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Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: MLC 1138 ()
Date: September 14, 2007 01:23PM

Anyone have information on this?

I heard it was going to be bought by a developer *GASP*.

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: .-.-.-.-.-. ()
Date: September 14, 2007 03:37PM

good freakin riddins.............

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: bridget ()
Date: September 14, 2007 04:49PM


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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: *** ()
Date: September 14, 2007 05:43PM

This rumor has been floating around for over a year. As a season ticket holder there, I was curious. So,I asked the son of the Live Nation VP who runs all of the outdoor facilities and he said that it was not true. But, if offered enough money I am sure they would sell. Especially after this lousy concert season.

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 14, 2007 05:54PM

why would you sell after a lousy concert season? wouldnt you want to sell at the hieght of popularity to drive up the pricetag?

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: m4ilm4n ()
Date: September 14, 2007 06:15PM

My son's high school has graduation scheduled there next June, and we were told in no uncertain terms last night at senior orientation that although it has been sold it is not closing.

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: bk ()
Date: September 14, 2007 06:31PM

The road to hell (H-66) is paved with assertions that have been given in no uncertain terms.

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: Brown Sound ()
Date: September 14, 2007 09:34PM

How cool would it be to give the Valedectory speech at Nissan Pavilion. "Fairfax High, I see you out there (there, there, there)!!! I hear you came here to rock (rock, rock, rock)!!! And gradutate (ate, ate, ate)!!!"

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: *** ()
Date: September 14, 2007 10:43PM

ferfux Wrote:
> why would you sell after a lousy concert season?
> wouldnt you want to sell at the hieght of
> popularity to drive up the pricetag?

The rumor was they were selling to a developer who was going to put more townhouses- just what Prince William needs- there. The popularity of the venue would have no relation to a price someone would pay to develop it for housing.

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: September 14, 2007 10:51PM

i heard this on fox 5

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Re: Nissan Pavilion Closing?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: September 15, 2007 08:10PM

To understand Nissan, you must look at the history of the place.

The credit for Nissan goes to a man named Dave Williams. Dave ran Cellar Door Productions and several of its later incarnations. He was a concert promoter who worked mainly in the area but promoted shows in Hampton, Baltimore, sometimes Richmond and Florida and Michigan with his cohorts.

With the community around RFK Stadium growing weary of the annual Grateful Dead shows, Dave decided he needed a venue that could hold the dead heads for two or three shows a summer, was in the middle of nowhere, and accessible to a highway.

What came next is interesting. A company started secretly buying up large parcels of land in that area. When it was revealled who the company was, Walt Disney and a project called Disney America, the people out their were enraged and vowed to stop a Disney theme park in their backyards. Plans were submitted to the POW Council and the council, overwhelmed by the Disney debate, caved in gave Dave his permits. While this is not "EXACTLY" what happened, I have given you the highlights.

So Disney lost their battle and ground was broke on Cellar Door Pavilion (Renamed Nissan before opening).

The next May, the first concert was held featuring KC and the Sunshine Band amongst others. Rave reviews for the pavillion were in the newspapers. The Dead were contracted to do several shows (three if I remember).

Jerry died. The Grateful Dead never played Nissan. A house built for them, so to speak.

Yes it is true that the last few seasons have been dismal for the shed industry. Clapton, who does a summer tour every couple of years, refuses to play in any shed. Springsteen finally played his first shed dates last year.

But look closely at the touring band industry. With computers, Itunes, boy bands, etc taking the spotlight, the industry is shifting to say the least. Promoters who complain about lousy ticket sales have to realize that number of acts who can fill these sheds or arenas is shrinking. And no new acts are being developed to take their place.

Buffett is nearing retirement and has been cutting down the shows he does every year. This may be last tour for Springsteen for some time. Clapton is very old. Tina Turner is retired, Paul McCartney is 65, Rod Stewart is 62...Do we see a pattern with the stars of the 60s, 70s, and even the 80s? Do you think American Idol can produce stars of this nature who can fill a 20,000 plus seater? Do we see many new stars coming out? Promoters should be worried about their business 5-10 years from now when it could very well be non existant.

That being said, Nissan will be around for at least a little while longer. It is important for the parent company to have a venue in the Washington, DC area. Remember, Merriweather's obituary has been on hold for 15 years now! But don't debate over Merriweather, that is a whole different story.

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