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Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: Deep Hunger ()
Date: August 10, 2005 06:03PM

Calling Fantasy Football players.

$5 to play gets put in the pot, winner takes all. 10 teams. DC/fairfax area people only. Private Message me if you want in.

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Re: Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 11, 2005 12:11AM

I was actually going to suggest one that I'd start on Yahoo, no money involved though. I won mine last year and would hate to take everyone's hard-earned money.

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Re: Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 11, 2005 09:06AM

I would be up for a free fantay league, or pro pick'em.

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Re: Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 11, 2005 09:33AM

Okay, I created a free lague on Yahoo. I currently have us set up for an offline draft just because I don't know how many want to participate, and coordinating a live draft can be a pain. I'd say we should have at least six participants to make it worth it for everyone to keep up with yet another league.

Who is in? I need to send invites to whoever wants to play... if we have at least six I'll solicit email addresses via PM so I can send out invites. League name is fairfax_underground. I have it set to a max of 20 teams.

edit 1: Also post opinions on the draft... I could probably be talked into a live draft because it is more fun, but that means everyone has to agree on a 2-3 hour time slot, possible more if there are more than six teams.

edit 2: yahoo requires an even number of teams, so if we have an odd number it'll be last in first out

edit 3: screw the offline draft, let's do a live one. I'll propose labor day at noon.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2005 09:41AM by pgens.

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Re: Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 11, 2005 10:13AM

I'll be in Vancouver on Memorial day, but I am willing to designate someone who will be here to draft for me, as I am gonna loose anyway!

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Re: Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: August 11, 2005 10:17AM

How about you guys send me your money anyways?!?!

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Re: Fairfax Underground Fantasy Football League
Posted by: CERTenly1006 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:13AM

CERT wish to play in funny fantasy sex league pelases?

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