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Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Fairfax voter ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:16PM

less than 30% of the registered voters in Fairfax county voted on Tuesday.

this is a disgrace.

Now the democrats control Virginia.

hang on to your wallets... watch as the Virginia government gets bigger and our taxes begin to rival other dem controlled states as the most taxed state in the US.

the dems will now redistrict and non dem votes will NOT count in the presidential election.

Good job Fairfax

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Kiev ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:20PM

Well, cause the other 70% are illegals and can't vote :)

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:26PM

If they moved voting to Saturday or Sunday when people didn't have to work there would certainly be a better turnout! A Tuesday work day is crazy!

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:31PM

Good job Fairfax

Right, blame everybody except for the Republican candidates, it wasn't their fault they lost... ;/

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:41PM

if there wern't so many road sings...maybe i would have voted.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Kiev ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:43PM

By the time I finished reading the road signs - polls closed already.

Oh well.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: A more optimistic spin ()
Date: November 08, 2007 01:51PM

more than 28% of the registered voters in Fairfax county voted on Tuesday, which is a record for local, non-congressional or non-presidential voting turnout!

this is great!

Now the democrats control Virginia!

see your Republican friends move to Texas because all they do is whine, kick and scream when they don't get their way (read: pull the titty from their mouths)....watch as the Virginia government gets bigger, more ethical, has better uses of resources not targeted at the individual and to help others in need and begins to rival other dem controlled states as the most seamlessly run state in the US!

the dems will now redistrict and non dem votes will NOT count in the presidential election, which is terrific considering no one really cares about little armpit towns in Appalacia when a majority of tax dollars come from DEM controlled districts anyway!

Good job Fairfax!!! LOL.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: jos ()
Date: November 08, 2007 03:19PM

I didn't vote. Why should I ? I hate both sides and most Americans !

America sucks, we will make it more like South America
when I gets out of the jail.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: November 08, 2007 03:19PM

My main man Ken Cuccinelli now states that he will vote down all bills for transportation funding, because they will involve raising taxes.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Tea Room? ()
Date: November 08, 2007 06:12PM

I sense a little man love action here with KeepOnTruckin in the back of his semi cab with a Mr. Cuccinelli (R). Remember Mark Foley (R)? How about Larry Craig (R)? The (R) may as well stand for "Reach-Around".

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: duh ()
Date: November 08, 2007 08:13PM

Fairfax voter Wrote:
> less than 30% of the registered voters in Fairfax
> county voted on Tuesday.
> this is a disgrace.
> Now the democrats control Virginia.....

Say what? The Dems took control of the Senate....the House of Delegates is still safely in GOP hands.

Hopefully, that will result in gridlock.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: h ()
Date: November 09, 2007 01:55AM

i was too busy on ffx underground

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Lester Burnham ()
Date: November 09, 2007 08:59AM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> My main man Ken Cuccinelli now states that he will
> vote down all bills for transportation funding,
> because they will involve raising taxes.

Can you say 'obstructionist'? Another reason for Saslaw to stick KookyKen on committees where he can do the most good...agriculture comes to mind. This guy continues to be a tool and does not understand that he barely overcame the challenge from a clearly inferior candidate. Does he look at his 50.12% victory as a mandate?

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: because ()
Date: November 09, 2007 09:18AM

To all the fucking whiners out there, boo hoo no republican *cry*. Since when have they actually done something right for you, both parties suck ass. I couldn't give less of a fuck about voting, and I think most other people are in the same category of me. Maybe someone will nuke DC one day, and problem solved?

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: November 09, 2007 03:49PM

I never understood why more localities don't allow voting like Austin does. Austin has 'early voting' where you can vote up to 1 month prior to the election date. They have polling places at malls and other public places. There are no restrictions on why you want to vote early. It is so much easier and there are no lines to wait in. There is absolutely no reason why they can't have that here, except that incumbents like roadblocks to voting.


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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: EmergencyLeave ()
Date: November 09, 2007 08:52PM

Well, I had to leave town unexpectedly and couldn't vote. Drove past the government offices on Sunday before I left, but they only did the absentee voting on Sat. for the weekend. I agree with trogdor! we should be able to vote at other public places and on other days leading up. I had no way of knowing I'd be crossing the country to deal with a relative in ICU, and when they tell you to come now since you may not make it before they die, you go.

Personally I'm pissed I didn't get to vote. It's spoiled my record.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: lol ()
Date: November 09, 2007 08:59PM

trogdor! Wrote:
> I never understood why more localities don't allow
> voting like Austin does. Austin has 'early
> voting' where you can vote up to 1 month prior to
> the election date. They have polling places at
> malls and other public places. There are no
> restrictions on why you want to vote early. It is
> so much easier and there are no lines to wait in.
> There is absolutely no reason why they can't have
> that here, except that incumbents like roadblocks
> to voting.
> http://www.co.travis.tx.us/county_clerk/election/2
> 0071106/early.asp

They do. It's called an absentee ballot. Simply FAX a form and say your job prevents you from voting during polling hours, which for many of us that commute to DC is absolutely true. I do it all the time and it is real easy.

No what I DO agree with is getting rid of the assigned polling places. The closest polling place to my house is literally a two minute walk, and my assigned polling place is another school that I have to drive to due to the retarded polling place assignment system.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: November 09, 2007 09:27PM

Fairfax voter Wrote:
> less than 30% of the registered voters in Fairfax
> county voted on Tuesday.
> this is a disgrace.
> Now the democrats control Virginia.
> hang on to your wallets... watch as the Virginia
> government gets bigger and our taxes begin to
> rival other dem controlled states as the most
> taxed state in the US.
> the dems will now redistrict and non dem votes
> will NOT count in the presidential election.
> Good job Fairfax

How did you know our plot? Were you able to sneak into our last super secret meeting? Or are you one of those gifted people who can see the future.

Do us all a favor, and tell us the winning powerball number, since you have the gift to predict the future with such accuracy.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: November 09, 2007 11:32PM

I keep a "Do not vote for me list" by my telephone...every time they leave a pre-recorded message on my answering machine...I add them to my list...so come election day...Noone was left to vote for..."That Was Easy"

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: brick short of a load ()
Date: November 09, 2007 11:43PM

To be honest I went and voted. Once I got to the screen I looked at the candidates. I didnt see any that were worth voting for. With Cuccinelli you had one far right guy and the woman was far left. It was the same with most people running. By the time I got to the last screen it was blinking to make sure I didnt want to vote on most of the positions.
Whatever happened to people who were middle of the road types who could work for the good of the majority and not be extreme right and left.

I do not see much difference in the coming presidential race, more far right and far left candidates although Gulliani seems kind of middle of the road. I just see more smear campaigns ahead.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 09, 2007 11:46PM

Gulliani seems kind of middle of the road

Until he gets elected and owes a few favors to Pat Robertson's "base".

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: brick short of a load ()
Date: November 09, 2007 11:58PM

Yeah, I know I saw that on tv but what can he do. Not sure how it happened that the republicans got hijacked by the far right. Are there really that many or that powerful or just more vocal? I think maybe Robertson just thought he had the best chance to defeat Hillary.

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: November 12, 2007 06:57AM

Lurker. Wrote:
> If they moved voting to Saturday or Sunday when
> people didn't have to work there would certainly
> be a better turnout! A Tuesday work day is crazy!

i agree. im not going to take time off from my job for these jackasses. i think that is their intent too. if all the hard-working informed people are working, then you have the ultra-bias retired people and housewives vote for your crazy agendas.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Fairfax should be ashamed !! less than 30% voted
Posted by: no longer a dem ()
Date: November 13, 2007 10:08AM

Benjamin Franklin stated,

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"people get the government they deserve"

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