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Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Bob James ()
Date: August 22, 2007 05:13PM

Does anyone know the number of criminal illegal aliens that are arrested each year in Fairfax County? Are any of these criminals deported? An inordinate number of Hispanic surnames appear in the lists of county arrests--surely the majority are not illegal aliens. If Fox News is any sort of bellwether, there is a large group of criminal illegal aliens in the United States.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Colin ()
Date: August 22, 2007 05:16PM

"...surely the majority are not illegal aliens."

Don't be so sure about that one.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: § ()
Date: August 22, 2007 05:22PM

I'd say about 100% of illegal aliens are criminals if you go by the standard definition of illegal. Then again, is it considered a crime if you don't get caught? Hmm. -§

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: August 22, 2007 06:03PM

go to massanas.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Colin ()
Date: August 22, 2007 07:23PM

go to Springfield.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 22, 2007 07:55PM

go to any 7-11

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: August 22, 2007 08:14PM

I don't get this whole notion of deporting an illegal alien who has committed rape or molested a child. Is it a punishment to set the guy free on the other side of the border, where he simply crosses back in and does the same thing again? Wouldn't it be better to put him away in jail? The Mexican government won't do anything to him.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Bob James ()
Date: August 22, 2007 08:29PM

Excellent point. It is hoped that the country the criminal illegal alien is returned to would place the criminal in jail. I hate to see U.S. citizens paying to sustain criminal illegal aliens, especially with the increasing numbers. I suppose one could argue the humanistic side; i.e., the incarcerated criminal would learn English, develop a vocation, write a book, get a degree, etc. and after sentence is served, be returned to his/her country to be a productive citizen.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 22, 2007 08:48PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> I don't get this whole notion of deporting an
> illegal alien who has committed rape or molested a
> child. Is it a punishment to set the guy free on
> the other side of the border, where he simply
> crosses back in and does the same thing again?

you've got it all wrong. they put the criminal in jail and upon release, they deport them.

Bob James Wrote:
> I suppose
> one could argue the humanistic side; i.e., the
> incarcerated criminal would learn English, develop
> a vocation, write a book, get a degree, etc. and
> after sentence is served, be returned to his/her
> country to be a productive citizen.

and which planet are you from?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: August 23, 2007 12:13PM

§ Wrote:

> Then again, is it considered a crime if you don't
> get caught? Hmm. -§

If that's the case we are all criminals.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Bob James ()
Date: August 30, 2007 01:39PM

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it make any sound? A man's true character is shown in the dark.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: August 30, 2007 03:16PM

Bob James Wrote:
> If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is
> there, does it make any sound? A man's true
> character is shown in the dark.

Based on your racist rants made from ignorance, I would say that statement is accurate.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Bob James ()
Date: August 30, 2007 04:29PM

Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er (IP Logged)
Date: August 30, 2007 03:16PM

"Based on your racist rants made from ignorance, I would say that statement is accurate."

Re: A British Perspective of Islam
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er (IP Logged)
Date: August 28, 2007 09:34AM

"Have you spoken to the majority of Muslims?

Since 9/11 I have had the chance to speak with many Muslim-Americans. I haven't found one who endorsed terrorism or Al Qaeda.

Speaking in gross generalities makes you look like the idiot you are."

You obviously didn't research the attribution I provided; e.g., Daniel Pipes in the NEW YORK SUN on March 29, 2005. Clearly, the threat is described in terms of the education that espouses hate.

MF---er, you profess to be a real estate guru with a lot of answers. You do pretty well with the facts, it seems. However, "idiot racism" as you slandered my comments, is totally out of context. My concern is the disposition of criminal illegal aliens in Fairfax County. I have no dispute with Muslim-Americans, Jewish-Americans, atheist-Americans, Catholic-Americans, et al.

BTW congratulations on your success with English and your wisdom in the real estate market. Speaks well of Fairfax ESL programs and the county's education program. I surely disavow any "gross generalities" and "racist rants," albeit I may be under-educated and "ignorant" of lots of things.

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 31, 2007 01:21AM

Dear Bob James and Fairfax Motherfucker,
   it's fantastic you guys loathe each other and everything but it would be more fantastic if you registered your post names so you can bitch at each other in private instead of going off-topic.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Bob James ()
Date: August 31, 2007 07:49AM

It's fantastic that we have such a virtuous interloper in the Fairfax Underground, whose moral compass keeps us on course. Thank you, Gravis for sharing with us. BTW I only "loathe" minority members who use the race card to preclude open and factual discussions of Fairfax County social challenges. Please stay on topic, Gravis:

"Does anyone know the number of criminal illegal aliens that are arrested each year in Fairfax County? Are any of these criminals deported? An inordinate number of Hispanic surnames appear in the lists of county arrests--surely the majority are not illegal aliens. If Fox News is any sort of bellwether, there is a large group of criminal illegal aliens in the United States."

(If you are suffering from myasthenia gravis, I empathize with your condition.)

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Re: Criminal Illegal Aliens
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: August 31, 2007 10:30AM

I offered some opinions on real estate. If that makes me a "guru," so be it.

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