In Fairfax County you should follow the instructions provided in PDF form here:
My CHP application experience: I downloaded the application from the VSP website, printed THREE COPIES of the application and filled them out, made THREE photocopies of my telephone bill showing current address*, typed a list of all addresses I've lived at for the last five years (THREE COPIES), made THREE COPIES of my military discharge paperwork (DD-214), and made out a check for $50 to the county clerk. I took a half day off work and submitted my paperwork to the clerk along with a self addressed stamped envelope. Exactly 30 days later I had the permit in my mailbox. Did you notice everything requires THREE COPIES?
* Fairfax County requires proof of residency which is an "extralegal" requirement. The residency proof is not codified by state law and the county has no legal standing to require it of you to complete the permit process. You have two choices:
1: Play along with the extralegal requirement and provide the clerk with the residency proof documents.
2: Tell the clerk (Or investigator Eric Tate who is the individual who will call and tell you your application is missing the required residency info) the residency proof requirement is unlawful as VA has preempted firearms requirements at the state level. The county has no legal bearing setting extralegal requirements for the CHP process. Your permit will likely be denied for lack of proper documentation, but you may take your hearing to "ore tenus" where you can show a judge that the county is in error and you will then be granted your permit. Since this is a pain in the you-know-where most people provide proof of residency to simplify their application process.
You should tell Officer Tate that the requirement for residency proof is illegal as VA Code § 15.2-915 stipulates that no local government may introduce stronger requirements for firearms (including carry which is the issue here) than state code allows for. Here is the link to the relevant code:
The VA code stipulating CHP application requirements is § 18.2-308 and it is located here:
As for handgun model or serial numbers, you do not need to worry about any of this in VA. The only thing people should really be concerned about is the code which states magazines with capacities in excess of 20 rounds and threaded barrels are not allowed. Your CHP (when you receive it) makes you exempt from these particular restrictions. In fact, I carry a HK USP with a threaded barrel, as my CHP allows me to do so. That code is located here:
For more information about carrying firearms in VA, you can visit which is my site. I've tried to answer all of the questions that could pertain to firearms and the laws of VA there.
Also, no permit is required to open carry in Virginia. I open carry all the time in Ffx Co, and the police know the laws. Videos of Ffx Co police responding to open carry at Burke Lake Park here:
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2007 11:48AM by nakedshoplifter.