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Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Bad Dogs ()
Date: January 21, 2011 09:32AM

Wondered if anyone could recommend a good local carpet cleaning company for pet stains. Just come to find out my rotten dogs have been marking all along the baseboards in a carpeted hallway. I am never sure that companys like Stanley Steamer do that good of a job. Would greatly appreciate any referrals you may have. I'm thinking this is going to require all over carpet cleaning and hand scrubbing along baseboards. I've done what I can by cleaning the baseboards and spraying a pet oder removing product on the carpet along the baseboards.

Many thanks.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: January 21, 2011 09:39AM

Keep in mind that it's entirely possible that the urine has soaked into the baseboard, wooden subfloor and carpeting tackstrip and that no amount of cleaning will completely eliminate the problem. I've used Stanley Steemer for our old carpet (since replaced) and have found their final product to be excellent and the cost was acceptable.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: used stanley ()
Date: January 21, 2011 09:42AM

I've used SS a number of times and they are very good. One hint would be that you use a dehumidifier after they complete the job. It does leave the carpets damp, and they take a long time to dry, especially if it's in a basement.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Andy Griffin ()
Date: January 21, 2011 10:03AM

I don't know if they live up to it, but that company that does the commercials with the guy who crys over a rug getting thrown out; or the issue over lama or camel stains impressed me.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Absolute ()
Date: January 21, 2011 12:45PM

Try Absolute Carpet Care. They do a fantastic job and don't use chemicals. They are certified by a special carpet cleaning group and they're customer service is great.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Consumer Advocate ()
Date: January 21, 2011 01:43PM

Ditto for Absolute Carpet Care. I wouldn't let a "steamer" near my carpet, or a pet for that matter, but you get what you pay for in this case.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Bad Dogs ()
Date: January 24, 2011 10:55PM

You were right Warhawk, padding & tack strips need to be replaced and subfloor needs to be sealed. At this point considering removing carpet & pad and taking the other necessary steps listed above and replacing with a prefinished hardwood floor. Probably will replace the baseboard while I'm at it and put up a baby gate at hall entrance so dogs can't go back there unattended. Also they recommend spraying a product called Nature's Miracle No More Marking prior to installing new flooring.

Absolute Carpet Care is first class, they offer a free in-home estimate, more expensive than Stanley Steemer but think I will use them should I have carpet cleaned in future.

Thanks to all for recommendations.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: Easy ()
Date: January 24, 2011 10:58PM

Hadeed Carpet Cleaning.. They're the best around. Let them clean my whole house (wall to wall) and my oriental rugs. Great service, great prices, overall high quality.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning Referral for Pet Stains
Posted by: JackdUpFord ()
Date: January 24, 2011 11:32PM

Give these guys a call, they redid all of my carpets. The best part is they answer there phone 24 hours a day and do emergencies. 1-985-655-2500

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