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low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: burkeresident ()
Date: March 03, 2011 09:33PM

Other then bloom what are some other low to medium class grocery stores that take EBT (food stamps) that have name brand items.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Food stamps ()
Date: March 03, 2011 09:38PM

I have heard of them but never have I used them. Lucky me, I guess. ( I was so broke in college I should have looked for help).


Good luck to you.

Hopefully you will be back on your feet again.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Why brand names? ()
Date: March 03, 2011 09:39PM


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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: burkeresident ()
Date: March 03, 2011 09:46PM

Why brand names? Wrote:
> Troll.

what is troll?

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Troll Inc ()
Date: March 03, 2011 09:50PM

Troll is a low cost grocery store with name brand items that accepts EBT. Isn't that what you asked for?

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: burkeresident ()
Date: March 03, 2011 09:52PM

Troll Inc Wrote:
> Troll is a low cost grocery store with name brand
> items that accepts EBT. Isn't that what you asked
> for?

yes I though when you said troll I was thinking about something else lol.

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POLL- Americans DO NOT TRUST Hillary!
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 03, 2011 10:01PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 10:05AM by WingNut.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Date: March 03, 2011 10:32PM



"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: March 04, 2011 11:31PM

try Publix.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: March 04, 2011 11:47PM

burkeresident Wrote:
> Other then bloom what are some other low to medium
> class grocery stores that take EBT (food stamps)
> that have name brand items.

If you don't mind the ghetto surroundings, Aldi in Woodbridge has dirt cheap prices and they take food stamps.


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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Les ()
Date: March 04, 2011 11:54PM

I thought WalMart and Target took food stamps.

Try Bottom Dollar which is the low-end version of Food Lion which also owns Bloom.

I would avoid the Hispanic/Korean stores. They charge too much for American brand items, sometimes 50-100 percent more.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: POS ()
Date: March 05, 2011 02:03AM

Get a fucking job and stop living off my tax dollars. I busted my ass for education, experience, and with my job and lived within my means and save money - yet, I watch people mooch off stamps. I can't stand the lower scum class, they fail to understand it's survival of the fittest and EXPECT handouts. Nothing is ever there fault.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: March 05, 2011 12:18PM

POS Wrote:
> Get a fucking job and stop living off my tax
> dollars. I busted my ass for education,
> experience, and with my job and lived within my
> means and save money - yet, I watch people mooch
> off stamps. I can't stand the lower scum class,
> they fail to understand it's survival of the
> fittest and EXPECT handouts. Nothing is ever
> there fault.

what took so long?

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: March 05, 2011 06:24PM

The Lamb Center serves lunch, so you can sell your food stamps for booze and cigarettes.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Ms ProVallone ()
Date: March 05, 2011 06:35PM

Wegmans and Giants should take it.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Les ()
Date: March 05, 2011 07:00PM

Now that you've saved money, the government says you can't earn any interest because we have to bail out Wall Street, bankers, insurance companies, car makers, home builders, borrowers, government workers, government contractors. and the list of people who are getting bailed out directly or indirectly grows ever larger (probably includes yourself).

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: maybe this person is ()
Date: March 05, 2011 07:43PM

Down and out. He may have lost his job and needs help. We all know living in this area cost a lot of money.

Let's just pray he does not try the Lamb Center.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch ()
Date: March 05, 2011 09:26PM


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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Mortimer ()
Date: March 05, 2011 09:28PM

Try Sutton Place Gourmet or the Whole Foods in Rockville.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: kane ()
Date: March 05, 2011 10:50PM

go to azn market like grandmart, lotte, H-mart they are usually cheap.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: March 06, 2011 07:55AM

aLDI in manassas

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: edith helds ()
Date: March 06, 2011 09:33AM

POS I suppose spelling and grammer were NOT part of that huge amount of education you possess to put you in that high class (scum)brackett. Things are changing in these United States,all the education and work at your job you could still end up on food stamps, I had to go in that direction for a few months 6 years ago and while making only $500 in unemployment (every 2 weeks) I was told I made too much money.

God bless you,when you slide down that hill it's hard to climb back up.

I agree too many people are getting stuff for free but without knowing the situation, do'nt make such rash decisions.

And for God sakes learn the difference between "there" and "thier" ,oh God of hirer learning.You embaress yourself!

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: 4w3jF ()
Date: March 06, 2011 11:34AM

I go to aldie in richmond hway to ge the basic essentials. gallon on milk 2.40
cream cheese, ceral, yougurt, vegies. They are fresh and cheap. aldies is part of trader joes. its all cash and stamps. il save the other stuff from ther other stores

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: msprovaalloonay ()
Date: March 07, 2011 01:59PM

Yes, and Ms ProVallone, her husband, ProVallone, 'maybe this person is',

are all referin' to:

the lamb center

at 3220 old lee hgwy, Fairfax, Va. 22030

to find out more, go to this website's (FXunderwear) search mode, type in:

The Lamb Center

press search and read on to indulge your self with the highly criminal activity at this place that IS sanctioned by the people who run it.

an ex-con (convict) named Dave Lareby, heads-off the place with another low life named John that practices the promotion of the criminal activity that goes on there. Their 'back-up' employees Patti and Henry are there, too.

the mentioned selling of the food stamps is practiced there rampidly.

the food stamp recipients, most with children reflecting a sizable amount monthly,

constantly frequent places like the TLC, eat all week for free there and then turn around and hang and offer their food stamps for $ .50 on the dollar for anyone that will buy!

Wonderfull scam. and on top of this, the recipients of the food stamps can go to just about any church in the region and get free food as well.

every single food stamp dollar can be offered for sale and from month to month it adds up more and more onto a 'credit card' if the recipient doesn't use or sell it.

This IS a FELONY, of course. Fraudulantly claiming federal help and then utilizing it for cash flow, and everyone KNOWS the cash flow IS for booze and illegal drugs.

these 'career' scammin' low lifes always know the 'ins-and-outs' of any state/fed/charitable help offered like PROFESSIONALLY, and you can always meet them at places like THE LAMB CENTER,
Forever holdin' up the food line(s).

Enjoy paying your hard earned tax dollar into this spungecake bumm that eternally bleeds it at

THE LAMB CENTER and beyond!

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: March 07, 2011 02:56PM

The Lamb Center is an Omnipresence!

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: ....... ()
Date: March 07, 2011 03:31PM


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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: March 28, 2011 12:32PM

msprovaalloonay Wrote:

Dear homeless psycho,


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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: GottaEat ()
Date: April 03, 2011 07:02AM

The latest Washington Consumer Checkbook magazine rates all of the area grocery stores based on price. Available at magazine racks or your local Library.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: lol lol ()
Date: April 29, 2012 12:43AM

to all the haters of food stamps STFU if you want your money from the gov so badly get food stamps !! dumbass

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: flight risk ()
Date: April 29, 2012 07:28AM

Here's where to shop on EBT around here:

:::If you insist on name brand food:::

-Bottom Dollar
-Wegmans and Trader Joes both DO take EBT, but you wont get AS MUCH for your money.

:::If you don't care about brands and just want the most food for your money:::

-Aldi's is the cheapest BY FAR, but all their food is HOUSE BRAND. You won't see any kraft/pilsbury/uncle bens/NOTHING in name brand! I have yet to meet a bad aldi's product though. This is how their store is so CHEAP (milk for $2.50/gallon their brand vs. giant wanting damn near $4 just because its giant brand). They sell everything, even meat (prepackaged).

:::If you INSIST on going to an H-mart or other ethnic grocery store:::

The FRESH FOOD prices ARE cheaper than a giant or wegmans (i.e. meats, FRESH veggies, and other ethnic cooking needs of course!) BUT the canned goods,cereal, and other "American" groceries are priced HIGHER to make up for it. Go ahead and buy your meat and veggies and ethnic needs at H-mart, but PLEASE go to bottom dollar/food lion/giant/your regular grocery store for everything else!

::If you want FRESH FOOD and dont mind taking a drive:::

-believe it or not the DC WHARF AND the DC FARMERS MARKET BOTH take VA food stamps! Just check with the particular vendor before you commit to a purchase, but I have learned most DO! You have to get your food UNCOOKED though- so take that fresh fish, crabs, meat, or veggies from the market home in coolers in your trunk and freeze/cook at home! also CHEAPER THAN THE GROCERY STORE for this stuff if you dont mind taking the ride and fighting for parking up there! LOL

Of course most of the local farmers markets do take EBT too- I am just pointing DC's out since they have actual buildings instead of just being in a parking lot and are open 6/7 days a week from 10-9 or so instead of just 1 day a week for a few hours with the markets around here.

If you just want the :::::CHEAPEST FOOD EVER:::::

DOLLAR TREE. NO JOKE. They tend to have enough food you could feed your family for the month off it and maybe repeat a meal once or twice! Granted it will be pretty basic (spagetthi, some dollar trees even have MEAT in the bank like individually wrapped chicken and steaks for $1, fish filets, rice, etc) but you could EAT and LIVE. A LOT of it is NAME BRAND too. And the price- $1 each. Can't beat that!!!!!! Snacks too! Candy, chips, soda, etc...MOSTLY NAME BRAND. Check it out! Just check your expiration dates on stuff to be safe, but I have never met a bad meal from there either!

Hope this helps someone- thats why I joined this board to help out my fellow Fairfaxonians as much as possible sharing the knowledge!

I can say I know this because I too had food stamps when I was most recently unemployed. They helped my family out IMMENSELY and I am thankful I was able to get them!


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2012 07:30AM by flight risk.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: prox ()
Date: April 29, 2012 09:22PM

Aldi, if you can make it down to Woodbridge.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Jason ()
Date: April 29, 2012 10:24PM

Bloom as gone out of business and re-branded as Food Lion.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: ASN1668 ()
Date: April 29, 2012 10:56PM

Jason Wrote:
> Bloom as gone out of business and re-branded as
> Food Lion.

Hate to nit-pick, but not really. Bloom was always owned by Food Lion LLC and was spawned in 2004 as a concept based on the idea of using a slightly unconventional layout to maximize shopper convenience. Some Food Lions converted over to Bloom, and some new Blooms were built. They had trouble competing with other upscale efforts by Giant/Safeway/Harris Teeter/Wegmans/etc while still maintaing their price edge. Anyhow, they decided to kill it -- most stores are rebranded back into Food Lion and the minority remaining will be closed.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: I Love Aldi ()
Date: October 16, 2015 12:47PM

Aldi is a great store. They primarily carry their own brands, which are excellent quality. They don't carry everything. They take EBT, debit, or cash.

Trader Joe's and Costco also have their own brands. Nobody turns up their nose at them, do they?

The prices at Aldi are absolutely incredible. I could afford to shop anywhere, but I buy the bulk of my stuff at Aldi. Why spend more than I need to on food? They have stores in Springfield, Chantilly, Sterling, and Fairfax.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: I love Aldi ()
Date: October 17, 2015 07:30AM

Aldi milk was $1.59 a GALLON last week. As compared to almost $4 a gallon for store brand at the usual stores.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: I love Aldi ()
Date: October 18, 2015 07:15AM

Oh, and English muffins are a $1. Plain, white, delicious. No fancy omega-3/whole grain/etc. but who cares. They are $1. For 6 muffins. They get the job done(along with the $1.59 a gallon milk). I don't think any of that stuff necessarily makes a damn bit of difference anyway.
Sometimes the other stores sell them 2 or 3 for $4. They are usually priced at $4 a box.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Aldi is great ()
Date: October 30, 2015 09:05PM

Milk was $1.59 a gallon again............

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Spot the assholes... ()
Date: October 31, 2015 12:10AM

Assholes gotta bitch about something.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: scuzzbot ()
Date: November 01, 2015 08:23AM

Les Wrote:
> Now that you've saved money, the government says
> you can't earn any interest because we have to
> bail out Wall Street, bankers, insurance
> companies, car makers, home builders, borrowers,
> government workers, government contractors. and
> the list of people who are getting bailed out
> directly or indirectly grows ever larger (probably
> includes yourself).

Edjacated yet?

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Aldi is the best ()
Date: November 01, 2015 08:26AM

Aldi opens at 9am. Got your list? Don't forget a quarter.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Jkv7p ()
Date: November 05, 2015 07:15PM

i've noted some grocery stores are selling South American agriculture goods

WHICH ARE NOT MAKRED for "sell by" date, and obviously taxes were not paid on them

the average product lasts not more than a year on the shelf

a common "thug" / mob action is to wipe off and re-mark old cans

in obama adm. with foreigners working for FDA: they aren't even bothering to remark the cans. and for all you know the products they know are destined for usa are poisoned, ie, to create medical problems (europe would love that: the sell a drug for everything, and most of what they sell ends up in a mass lawsuit for killing the patients)

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Fd9hP ()
Date: November 05, 2015 07:18PM

COSTCO (formely: px stores) are a way for government workers to FURTHER abuse the public at large

gov getting 3x the pay: if they get a traffic ticket, they have cash to pay: they always win. you? might get your vehicle stolen by government for $15 of payment due.

groceries? part of their quadruple dipping / sextuple dipping plan. since only they have "the official cash" they get to shop at PX stores, and force you into much more limited selection stores where also prices are higher

there is no end to how much fed / fx gov employees have been abusing the DENIZENS at large

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: P7HFF ()
Date: November 05, 2015 07:20PM


As Price Club: San Diego, California, United States (July 12, 1976; 39 years ago)
As Costco: Seattle, Washington, United States (September 15, 1983; 32 years ago)

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: pNmjE ()
Date: November 05, 2015 07:21PM

founded by the state in great credit debt due to government workers overspending / gettig paid to high

to limit purchases to "CASH SALES ONLY"

ironic, the state in heavy debt demanding the rest of the governments raise their pay to pay california "in cash"

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: hxLGD ()
Date: November 05, 2015 07:24PM

under other circumstances i'd applaud their cash preffered attempt:

but they dont' take credit even at a markup - that's nearly illegal why does california get such an "excuse slip" other stores do not get ??

and california is sending mexicans on welfare to VA so CA doesn't have to fund their food stamps. and costco doesn't take food stamps.

add it up: just another slick move by california to create an even deeper debt in their favor , and to turn USA into a facist country where only government workers "are allowed to exist"

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: yx6UF ()
Date: November 05, 2015 07:26PM

(ie, BECAUSE OF CA DEMOCRATS businesses pay little cash and tell employees to get their food money from county government: ie, safeway, mcdonalds, many more)

CA while demanding cash for food is instructing employees for companies they run to get their food from their local government and ban the same from buying food from "the money store" CA runs

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: John Doe 6 Gorillion ()
Date: November 11, 2015 10:36PM

Get a job you worthless spic/nigger. Can't wait for the welfare system to collapse. you faggots will kill each other within MINUTES of finding out the GIBS ARE GONE.... FOREVER!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: RN ()
Date: November 11, 2015 10:44PM

John Doe 6 Gorillion Wrote:
> Get a job you worthless spic/nigger. Can't wait
> for the welfare system to collapse. you faggots
> will kill each other within MINUTES of finding out

Aw, did they take yer herb? What does it say about you if a middle school educated immigrant that barely speaks English can do your job?

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: dunno but ()
Date: November 14, 2015 11:12PM

Dunno about EBT. But the dollar stores have cheap food.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: Aldi lover ()
Date: November 15, 2015 10:20AM

dunno but Wrote:
> Dunno about EBT. But the dollar stores have cheap
> food.

There are lots of really nice cars in the Aldi lot. Volvo, Mercedes, Beemers, etc. Nothing wrong with that store. Campari tomatoes for $1 this week.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: A pollo is every pot ()
Date: November 15, 2015 10:35AM

Pablo at The Lamb Center Wrote:
> I am the bringer of Hispanic Justice to your country.

So the Coast Guard is patrolling off southern California when they espy two men fiercely paddling in a rowboat. They pull within hailing distance...

Ahoy, rowboat. What are you doing out here?
We are invading America!
I see. Just the two of you then?
Oh no! We are the last ones. The rest are already there.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: It's all good ()
Date: November 15, 2015 10:48AM

Aldi lover Wrote:
> There are lots of really nice cars in the Aldi lot. Volvo,
> Mercedes, Beemers, etc. Nothing wrong with that store.
> Campari tomatoes for $1 this week.

Don't bother about the parking lot. Shop where it is convenient and the selection, prices, quality, and service are to your liking. It doesn't matter what it's called.

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Re: low-cost grocery stores
Posted by: OmG... ()
Date: November 18, 2015 06:40AM

Please shut up.

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