Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
what ever it was they called it off. 2 k-9 units were out. I only caught the tail end of it. Make sure you listen to the police feed not the fire ems feed
well, whatever happened must have been serious enough to send out the helicopter in extremely high winds. From what I gathered they thought there were subjects in a house that was being broken in to.
General Lee Wrote:
> I think they might have switched channels. I'm
> not hearing anyone talking from the Sully station
> on the scanner now.
It's all over with, they are just taking a look around to make sure the suspects are gone or in loudoun county by now
it was an attempted burglary there have been many so if you live in ffx county make sure to keep your doors locked. hes going in open doors and open garages. he stole two guns this time so now hes armed!