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To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: January 26, 2011 11:47PM

To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars this afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are -- a hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes!

If only the county would impound each and every abandoned vehicle and require passing both an IQ test and a driving test before releasing it...


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Doucher ()
Date: January 26, 2011 11:57PM

Hey douchebag, ever think people ran out of gas after about 3 hours and only moving 2 miles? What are you gonna do then? Pull a Fred Flintstone? Dumbass..

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: CaptainObvious ()
Date: January 27, 2011 12:06AM

Then maybe they shouldn't drive around with such low fuel.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Here's Hoping ()
Date: January 27, 2011 12:08AM

The least we can hope for is that the snow plows do an adequate job of plowing as much damn snow as they can up and around those vehicles. When the owners head out tomorrow to recover them, I'm sure they'll be pretty pleased with their own stupidity.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Good Call ()
Date: January 27, 2011 12:34AM

@Captain Obvious

Good call bro, next time I'm making my commute home that usually takes 20 minutes and 1/3 tank will make it home easily, I'll make sure to get a full tank of gas before heading home in case it takes 5 hours instead. I like your logic.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: yeah ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:03AM

a) they've been talking about this snow for days

b) everybody knows what can happen to a commute when it snows around here

a+b= fill the fucking tank before you might ordinarily do so

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:07AM

Good Call Wrote:
> @Captain Obvious
> Good call bro, next time I'm making my commute
> home that usually takes 20 minutes and 1/3 tank
> will make it home easily, I'll make sure to get a
> full tank of gas before heading home in case it
> takes 5 hours instead. I like your logic.

Yea, like you didn't know what the forecast was for the day. Since I obviously need to explain, this is why the IQ test should be required to get your car back.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:25AM

Hey, if you have to leave the car, then PUSH IT TO THE SHOULDER!!! Some dumbasses even left their cars in the middle of intersections, and that is completely inexcusable. My family, friends, and neighbors all dug out cars tonight, dug out parking spaces, and then pushed them into place. If we could do it, then so can you, no excuses! We had women getting it done too, so for real, you have no excuse.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Just Say No ()
Date: January 27, 2011 03:18AM

If you abandoned your car in a travel lane, your car should be picked up and thrown in the river.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: towing ()
Date: January 27, 2011 03:18AM

They only have 3 contracted companies to remove all the abandon vehicles....They are not keeping up and they will not let any other towing companies help out to clear the roads

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lolyer ()
Date: January 27, 2011 07:42AM

Its alright though cause when I was driving 50mph on west bound rt 7 from tysons's, there were some tow trucks and police along the corridor.. HA!!

stupid ass people who just left their shit in the middle of the road, looks like u gotta fork out a couple of $$ hundro's .. LOL

Thats one of the major hold ups last night. fucking people just leaving their car in the middle of the street. I witnessed 3 hit and runs (well, 3 hit and stay stills more like it) and I didnt do a damn thing.. I laughed! Thats what they get for being entitled.

"Oh, im gonna leave my car here, no one is going to touch it, and even though im in the middle of the road, people can go around me"

I was gonna look around to see if people actually left valuables in them. DAMN!! I could have cleaned up too!! looks like the tow truck drivers are out for the pickings!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 27, 2011 07:55AM

All you idiots who were out driving past 4pm yesterday ought to be arrested. Everyone know what was coming.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Claire ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:02AM

you can be out past 4 pm driving, it was just hell. and the majority of the people out though were in their little toyota corollas which won't do much for you in that type of weather.
if you don't have the type of car to be on the roads, then get the hell off of them!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Doucher = Asshat ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:22AM

Doucher, you stupid mother fucker. It's cumdumpsters like you who left their fucking cars on the side of the FFX Co Parkway and gave my wife a 7 hour commute from Reston to Burke. Who the fuck doesn't know to put gas in their damn tank before a snowstorm??? And if you do run out of gas, who the fuck doesn't know to get your car off the damn road.

Go fuck yourself doucher. Fill your gas tank and go fuck yourself.

Doucher Wrote:
> Hey douchebag, ever think people ran out of gas
> after about 3 hours and only moving 2 miles? What
> are you gonna do then? Pull a Fred Flintstone?
> Dumbass..

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: zippy ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:22AM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars this
> afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are -- a
> hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes!
> If only the county would impound each and every
> abandoned vehicle and require passing both an IQ
> test and a driving test before releasing it...

Sorry man, I ditched my zipcar in vienna because it ran out of gas. Fricken zipcar only left a quarter tank of gas in it. I left the car in a left hand turn lane and got one of the last rooms left at the wolftrap motel. Once I got my room I got a pizza and a 12 pack and laughed at all the stranded idiots. All in all it was a good evening.
Zipcar can pick up there POS car whenever they want it, I locked the key inside it like youre supposed to do and said F-it.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:36AM

The Sunoco at Franklin Farms was consistently 3 cars deep. About 9pm it started getting 5, 6 cars deep. It was almost like a "last chance for gas" scenario.

EDIT: I got smart and topped off my truck when I saw a pump available. I ended up not needing it, but better to be prepared.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2011 09:38AM by Warhawk.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: disgruntled ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:55AM

I counted at least 75 cars abandoned on my 7 hour 15 mile commute last night, most of the in the travel lanes. If you are running out of gas, you shut your engine off until there is movement and you move off to the side when it does. You do NOT litter cars in the travel lanes to BLOCK ALL TRAFFIC BEHIND YOU. INSANITY!!!! I could not believe how often it went down to one lane to weave between the lanes due to the number of cars abandoned in BOTH lanes!!!!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Date: January 27, 2011 10:02AM

I've been in that position before. Sometimes you are just fucked and can't do anything about it.


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: gee whiz ()
Date: January 27, 2011 10:05AM

Anyone who either ran out of gas or got stuck in the snow should have done the following rather than abandon their vehicle and inconvenience the rest of us:

1. Remained in your car ALL night so that you died from hypothermia.

2. Stayed in your car so that WHEN you were rear ended by either a plow truck or car driven by someone not paying attention, you could have sustained serious bodily injury or death.

Because if you had stayed with your car it would have been easier for these vehicles to navigate around you.

Who exactly needs the IQ test here?

How does staying with your car knowing a tow truck won't come for a day help matters?

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: January 27, 2011 10:33AM

gee whiz Wrote:
> How does staying with your car knowing a tow truck
> won't come for a day help matters?

Maybe having the common sense not to be in that situation to begin with?

I love how fucktards try to justify stupidity.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: January 27, 2011 12:23PM

gee whiz is a fucking moron, you should have stayed with your car long enough to get it out of the fucking travel lanes. If you use your logic please explain how walking down the side of a road meant for cars is safer than sitting in your car with the hazards on? I guess as soon as you step out and start walking you immediately become immune to being hit by a plow or other driver not paying attention. Fucking plan ahead you jackass.

And Claire a Toyota Corolla is fine for this type of weather, its the fucking people that don't know how to drive said Corolla. I've driven a front wheel drive sub-compact in worse conditions than we had yesterday and never got stuck.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Date: January 27, 2011 12:29PM

Highlander Wrote:
> gee whiz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How does staying with your car knowing a tow
> truck
> > won't come for a day help matters?
> Maybe having the common sense not to be in that
> situation to begin with?
> I love how fucktards try to justify stupidity.

Employees often don't have that option, unless they want to lose their jobs.


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 27, 2011 12:49PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Employees often don't have that option, unless
> they want to lose their jobs.

If your boss won't let you leave a couple hours early to avoid what everyone knew would be one of the biggest clusterfucks in the history of NVA traffic, you need a new boss.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: January 27, 2011 12:53PM

Kilton Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Employees often don't have that option, unless
> > they want to lose their jobs.
> If your boss won't let you leave a couple hours
> early to avoid what everyone knew would be one of
> the biggest clusterfucks in the history of NVA
> traffic, you need a new boss.

While that may be true, new jobs aren't exactly lying around on the ground ready to be picked. I'm fortunate to have worked long enough at my company to have built up some "cred" when I want to pull a move like that.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: see here zippy ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:01PM

zippy Wrote:
> Sorry man, I ditched my zipcar in vienna because
> it ran out of gas. Fricken zipcar only left a
> quarter tank of gas in it. I left the car in a
> left hand turn lane and got one of the last rooms
> left at the wolftrap motel. Once I got my room I
> got a pizza and a 12 pack and laughed at all the
> stranded idiots. All in all it was a good
> evening.
> Zipcar can pick up there POS car whenever they
> want it, I locked the key inside it like youre
> supposed to do and said F-it.

Hey dude, here's a hint: Put gas in your car (or the car you are renting) BEFORE a storm. 'IT' didn't run out of gas, you did. And if you think Zipcar isn't going to send you a bill for getting that car back where it belongs, you are insane.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Coke Classic ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:26PM

wow. i cant believe so many people had to abandon their cars on the beltway! thats crazy. someone should go and break into every single car overnight to give all the dumbass' a lesson

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: G ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:43PM

just a few of the notable casualties spotted last night:

multiple cars stuck on Willard Rd who couldn't make it up the hill to get to 28
2 UPS trucks spinning their wheels in the middle of an intersection
Lexus ES300 and Acura RSX abandoned against the jersey wall and snowed over
BMW 525i skidding sideways everytime he pressed the gas, couldn't get traction for shit
GM pickup left sideways blocking the right lane, front bumper against the guard rail
VW Beetle on 28 who was stuck in the right lane and a fucking tree fell on the roof!
red 370Z, large food delivery truck, and about 100 other cars left on Prince William Pkwy

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: jigga ()
Date: January 27, 2011 01:59PM

For what it's worth, there's still an abandoned 350Z chillin in the left lane on ffx co parkway near braddock rd. Just a warning to anyone venturing out, it makes shit difficult.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: have to wonder about that idea ()
Date: January 27, 2011 02:01PM

yeah Wrote:
> a) they've been talking about this snow for days
> b) everybody knows what can happen to a commute
> when it snows around here
> a+b= fill the fucking tank before you might
> ordinarily do so

Gee, I wonder if everyone in NOVA had filled their gas tanks on Tuesday if there would have been enough gas?

Dont't think so.

Any other brilliant advice.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: shows you ()
Date: January 27, 2011 02:05PM

Just goes to show that now matter how prepared you are (full tank of gas, generator at home, 4x4, etc.) you can still be screwed by the general population's inability to take care of themselves. That pretty much goes for all situations in life.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: elsie ()
Date: January 27, 2011 02:30PM

saw at least 10 BMW's parked near my exit on 50. lawl

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfucktard ()
Date: January 27, 2011 02:35PM

My neighbor left at 2, when the Feds got off and it took her another six hours to get from the Vienna Metro to Fairfax City. She left in plenty of time, but traffic was just unbearable, sometimes you just can't do anything if the snow/ice/sleet is as bad as it was last night.

The OP is a typical NOVA piece of shit, only concerned with themselves and not a thought for their fellow man. Fucktard, just wait til you need some help or find yourself in a situation, you will change your tune. Of course you are double-blessed, you have power too.

Sometimes people just have asshole bosses who insist that you stay and milk every minute and its the low-level employee who pays, the one who can't afford a 4X4 or a Hummer (or the gas to fill it up). So go easy on these people, its not like they WANTED to get caught in a winter storm or stranded on the side of a road, asshole (lordfairfax).

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Stop the excuses ()
Date: January 27, 2011 03:44PM

It is excusable to have spent the night at the office, or to leave your car in a parking lot or even in a ditch on the side of the road. I can even understand running out of gas after hours of gridlock and pushing your car off the road. But the huge number of idiots that just left a car in a travel lane should get a big fat ticket. The storm wasn't a surprise, it didn't come sooner then expected, it wasn't more severe than predicted so if you decided to drive a car into the completely predictable mess and then you decided to leave your car in a travel lane I hope it costs you at least as much as a hotel room.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: My car ()
Date: January 27, 2011 03:55PM

That car out on the road is mine. I ran out of gas and just hitched a ride from the guy behind me. I won't have a chance to get back to it for a few days (I'm sleepy), but if anybody once anything from it please help yourself. I can't remember if I left the doors unlocked but the windows should break pretty easily in the cold. There is a gun under the seat, some cash in the center console, and drugs hidden through the interior and engine compartment. Please be sure to spray paint a thank you note on the side when you leave.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: zippy ()
Date: January 27, 2011 04:04PM

see here zippy Wrote:
> zippy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sorry man, I ditched my zipcar in vienna
> because
> > it ran out of gas. Fricken zipcar only left a
> > quarter tank of gas in it. I left the car in a
> > left hand turn lane and got one of the last
> rooms
> > left at the wolftrap motel. Once I got my room
> I
> > got a pizza and a 12 pack and laughed at all
> the
> > stranded idiots. All in all it was a good
> > evening.
> > Zipcar can pick up there POS car whenever they
> > want it, I locked the key inside it like youre
> > supposed to do and said F-it.
> Hey dude, here's a hint: Put gas in your car (or
> the car you are renting) BEFORE a storm. 'IT'
> didn't run out of gas, you did. And if you think
> Zipcar isn't going to send you a bill for getting
> that car back where it belongs, you are insane.

I only reserved that zipcar for two hours and was supposed to drop it off at Vienna metro. My two hours was up and the gas guage was on E. I called them this morning and they already had the car (they GPS track them). I aint gettin charged nothing extra, in fact I told them I wanted my rental from yesterday refunded.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Teh King ()
Date: January 27, 2011 04:06PM

jigga Wrote:
> For what it's worth, there's still an abandoned
> 350Z chillin in the left lane on ffx co parkway
> near braddock rd. Just a warning to anyone
> venturing out, it makes shit difficult.

As of 345pm that see is still on the Parkway. Tho it looking d like the popo were getting ready to tow it.

I don't understand why someone would leave their car there all night and all day. If it were me I'd be freqking out and up at the crack of dawn trying to get it out of there. I'm sure it could have been driven out of there this morning. I've seen quite a few abandoned cars that could be driven away at this point.

"The three enemies of the people are hegemony, monogamy, and monotony."-Terence McKenna

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Date: January 27, 2011 04:06PM

Coke Classic Wrote:
> wow. i cant believe so many people had to abandon
> their cars on the beltway! thats crazy. someone
> should go and break into every single car
> overnight to give all the dumbass' a lesson

Why would it be easier to break into a car on the beltway than to break into a car on a residential street? The beltway has cameras, thousands of eye witnesses, cop cars patrolling it, etc, etc, etc.

No, you, sir, are the dumbass.


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: b ()
Date: January 27, 2011 04:08PM

Lots of morons decided around 6:30 to go out to their favorite restaurant for dinner, too. Joke's on them that they didn't get any food and didn't get home until 2AM.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Date: January 27, 2011 04:09PM

Kilton Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Employees often don't have that option, unless
> > they want to lose their jobs.
> If your boss won't let you leave a couple hours
> early to avoid what everyone knew would be one of
> the biggest clusterfucks in the history of NVA
> traffic, you need a new boss.

Okay. Then you won't be upset if hospitals, utilities, phone companies, cable, etc, etc, don't have anyone working on things. I get it. Maybe the airport, too. How about the post office?


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Date: January 27, 2011 04:13PM

I got off work early yesterday to pick up my daughter out in Manassas. So, I left at 1. Got back to reston to pick up my wife at 430. Got home at 1am.

12 hours of traffic.

1. We were heading up C-Ville Road (roughly by frying pan) and it was massively clogged. We hadn't moved in a good 30 minutes when people started cutting over across the lane dividers and driving into oncoming traffic. There was no one coming down that lane (C-ville road into herndon). *THAT* line of cars eventually came to a halt. At this point we had 30 miles until our tank was out of gas so we turned around and filled up at the clock tower - which had a row of cars waiting for Gas.
2. After cutting through the neighborhoods (and I believe getting on frying pan road) we got to FFX parkway, or as I like to call it, the land of desolate vehicles. We saw some onlookers at the intersection of FFX parkway and Franklin Farms. I guess cable was out and the only form of entertainment was to sit near the intersection and watch the frustrated drivers.
3. Along the same lines of 2, there was a neighborhood before Rugby Road and after Stringfellow on the right side of FFX where there was a man standing in the entrance to the neighborhood with a shovel. I never saw him do anything with the shovel, even though people were getting stuck left and right.
4. People jumping out of their car to go piss by the side of the road.
5. People who would honk, flash lights, scream obscenities when someone would merge into their lanes. As though the car merging was *making them late* for something. I'm actually surprised I didn't see any full on violence.
6. On FFX Parkway, the road was divided into three sections: the 'drivable and semi-plowed' section where the majority of traffic was and then to the left and right there were the snow banks where it looks like some huge pick up truck (or other 4 wheel drive vehicle) had made two set of tire marks. On the left hand side a small nissan apparently thought it would be a good idea to use these 'truck tracks' to get ahead of his slower-moving commuter comrads. Of course the moment he went from the middle lane onto the left hand 'truck track' lane he got hopelessly stuck. He made a few valiant efforts of going back and forth and then I suppose he gave up. That person was an IDIOT.
7. Right before rugby road, at around 12ish, the lane narrowed due to a large truck that was just sitting there and some ditched cars. We all waited in line as one car would get stuck, several people jump out and get the car unstuck and the next car would drive up and get stuck. This .5 mile chunk was responsible for maybe two hours of time (we only got to actually see what was causing this marvel of a delay in the last 1/2 hour or so).
8. There was a point in our travels where I called some hotels (3 or 4). They were all booked.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 27, 2011 04:19PM

zippy Wrote:
> I only reserved that zipcar for two hours and was
> supposed to drop it off at Vienna metro. My two
> hours was up and the gas guage was on E. I called
> them this morning and they already had the car
> (they GPS track them). I aint gettin charged
> nothing extra, in fact I told them I wanted my
> rental from yesterday refunded.

Did you tell them how much of a doofus you are for being out on the roads during the storm yesterday? Maybe they have a Doofus Discount.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 27, 2011 04:21PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Okay. Then you won't be upset if hospitals,
> utilities, phone companies, cable, etc, etc, don't
> have anyone working on things. I get it. Maybe the
> airport, too. How about the post office?

The above represents at most 1% of the traffic that was on the roads during the storm yesterday.

So while you may have felt clever typing it, it really has nothing to do with what I posted.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: zippy ()
Date: January 27, 2011 04:44PM

Kilton Wrote:
> zippy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > I only reserved that zipcar for two hours and
> was
> > supposed to drop it off at Vienna metro. My two
> > hours was up and the gas guage was on E. I
> called
> > them this morning and they already had the car
> > (they GPS track them). I aint gettin charged
> > nothing extra, in fact I told them I wanted my
> > rental from yesterday refunded.
> Did you tell them how much of a doofus you are for
> being out on the roads during the storm yesterday?
> Maybe they have a Doofus Discount.

Yeah I paid extra for dumba$$ coverage so Im good to go, lol

Overall Zipcar is a pretty good deal for someone who lives in a highrise condo in an urban area. Owning a car was a nightmare for me, zipcar is awesome.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 27, 2011 06:41PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Okay. Then you won't be upset if hospitals,
> utilities, phone companies, cable, etc, etc, don't
> have anyone working on things. I get it. Maybe the
> airport, too. How about the post office?

Kilton has been trolling the board all day with his nonsensical point. Sometimes it's just best to put him on ignore.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 27, 2011 06:56PM

Professor Pangloss Wrote:
> 8. There was a point in our travels where I called
> some hotels (3 or 4). They were all booked.

Tried the hotel route also, no luck. I'll agree that there were some angry folks on the road, but the vast majority I was around seemed to take it in stride. Lots of helpers hopping out to push cars through a slippery spot.

The hills and the trucks were the downfall of the rush hour.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: January 27, 2011 07:09PM

lordfucktard Wrote:

> The OP is a typical NOVA piece of shit, only
> concerned with themselves and not a thought for
> their fellow man. Fucktard, just wait til you need
> some help or find yourself in a situation, you
> will change your tune. Of course you are
> double-blessed, you have power too.

WTF? "only concerned with themselves and not a thought for their fellow man." This perfectly describes the jerkoffs who abandoned their vehicles in the travel lanes.

And I am *triple* blessed! I have money, power and 4-wheel drive!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 27, 2011 07:20PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Kilton has been trolling the board all day with
> his nonsensical point. Sometimes it's just best to
> put him on ignore.

Aw, what's the matter butterbean? Usually you try to go at least a round or two with me and my irrefutable logic before you give up.

Don't worry, I know the answer: It's because you know you made a big, dumb, dopey mistake by being out in the logjam last night. You know that I'm right. I was sitting at home watching the traffic cams laughing at you and the rest of the morons. Maybe next time you'll know better. I doubt it. :-)

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: January 27, 2011 07:28PM

Not all of us had that luxury of crystal ball foresight, Kilton McFool. It was all about timing and luck. I made it home in 7 hours, and I think I was one of the fortunate ones.
Although, for what its worth, I'm pretty sure I saw Zippy McFool in Vienna on 123. Nothing worse than a Zipcar in an emergency situation. No experience, and little concern for liability or others...

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 27, 2011 07:33PM

whiterussian Wrote:
> Not all of us had that luxury of crystal ball
> foresight, Kilton McFool.

It's not about luxury. It's about having the intelligence to check with the weathermen regularly when you know a storm is coming. Everyone who did this yesterday knew that all hell was going to break loose in the 3-4pm time frame. Everyone who didn't got to spend some quality time in their cars.

Luck has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: zippy ()
Date: January 27, 2011 08:42PM

whiterussian Wrote:
> Not all of us had that luxury of crystal ball
> foresight, Kilton McFool. It was all about timing
> and luck. I made it home in 7 hours, and I think I
> was one of the fortunate ones.
> Although, for what its worth, I'm pretty sure I
> saw Zippy McFool in Vienna on 123. Nothing worse
> than a Zipcar in an emergency situation. No
> experience, and little concern for liability or
> others...

Hey man I told you I left it in a turn lane, I thought that was considerate of me. I guess I could have parked it because it was not completely out of gas the needle just pointed to E. I left it where I could easily walk to wolftrap motel. An operator at nextel got me a reservation at the wolftrap because I bailed early when there was just an inch of snow.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:08PM

Was this you?


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Maclay ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:19PM

zippy Wrote:
> whiterussian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not all of us had that luxury of crystal ball
> > foresight, Kilton McFool. It was all about
> timing
> > and luck. I made it home in 7 hours, and I think
> I
> > was one of the fortunate ones.
> > Although, for what its worth, I'm pretty sure I
> > saw Zippy McFool in Vienna on 123. Nothing
> worse
> > than a Zipcar in an emergency situation. No
> > experience, and little concern for liability or
> > others...
> Hey man I told you I left it in a turn lane, I
> thought that was considerate of me. I guess I
> could have parked it because it was not completely
> out of gas the needle just pointed to E. I left it
> where I could easily walk to wolftrap motel. An
> operator at nextel got me a reservation at the
> wolftrap because I bailed early when there was
> just an inch of snow.

You bailed the car with just an inch snow??? glad you don't own a car, we'd be reading about ya on the evening news. Either that or you are a menance to drivers everywhere.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: DEAL WITH IT ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:25PM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars this
> afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are -- a
> hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes!
> If only the county would impound each and every
> abandoned vehicle and require passing both an IQ
> test and a driving test before releasing it...


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: shit show ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:31PM

not everyone is a warrior. not everyone is a genius. not everyone can cut out at 1pm. you dont have to be such a dick about it. god forbid this area has a real disaster, you judgmental ass. why not use your almighty wisdom to be a better citizen instead of running home to make your mascara run all over FFXU.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: King of the Road ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:32PM

disgruntled Wrote:
> I counted at least 75 cars abandoned on my 7 hour
> 15 mile commute last night,

I beat you, I went 14.75 miles in 6.5 hours

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: What a Nightmare ()
Date: January 27, 2011 09:41PM

THank God Almighty (for luck) HALLELUJAH

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: January 27, 2011 10:08PM

zippy Wrote:
> Sorry man, I ditched my zipcar in vienna because
> it ran out of gas. Fricken zipcar only left a
> quarter tank of gas in it. I left the car in a
> left hand turn lane and got one of the last rooms
> left at the wolftrap motel. Once I got my room I
> got a pizza and a 12 pack and laughed at all the
> stranded idiots. All in all it was a good
> evening.
> Zipcar can pick up there POS car whenever they
> want it, I locked the key inside it like youre
> supposed to do and said F-it.

You stayed at the Woltrap Motel?!? Hahaha...what a dive, enjoy your new bedbug friends!!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: January 27, 2011 11:19PM

Zippy: I don't condemn your Wolf Trap decision, I hope you had a comfortable evening. It's just your blaming Zipcar for your woes and trying to profit from the situation. Grow up and don't be so smug -- it was a bad night for everybody.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Devon ()
Date: January 28, 2011 07:00AM

I agree 100% .. we knew the snow was coming.. before anyone got out in it.. you need 2 things... a full gas tank... and a empty bladder

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: What's the prob ()
Date: January 28, 2011 08:22AM

Left Springfield@3:00
Backlick to Edsal to the beltway to 66W
Backup@Vienna Metro so baled and took Nutley to 123 through Oakton

Would have been home sooner but some fuck was in the left lane going 10MPH on 123

Home by 4:00 drinking a cold one


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: wife at work ()
Date: January 28, 2011 09:22AM

I was at home with the kids. Wife takes bus to work and calls and asks 'can we get in the car and pick her up?' I say 'sure hon just make sure it is before 1 in the afternoon. So she calls at 3 - it was still just starting to sleet.

In most other cities I would have risked the 8 mile drive to get her. In DC - not so much. People here just panic. Additionally, people here seem never to have gone out as young drivers and messed around in the snow in empty parking lots. If their car starts to slip I suspect most drivers here just close their eyes and prey. How pathetic.

I also suspect most drivers here by 'performance' tires. They do great on dry pavement and really let you corner fast. Super. Put them on snow and they are as useless as tits on a mule.

So when all these idiots get stuck anyone that knows how to drive in the snow gets stuck with them.

Lets give a shout out to all the tards driving suv's that got stuck - they are pretty much the champions of Stupid. They buy trucks then, put the quietest, smoothest riding high mileage tires they can find on them - also useless in the snow.

Lastly lets celebrate building 'hot lanes' instead of light rail to service N. VA - brilliant.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: zippy ()
Date: January 28, 2011 03:31PM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> zippy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Sorry man, I ditched my zipcar in vienna
> because
> > it ran out of gas. Fricken zipcar only left a
> > quarter tank of gas in it. I left the car in a
> > left hand turn lane and got one of the last
> rooms
> > left at the wolftrap motel. Once I got my room
> I
> > got a pizza and a 12 pack and laughed at all
> the
> > stranded idiots. All in all it was a good
> > evening.
> > Zipcar can pick up there POS car whenever they
> > want it, I locked the key inside it like youre
> > supposed to do and said F-it.
> You stayed at the Woltrap Motel?!? Hahaha...what
> a dive, enjoy your new bedbug friends!!

Is that what that itching is? I thought it was just dry skin.
I had to take a smoking room caus that was all they had left and it did smell a little funky in there and the TV was kind of fuzzy. Still it was better than being trapped in a mazda3 for 12 hours.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: zippy ()
Date: January 28, 2011 03:35PM

whiterussian Wrote:
> Zippy: I don't condemn your Wolf Trap decision, I
> hope you had a comfortable evening. It's just your
> blaming Zipcar for your woes and trying to profit
> from the situation. Grow up and don't be so smug
> -- it was a bad night for everybody.

point taken.
I am a lousy driver even on dry pavement so I think I did the right thing.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: January 28, 2011 08:16PM

I now understand the type of dumbasses who abandoned their cars in the middle of travel lines. Just driving up my street tonight, there was about a dozen teenagers just stand alongside their cars in the middle of the damn road, chilling like it wasn't a big deal. Then while in the parking lot of the nearby shopping center, idiots weren't paying attention to anything, and we had people standing in the middle of lanes chilling, and walking around right in front of cars as they attempted to drive by. The latter incident involved full grown adults. I didn't realize people could be so stupid and lacking in the common sense department.

Most of my neighbors handle the snow great, and we all help eachother out, and we also know how to deal with it. There's a lot of people around here who don't seem to be capable of that, however, and it's irritating.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: John Holmes ()
Date: January 28, 2011 10:52PM

What is irritating was the fuck knuckles in BMW's and other high end sports cars with low profile summer tires..sweet suffering christ on a carousel, They don't work in the snow..This area sucks..end of list

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: John Holmes ()
Date: January 28, 2011 10:55PM

I forgot to mention. check your tires in november..if they are fuckin bald, buy new tires

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: LordFairfax is a fag ()
Date: January 28, 2011 10:57PM

hey lordfaggot....STFU. You sound like some old grandmother bitch.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: January 28, 2011 11:04PM

LordFairfax is a fag Wrote:
> hey lordfaggot....STFU. You sound like some old
> grandmother bitch.

Hahaha, so your grandmother uses terms like "motherfucker"? Do you tell her to STFU?

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: LordDumbnuts in the house ()
Date: January 28, 2011 11:14PM

hahaha, that's all you have? Yeah someone chopped off your pencil dick and must had shoved it up your ass....

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: January 28, 2011 11:25PM

Well, at least we all have some good stories; which will no doubt be exaggerated by time and embellished with bravado.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Figure it out ()
Date: January 29, 2011 09:50AM

Some of the batteries in the cars couldn't handle basically sitting at an idle for hours on end, with the heat on, radio on, lights on, and probably cell phones and GPSs in chargers. The batteries just couldn't take the stress.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: January 30, 2011 08:29PM

Figure it out Wrote:
> Some of the batteries in the cars couldn't handle
> basically sitting at an idle for hours on end,
> with the heat on, radio on, lights on, and
> probably cell phones and GPSs in chargers. The
> batteries just couldn't take the stress.

When a car is running, that battery does almost nothing. The alternator powers the vehicle.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: youriqisloq ()
Date: January 31, 2011 08:36AM

ThePackLeader Wrote:
> Hey, if you have to leave the car, then PUSH IT TO
> THE SHOULDER!!! Some dumbasses even left their
> cars in the middle of intersections, and that is
> completely inexcusable. My family, friends, and
> neighbors all dug out cars tonight, dug out
> parking spaces, and then pushed them into place.
> If we could do it, then so can you, no excuses! We
> had women getting it done too, so for real, you
> have no excuse.

Are you kidding How can you push your out of gas car to the shoulder when cars who have no moved in two hours can not let you get to the shoulder. Plus its snowing I am sorry your tiny brain thinks your the only one in the world Why don;t you fix the entire gridlock problem if your so smar

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: fill er up ()
Date: January 31, 2011 10:19AM

youriqisloq Wrote:
> Are you kidding How can you push your out of gas
> car to the shoulder when cars who have no moved in
> two hours can not let you get to the shoulder.
> Plus its snowing I am sorry your tiny brain
> thinks your the only one in the world Why don;t
> you fix the entire gridlock problem if your so
> smar

You fill your car up with gas in the day or two before the storm is predicted. That's called planning ahead - try it some time.

You see, there is an ice storm predicted for tonight through Wed. Now is the time to fill up your car, make sure you have batteries at home, etc. You also might think about bringing work home today, making sure your cell phone is charged, etc.

Or you could just go ahead and do nothing, become a burden to those around you, and complain about your car running out of gas, etc. There is a difference between the unforeseen and the unforeseeable.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: POMPOSASS ()
Date: January 31, 2011 11:11AM

You can blame it on what ever you like thr fact is most in this area don't know how to drive in the snow and ice. I saw more people just stomping on the gas and brakes. I will give everybody a little lesson in driving in snow and ice.

1. air down your tires for better grip
2. low profile street tires don't work in the snow and ice
3. take your time gently apply the gas start in second gear if you can
4. to stop again gently apply the brake don't relie on your abs
5. if rear wheel drive put weight in the back of the car like sand, which also can be used if you get stuck on ice
6. plan your route to avoid stopping on big hills.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: autotech ()
Date: January 31, 2011 09:00PM

More Complete Wrote:
> Figure it out Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Some of the batteries in the cars couldn't
> handle
> > basically sitting at an idle for hours on end,
> > with the heat on, radio on, lights on, and
> > probably cell phones and GPSs in chargers. The
> > batteries just couldn't take the stress.
> When a car is running, that battery does almost
> nothing. The alternator powers the vehicle.

you are correct sir.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: January 31, 2011 09:23PM

I couldn't believe my eyes, when after having driven back from skiing in the Shenandoah on Saturday evening, I saw an abandoned car still sitting there in the snow, on Rte. 50 east, right after the Rte. 28 north off-ramp. Some people must not give half a shit about their cars.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 31, 2011 09:40PM

ThePackLeader Wrote:
> I couldn't believe my eyes, when after having
> driven back from skiing in the Shenandoah on
> Saturday evening, I saw an abandoned car still
> sitting there in the snow, on Rte. 50 east, right
> after the Rte. 28 north off-ramp. Some people must
> not give half a shit about their cars.

There is a Saab still stuck in a snow bank on Braddock road. Must be taking the metro since last Thursday

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfaxisaninternetperv ()
Date: January 31, 2011 09:44PM

look up lordfairfax's profile on adult friend finder - he is a complete and total chode.

ps left leesburg at 230, home to centreville at 530. drive an accord. saw many spun out/stuck vehicles on 28. lots of retards drive in this area.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: hadtogettowork ()
Date: February 01, 2011 05:15AM

Lot of dumbasses in this area need to learn how to drive in the snow/ice, we all know that. I drive a '91 accord, and personally had no problem driving, when I actually had space to get around the idiots. I was even nice enough to shove a few of those cars out of the road on my way to work wednesday night. Left at 4:30 didn't get to work till 1am though. Even after being stuck in my car for 9 hours, I still had more than half a tank of gas, and in my car I always keep a drink, a couple snacks, an extra jacket and a shovel, just in case shit does hit the fan. I dont think anyone who left their car in travel lanes deserves to have a license or even a car, but I do have to say if you were smart enough to know you couldn't handle it and ditched your car on the SIDE OF THE ROAD, thanks! I appreciate that you got your ass out of the way for those of us who aren't complete idiots and can handle driving in the little bit of snow that we got.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: toe jam driver ()
Date: September 10, 2011 04:34PM

hadtogettowork Wrote:
> Lot of dumbasses in this area need to learn how to
> drive in the snow/ice, we all know that. I drive a
> '91 accord, and personally had no problem driving,
> when I actually had space to get around the
> idiots. I was even nice enough to shove a few of
> those cars out of the road on my way to work
> wednesday night. Left at 4:30 didn't get to work
> till 1am though. Even after being stuck in my car
> for 9 hours, I still had more than half a tank of
> gas, and in my car I always keep a drink, a couple
> snacks, an extra jacket and a shovel, just in case
> shit does hit the fan. I dont think anyone who
> left their car in travel lanes deserves to have a
> license or even a car, but I do have to say if you
> were smart enough to know you couldn't handle it
> and ditched your car on the SIDE OF THE ROAD,
> thanks! I appreciate that you got your ass out of
> the way for those of us who aren't complete idiots
> and can handle driving in the little bit of snow
> that we got.

I just signed the title to my old camry over to Henerys towing today. They had my POS car for like 7 months since that late Jan. snowstorm. I argued that it was legaly parked and they had no right to tow it. They got tired of trying to bill me for like 5k in storage fees. The car was only worth like 800 bucks.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: the bumpster ()
Date: January 22, 2012 08:06AM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars this
> afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are -- a
> hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes!
> If only the county would impound each and every
> abandoned vehicle and require passing both an IQ
> test and a driving test before releasing it...

Remember just one year ago we were dealing with this?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: clutch palte shot ()
Date: January 26, 2012 02:33PM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars this
> afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are -- a
> hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes!
> If only the county would impound each and every
> abandoned vehicle and require passing both an IQ
> test and a driving test before releasing it...

One year ago today.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: jigga ()
Date: January 26, 2012 02:40PM


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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 26, 2012 03:54PM

Dane Bramage was one of the idiots who got caught in the traffic jam. And he's still an idiot a year later. Some things just never change. :-)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Persistence ()
Date: January 26, 2012 04:10PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Dane Bramage was one of the idiots who got caught
> in the traffic jam. And he's still an idiot a year
> later. Some things just never change. :-)

Wow, someone has maintained a hard on for Dane Bramage and this topic for a year now!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: HOA ()
Date: January 26, 2012 04:31PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Dane Bramage was one of the idiots who got caught
> in the traffic jam. And he's still an idiot a year
> later. Some things just never change. :-)

That dude IS pretty stupid.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: January 26, 2012 04:37PM

the bumpster Wrote:
> lordfairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars
> this
> > afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are --
> a
> > hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes!
> >
> > If only the county would impound each and every
> > abandoned vehicle and require passing both an
> IQ
> > test and a driving test before releasing it...
> >
> Remember just one year ago we were dealing with
> this?

And today, I walked out of the gym in shorts. What does it mean???

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: it's a vuvuzela ()
Date: January 27, 2012 06:27PM

Warhawk Wrote:
And today, I walked out of the gym in shorts. What
does it mean???

goddamn global warming

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 27, 2012 10:12PM

Persistence Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dane Bramage was one of the idiots who got
> caught
> > in the traffic jam. And he's still an idiot a
> year
> > later. Some things just never change. :-)
> Wow, someone has maintained a hard on for Dane
> Bramage and this topic for a year now!

I have fans in low places.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: O-Qua Tangin Wann ()
Date: January 27, 2012 10:20PM

"My experiences started when I was 7-years-old and ultimately I'm sure that my experiences happened at that time so that one day I would meet stupid motherfuckers like you."

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: playing cards ()
Date: December 01, 2012 06:27AM

John Holmes Wrote:
> I forgot to mention. check your tires in
> november..if they are fuckin bald, buy new tires

good idea!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: wenbsyiwll ()
Date: December 01, 2012 05:33PM

good idea

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: komuter ()
Date: November 09, 2013 09:26PM

jigga Wrote:

no never.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: God Lord, be happy ()
Date: November 09, 2013 10:24PM

If a Typhoon hit Fairfax with a six hour window where would you flee?

-Los Vegas

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: Sharknado ()
Date: November 09, 2013 10:27PM

God Lord, be happy Wrote:
> If a Typhoon hit Fairfax with a six hour window
> where would you flee?
> -Los Vegas

I would violently ass rape as many illegal hispanics as Possible...

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: bumper418 ()
Date: December 08, 2013 08:01AM

gonna happen again today!

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: December 11, 2013 11:45PM

Stop resurrecting old threads you asswipes.

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Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: ApartheidWorks ()
Date: December 12, 2013 08:34AM

Who are you idiots trying to kid? None of you can drive in good, normal weather. So don't act as if a tiny bit of snow screwed everything up in la la land.

Seriously, you retards make the Italians in Rome look like expert drivers.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: To Assholes Who Abandoned Their Cars
Posted by: asswipes ()
Date: December 14, 2013 10:29AM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> Stop resurrecting old threads you asswipes.


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