Debian LYING about versions of VULKAN (intel cheap yet sought integrated 3D) libs and most other
Posted by:
FFU NARKIVE - thread ripper
Date: December 25, 2024 04:44PM
for MESA they are listing versions HIGHER than publicly available and not yet not released by them
IN PREVIOUS UBUNTU they list lower versions: but combinations which I can prove absolutely DO NOT WORK physically impossible the versions listed EVER worked
THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS - jamming usa's fast compiling and smart unix software with BLOAT, slow and incappable and undocumented crap, unreliable building, SIGNAL JAMMING, null security connected to china and germany
all paid up attacks by Microsoft employees empersonating "linux"
MICROSOFT CRAP IRISH SEATTLE more enjoys software attacking than creating. Over they years they've spent FAR MORE TIME attacking others than creating.