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can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: new_cow ()
Date: November 30, 2007 06:23PM

can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?

let's say the person in question is a Causian, 40-ish.... how
does one know if he/she is legal or not?

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Sgt Preston of the Yukon ()
Date: November 30, 2007 06:28PM

Yes, a Canadian can be in this country illegally. If the laws on the books were
enforced, their employer would be able to tell immediately. I have also read
that a lot of Irish illegals are returning home in order to apply for legal
immigration. Perhaps other foreign nationals could take a lesson from them.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: November 30, 2007 08:35PM

Go to New York, you will find 1000s of Irish, Chinese, Candian, British and other illegal aliens other than the south of the border kind.

Yes as I and Mort Zuckerman have been screaming loudly, the wall should be built up north, sot down to the south.

From the Mclaughlin Group May 19th....

MR. ZUCKERMAN: Well, I do think that there is a tremendous expansion of the security of -- the border security to the south. The one thing we haven't protected, of course, is against Canadians. I'm a Canadian, which --

Mort got it right! Secure the Canadian Border!!!!!

Maybe we should check the green card of Reston Peace's wife.

Fact: 98% of Canadians can tell you the capital of the US, the President of the US, and how many states we have. Less than 5% of Americans answer the same questions about Canda.

Fact: the US/Canadian border is the longest unprotected border in the world.

Fact more than 75% of all Canadians live within a 150 miles of the US border.

Fact: Canada is socialist.

Fact: Hardly anyone in Canada complains about sex ed in schools, right to choose, homosexuality etc. They just live and let live.

Fact: The US imports more oil from Canada than from all OPEC nations combined.

Fact 80% OF Canada is covered by snow 80% of the year.

So, the Canadians are withing striking distance and nothing is there to stop them, and could cripple the US economy buy shutting off the oil spiket.

It is not a pretty situation. Secure the Canadian border NOW! Wake up people!!!!

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: November 30, 2007 08:51PM

Radiophile Wrote:

> Maybe we should check the green card of Reston
> Peace's wife.

I know that Pennsylvania may seem pretty exotic, but the last time I checked it was still a US state. As I was born in Pennsylvania, I have no need for a green card. Thank you and have a nice day.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: November 30, 2007 09:47PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> Radiophile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Maybe we should check the green card of Reston
> > Peace's wife.
> >
> I know that Pennsylvania may seem pretty exotic,
> but the last time I checked it was still a US
> state. As I was born in Pennsylvania, I have no
> need for a green card. Thank you and have a nice
> day.

Sorry Gen, your husband already spilled the beans. I would suggest you get on the next bus back to Moose Jaw from whence you came. ....Here is the "Proof"

Re: Proof
Posted by: RESton Peace (IP Logged)
Date: November 20, 2007 01:12AM

out of luck there, Duh, all she has is a brother who is married. She has some cousins that aren't too shabby, though. Most are from our neighbor to the north.

I married a canadian!

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: November 30, 2007 11:49PM

Yes they are, and they will get deported to Tijuana so hopefully they know Spanish.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: manticore ()
Date: December 01, 2007 03:43AM

new_cow Wrote:
> can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in
> Northern Virginia?

yes, my mother was for about a year though she'd lived in the states sine she was like 6. her first 'permanent resident alien' card was only 'permanent' for the first 30 years or so even though it didnt really have an expiration date, then they made her get another one which she didn't realize had an expiration date. that and she's lazy and didn't get her shit filled out in time and they have to get biometrics done now. not that anyone cared, really, they (though she'd been warned not to try) let her over the border repeatedly until they eventually got everything straight.

> let's say the person in question is a Causian,
> 40-ish.... how
> does one know if he/she is legal or not?

how does anyone know if anyone is legal or not? even if we started branding everyone we caught on the forehead there'd still be more to wonder about.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: December 01, 2007 12:19PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Sorry Gen, your husband already spilled the beans.
> I would suggest you get on the next bus back to
> Moose Jaw from whence you came. ....Here is the
> "Proof"

Nice try, but my Canadian citizenship is through my mother - I was born and raised in the US.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: CanadaFan ()
Date: December 01, 2007 01:05PM

My mother in law was Canadian. She was extremely proud of her US Citizenship and
earned it legally. I do not fear being invaded by Canadians however. I know there
are cultural differences as they do not get our jokes. Over the years, my wifes
relatives from Montreal have visited us here in Va. One thing that amazed me was
that her cousins husband told me he didnt care to see any of the tourist
attractions downtown, but wanted to check out the girly bars instead. He was
impressed. He was very envious of our firearms laws and loved my collection of
assault rifles. These are the kind of immigrants we need, but they are mostly
happy there.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 01, 2007 03:38PM

> Nice try, but my Canadian citizenship is through
> my mother - I was born and raised in the US.

If you were born here, then you are a US citizen, NOT a Canadian citizen "through my mother". I would, as the US Government does, strongly encourage you to choose one or the other. Like the Government, I do not recognize dual citizenship. While the US Government may not recognize dual citizens, they do, to a point, tolerate it. That is where I differ. I do not tolerate it.

So renounce Canada, pledge allegiance our flag, or move back to Saskatchewan.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: December 01, 2007 04:57PM

Try again.

"The U.S. Government recognizes that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it as a matter of policy because of the problems it may cause."


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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 01, 2007 05:27PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> Try again.
> "The U.S. Government recognizes that dual
> nationality exists but does not encourage it as a
> matter of policy because of the problems it may
> cause."
> Source

You read one sentence and stopped. Read the rest. It say

Intent can be shown by the person's statements or conduct.The U.S. Government recognizes that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it as a matter of policy because of the problems it may cause. Claims of other countries on dual national U.S. citizens may conflict with U.S. law, and dual nationality may limit
U.S. Government efforts to assist citizens abroad. The country where a dual national is located generally has a stronger claim to that person's allegiance.

OK they barely recognize it, like I recognize the Nazi Party But I don't encourage it either.

And if a conflict arises because a foreign laws conflict with US laws, you are screwed. For instance, many Jews have claimed "dual citizenship" with Israel, but when they get their mandatory draft notice to serve in the Israeli military they jump up and down and say "I am a dual citizen". In cases like this, it is US policy to say "pick one or the other". And if Israel wants them, they are gonna get them.

Reading further down the page confirms this.

However, dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country. They are required to obey the laws of both countries. Either country has the right to enforce its laws, particularly if the person later travels there.

Oh and Gen, above the 5440, you are what they call "Canadian of Convenience". In case you did not know, expect changes in the laws by the upcoming Parliaments in the coming years regarding COCs. The last thing Canada needs is another Lebanon situation; or thousands upon thousands of COCs returning to Canada in their golden years for the free health care and other benefits.

As A US Citizen, I feel it is my job to warn the people of Fairfax County of the Great Canadian Threat. I am a realist. The old saying "keep your friends close, your enemies closer"....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2007 06:39PM by Radiophile.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Vince ()
Date: December 01, 2007 06:49PM

I welcome all immigrants...legal and illegal...they work harder then 90% of the people posting on this blog. My impression is that most think it their god given privelege to be a citizen...that they earned it as midevil kings and queens earned their privelege.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 01, 2007 09:59PM

Fact: 98% of Canadians can tell you the capital of the US, the President of the US, and how many states we have. Less than 5% of Americans answer the same questions about Canda

Reason for fact: the US is a (the?) world power. Canada is not.

Acutally, does canada have a president? I thought they were part of the UK somehow?

Canada doesnt have states, it has provinces. The capital is Ottowa.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 01, 2007 10:28PM

The capital is Ottowa.


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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 01, 2007 10:32PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> The capital is Ottowa.

Correct on the Capital, but did you know Ottowa is an indian word.

Ot = Cold
To = And
Wa = Water tastes funny.

And the Prime Minister is Stephen Harper, who is actually appointed a commission to look into the Canadian of Convenience issue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2007 10:38PM by Radiophile.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 01, 2007 10:35PM

Uhmm, And = ta

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 02, 2007 12:39AM

Vince Wrote:
> I welcome all immigrants...legal and
> illegal...they work harder then 90% of the people
> posting on this blog.

a) this is not a blog you fucktard
b) do you have any statistics to back up such a bold claim?

> My impression is that most
> think it their god given privelege to be a
> citizen...that they earned it as midevil kings and
> queens earned their privelege.

seriously, who has been hitting you with the stupid stick? someone who is born in the united states has the birthright of citizenship.

go sit in the corner.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 02, 2007 08:09AM

KOT, that was a nice arrogant answer. Arrogant answers deserve at least an attempt to spell the main terms in the answer correctly. Namely, "Ottawa" instead of "Ottowa".

Also, basic existing geography has nothing to do with the status of a given existing place as a "world superpower". A place is located where it is located no matter what else that place has going on.

Oh yeah, and as much as I think Canada is a lifeless shithole, their money is currently worth more than ours... that's gotta mean something. I've read their cannabis growers don't even want to sell to us anymore due to the devaluation of the dollar.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 02, 2007 12:00PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Oh yeah, and as much as I think Canada is a
> lifeless shithole, their money is currently worth
> more than ours... that's gotta mean something.
> I've read their cannabis growers don't even want
> to sell to us anymore due to the devaluation of
> the dollar.

Lifeless Shithole. I a agree. And the reasons the Canadian dollar is worth more than ours are many. But two of the main reasons are
1) A policy of fiscal responsibility the last 8-10 years or so.
2) The are not spending $1 Billion a week because they invaded a country for no fucking reason what so ever.

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Re: can a Canadian citizen be an illega alien in Northern Virginia?
Posted by: vince ()
Date: December 02, 2007 03:55PM

Gravis Wrote:
> Vince Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I welcome all immigrants...legal and
> > illegal...they work harder then 90% of the
> people
> > posting on this blog.
> a) this is not a blog you fucktard
> b) do you have any statistics to back up such a
> bold claim?
> > My impression is that most
> > think it their god given privelege to be a
> > citizen...that they earned it as midevil kings
> and
> > queens earned their privelege.
> seriously, who has been hitting you with the
> stupid stick? someone who is born in the united
> states has the birthright of citizenship.
> go sit in the corner.

Grtavis..only someone with way too little to think about would care if the correct description of "Fairfax Underground" is a blog or not....as if that was the point.

Well..lets see..if illegals weren't so productive..why would you and others be so worried anout all the jibs they are taking away from you! As if anyone worth their salt, born in this country shouldnt be able to compete against a non-English speaking...undereducated foreigner! And before you go and talk about not being able to compete at the wage level illegals are willing to work for...forget that excuse. If you cant add more value to your employer then an illegal can..then so be it..you loose!

God given right...thats right...of course people born here are born citizens...but they arent born with the right of a guaranteed job..they arent born with the right to treat others as less then you...as worthless...as ignorant...no right to tell anyone but yourself to sit in the corner.

Just once try and make a point without insult!

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