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I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Small_Ben ()
Date: July 24, 2007 05:35PM

almost on a weekly basis, I see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in the McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area. (I-495, Georgetown
Pike, Chain Bridge Road, etc) this occurs most frequently on Saturday or

One example: Last Saturday around 10pm, I was on I-495, just crossed the
American Legion bridge from Maryland into Virginia. My speed was about
75mph. As I took the right exit towards GW Parkway, two dozen motorcycles
shot by me on the left side, all doing wheelies. What surprised me was
that there was a State Police cruiser with the blue lights flashing, but
the officer was writing a ticket at the moment. The bikers apparently saw
the flashing blue lights and started shouting something which I couldn't

Some of these guys weren't even wearing helmuts and the proper gear.
Only T-shirts and jeans/shorts.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: pyramids17 ()
Date: July 24, 2007 05:45PM

A better question is: What are the Local and State Police doing about your reckless driving? You were going 20 mph over the speed limit, smart guy. And you're worried about a motorcycle going 5 mph faster than you? What's up with the need for speed? Slow down.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 24, 2007 05:47PM

who the hell actually goes 55 on the beltway. Its more dangerous to go that slow than it is to go at least 60.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: pyramids17 ()
Date: July 24, 2007 06:38PM

You're right, it's dangerous to go the speed limit. Whenever there's an accident where speed is a factor, you can bet that any driver going the speed limit is at fault. They need to hand out more citations for not exceeding the speed limit. That is going to cause an accident some day. If only everyone on the roads was speeding. Our roads would be so much safer. Anyone who obeys the law is totally living on the edge. And a true badass for being so dangerous. Not saying I agree with some of the speed limits around here, but I abide by the law these days. All you have to do is leave on time, and there is no reason to speed.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: July 24, 2007 08:36PM

pyramids17 Wrote:
> Anyone who obeys the law is totally living on the
> edge. And a true badass for being so dangerous.

thats why the ladies love me.. cause im DANGEROUS.. at.. ooOOOoo baby.. 54 miles-per-freakin-hour!

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: barracuda ()
Date: July 24, 2007 09:28PM

Sammy Hagar said it best... "I Can't Drive Fifty-Five"

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Small_Ben ()
Date: July 24, 2007 10:03PM

I compensate for my small size by typing extremely long subject lines.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 25, 2007 05:00PM

you see pyramids, the problem is, some people have difficulty leaving on time. Maybe they were out too late, or their alarm clock broke (happens to me often enough, when ya get a power outage the clock resets to 12:00 and with Dominion VA theres a power outage every time we get a thunderstorm)
or they jsut felt like sleeping in, the point is, if they dont get where they are trying to go, they will be fux0r3d. The soccer moms gettign to the grocery store before all the lines will be a lot less fux0r3d than the people who are late for work the 3rd day in a row b/c their power is still out, but everyone has an excuse whihc they think is reasonable. The soccer moms' excuses arent. The people who are late to work a little bit more so. If you can keep your job by exceeding the speed limit, id say do it.

The rest of teh people who arent late can jsut drive in the right lane and be ok.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: pyramids17 ()
Date: July 25, 2007 06:35PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> everyone has an excuse whihc they think is
> reasonable. The soccer moms' excuses arent.

Indeed. Yeah I just stay on the right with the old people.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: July 25, 2007 06:51PM

maybe you should just gather small branches from your yard or a park. Then pull up beside a motorcycle and spear a branch into the spokes of his wheel. THat'd be awesome

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: joe ()
Date: July 25, 2007 10:31PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> The rest of teh people who arent late can jsut
> drive in the right lane and be ok.

Hey, you gotta stay in the right lane too. Keep right unless passing, buddy.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 26, 2007 10:50AM

Small_Ben Wrote:
I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem

problem? how is this a problem? if a motorcycle runs into a car, i assure you that the person in the car isnt going to get hurt. now, if you are just concerned for their safety, mind your own damn business, it'e their life, not yours. in short, stfu you nosy jackass.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: joe ()
Date: July 26, 2007 02:30PM

I frequently see dozens of Jews walking together down the road on Saturday near main street, on a weekly basis...what are the Fairfax and State police doing about this problem?

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: July 26, 2007 02:44PM

joe Wrote:
> I frequently see dozens of Jews walking together
> down the road on Saturday near main street, on a
> weekly basis...what are the Fairfax and State
> police doing about this problem?

The Jews control the police force. So nothing. I being half jewish know this and thus have to only ever pay half of a speeding ticket. I get Verklempted then I get over it. oi

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Richard ()
Date: July 26, 2007 07:12PM

Wait for them to pull a wheelie then cut in front of them and hit the brakes. It will be the last time they pull a wheelie.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: bergie ()
Date: September 15, 2007 06:25PM

i don't get it. what problem are we talking about?

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: September 15, 2007 11:44PM

barracuda Wrote:
> Sammy Hagar said it best... "I Can't Drive
> Fifty-Five"

Oh man...all this time I thought he was saying 35. I guess I'm not the baddass I thought I was.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: duh ()
Date: September 16, 2007 01:14AM

Hey, speaking of motorsickles....there was a BIG police roadeo kind of thing at WalMart, Fair Lakes today. I just happened by...going to get a little gas at BJ's....POlice motors from all over were there...okay, I only saw PA, MD, NJ, DC, and many VA departments.

Anyway, those guys and gals were REALLY running hard on the course...it must be a timed event. A few wound up on their arses with a Harley on top! LOL

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Schrute ()
Date: September 16, 2007 12:19PM

Small_Ben Wrote:
> almost on a weekly basis, I see dozens of
> motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at
> night in the McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area.
> (I-495, Georgetown
> Pike, Chain Bridge Road, etc) this occurs most
> frequently on Saturday or
> Sunday...
> One example: Last Saturday around 10pm, I was on
> I-495, just crossed the
> American Legion bridge from Maryland into
> Virginia. My speed was about
> 75mph. As I took the right exit towards GW
> Parkway, two dozen motorcycles
> shot by me on the left side, all doing wheelies.
> What surprised me was
> that there was a State Police cruiser with the
> blue lights flashing, but
> the officer was writing a ticket at the moment.
> The bikers apparently saw
> the flashing blue lights and started shouting
> something which I couldn't
> understand...
> Some of these guys weren't even wearing helmuts
> and the proper gear.
> Only T-shirts and jeans/shorts.

State Police has primary jurisdiction on the interstates so you will not see County Police patrolling there regularly. These groups originate out of Maryland most of the time, and unfortunately, as soon as Police try to stop one of them, they all flee into Maryland where Police won't chase them for a traffic offense. There is no effective way to catch them so the problem will likely continue to escalate.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 16, 2007 03:02PM

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 16, 2007 09:50PM

While a motor cycle hitting a spike strip cirtainly would be problematic (for the rider very much so), you ant buy them unless you have offical police letterhead and photo id.

What i want to know is how it garuntees to stop ppl with runflats and self-sealing tires. The run flats are designed to run with no air in them, and self sealers obviously basically patch the hole. how can this thing stop them?

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:44PM

Run flats only run for a certain distance from what i remember..

the self sealers:

"a tire can withstand tread punctures from nails, bolts or screws up to 3/16 inch in diameter."

When a puncture occurs, the tire actually seals itself permanently. The sealant surrounds a nail (or other object) while it is in the tire, preventing slow leaks. And when the nail comes out, it pulls sealant into the hole, too.


but.. a spike strip straight up TEARS the tire to shreds.. I dont think either a runflat or "self sealer" could stand up to a strip..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2007 04:47PM by bdimag.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: you are an idiot ()
Date: September 18, 2007 02:15PM

I doubt you could hear someone on a bike going 80mph yelling anything. if it was at night you wouldnt be able to see a whole lot either.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: § ()
Date: September 18, 2007 04:32PM

Run flats = 50 mile range. -§

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 18, 2007 04:39PM

Wow those are some magic spike strips

The spikes are hollow unlike nails or screws, that's why it doesn't matter if it seals around the spike. The spikes are also 2 inches long.

Predictable, total deflations every time:
Cars in less than ¼ mile
Trucks, buses and 18 wheelers in under 1-¼ mile
Run-flat tires in less than 2-¼ miles
Only one style and size of spike needed for all tire types and vehicle sizes

Only TDD on the market to consistently stop vehicles equipped with self-sealing and run-flat tires. Seven tests of tire deflation devices by the N.I.J. showed that the Magnum Spike is prepared for the tire technology of tomorrow, stopping all vehicles equipped with self-sealing and run-flat tires

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2007 04:44PM by Lurker..

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 18, 2007 04:50PM

ahh, i didndt know they completly destryoed the tire.

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what problem?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 22, 2007 01:14PM

I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?

how is this a problem?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: chim chang ()
Date: September 27, 2007 08:36AM

I have seen them too they're just kids playing on their motocycles pay them no mind.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: September 28, 2007 02:31PM

You shouldn't worry about. Carma will pay them a visit eventually. :)


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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: myspaceaddict ()
Date: October 01, 2007 05:10PM

The cops are standing by doing the same things us citizens are doing...

Crossing our fingers repeating the phrase, "please wreck, please wreck, please wreck dumbass".

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: October 01, 2007 08:34PM


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: October 01, 2007 08:53PM


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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: October 03, 2007 06:49PM

Small_Ben Wrote:
> almost on a weekly basis, I see dozens of
> motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at
> night in the McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area.
> (I-495, Georgetown
> Pike, Chain Bridge Road, etc) this occurs most
> frequently on Saturday or
> Sunday...
> One example: Last Saturday around 10pm, I was on
> I-495, just crossed the
> American Legion bridge from Maryland into
> Virginia. My speed was about
> 75mph. As I took the right exit towards GW
> Parkway, two dozen motorcycles
> shot by me on the left side, all doing wheelies.
> What surprised me was
> that there was a State Police cruiser with the
> blue lights flashing, but
> the officer was writing a ticket at the moment.
> The bikers apparently saw
> the flashing blue lights and started shouting
> something which I couldn't
> understand...
> Some of these guys weren't even wearing helmuts
> and the proper gear.
> Only T-shirts and jeans/shorts.

Dork. Have you tried calling the Police while you've see this happening?

I sure they be there in swarms in 3-5 minutes.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Wide Right Turn ()
Date: October 05, 2007 06:54PM

Yeah, I've seen those guys - bunch of Darwin Award winners on crotch rockets. But, when I saw them they were probably doing 120+ on the beltway. I'm often on the beltway at 1 or 2 am heading home from a late shift. The first time I saw those guys they scared the s__t out of me. They came up on me and blew by so fast I never would have seen them between glancing back and changing lanes. Thank god I wasn't making a lane change when they went by. And few weeks later I saw them again. They were doing the same thing, but this time there weren't as many of them. Then, a few weeks later I saw them again - fewer still this time. Then again, some weeks later. Again, a few less. Each time there seemed to be a few less. Then I stopped seeing them altogether and haven't seen them in months. I just figured the death-wishers got what was coming to them. You'd think they'd learn after one or two, though.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Sheepdog ()
Date: October 15, 2007 11:20AM

There are several problems:

1) When you try to stop one of these bikes they will run. Then the public goes into an outcry when you chase them and there's a wreck.

2) With the traffic in this area it is very difficult to keep up with them. The bikes can weave in and out much faster than a Crown Vic, especially since people in this area don't like to move out of the way of police cars with their lights and sirens on.

3) The bikes (top speed up to 200+ MPH) are significantly faster than the Crown Vics (top speed 130 MPH).

4) Most departments have a policy against using spike strips on motorcycles.

5) When in court you have to be able to positively identify the rider. Simply providing a tag is not good enough. Anyone could have been riding that bike. The legal requirements for the police to get a conviction are fairly stringent. So just getting a tag is not going to get you a conviction.

6) If the helicopter is not up in the air and in the area it is difficult to follow them. If the helicopter is on the ground it takes several minutes to get it started, up in the air, and in the area. In that amount of time the bikes are long gone. Remember they're going 100+ MPH, they're traveling about 1.5 miles every minute. So in 5-minutes they're at least 7.5 miles away from the original violation area.

7) The helicopter is VERY expensive to run. It costs somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000 an hour to keep it in the air. There are fuel costs, maintenance costs, etc. If I recall correctly, helicopters require 10-hours of maintenance for every 1-hour of flight. Hence the significant cost.

To get this type of behavior to stop a few things are going to have to happen:

1) The public is going to have to be willing to accept the consequences of what happens when a chase goes wrong to include: crashes, death, property damage.

2) The police are going to have to have their budgets increased to be able to afford air support.

3) The police are going to have to begin utilizing sport bikes and highly trained officers to catch the violators.

4) The public is going to have to allow the police to utilize more drastic measures when dealing with these kinds of vehicles.

Until then you're just going to have to put up with the sport bikes.

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Re: I frequently see dozens of motorcycles doing wheelies together at 80mph+ at night in McLean/Great Falls/Tysons area... what are the Fairfax Police and State Police doing about this problem?
Posted by: Falls Church SportBike Rider ()
Date: October 15, 2007 01:18PM

You're a friggn' idiot Small_Ben. You saw 12 motorcycles ALL doing wheelies at the same time. That's complete bullcrap. Not only that but you're probably that guy where everytime you simply hear a sportbike go by you automatically assume he's doing something illegal. How about you slow the hell down on 495 because it's people like you that run over innocent bikers trying to enjoy a ride.

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