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License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: FWDisaster ()
Date: September 13, 2007 08:06PM

It turns out the cameras that have been put up to monitor traffic on Rt 1 in Fairfax County read and record license plates. It also notifies the police when when a car that is reported stolen goes by. That is why you always get busted in stolen cars on Rt 1. It is some test program that is like what they use in London for terrorists. Fairfax uses it to catch people in stolen cars and identify drag racers.

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 13, 2007 08:41PM


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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Schrute ()
Date: September 14, 2007 01:36AM

HAHAHAHA, now this is my kind of propaganda. If people would keep spreading rumors like this there would be no crime in Fairfax. I do not believe you, where did hear this from?

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: September 14, 2007 07:11AM

FWDisaster Wrote:
That is why you always get busted in
> stolen cars on Rt 1.

I've never been in a stolen car, FWDisaster. What's it like?

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 14, 2007 07:24AM

Terrific use of extant technology. The British have been using the software for a number of years; also, with facial recognition programs.

Kudos again to our excellent county police force! Perhaps there is a little PSYOP involved and that's good if it cuts criminal acts in this notorious corridor. And it's good OPSEC to not tell everything to the potential enemy.

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Where M I? CCCP? ()
Date: September 15, 2007 08:08AM

It appears this all may be true. These systems are being financed by the insurance industry which has a vested interest in grand theft auto. Some of these articals are interesting as they also show that all license plates are tracked in a database as simple as an Excel spread sheet. The cops can search and see where you have been and when. If the cops set up camera along Richmond Hy to record the plates and be alearted when a car that is already in the system for being stolen, that would shut down some of the car thieves. The ACLU has an opinion in the matter too. It is all that security vs freedom thing that 9/11 caused. Check out some of these links and weigh in. If this is true FW Disaster has somethings to worry about if he is a car thief.


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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 15, 2007 12:02PM

Yes, it is true and I mention this validity only because it is public knowledge, although most of the public does not know. I support, also, these tools to aid public safety and security. While I dislike the insurance involvement and the "speed of light" reporting among state agencies and insurance companies, just, perhaps, we'll drive more carefully to keep the insurance rates and fines lower.

Unfortunately, in these times, post 9-11, we do have to be more vigilant, in spite of the ACLU. Have you ever wondered about the official State Department license plates with its "bar codes" or the cameras at Dulles Airport. Pretty sophisticated means to catch people avoiding the toll or parking fees...and this technology is old.

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Car thief ()
Date: September 17, 2007 01:22PM

Very interesting.........

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: ShagnWRX ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:37PM

There's actually a mobile version of that technology currently in use where I am living now... Jefferson County Alabama.

Here's a news clipping explaining:
Quote Birmingham News
"Deputies to Deploy Plate ID System"
Birmingham News (AL) (03/24/06) P. 1C; Robinson, Carol

"The Jefferson County (Ala.) sheriff's department is set to equip several patrol cars with cameras able to read license plates and look them up in databases of cars connected to criminal activity. The system can alert deputies of stolen cars as well as cars linked in some way to a wanted felon, drug dealer, or convicted pedophile from Alabama, Tennessee, or Georgia.

The devices could be used to scan cars on interstates or major thoroughfares as well as specific events that could draw large numbers of people. The system will also be able to store license plate information it has read, which would enable investigators to find out whether vehicles have been in certain places at certain times.

Other police agencies signed on to use the Automatic License Plate Recognition System, distributed by B&W Automation, include those in Los Angeles, Houston, and Reno. The sheriff's department in Jefferson County will be the first in the Southeast to use one."

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Schrute ()
Date: September 18, 2007 01:22AM

Fairfax Citizen Wrote:
> Yes, it is true and I mention this validity only
> because it is public knowledge, although most of
> the public does not know. I support, also, these
> tools to aid public safety and security. While I
> dislike the insurance involvement and the "speed
> of light" reporting among state agencies and
> insurance companies, just, perhaps, we'll drive
> more carefully to keep the insurance rates and
> fines lower.
> Unfortunately, in these times, post 9-11, we do
> have to be more vigilant, in spite of the ACLU.
> Have you ever wondered about the official State
> Department license plates with its "bar codes" or
> the cameras at Dulles Airport. Pretty
> sophisticated means to catch people avoiding the
> toll or parking fees...and this technology is old.

Wow... I heard that Fairfax also has Cruise missiles on top of the Massey Building to shoot down any planes that get too close. Don't ask me for proof because I will tell you that it is just true and you will all believe me. HAHAHAHA, you guys are great!!!

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: duh ()
Date: September 18, 2007 08:02PM

Hey, I saw a van parked on the shoulder of a ramp onto the FFX Parkway....with strange looking devices set up around it.

Is this the portable emissions sniffing equipment that I've read about?

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: Drive Safe ()
Date: October 02, 2007 05:45PM


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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: no-cop ()
Date: October 02, 2007 06:44PM

They are also getting ready to start putting "Radar Guns" in trash cans like they do in th UK.

You speed, it transmits the info up the road to the waiting Police Officer.

Just Wait, Police State!

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: yo ()
Date: October 06, 2007 06:52PM

Drive Safe Wrote:

Any insight here? Where?

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Re: License Plate reading cameras on Rt 1
Posted by: joe ()
Date: October 06, 2007 07:46PM

FWDisaster Wrote:
> That is why you always get busted in
> stolen cars on Rt 1

Man, I sure do hate getting busted in stolen cars on Rt 1, thanks for the heads up! (j/k)

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