FairfaxCAPS.org Meeting 2/7/2008
Oak Hill Elementary, 3210 Kinross Circle, Herndon
1. Show up promptly at 8:30 AM at Luther Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church. (directions on FairfaxCAPS.org Web site)
a. Bring 5 friends. (Call friends and urge them all to show up!) The million man march wasn’t just a couple guys who got together. WE NEED COMMUNITY PRESSURE!
b. Wear yellow t-shirts. They are bold and can be easily seen on camera.
c. Make signs. If you don’t have a sign, FairfaxCAPS.org has extras.
d. Even if you’re talking later in the day, be sure to show-up with 5 friends at 8:30 am.
2. Goal of speeches and showing up at 8:30 with signs & yellow shirts:
a. Win hearts and minds of School Board.
b. Win public opinion. According to the Post and other media, we are just a bunch of rich white folk who don’t want to go to SLHS. We are a diverse community! Ex. Jay stated his wife is Asian. When he lived in Connecticut, people came up to him and said, “Your little boy is cute. Where did you get him?” They could not think outside of their box that communities can be diverse.
3. Speeches
a. Length limit 3 minutes, so practice.
b. Written part: unlimited length. You can attach additional written information with your testimony. This is a good place to attach facts/figures.
c. Clearly say your name and where you reside (Floris, Fox Mill, Navy, Madison, etc.)
d. State: “I oppose redistricting! Status Quo is an option!” (Note: do not say you oppose just Floris. We need to appear unified.)
e. Be sure to end all speeches with: “Our kids. Our schools. Our choice. FairfaxCAPS.org.”
f. Bring 20 copies of your speech. (If you forget, tell the board you will e-mail your testimony, and then make sure you e-mail so that it goes on record).
4. What do we need the most in speeches: EMOTION!
a. The board has heard all the facts and figures. We can still hammer them by attaching to our presentation and submitting in for evidence.
b. The board has NOT heard from the surrounding communities how this personally affects and hurts you. They see us as numbers, not faces. South Lakes High is only telling personal stories of woe and suffering. Their case is weak. Stacy’s example: SLHS kids got up and talked about how Brittney and Jennifer and Heather and so on…were sad because they couldn’t get the elective classes like jewelry or guitar. We need you to tell them how it affects you! If you have to say, it affects our kids because of blank…and then use the rest of the 3 minutes to list off all the other kids you know that are sad because of the redistrict, and keep going past the time, after the buzzer stops.
c. You may need to step out of your comfort zone by public speaking. But you need to do this for your kids.
d. Most board members aren’t logical. 2+2=5 to them. They don’t understand the rational and the numbers. We need to show real emotion.
5. Talking points to pick from. (Remember 3 minutes is not a lot of time)
a. Gve a personal story of how this HURTS you… Examples:
i. Is this reverse discrimination? Ex., Asians do well in math/science and SLHS wants to raise its math/science scores.
ii. Aren’t you mad that they have classified us as rich white racists who don’t want to go to their school? And, that they think we fear gangs?
iii. SLHS wants to raise SES statistics, however poor people shouldn’t equal poor performance.
Ex.1 paraphrased, My dad was out of work for most of the 1970s. I had to go on reduced lunch. Does this increase to SES stats with our children mean that poor people aren’t capable of high performance? I’m disgusted at the board and the educators to suggest that low SES children aren’t performing and need higher SES to help them out. If my teachers had given up on me, I wouldn’t have gone on to get two masters degrees. This issue isn’t about SES. It is a programmatic issue that SLHS needs to address and why parents aren’t attracted to the high school… How is putting our kids in SLHS going to improve the failing scores of the kids low SES or high SES at SLHS.
Ex. 2 paraphrased. I came to this country with just luggage. I worked many jobs to support my children. I wanted a chance at the American dream.
Attrition rates:
7.5 that start Westfield in 9th grade will leave before graduation
6.7 at Madison
3.7 Chantilly
2.1 Oakton
19.2 at South Lakes. Why so much higher at South Lakes?
SOL: see Mary’s e-mails or visit FCPS.edu
Langston Hughes, the middle school feeder into SLHS has
Failed its Standards of Learning 4 (SOL) years in a row. 4 out of 6 elementary schools that feed into the SLHS pyramid have failed their SOL for the past 2 years in a row. These kids are not all low SES and they are NOT prepared for high school. How is putting my kid in SLHS going to help them?
iv. Go ahead and take shots at North Reston that goes to Langley – an affluent white community that is bused past South Lakes to Langley High. They were not included in the study!
North Reston is only 8 miles to SLHS, but it’s approx. 12.5 miles to Langley.
v. Give examples of how you came to this country looking for freedom and right to vote and how you are disappointed by the lack of democratic process. “I have no choice…” “I thought the American dream was…”
b. Tell the board that the process was unjust. (This is a BIG talking point for many of the board members)
i. Use the Langley High example above.
ii. Use the discrimination examples above.
iii. Indicate how you thought you had a voice, but didn’t…
iv. How Stu is not listening and is representing the interests of the Reston portion of his district and not the other half of his district – Floris/Fox Mill.
v. Madison Island was told that they should probably go to the town meetings to hear about a study. They didn’t realize that they were speaking out for/against options to redistrict.
vi. How did SLHS PTA know that the option 5 they proposed in the first boundary meeting was the option to be chosen? When Stu met with SLHS PTA he specifically gave them information on the boundary study. When he met with Floris parents, he was vague and said that the
vii. SLHS PTA has wrongly pushed for more “warm bodies” to fill seats so that the kids can get their wish list of elective classes like Guitar, Jewelry making, Sign Language, Fashion Marketing, Drawing, etc. (You can make your own conclusions…)
viii. State that the facilities committee should not be driving a boundary study.
ix. The study didn’t include all of the county.
x. The study didn’t explore why SLHS is under-enrolled. (See the FairfaxCAPS.org website and click on “South Lakes Exodus”)
xi. The study wrongly states that Westfield and Chantilly are overenrolled (stats are on FairfaxCAPS.org)
xii. FCPS closed the speaker registration a day earlier than the Web site stated. (see point 5 below)
xiii. This is a programmatic issue. We shouldn’t be talking about demographics, race and SES. We should be talking about SOL scores.
xiv. SLHS sees our kids as warm bodies to improve the balance of SES and give them more access to programs. Why should they cover up their poor performance and Reston exodus with our kids? Why are their kids more important than ours?
xv. We have been politically targeted. Why wasn’t Langley included? Why did they include Madison Island which only has 11 HS students to be “warm bodies” so that they can have classes?
xvi. Why does South Lakes High need more “warm bodies”? Why is Marshall with only 1300 students performing so well? What are they doing differently that South Lakes is not?
c. Show how passionate you are: If 700-800 kids are redistricted, the board has about 1600 parents who will stop at nothing to ensure that their children will NOT go to SLHS.
d. Why is SLHS more important than us? They aren’t the only community that loves itself.
e. Have your kid say “I love Westfield (or Chantilly or wherever) and YOU have NO good reason to move me!” “Westfield is not overcrowded. There is no urgency here. There’s no kid sitting on the floor.”
f. What is the cost efficiency for this boundary change?
i. Cost of gas for double busing will increase. And the budget committee hasn’t approved additional money for gas this year, even though gas prices have been consistently been rising at 37% year after year.
ii. Connelly is UPSET that he isn’t getting a refund on the Westfield addition. How is this efficient use of school space and money?
iii. Langley High wants to build out an addition since they are overcapacity. How is this an efficiency? How is it that they have students closer to SLHS and weren’t included in the boundary study?
iv. SLEEP (program allowing kids to start school later) won’t cost the board.
g. This is NOT an issue of SES or race. This is a programmatic problem at SLHS. SLHS needs to address the poor performance. Some of us don’t have AP students or if we do, they may not be good in every subject. We shouldn’t have to worry that 1 in 3 will fail Chemistry at SLHS! If SLHS addresses the programmatic problem of their students, the problem will fix itself and they will be overcapacity. Redistricting is a quick fix that won’t solve the root problem.
h. Dangers. The back roads that our teens drive to schools aren’t dangerous. Connelly has a poster showing that people aged 15-20 are in accidents with injuries on the major arteries. Major arteries include Fairfax County Parkway, Reston Parkway…the roads and streets our kids would be crossing or taking to get to school.
i. IB vs. AP
a. South Lakes has offered to give us one token AP class. This is not a full AP program.
b. FCPS will only allow a school to be IB or AP, not both, due to staffing and resource issues. Precedent set at Woodson. Nov 1999, the Woodson principal and teachers put in an IB program in place of AP without the approval of parents. Parents were split 50/50 on IB. Since there was so much disagreement, Woodson has phased out its IB program and is replacing it with AP.
c. A full AP program will allow a student to take more classes. For example: 10th World History AP; 11th English Lit AP, AP Chem and 1 more; 12th could take a break and only do 2. That’s 6 AP classes!
d. There is more opportunity with AP. Westfield offers 25 AP courses; Oakton has 23; Falls Church who has less than 1400 students has 17 AP courses.
e. With an IB program, top schools only offer college credits for HL exams. Diploma candidates sit for 3 HL exams; 3 SL exams.
f. South Lakes parents got the right/opportunity to decide, but we didn’t. It’s being forced on us.
g. Pupil placement. If you decide to pupil place, you have to drive your child to the nearest high school, which might be Herndon. There is NO busing provided for pupil placement. Your child will NOT be allowed to participate in sports or dance after school for the first year. If they drop out of their AP program, they will be sent back to the school that they are districted for. Currently pupil placement is on hold until the board makes its decision.
j. Attach facts and figures to your presentation. Remember, the board doesn’t need to hear them. Just hand them to them. Members like Moon will enjoy looking at the graphs. (Graphs and data can be found on the FairfaxCAPS.org Web site)
6. If you haven’t spoken yet, or know someone who hasn’t, tell them to call:
Dr. Jack D. Dale’s office and complain that the Fairfax County School Board closed the 2/9 speaker registration on Thursday, when the Web site clearly states 4:30 the business day before the hearing. The business day before the hearing should have been FRIDAY! THIS IS A VIOLATION OF PROCESS! The more people calling, the better.
Phone: 571-423-1010
7. Chances of winning?
a. Chances the board will vote in our favor – 50/50. We need 6 votes. (2 are in favor, 3 on fence, and 1 could potentially be swayed.) That’s why it is important to show-up and put on the pressure! West Springfield won their redistricting because people were upset over process. Quote from the board stated that they didn’t believe PTAs should advocate or advance their positions on other groups, because they will alienate people from joining their school’s PTA.
b. Chances we will win a lawsuit – extremely HIGH. FCPS has violated a number of state statutes in this boundary study. Example: this is not improving efficiencies/costs.
c. It is very likely that the board decision on 2/28 will not be Option 5. They could decide to have an Option 6 that looks very different that we haven’t had a chance to speak to. (Just like they did after the last town meeting). They could also file a continuance to drag out the process even longer.
8. Legal
a. Legal documents to School board.
i. 1/29 Madison Island submitted a legal document that pointed out the inaccuracies and problems with the boundary study that the board had ignored.
ii. The United We Stand legal letter will be sent shortly.
b. 2/28 is the deadline to submit on record all the problems with the process and how it is unfair/unjust. This will go on record and it is very important that we submit for the legal team.
c. FairfaxCAPS.org is setting up an LLC and by next week will be able to accept pledges for the lawyer.
9. Fundraising/pledging opportunities.
a. Eat at Tandoori Restaurant. Every time you eat there and say you are against redistricting, Abby and her husband will donate 20% to the cause.
b. Make a pledge online at FairfaxCAPS.org. If we can show how much we’ve raised on the Website, the school board might get scared and back down. They shouldn’t want to waste tax payer money on a hefty lawsuit.
c. Send in a check. Info on FairfaxCAPS.org.
10. Go meet with the board members! Office phone numbers:
a. You pay taxes – their salaries. Call their offices and schedule a meeting. And, if they won’t meet with you, complain to Jack Dale, 571-423-1010;
b. When you talk to them, bring a map of the school districts. (Available online at FairfaxCAPS.org)
c. Don’t stop talking to Stu! We need to put the pressure on him.
11. Some individuals in the room shared their personal experiences with board members:
a. Martina Hone, at-large member: Is very concerned that the facilities team and school board have followed process. She may vote no, if she thinks that process was unfair.
b. James Raney could be swayed.
c. Brad Center Lee – could be swayed. We need to convince him that the process was unjust and that the numbers don’t make sense.
d. Daniel G. Storck – built a new school in the south county and then had to redistrict the kids out
e. Elizabeth Bradsher – new member and doesn’t have any political alliances. She could be swayed.
f. Ilryong Moon – could be swayed. He likes process and numbers, and if the process was wrong or if there are flaws in the data given to him, he will vote no.
g. PHILLIP A. NIEDZIELSKI-EICHNER likes facts and figures. Likes to see that there was a good strategic plan.
h. Kaye Kory – leader for SLEEP. Wants to find a reasonable solution for busing and time that the kids are driving on the roads.
12. Call Jack Dale and make sure he knows you are upset with the process.
13. Kathy Smith has a budget meeting on 2/15 at Virginia Run. We need to fill up the room with yellow-shirted people and put her on point to answer specific questions about the boundary study.
14. Volunteers needed for research
Contact Nick Pesce,
15. Q/A
a. How many people have spoken for or against?
Good question. We don’t have exact numbers, but it appears that more people have spoken out against redistricting.
b. Who are the members you have met with and who is on the fence?
We aren’t at liberty to say because some of the board members agreed to talk openly if we didn’t reveal their names.
c. Can we see the legal documentation? Post to the Web site?
Permission would have to be gained from United We Stand and Madison Island.
d. How do I get on the United We Stand list? Look for it in Google groups.
e. Who are the members of United We Stand? 110 people in the community.