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Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: VA Phins Fan ()
Date: December 09, 2010 11:38PM

on this mornings show lurch said that he was going through some personal stuff/changes, and that he wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP. my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on whats happening?

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Stinkfist ()
Date: December 10, 2010 12:08AM

VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> on this mornings show lurch said that he was going
> through some personal stuff/changes, and that he
> wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> whats happening?

He's adjusting to only 10 free drinks per night at Bonefish.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Wouldn't Be Surprised ()
Date: December 10, 2010 04:50AM

VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> on this mornings show lurch said that he was going
> through some personal stuff/changes, and that he
> wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> whats happening?

I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't having some issues on the home front. He always used to brag about how he'd keep the checkbook and hand his wife an "allowance". He'd also dish on her for not getting a "real" job at times.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: HD9 ()
Date: December 10, 2010 05:16AM

As a die-hard fan of the show, I can assure you that one of the ever-living topics of conversation on the show has always been discussing how long it'd been since good ol' Lurchie boy got some buns. It wasn't uncommon for him to talk about 10+ month stretches without physical contact or embrace with his wife...big shocker I guess?

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: December 10, 2010 05:52AM

His wife either found out about, or had enough of, his creeping around with other women.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: junks-insider ()
Date: December 10, 2010 06:54AM

VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> on this mornings show lurch said that he was going
> through some personal stuff/changes, and that he
> wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> whats happening?

Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that Lurch was seriously considering joining Mike O' Meara's podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating away at Lurch for quite some time now.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: AsburnAddict ()
Date: December 10, 2010 07:02AM

I feel bad for him whatever he is going through...but at the same time you can't say he didn't have it coming the way he talks about his family and would rather be drinking at bonefish or sitting with some chinese dude at Charles Town than with his kids. I know he is on radio and that he is supposed to be funny/outlandish...but sometimes he crosses the line when it comes to making fun of some bad situation...sorry Lurch papa what comes around goes around...just like you loved Osama ElAtari...your time has come to pay for your sins.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 07:04AM

junks-insider Wrote:
> VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> ----------------------------------
> Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that Lurch
> was seriously considering joining Mike O' Meara's
> podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating away
> at Lurch for quite some time now.

So what you are saying is Mike, who complains about his janitor wages while worrying about losing his house, is offering Lurch something that competes with $265k a year?


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: December 10, 2010 07:26AM

junks-insider Wrote:

> Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that Lurch
> was seriously considering joining Mike O' Meara's
> podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating away
> at Lurch for quite some time now.

I actually LOL'd at this.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: junks fan ()
Date: December 10, 2010 07:42AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> junks-insider Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> > ----------------------------------
> >
> > Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that
> Lurch
> > was seriously considering joining Mike O'
> Meara's
> > podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> > pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating
> away
> > at Lurch for quite some time now.
> So what you are saying is Mike, who complains
> about his janitor wages while worrying about
> losing his house, is offering Lurch something that
> competes with $265k a year?

No, just a new opportunity to do something a little different and work with people he respects. Not everyone is just in it for the money. It sounds like something fun and challenging.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: December 10, 2010 08:36AM

The Junkies should be breaking up soon. I cant stand listening to them anymore. Too much EB whining, Cakes trying to sound smarter than the rest, and Lurch thinking he's so cool with his poker playing and Bonefish gigs. It's become pretty hurting and felted.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2010 08:53AM by Ralph Pootawn.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 08:54AM

junks fan Wrote:

> No, just a new opportunity to do something a
> little different and work with people he respects.
> Not everyone is just in it for the money. It
> sounds like something fun and challenging.

For a guy who likes to spend every evening drinking in a bar, eating at The Palm and throwing down $10K at Charlestown, that seems highly unlikely.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: December 10, 2010 09:14AM

junks-insider Wrote:
> VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > on this mornings show lurch said that he was
> going
> > through some personal stuff/changes, and that
> he
> > wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> > my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> > whats happening?
> Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that Lurch
> was seriously considering joining Mike O' Meara's
> podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating away
> at Lurch for quite some time now.

LOL. That's GOLD, Jerry!

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 09:20AM

Yabels Wrote:

> >
> > Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that
> Lurch
> > was seriously considering joining Mike O'
> Meara's
> > podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> > pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating
> away
> > at Lurch for quite some time now.
> LOL. That's GOLD, Jerry!

If this is from Rob(b), I'm starting to think the guy is mentally retarded.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: reality check4u ()
Date: December 10, 2010 09:23AM

As if Robb would waste his time on this forum. To be perfectly honest, Robb wouldn't give the losers who troll here the time of day.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 09:26AM

reality check4u Wrote:
> As if Robb would waste his time on this forum. To
> be perfectly honest, Robb wouldn't give the losers
> who troll here the time of day.

Yes. Between eating his kids' cereal for breakfast, not taking a shower for days, not getting a hair cut, not looking for a job, not prepping for the failcast and not spending his time as a responsible breadwinner for his family, I can see how he wouldn't have free time to visit a forum that has been read religiously by The Junkies, Mike and Don over the years.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: The ref ()
Date: December 10, 2010 09:27AM

Why not? Rob's just a fat piece of shit that sits in a drunk's living room recording a podcast nobody listens to

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: tom gavin ()
Date: December 10, 2010 09:46AM

reality check4u Wrote:
> As if Robb would waste his time on this forum. To
> be perfectly honest, Robb wouldn't give the losers
> who troll here the time of day.

Nigga please

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: VA Phins Fan ()
Date: December 10, 2010 11:03AM

junks-insider Wrote:
> VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > on this mornings show lurch said that he was
> going
> > through some personal stuff/changes, and that
> he
> > wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> > my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> > whats happening?
> Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that Lurch
> was seriously considering joining Mike O' Meara's
> podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating away
> at Lurch for quite some time now.

i find it highly unlikely that lurch would leave his opportunities with wjfk, and the show possibly moving to sirius, to go and join mikes low-rent podcast

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 11:07AM

VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> on this mornings show lurch said that he was going
> through some personal stuff/changes, and that he
> wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> whats happening?

Would it surprise anyone? It sounds like the guy spends every night hanging out at Bonefish. I would have to guess that he's been estranged from his wife for quite some time and disinterested in being a good husband or father for even longer. He probably rolls in drunk every night and crashes in the guest room or basement. He and his wife probably haven't had a civil conversation in years.

That would all be speculation, I might add.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: December 10, 2010 11:23AM

VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> junks-insider Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> i find it highly unlikely that lurch would leave
> his opportunities with wjfk, and the show possibly
> moving to sirius, to go and join mikes low-rent
> podcast

Sources for Lurchie's angst have been well documented here - but it's hard to see the Junkies on XM - how many subscriptions are they going to bring with them? That's the question the XM suits are asking if they are even considering an offer to the Junkies.

As contract negotiations with CBS proceed, all the Junks are probably feeling stress as the money of the table for each of them isn't going to approach $250K.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 11:27AM

dapjdj Wrote:

> Sources for Lurchie's angst have been well
> documented here - but it's hard to see the Junkies
> on XM - how many subscriptions are they going to
> bring with them? That's the question the XM suits
> are asking if they are even considering an offer
> to the Junkies.

I would assume whatever modicum of interest Sirius expressed in The Junkies or Elliot disappeared instantly the second Stern re-upped.

Even The Junkies must know that you don't try to bluff with a pair of twos in your hand.

> As contract negotiations with CBS proceed, all the
> Junks are probably feeling stress as the money of
> the table for each of them isn't going to approach
> $250K.

Nope. I would say the top price for a "Morning Team" in the DC market right now is probably $500K (with most being in the $200K to $300K range). Even $500K for 15th place would be a premium. I think that's why Red Zebra locked up Czaban so quickly, because if JFK could jettison these guys and bring in someone for $250K, they would.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: dapjdj ()
Date: December 10, 2010 11:28AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> He and his wife
> probably haven't had a civil conversation in
> years.

Another thought. If I were a Junkie wife, and thinking of moving on in life, I'd rather do it when my husband was making $250K a year rather than $100K. In other words, hit the road before a new, possibly significantly lower CBS contract is in place.

Just sayin'...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 11:33AM

dapjdj Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He and his wife
> > probably haven't had a civil conversation in
> > years.
> >
> Another thought. If I were a Junkie wife, and
> thinking of moving on in life, I'd rather do it
> when my husband was making $250K a year rather
> than $100K. In other words, hit the road before a
> new, possibly significantly lower CBS contract is
> in place.
> Just sayin'...



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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: bdk ()
Date: December 10, 2010 12:58PM

who in the hell decided to pay them each $250k a year??? $250k a year for that shit? that is hurting!!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 01:05PM

bdk Wrote:
> who in the hell decided to pay them each $250k a
> year??? $250k a year for that shit? that is
> hurting!!!

I think when Stern decided to leave, CBS came up with a figure of $1.2 million per major market for local talent. I'm pretty sure Carolla was getting that by himself in LA. They just split it four ways with The Junkies.

But, yeah, they way overpaid those guys. Especially for a group that was unproven in drive time. They helped kill what was left of WHFS with their horrible morning drive program. Then they were Midday filler at WJFK and then Hughes got this brilliant idea of signing THEM to the morning drive spot (Not D&M. Not Ron & Fez...the awful Junkies).


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: December 10, 2010 01:08PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> junks fan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > No, just a new opportunity to do something a
> > little different and work with people he
> respects.
> > Not everyone is just in it for the money. It
> > sounds like something fun and challenging.
> For a guy who likes to spend every evening
> drinking in a bar, eating at The Palm and throwing
> down $10K at Charlestown, that seems highly
> unlikely.

But enough about O'Meara...

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: December 10, 2010 01:12PM

dapjdj Wrote:
> Sources for Lurchie's angst have been well
> documented here - but it's hard to see the Junkies
> on XM - how many subscriptions are they going to
> bring with them? That's the question the XM suits
> are asking if they are even considering an offer
> to the Junkies.

As a Sirius subscriber, I can't see how the Junkies would even fit. Sirius has a ton of sports talk show talent spread over about 4 channels. Mike "Mad Dog" Russo - sports talk show king of New York City, is barely a blip on Sirius. 4 butt-trifling donks from Bowie aren't going to bring jack shit to the table. There's no upside for Sirius.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2010 01:31PM by Warhawk.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Stinkfist ()
Date: December 10, 2010 01:35PM

Gambling debt and a shitty family life. All his doing.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 01:40PM

Stinkfist Wrote:
> Gambling debt and a shitty family life. All his
> doing.

I've known guys like that. He spends all of his time bemoaning how he's saddled with a wife and kids. Then, when he's lost his gig, squandered all of his money and can't get anyone at Bonefish to buy him drinks anymore, he'll bemoan how his kids won't talk to him.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Stinkfist ()
Date: December 10, 2010 01:44PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
I've known guys like that. He spends all of his
> time bemoaning how he's saddled with a wife and
> kids. Then, when he's lost his gig, squandered all
> of his money and can't get anyone at Bonefish to
> buy him drinks anymore, he'll bemoan how his kids
> won't talk to him.

He's beyond dumb with his money and his family is always backseat to his frat boy lifestyle. You're right, it's going to click one day and he'll be a broken man.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 10, 2010 02:19PM

How is he going to be a to afford that Audi with giant alimony payments? Also I'm almost 100% positive Carolla was making $1.8m a year is L.A.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Stinkfist ()
Date: December 10, 2010 02:41PM

804 Wrote:
> How is he going to be a to afford that Audi with
> giant alimony payments? Also I'm almost 100%
> positive Carolla was making $1.8m a year is L.A.

He'll be broke, for sure. I do think the Audi is hooked. At least partially, right?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Date: December 10, 2010 02:43PM

Stinkfist Wrote:
> 804 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How is he going to be a to afford that Audi
> with
> > giant alimony payments? Also I'm almost 100%
> > positive Carolla was making $1.8m a year is
> L.A.
> He'll be broke, for sure. I do think the Audi is
> hooked. At least partially, right?

Yeah. They threw in the floormats.

I love this whole "hooked" thing these idiots like to throw around. "Hooked" = bullshit.


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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 10, 2010 02:51PM

I know they get free phones and service from AT&T, but they are considered employees. For the cars I'm pretty sure the dealers just lease them a car and knock off a some money from the lease price, I don't think they get free cars...

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Divorce can run in circles ()
Date: December 10, 2010 05:49PM

When one person in a tight group goes through a divorce it can get others thinking how they could do the same. I feel bad for any wife married to these donkeys! Money may mean a lot but life is short.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: B.D.K. ()
Date: December 10, 2010 05:50PM

804 Wrote:
> I know they get free phones and service from AT&T,
> but they are considered employees. For the cars
> I'm pretty sure the dealers just lease them a car
> and knock off a some money from the lease price, I
> don't think they get free cars...

Those four fuck knuckles are lucky to have jobs!! the show sucks ,and how they make $250k a year is beyond me

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Jeremy ()
Date: December 11, 2010 09:10AM

So which one of the old Junkettes was Lurchie bonefishing?

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Cakes ()
Date: December 11, 2010 11:07AM

Jeremy Wrote:
> So which one of the old Junkettes was Lurchie
> bonefishing?

Hopefully it's the same skank JP is boning - that would be money!!

But really, given the amount of time Lurchie spends at his second home, I'm sure there are a long list of west Fairfax Cougar real estate agents and bored MILFie housewives the King of Ashburn can choose from.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Ewwwwww ()
Date: December 11, 2010 11:20AM

Cakes Wrote:
> Hopefully it's the same skank JP is boning - that
> would be money!!

Sloppy seconds, anyone?

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: STD'S anyone ()
Date: December 11, 2010 11:31AM

All the junkies are gross! The poor women who fall for them are LOSERS! Double yuck. Loundon county MILF are nasty.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: bad mojo ()
Date: September 05, 2013 01:53PM

Junkies need some bad karma to happen to them

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: who cares? ()
Date: September 05, 2013 02:11PM

This whole Junkies thing is some mutant offshoot of school spirit, locker room sex and sniffing the turf.

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: Junkette ()
Date: September 05, 2013 03:52PM

Ya'all just jelly

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Re: Lurch from the Junkies
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: September 05, 2013 03:56PM

junks-insider Wrote:
> VA Phins Fan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > on this mornings show lurch said that he was
> going
> > through some personal stuff/changes, and that
> he
> > wasn't going to divulge any information, ie;JP.
> > my guess is divorce, anybody have any info on
> > whats happening?
> Last I heard (about ten days ago) was that Lurch
> was seriously considering joining Mike O' Meara's
> podcast. Mike and Buzz approached him with a
> pretty good opportunity, and it's been eating away
> at Lurch for quite some time now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2013 04:06PM by matt 703.

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