to make sure the department, like the FD reflect the population it serves. Again reflection of the population in appearence , not intelligence.

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: UT OH ()
Date: May 30, 2011 05:58PM

Citizens of Fairfax County, do the right thing and contact your supervisor, and ask them to have Fire Chief Mastin and Assistant Chief Caussin step down and go away. Speaking of incompetent PIO's, look at the FD PIO, Dan Schmidt, incompetent as they come, should have been canned years ago. Only got the job because the other to 14 didn't want it or moved on. IT'S ELECTION YEAR...THINK ABOUT IT BOS!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: wrongyouwrong ()
Date: May 30, 2011 07:56PM

That is not true about the PIO. I know one of the PIOs that was great for CERT and is not PIO anymore. They had to put him another position to save jobs. We keep CERT and he keeps his job. This guy is good as good can be. CERT Rock On. Fairfax Fire Rock On! Go Fair Oaks Station!

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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 30, 2011 08:58PM

@getanewBoardnow - let me guess - you're Gobbels in this thread, right?


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Re: Fairfax Fire in Big Trouble!
Posted by: Uncle Sams Misguided Children ()
Date: May 30, 2011 09:16PM

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