School Statistics Data Source:
School Name Address Phone Grades County Type District Name
South Lakes High School 11400 S Lakes Dr
Reston, VA 20191 (703) 715-4500 9-12 Fairfax public Fairfax County Public Schools
South Lakes Ethnic Background Percent Year Reston Ethnic Background
White, non-Hispanic 46.2547 2005 72.23
Black, non-Hispanic 21.8477 2005 7.75
Hispanic 15.98 2005 11.82
Asian/Pacific Islander 11.6729 2005 11.56
Native American 0.187266 2005 0.28
Why are the Statistics related to demographics skewed as it relates to the the general population of Reston, compared to the demographics of South Lakes?
You will note that the Hispanic and Asian demographics are pretty consistent percentages, while the White and Black numbers seem to be way off.
Has our School Board created this imbalance by drawing boundary lines within Reston, that have caused this? It would seem to me that Reston as a whole has demographics that are very similar to Fairfax County as a whole, as it relates to Income, Race, education, average age, number of owner occupied homes etc.
Most High Schools will generally reflect the make-up of the community in which it is located. What has happened at South Lakes?
Why is it necessay to draw students from outside of the traditional South Lakes Boundaries, when a simple adjustment of Boundary lines within Reston would correct most of the imbalances that exist in South Lakes?
I still believe that the real reason for lack of enrollment in South Lakes has more to do with the curriculum than anything else.
Students per Teacher Year
12.1 2004
School Head Official Year
Mr. Bruce Butler 2006
Students Getting Free Lunch Year
27% 2005
Date Who Comments:
8/21/2006 parent I have one recent graduate and another child now in her Junior year, and both have loved the school for all of its dimensions. The spirit, camaraderie, parental involvement, instruction, and -- under Bruce Butler's new direction -- leadership are eexcellent.
7/28/2006 student This school currently under renovation will expand its boundaries after the completion of its contruction which means for an increase in the enrollment from 1,400 to 2,000. That means south herndon kids will be attending this school. Maybe finally this sschool will get a break from its lack in extracurricular activities, parent involvment, and MAYBE safety and security. We are in for an energized school spirit!
10/15/2005 student I'm currently a junior enrolled at South Lakes and I feel that my quality of education is outstanding, that the teachers are great, that the school is safe and that the diversity contributes the the overall atmosphere that I've come to love in my three years here. There is a small measure of gang activity and drugs, but that is the same, if not worse at other schools, even ones that are very close to South Lakes. Maybe you should COME to the school, before you make the assumption that, because there are people from different backgrounds, our school is rampant with undesireable activity.
9/9/2005 former student I think south lakes high school has good teachers but the school is very dangerous it is next to many bad neighborhoods and the students are very scary and dangerous looking. safety and discipline are very low in this school.
6/16/2005 student Next year we will have a new principle. And with the renovation coming it is time for someone who understands what they are doing. Overall the teachers at SLHS are great. They are only lazy if the class is lazy otherwise they put in 100% to their studennts. Yes, the overall safty and discipline may be low, as a freshman or any other grade, there is no need to worry about your safty unless you give it away. However, South Lakes is a great school and I consider myself privledged to go to SLHS in FairfaxCounty, one of the richest, one of the best school systems, and is home of some of the best teachers in the country.
5/11/2005 former student I was a graduating student in 2002. South Lakes is a wonderful school with dedicated well-educated teachers. I also felt very safe there. Parents who do not feel their students are safe should really go and visit with an open mind. Reston itself is a pplanned community, which means that there are big wealthy neighborhoods next to subsadized housing. The school, therefore, draws from many different backgrounds. This does not make the school less safe. It makes the school diverse. I now attend the University of Virginia and feel as prepared as any student here. Many of whom had attended Phllips Acadamy at Andover, Thomas Jefferson High School, and many other magnet public schools and leading private schools. Please don't underestimate this school.
3/15/2005 student Every one is obviously blinded by a facade. I feel sorry for the teachers because they are great but the school itself is horrible. Drug deals are so obvious. gangs are rampant and fights are almost a daily spectacle.
2/16/2005 former student I was not happy at all to read someone's comment that the teachers at this school are lazy. they should perhaps talk with their child about the effort they are putting into the learning process. Some of the country's best teachers work at South Lakes Hiigh School, and this is from a student's perspective.
2/7/2005 former student South Lakes is about as diverse school you will find anywhere, I liked it for that. But as far as the education you recieve go somewhere else!
1/31/2005 former student South Lakes was a good school when I went. However, I have heard that it has changed a lot since I was there and that was only 5 years ago. But some of my wonderful teachers that I was lucky to have are still there. Not only are some the teachers amaziing but so are a lot of the members of the staff. Really good people work at South Lakes.
1/19/2005 former student I was a student at south lakes and I loved it. The diversity in the school is unique. The teachers are great and the school is run very well. I am proud to be a south lakes high school graduate.
1/9/2005 parent I think this is the best school ever. my kids love it, and now that we move everything is so different. their not into school as they did when they went to SLHS. I really love how my kids learned alot and was into activities and I reget moving.ts>
12/28/2004 parent This schools security and safety is not good at all. There were many reports of people entering the school after dismissal who dont go to this school and I was very unpleased with that. Also my child attends this school and complained to me that his teaachers are very lazy and he doesnt get to learn that much.
This information is taken from the Web Sites below.