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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:24AM

sb_public_speaker Wrote:
> Looking at the school board public meetings, I was
> stunned by the behaviour of Stu Gibson. He would
> turn his head away or walk off when Fox Mill or
> Floris residents spoke, and would smile and look
> straigt when Reston residents spoke. His districts
> spans much more than reston. Is he usually always
> this rude?

Yes. Always. He did this to Mychele Brickner all the time when she was on the board. But you can only see it if you go the School Board meetings. The cameras don't show him rolling his eyes, grunting and groaning, picking his nose, or stomping off, when he disagrees with speakers. When he likes speakers, he beams at them, smiles throughout their speeches, gazing at them adoringly, as if they are little children performing for Daddy. Then he does that loud, phony, laugh, when they say something even mildly amusing. He is VERY obvious, rather patronizing, and exceedingly rude. Always.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:33AM

Baffled Wrote:

> This would be very sensible to wait because the
> controversy over this RD is extremely high. I
> agree with Floris Parent, that this study be
> halted and a true independent 3rd party study all
> of this..there should be no more semi secret
> meetings over cherry picking certain communities
> and or having Stu run around like a headless
> chicken back and forth to his constituents getting
> feedback who should go to SL without even thinking
> there can be other options to help SL instead of
> diving to RD as a last option.

True, but nothing else would make Stu feel so powerful. He gets to play with the lives of so many people! Very heady stuff for a little politician. Nothing else would have created the SL groupies with their ceaseless adoration of Stu. They even have his cell phone number, doncha know? They have constant, and instant, contact with their man! (Insert girlish squeals here.) Of course he can throw Fox Mill and Floris under the SL's bus, because he will keep his adoring fans at South Lakes.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:40AM

AP Wrote:
> A classical example how pro-sl folks love to
> manipulating data, while others have enough
> integrity to use FACTS.
> Isn't it a pattern that CAPS lists their source of
> data without any alteration, while pro-RD folks
> has to use a lot of adjectives, like almost, close
> to, if you take out this, consider that...And
> these little adjectives don't come out by default,
> it only shows up when they are questioned, and
> countered by facts.
> As a scientific trained mind, this seemingly
> dominant mindset from the adults, without even
> realizing the lack of intellectual integrity, is
> enough for me to avoid an education there.
And they don't even see it, AT ALL.

Did anyone else notice how diverse the Fox Mill and Floris people were, and totally WHITE and female the South Lakes people were? That might explain why they've stopped whining about how diverse they are at South Lakes.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:51AM

The Madison Island has pointed out that sending their children to Sunrise Valley will overcrowd that school. The South Lakes folks say, no problem, if it's overcrowded those students can be redistricted to Terraset! I bet those folks at Sunrise Valley will love to redistricted next year because staff has overcrowded their school!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 03, 2008 07:33AM

Hey folks-go read Tricki's post "Taxpayer's alert" it is related to the redistricting. This is nuts!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AVENGER ()
Date: February 03, 2008 09:08AM

Once again the school board and FCPS officials have messed thing up.

See below;


I attended Jerry Hylands town hall meeting yesterday, in which Dan Storck chairman of the school board was a speaker.

I asked him the following question;

As per Mr. Tistadt statement at last weeks school board meeting, he indicated that
another boundary study would have to be performed this fall in the South County area due to over capacity at South County Secondary School. Is this true?

Mr. Storck said that they will perform the study this summer.


After twenty plus SCSS boundary meetings the school board made the decision on what the boundaries would be. On the first day that the school opened it was over capacity with 20 plus portable trailers. It was a mess then and it is a mess now.

The question is, if the school board and FCPS officials screwed up less then two years ago, what makes you think that they can do it right now?

What will be the impact at Lake Braddock, Westspringfield, Lee and Hayfield?

Will this study become another western county boundary study disaster? Over the last ten years they have had 10 studies in the western county area and the results has been that they have students moving from one school to another.

I believe the FCPS system is out of control and needs to be fixed NOW.

Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:12AM

This note is directed to all parents who are opposed to the West County RD. I want to know if any of you have any information on whether the IBO board has ever endorsed or issued an opinion on the forced redistricting of a large group of students out of an AP based curriculum and into an IB based curriculum.As I have researched information on this issue, I have not found precedence for such a redistricting into a main stream public school. I have found many instances where an IB based "Acadamy" type school was placed into an area, and those students who "chose" to enroll, were able to do so.

Please post any links, to any instances where the redistricting of a large group of students has been forced into an IB based curriculum.

I believe that South Lakes and the other 7 schools with the IB curriculum will always be underenrolled as compared to their AP based schools, because many parents perceive the IB curriculum to be "different", "European", and not mainstream. The majority of parents will try to place their children in schools that offer an "American" education, where the value and recognition of AP credits is a known quantity, whereas the IB credits are seen by many as more suitable for the children of Diplomats etc. Whether AP is better that IB is not what I am debating here. Both seem to offer different opportunies for learning. What I do feel needs to be understood, is that "perception" becomes the reality for many parents, and the perception is that IB is not Mainstream, and therefore should be avoided if the desire is to provide their children with an edcution that is overwhelmingly offered through out the Country.

23,000 High Schools in the US are not IB, and 500 are.Why can our SB see this?

Please help if you are against our School Board trying to implement such a "unique" curriculum into a mainstream public school system. It does not seem appropiate for a large Public Schools system to have different standards of learning. It would be a different story if the SB wanted to offer the IB curriculum in a voluntary "Magnet" or "Acadamy" type setting.

I belive that if the SB will take a hard look at the performance of the schools that are IB based, the answers to many of the imbalances between our schools will be better understood.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Anonymous ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:30AM

> Once again the school board and FCPS officials
> have messed thing up.
> See below;
> I attended Jerry Hylands town hall meeting
> yesterday, in which Dan Storck chairman of the
> school board was a speaker.
> I asked him the following question;
> As per Mr. Tistadt statement at last weeks school
> board meeting, he indicated that
> another boundary study would have to be performed
> this fall in the South County area due to over
> capacity at South County Secondary School. Is this
> true?
> Mr. Storck said that they will perform the study
> this summer.
> After twenty plus SCSS boundary meetings the
> school board made the decision on what the
> boundaries would be. On the first day that the
> school opened it was over capacity with 20 plus
> portable trailers. It was a mess then and it is a
> mess now.
> The question is, if the school board and FCPS
> officials screwed up less then two years ago, what
> makes you think that they can do it right now?
> What will be the impact at Lake Braddock,
> Westspringfield, Lee and Hayfield?
> Will this study become another western county
> boundary study disaster? Over the last ten years
> they have had 10 studies in the western county
> area and the results has been that they have
> students moving from one school to another.
> I believe the FCPS system is out of control and
> needs to be fixed NOW.
> --------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of
> all time on AOL Music.

It is true. The West study has nothing on the South. There will be 4 studies in 5 years with the only break being for your 2008 West Study this year.

Here is the tally of the number of times schools have been or will be involved in these boundary studies.

South County 2005,2007, 2009
Lake Braddock 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Hayfield 2005, 2007, 2009(?)
West Springfield 2005 (although told they wouldn't be), 2006
Lee 2005,2006

This only at the high school level.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SB INSIDER ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:30AM

If you think things are bad now, 2009 thru 2012 will get worse.


Jack Dale and the school board

Please answer the following 09 budget questions;

You indicate that 521.3 positions will be eliminated. What are these positions?

You indicate 5.0 department reductions. What are these departments?

What will the student activity fee be if you do not include middle schools?

What will the test fees be?

Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:31AM

Yes, the issue of this redistricting is that SL wants more kids to help with the General Ed curriculum, they feel the IB program at their school is fine..still want more kids anyway. There seems to be no moral behind this to think it is ok to disrupt hundreds of families. I have never heard of such a forced redistricting into an IB school until this one so we may be the first one ever. I will research and see if there has been any instances of such and let you know. And yes the sb should really look at every aspect of these programs of all of our schools. Again, this redistricting should be screeched to a halt and the sb should examine every thing. It is amazing that fcps officials seem to think redistricting is the only option to solve all of SL's issues.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: PROTECTOR ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:39AM

Read the below story on how the school board operates and then tell me if they are not a group cronies.

And now they want to do a new boundary study for South County due to over capacity at SCSS.

Fairfax County
By Catherine Belter
Source: Times Community Newspapers

To my dismay, the Fairfax County School Board last Thursday managed in a single night to (1) cause the new South County school to be more overcrowded than it needs to be; (2) create underutilized capacity at Hayfield Secondary School and (3) most significantly, add an additional 160 students (phased in at 40 students per year) to an existing overcrowded situation at West Springfield High School.

In short, we built a new school and then, by the board's own ill-advised actions, caused overcrowding and underutilization and severely upset the West Springfield community.

How did these anomalous results occur? The process began when Daniel Storck, the Mount Vernon District representative, decided to support the desires of the Mason Neck community. He offered to amend the staff's recommended boundaries to add the Mason Neck community to the South County school, thereby removing these students from Hayfield Secondary School.

At the same time, Mr. Storck was faced with a competing and more valid claim for admission to the South County school by his constituents in the South Hunt Valley community (a community significantly closer to the new school than Mason Neck). He responded to this community's desires not by offering to champion the same cause of seeking to add them to the South County school but rather by offering to move them from Lee High School to West Springfield High School.

The West Springfield area had never been included in the study area for the South County school. Nevertheless, if Mason Neck was to be admitted to South County, the result of doing nothing for South Hunt Valley would be too patently unfair.

Further underlying the flawed nature of the process, Mr. Storck never consulted with the principal of West Springfield or otherwise alerted that community. He first alerted me to his intentions in late December, long after the public process had begun.

At my urging, and after I consulted with the West Springfield principal and the PTA president, the West Springfield community was alerted to Mr. Stork's intentions. A community meeting was hastily arranged and held on Jan. 24. At the meeting a number of parents voiced their concerns over the potential addition of 160 more students from South Hunt Valley to the already overcrowded situation at West Springfield.

This community meeting was followed immediately by a public hearing on Jan. 25, just two days before the board took up the new South County boundaries at its Jan. 27 public meeting.

I had hoped and expected that, at that meeting, the board as a whole would not allow its processes to be corrupted merely to make the two communities of Mason Neck and South Hunt Valley happy. At the board meeting, the motion by Mr. Storck to add the Mason Neck community passed.

Anticipating that Mr. Storck would try to assuage his constituents in South Hunt Valley by moving them into West Springfield, I then tried, with the assistance of school board representative Stu Gibson (Reston) and Kathy Smith (Centreville) to persuade the board to alleviate the unfairness by also adding South Hunt Valley to the South County school instead of West Springfield.

In the same motion, we included a provision advancing funds for the new middle school at the site. We did this since it was obvious that the new middle school would be needed at an earlier date as a result of the current population to be included in the new school as now exacerbated by the addition of the Mason Neck community. The board voted down this effort.

At this point, Mr. Storck, as anticipated, moved to add the South Hunt Valley community to West Springfield High School.

I argued that no one representative should be allowed to initiate action to affect boundaries of a school (West Springfield) not in a community that person represented and not without a more formal process with more adequate notice than what had been offered in connection with the South County study process. I also argued that there was no basis to add 160 students to an already overcrowded school.

The board rejected these arguments and voted to add the South Hunt Valley community to West Springfield High School. This action was done with minimal notice to the public advising them that the process had been expanded to potentially include communities outside the boundaries of the study area. This was unfair, lacking in adequate due process and resulted in the anomalous detrimental results described.

I understand that some of my colleagues may defend these results in the name of providing "community" schools-i.e., whole communities going to the closest school and retaining the "community" spirit represented by keeping feeder intermediate school populations together in high school. I disagree with their judgments.

In the end, the board alleviated a split feeder situation for South Hunt Valley but created a new split feeder situation for students in Gunston Elementary. The board made two small communities happy at the cost of adversely impacting the educational situation of thousands of other students and caused significant hard feelings among the West Springfield community-a community that should never have been impacted in the first place since it was not in the study area and was already overcrowded.

The board needs to carefully review these results and its processes. I will do my best to implement the board's final actions in the least disruptive fashion. But, at a minimum, this board needs to explain to the West Springfield community why their high school should suffer additional significant overcrowding merely because we built a new school.

I feel compelled to publicly express my disagreement with the board's judgments and voice my objection to the process by which these results have occurred.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Not Jack Dale ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:47AM

> If you think things are bad now, 2009 thru 2012
> will get worse.
> To
> Jack Dale and the school board
> Please answer the following 09 budget questions;
> You indicate that 521.3 positions will be
> eliminated. What are these positions?
> You indicate 5.0 department reductions. What are
> these departments?
> What will the student activity fee be if you do
> not include middle schools?
> What will the test fees be?
> --------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of
> all time on AOL Music.

SB Insider-

Thank you for asking. We plan to eliminate 521 people on the front line that deal with your kids every day. It is either them or those of us in the our Ivory Gatheouse tower I (please support Tower 2 by the way which we promise will save money...wink, wink) and we need someone to fill our costly expense overrun building and fill our parking garage with those fancy red & green parking lights.

We had orginally thought of cutting the bulging administration but were concerned we wouldn't see any of our friends in our subsidized cafeteria. If we cut people in the schools you should find it easier to park and have less parent teacher conferences.

By the way how is everything going out there? I don't get out much trying to prop up this failing system, but I do fly over it in my private plane and it looks fine from 10,000 feet.

Very Truly
Not Jack

PS If you don't like it, move to Prince William. This will help us keep our fornt line costs down

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 03, 2008 11:16AM

> ... Please answer the following 09 budget questions;
> You indicate that 521.3 positions will be
> eliminated. What are these positions? ...
There is a link on the post of "February 03, 2008 01:15AM" that will give you a pdf file of the current budget proposals.

Page 13 is program expansions:
Full-Day Kindergarten $5.7 million 77.8 positions
Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools $2.1 million 17.5 positions
Student Information System $5.7 million 0.0 positions

Pages 16 through 20 has reductions. The big ones are:
Increasing class size by .5 across the board (loss of 158.3 teachers)
Reducing IAs (111 positions)
Streamlining Special Education Preschool Teacher Schedule (118 positions)
("Streamlining the program will increase the number of resource teachers who carry a caseload of up to 12 students in alternate settings. This will remove the itinerant duties from class-based teachers, allowing them to teach a morning and afternoon preschool class.")

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: February 03, 2008 12:30PM

What would Tisdadt do? Occasionnally he has documents on the school board agendas for review. Largely irgores by posturing politicians who spend lots of time on this school system. His department had contiguous groupings on the CIp years ago but no one used them. Now they don't even put dots for school locations on the CIP under/over capacity maps.

The GT busses? Tisdadt was expected to provide duplicate bus routes for around 20 to 30% of a school's enrollment. What did anyone expect?

Why? Nobody on the board cares. I'd like documents for the public in addition to documents for the board. Plus bond referendums split into 3 sections- necessary part of a job, extras, stuff like south county that could have a boundary change.

3 loud mouth PTA's have said/implied they don't want McNair. Who the he11 do they think they are? South County didn't want Lorton which is home to the very people that this county justifies all the money going into the old prison site. FFXStation carpetbaggers.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: PROTECTOR ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:26PM

Jack Dale and the school board.

Budget questions;

Are you moving ahead with Gatehouse II and what will be the total cost?

What will be the cost for the new middle school in south county? When will it be built and with what money?

How much does a boundary study cost?

What CIP will be delayed or not done?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 03, 2008 02:44PM

...> What will be the cost for the new middle school in
> south county? When will it be built and with what
> money?...

This does not answer all your questions, but go to:

Page 84 of the CIP indicates this totally unneeded new middle school will cost $76 million.

Let's see. Raising class size by .5 saves $11 million. That would imply that for $77 million FCPS could REDUCE class size across the county by .5 for seven years.

[Yes, I know one is capitol funding and the other is operational funds.]

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: a Floris Mom ()
Date: February 03, 2008 07:49PM

Do board members have supervisors?

Seems to me they can do whatever they want to do as long as they made deals within them.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: a Floris Mom ()
Date: February 03, 2008 07:53PM

Do school board members have supervisors?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 03, 2008 08:08PM

a Floris Mom Wrote:
> Do school board members have supervisors?

That was what I wanted to find out so I asked in an earlier post what the relationship was with the board of Supervisors and the school board members. To my understanding the Board of Supervisors control the funds that the sb spends on, but who exactly are the supervisors for the school members, seems like they do whatever they want and of course they keep on screwing up everything,,actually they WORK for us as their constituents. Of course our own sb member, Stu happens to be very loyal to a certain group of people which is the SL community.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: chs mom ()
Date: February 03, 2008 08:53PM

Stu Gibson...............think slimy used car salesman and snake. He and Kathy Smith are the best of friends scratching each others backs. She is no better. She just does it more covertly.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: observer ()
Date: February 03, 2008 08:55PM

Stu Gibson...............think slimy used car salesman and snake. He and Kathy Smith are the best of friends scratching each others backs. She is no better. She just does it more covertly.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: observer ()
Date: February 03, 2008 09:04PM

the SB does not have supervisors. The taxpayers are the "supervisors"and look how well that works for us.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: maxwell ()
Date: February 03, 2008 09:20PM

I do not understand how these people that support redistricting would want to help the county do their dirty work for them. The system is many times anti-parent, arrogant, and way too impressed with itself. If the school system is good it is because of the many educated parents in the system. Its also weird the with the close relationship with Stu and the South lakes PTA. If they get what they want all it will do is break up communities causing the people that pay their bill hardship. People are nuts if they every support a bond issue from this school board.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FACTS ()
Date: February 03, 2008 10:29PM

observer Wrote:
> the SB does not have supervisors. The taxpayers
> are the "supervisors"and look how well that works
> for us.


The SB does not have supervisors. We are there supervisors. We either vote them in or vote them out.

Next time vote them all out and get some honest people in SB positions.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AVENGER ()
Date: February 03, 2008 11:00PM

observer Wrote:
> Stu Gibson...............think slimy used car
> salesman and snake. He and Kathy Smith are the
> best of friends scratching each others backs. She
> is no better. She just does it more covertly.

What are the words that would describe this school board;


If you vote them in next time shame on you.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SB_is_racist ()
Date: February 03, 2008 11:08PM

> observer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Stu Gibson...............think slimy used car
> > salesman and snake. He and Kathy Smith are the
> > best of friends scratching each others backs.
> She
> > is no better. She just does it more covertly.
> What are the words that would describe this school
> board;
> If you vote them in next time shame on you.

You missed RACIST. They keep Rich White North Reston in Langley and want to throw others the not so rich whites, blacks and browns in South Lakes to drown

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 02:34AM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> This note is directed to all parents who are
> opposed to the West County RD. I want to know if
> any of you have any information on whether the IBO
> board has ever endorsed or issued an opinion on
> the forced redistricting of a large group of
> students out of an AP based curriculum and into an
> IB based curriculum.As I have researched
> information on this issue, I have not found
> precedence for such a redistricting into a main
> stream public school. I have found many instances
> where an IB based "Acadamy" type school was placed
> into an area, and those students who "chose" to
> enroll, were able to do so.
> Please post any links, to any instances where the
> redistricting of a large group of students has
> been forced into an IB based curriculum.
> I believe that South Lakes and the other 7 schools
> with the IB curriculum will always be
> underenrolled as compared to their AP based
> schools, because many parents perceive the IB
> curriculum to be "different", "European", and not
> mainstream. The majority of parents will try to
> place their children in schools that offer an
> "American" education, where the value and
> recognition of AP credits is a known quantity,
> whereas the IB credits are seen by many as more
> suitable for the children of Diplomats etc.
> Whether AP is better that IB is not what I am
> debating here. Both seem to offer different
> opportunies for learning. What I do feel needs to
> be understood, is that "perception" becomes the
> reality for many parents, and the perception is
> that IB is not Mainstream, and therefore should be
> avoided if the desire is to provide their children
> with an edcution that is overwhelmingly offered
> through out the Country.
> 23,000 High Schools in the US are not IB, and 500
> are.Why can our SB see this?
> Please help if you are against our School Board
> trying to implement such a "unique" curriculum
> into a mainstream public school system. It does
> not seem appropiate for a large Public Schools
> system to have different standards of learning. It
> would be a different story if the SB wanted to
> offer the IB curriculum in a voluntary "Magnet" or
> "Acadamy" type setting.
> I belive that if the SB will take a hard look at
> the performance of the schools that are IB based,
> the answers to many of the imbalances between our
> schools will be better understood.

Our school board would say that just proves how cool they are, to have this cool, European, program, that so few other schools have. That just proves how much more evolved they are to have adopted this 'global' program in so many of our schools.
They don't care that the majority of parents never wanted it, and still don't want it for their children. Nope. They know best. Parents are just being provincial and not realizing what a great, global, European-based, program IB is.
I can guarantee that the SB will NOT get rid of IB in ANY school. Liberals and Democrats love it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 02:39AM

FACTS Wrote:
> observer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > the SB does not have supervisors. The
> taxpayers
> > are the "supervisors"and look how well that
> works
> > for us.
> The SB does not have supervisors. We are there
> supervisors. We either vote them in or vote them
> out.
> Next time vote them all out and get some honest
> people in SB positions.

We also vote for the board of Supervisors who fund the school board. If the Board of Supervisors thought that the school board was wasting our money, they should cut the funding. But they won't. They are ALL democrats, so they love to tax and spend. Our schools don't even know which programs are effective and which ones are not. No matter, they all continue, and they all get funding, from us. The schools need $100 million MORE this year than last. That's $100 dollars from every man, woman, and child in this county. Are you ready to give them your family's extra $400 or $500 more this year on your real estate taxes? If so, FCPS will be appreciative. If not, you need to tell the board of supervisors how you feel.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 02:44AM

a Floris Mom Wrote:
> Do board members have supervisors?
> Seems to me they can do whatever they want to do
> as long as they made deals within them.

Yes, they are elected officials so they can do whatever they want with the schools in their districts. If we don't like what they do, we can throw the bums out, but democrats will never do that. They vote as they're told. That's why ALL the at-large winners were democrats, as well as all but two republicans. One is a long time board member who barely won and the other won because she promised a new south county middle school.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 02:47AM

> Jack Dale and the school board.
> Budget questions;
> Are you moving ahead with Gatehouse II and what
> will be the total cost?
> What will be the cost for the new middle school in
> south county? When will it be built and with what
> money?
> How much does a boundary study cost?
> What CIP will be delayed or not done?

Facilities is a separate budget, paid with bond money. Of course they will build an unnecessary middle school in south county, just as they built an unnecessary high school. And of course they'll get their second Taj Mahal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2008 03:00AM by Neen.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 03:01AM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> > ... Please answer the following 09 budget
> questions;
> >
> > You indicate that 521.3 positions will be
> > eliminated. What are these positions? ...
> >
> -------------------
> There is a link on the post of "February 03, 2008
> 01:15AM" that will give you a pdf file of the
> current budget proposals.
> Page 13 is program expansions:
> Full-Day Kindergarten $5.7 million 77.8 positions
> Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools $2.1
> million 17.5 positions
> Student Information System $5.7 million 0.0
> positions
> Pages 16 through 20 has reductions. The big ones
> are:
> Increasing class size by .5 across the board (loss
> of 158.3 teachers)
> Reducing IAs (111 positions)
> Streamlining Special Education Preschool Teacher
> Schedule (118 positions)
> ("Streamlining the program will increase the
> number of resource teachers who carry a caseload
> of up to 12 students in alternate settings. This
> will remove the itinerant duties from class-based
> teachers, allowing them to teach a morning and
> afternoon preschool class.")

Dale said that cuts to the central office support office would be 5%, saving $10.2 million. I'm not a major major, but wouldn't that mean that the central office funding is $200 million?

Does anyone know how many teachers we have in FCPS? Not guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists, but actual teachers?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 03:11AM

>>>>It is true. The West study has nothing on the South. There will be 4 studies in 5 years with the only break being for your 2008 West Study this year.

Here is the tally of the number of times schools have been or will be involved in these boundary studies.

South County 2005,2007, 2009
Lake Braddock 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Hayfield 2005, 2007, 2009(?)
West Springfield 2005 (although told they wouldn't be), 2006
Lee 2005,2006

This only at the high school level.<<<<

In south county there is a big difference, many of the people are
leaving schools that they don't like, Hayfield, for schools they do like,
South County and West Springfield. The current redistricting sends kids to a school they do NOT want to attend.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Halley ()
Date: February 04, 2008 06:55AM

The last South County study was about sending kids FROM SC either to Hayfield and/or Lake Braddock. Hmmm, what happened? Kids from the northeast area of the SC cachement area (the ones who live closest to SC BTW) got redistricted back to Hayfield. The subdivisions that should have been sent to Lake Braddock squawked and they are still at SC. Because of their selfish and misguided attitudes, SC is still overcrowded, LB is undercapacity,and there is a push to bulid an unnecessary middle school at a time of budget cuts.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 04, 2008 07:05AM

Neen Wrote:
> Does anyone know how many teachers we have
> in FCPS? Not guidance counselors, social
> workers, psychologists, but actual teachers?

From P. 330 of the budget:

"Regular classroom" teachers:
Teacher-Kindergarten 429.5
Teacher-Elementary (1-6) 3,522.8
Teacher-Middle School 1,399.8
Teacher-High School 2,493.0

Teacher-Special Education 2,719.2
Teacher Elementary - PE/Music/Art 638.6
Teacher-Professional Technical 321.6
Teacher-Alternative Education 222.4
Teacher-Reading 193.0
Teacher-Instrumental Music 151.7
Teacher-ESOL 78.0
Teacher-GT Resource 68.0
Teacher-Professional Technical Academy 65.0
Teacher-Lab 16.0
Teacher-Work Experience Program 9.0
Teacher-Professional Technical Projects 6.5
Teacher-Planetarium 4.5
Teacher-Elementary Art 3.3
Teacher-Title I 0.5

Teacher-Staffing Reserve 159.5

PLUS these, paid for by "grants and self supporting funds":
Teacher-Special Education 1.5
Teacher-Title I 136.9
Teacher-FECEP 70.0
Teacher-Alternative Education 22.4

No idea how much is spent on substitute teachers.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 04, 2008 07:27AM

Halley Wrote:
> The last South County study was about sending kids
> FROM SC either to Hayfield and/or Lake Braddock.
> Hmmm, what happened? Kids from the northeast area
> of the SC cachement area (the ones who live
> closest to SC BTW) got redistricted back to
> Hayfield. ...

Unlike Falls Church and South Lakes, Mt Vernon is under populated in part because it is harder to get to than most high schools.

Philosophic question: Should everyone have a "medium" commute, or should some students have very short commutes and others have long commutes, with some pupils riding right by a high school because it is already filled with students who live even closer to it?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 04, 2008 07:35AM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> Halley Wrote:
> > The last South County study was about sending
> kids
> > FROM SC either to Hayfield and/or Lake
> Braddock.
> > Hmmm, what happened? Kids from the northeast
> area
> > of the SC cachement area (the ones who live
> > closest to SC BTW) got redistricted back to
> > Hayfield. ...
> Unlike Falls Church and South Lakes, Mt Vernon is
> under populated in part because it is harder to
> get to than most high schools.
> Philosophic question: Should everyone have a
> "medium" commute, or should some students have
> very short commutes and others have long commutes,
> with some pupils riding right by a high school
> because it is already filled with students who
> live even closer to it?

Good question about the commute issue. Seems like there is no problem with the SB about some North Reston students being bussed to Langely 18-20 miles when they are actually closer to SL.

By the way, to Floris Parent, I have tried researching for any incidents of forced high school redistrictings into IB schools around the country, but could not find none. If anybody has the information, please let us know..that would be appreciated otherwise I believe these our affected communities will be the first ever forced to an IB school if this RD goes through.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 04, 2008 08:02AM

School Statistics Data Source:

School Name Address Phone Grades County Type District Name
South Lakes High School 11400 S Lakes Dr
Reston, VA 20191 (703) 715-4500 9-12 Fairfax public Fairfax County Public Schools

South Lakes Ethnic Background Percent Year Reston Ethnic Background
White, non-Hispanic 46.2547 2005 72.23
Black, non-Hispanic 21.8477 2005 7.75
Hispanic 15.98 2005 11.82
Asian/Pacific Islander 11.6729 2005 11.56
Native American 0.187266 2005 0.28

Why are the Statistics related to demographics skewed as it relates to the the general population of Reston, compared to the demographics of South Lakes?

You will note that the Hispanic and Asian demographics are pretty consistent percentages, while the White and Black numbers seem to be way off.

Has our School Board created this imbalance by drawing boundary lines within Reston, that have caused this? It would seem to me that Reston as a whole has demographics that are very similar to Fairfax County as a whole, as it relates to Income, Race, education, average age, number of owner occupied homes etc.

Most High Schools will generally reflect the make-up of the community in which it is located. What has happened at South Lakes?

Why is it necessay to draw students from outside of the traditional South Lakes Boundaries, when a simple adjustment of Boundary lines within Reston would correct most of the imbalances that exist in South Lakes?

I still believe that the real reason for lack of enrollment in South Lakes has more to do with the curriculum than anything else.

Students per Teacher Year
12.1 2004

School Head Official Year
Mr. Bruce Butler 2006

Students Getting Free Lunch Year
27% 2005
Date Who Comments:
8/21/2006 parent I have one recent graduate and another child now in her Junior year, and both have loved the school for all of its dimensions. The spirit, camaraderie, parental involvement, instruction, and -- under Bruce Butler's new direction -- leadership are eexcellent.

7/28/2006 student This school currently under renovation will expand its boundaries after the completion of its contruction which means for an increase in the enrollment from 1,400 to 2,000. That means south herndon kids will be attending this school. Maybe finally this sschool will get a break from its lack in extracurricular activities, parent involvment, and MAYBE safety and security. We are in for an energized school spirit!

10/15/2005 student I'm currently a junior enrolled at South Lakes and I feel that my quality of education is outstanding, that the teachers are great, that the school is safe and that the diversity contributes the the overall atmosphere that I've come to love in my three years here. There is a small measure of gang activity and drugs, but that is the same, if not worse at other schools, even ones that are very close to South Lakes. Maybe you should COME to the school, before you make the assumption that, because there are people from different backgrounds, our school is rampant with undesireable activity.

9/9/2005 former student I think south lakes high school has good teachers but the school is very dangerous it is next to many bad neighborhoods and the students are very scary and dangerous looking. safety and discipline are very low in this school.

6/16/2005 student Next year we will have a new principle. And with the renovation coming it is time for someone who understands what they are doing. Overall the teachers at SLHS are great. They are only lazy if the class is lazy otherwise they put in 100% to their studennts. Yes, the overall safty and discipline may be low, as a freshman or any other grade, there is no need to worry about your safty unless you give it away. However, South Lakes is a great school and I consider myself privledged to go to SLHS in FairfaxCounty, one of the richest, one of the best school systems, and is home of some of the best teachers in the country.

5/11/2005 former student I was a graduating student in 2002. South Lakes is a wonderful school with dedicated well-educated teachers. I also felt very safe there. Parents who do not feel their students are safe should really go and visit with an open mind. Reston itself is a pplanned community, which means that there are big wealthy neighborhoods next to subsadized housing. The school, therefore, draws from many different backgrounds. This does not make the school less safe. It makes the school diverse. I now attend the University of Virginia and feel as prepared as any student here. Many of whom had attended Phllips Acadamy at Andover, Thomas Jefferson High School, and many other magnet public schools and leading private schools. Please don't underestimate this school.

3/15/2005 student Every one is obviously blinded by a facade. I feel sorry for the teachers because they are great but the school itself is horrible. Drug deals are so obvious. gangs are rampant and fights are almost a daily spectacle.

2/16/2005 former student I was not happy at all to read someone's comment that the teachers at this school are lazy. they should perhaps talk with their child about the effort they are putting into the learning process. Some of the country's best teachers work at South Lakes Hiigh School, and this is from a student's perspective.

2/7/2005 former student South Lakes is about as diverse school you will find anywhere, I liked it for that. But as far as the education you recieve go somewhere else!

1/31/2005 former student South Lakes was a good school when I went. However, I have heard that it has changed a lot since I was there and that was only 5 years ago. But some of my wonderful teachers that I was lucky to have are still there. Not only are some the teachers amaziing but so are a lot of the members of the staff. Really good people work at South Lakes.

1/19/2005 former student I was a student at south lakes and I loved it. The diversity in the school is unique. The teachers are great and the school is run very well. I am proud to be a south lakes high school graduate.

1/9/2005 parent I think this is the best school ever. my kids love it, and now that we move everything is so different. their not into school as they did when they went to SLHS. I really love how my kids learned alot and was into activities and I reget moving.ts>

12/28/2004 parent This schools security and safety is not good at all. There were many reports of people entering the school after dismissal who dont go to this school and I was very unpleased with that. Also my child attends this school and complained to me that his teaachers are very lazy and he doesnt get to learn that much.

This information is taken from the Web Sites below.



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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 04, 2008 08:07AM

Is anyone getting error messages like this one?

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 44 bytes) in /var/www/fairfaxunderground/html/phorum/include/db/mysql.php on line 640

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 04, 2008 08:18AM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> Is anyone getting error messages like this one?
> Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes
> exhausted (tried to allocate 44 bytes) in
> /var/www/fairfaxunderground/html/phorum/include/db
> /mysql.php on line 640

Yes, I am getting the same error message. I think it is probably time to start a new thread called "high school redistricting II". I am not sure why these errors keep coming up.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave politics out ()
Date: February 04, 2008 08:48AM

"Parents are just being provincial and not realizing what a great, global, European-based, program IB is.
I can guarantee that the SB will NOT get rid of IB in ANY school. Liberals and Democrats love it."

Not true of all liberals or Democrats. I don't think it's that great (for my kids espeically) and I've never voted for a Republican.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: February 04, 2008 09:17AM

I think there is clearly an elitist nature to the IB program. I think that is absolutely acceptable for those that find it their cup of tea - we need to educate an elite. Anyone familiar with the Western European approach to university education can relate. Although it has become better for average to middle type students in Europe, relatively few of these students have the opportunity to go on to higher education. The model where average students go on to some of our more modest public universities and obtain an education really doesn't apply to Europe - hence the IB program is designed around the elite students that invariably qualify for a university. This is of course why the program when practiced here is a vigorous one - it is the type, at least in breadth and citizen of the world approach, that young people take in anticipation of the Sorbonne or the like. But that is also why the full diploma only attracts 5-8% of the citizenry - no surprise - it replicates the European experience.

So the question remains what else does a school have to offer for the others?

And when it comes to SLHS, why should we care? Or put another way, we should only care if transfers to local AP high schools are not approved expeditiously and promptly.

And there's the rub, isn't it? No one trusts the school administration here - to freely grant transfers to local AP schools. One would hope the school administration freely permits transfers - after all - if IB, or lack of AP, is at some point deemed to be the cause, the school then can make an informed market decision about what kind of curriculum it offers to attract students.
And those that like IB - or find it a true fit - will likely have other choices - such as Marshall - which is an option for many Madison, Oakton, Langley students who truly want IB.

The tone of the discourse here leads me to believe that there will be a number of AP transfer requests - and if not honored - there will also be a number of litigation threats - the school doesn't want that and it only stigmatizes it more. Any comments as to whether common sense will ultimately prevail?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: stop ()
Date: February 04, 2008 09:56AM

Only a tiny TINY number of homes in North Reston are in the Langley boundary. Stop using that as an excuse. North Reston (or actually only half of North Reston depending on where you think North Reston begins) goes to Herndon.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Start Making Sense ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:18AM

Thank you Stop. Exactly two (2) streets in North Reston attend Langley. They are beyond Aldrin and if sent to South Lakes, would be a tiny island.

Also, do the people who keep saying the South Lakes speakers were only white and female (you know who you are) really want to say that? Did you actually watch the hearings? I saw SL men and women of different races and cultures giving some great speeches. In fact, they kicked ass.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Nonsense ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:36AM


Are you referring to the African American Security Guard for South Lakes who only last week had his picture on the Cover of the Reston Connection for doing an outstanding job? Or perhaps you are referring to one of the several teachers? Or were you referring to the lovely student speaker who loves loves loves IB because she has just moved here from Switzerland?

Where are the minorities that you are constantly talking about? YOu know the ones I mean, not the ones children of Diplomats or the your SL employees, but thes ones that we are supposed to be so very frightened of?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: whoAREyou ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:43AM

Nonsense Wrote:
> SMS-
> Are you referring to the African American Security
> Guard for South Lakes who only last week had his
> picture on the Cover of the Reston Connection for
> doing an outstanding job? Or perhaps you are
> referring to one of the several teachers? Or were
> you referring to the lovely student speaker who
> loves loves loves IB because she has just moved
> here from Switzerland?
> Where are the minorities that you are constantly
> talking about? YOu know the ones I mean, not the
> ones children of Diplomats or the your SL
> employees, but thes ones that we are supposed to
> be so very frightened of?

What are you implying by this post. It is obvious that South Lakes is full of minorities. And you are the ones who think you should be frightened of them. They were probably at work or at home taking care of their families. Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of attending the fairfax county school board hearings to have their voices heard.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:47AM

whoAREyou Wrote:
> Nonsense Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SMS-
> >
> > Are you referring to the African American
> Security
> > Guard for South Lakes who only last week had
> his
> > picture on the Cover of the Reston Connection
> for
> > doing an outstanding job? Or perhaps you are
> > referring to one of the several teachers? Or
> were
> > you referring to the lovely student speaker who
> > loves loves loves IB because she has just moved
> > here from Switzerland?
> >
> > Where are the minorities that you are
> constantly
> > talking about? YOu know the ones I mean, not
> the
> > ones children of Diplomats or the your SL
> > employees, but thes ones that we are supposed
> to
> > be so very frightened of?
> What are you implying by this post. It is obvious
> that South Lakes is full of minorities. And you
> are the ones who think you should be frightened of
> them. They were probably at work or at home taking
> care of their families. Unfortunately not everyone
> has the luxury of attending the fairfax county
> school board hearings to have their voices heard.

Are you saying that for those that "did" attend the Public hearings, that they do not work, or were somehow neglecting their families?

I am not quite sure what the logic is that you are using with this statement.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: whoAREyou ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:51AM

Floris Parent Wrote:

> Are you saying that for those that "did" attend
> the Public hearings, that they do not work, or
> were somehow neglecting their families?
> I am not quite sure what the logic is that you are
> using with this statement.

Obviously I was refering to those that were not in attendence, in response to Nonsense's question of "Where are the minorities that you are constantly
talking about?". Why are you so worried about the demographics of the speakers at the hearings?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:03AM

for stop and Start Making sense, who are new here or have selective memories.

North Reston kids go to Herndon High, rather than South Lakes, which is about as far away for many of them, and the same community for all of them, despite the apparently desperate need for more advantaged kids at South Lakes.

The claim is these kids are needed at Herndon in order to balance it out. (Of course, it could just be they don't want to move, which would be fine too.)

However, if you go to Herndon high and drive one mile North, you're in Langley district. One mile! Not even the three mile circle. Some have Herndon addresses. If you live there, you'll be bused more than twelve miles to Langley.

Does that make any sense at all? Send Aldrin to South Lakes, part of Forestville to Herndon, and call it good. You arguably don't need the addition at Langley then. at or can use it for other purposes.

That's what we're talking about.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: stop ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:08AM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> for stop and Start Making sense, who are new here
> or have selective memories.
> North Reston kids go to Herndon High, rather than
> South Lakes, which is about as far away for many
> of them, and the same community for all of them,
> despite the apparently desperate need for more
> advantaged kids at South Lakes.
> The claim is these kids are needed at Herndon in
> order to balance it out. (Of course, it could
> just be they don't want to move, which would be
> fine too.)
> However, if you go to Herndon high and drive one
> mile North, you're in Langley district. One mile!
> Not even the three mile circle. Some have
> Herndon addresses. If you live there, you'll be
> bused more than twelve miles to Langley.
> Does that make any sense at all? Send Aldrin to
> South Lakes, part of Forestville to Herndon, and
> call it good. You arguably don't need the
> addition at Langley then. at or can use it for
> other purposes.
> That's what we're talking about.

I never disagreed that not including Langley was acceptable. I just wanted to set the record straight that Reston kids do not go to Langley (save for 2 streets). Many posters have used a blanket term "North Reston" when describing those 2 streets and it is extremely misleading for those that do not know.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:18AM

stop Wrote:
> Oakton Parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > for stop and Start Making sense, who are new
> here
> > or have selective memories.
> >
> > North Reston kids go to Herndon High, rather
> than
> > South Lakes, which is about as far away for
> many
> > of them, and the same community for all of
> them,
> > despite the apparently desperate need for more
> > advantaged kids at South Lakes.
> >
> > The claim is these kids are needed at Herndon
> in
> > order to balance it out. (Of course, it could
> > just be they don't want to move, which would be
> > fine too.)
> >
> > However, if you go to Herndon high and drive
> one
> > mile North, you're in Langley district. One
> mile!
> > Not even the three mile circle. Some have
> > Herndon addresses. If you live there, you'll
> be
> > bused more than twelve miles to Langley.
> >
> > Does that make any sense at all? Send Aldrin
> to
> > South Lakes, part of Forestville to Herndon,
> and
> > call it good. You arguably don't need the
> > addition at Langley then. at or can use it for
> > other purposes.
> >
> > That's what we're talking about.
> I never disagreed that not including Langley was
> acceptable. I just wanted to set the record
> straight that Reston kids do not go to Langley
> (save for 2 streets). Many posters have used a
> blanket term "North Reston" when describing those
> 2 streets and it is extremely misleading for those
> that do not know.

Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school, South Lakes.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: shutup ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:25AM

Or how about everyone just go to the school you live closest to and shut up.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ? ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:29AM

Why is this thread not bumping up in the forum list? For some reason the last comment recorded was by Neen in the wee hours of Sunday. I clicked on it and am seeing many comments after the supposed "last one".

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: weird ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:33AM

When I click on the general Fairfax forum, this thread states that the last post was by Neen on 02/03/2008 01:51AM and yet there are many more comments subsequent to hers. Is this happening to everybody?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: can't log in... ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:38AM

"Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school, South Lakes."

Maybe that would be a reasonable solution, (moving some of Langley to Herndon and then moving North Reston to South Lakes), but I anticipate there would be at least as much opposition as there is to the current proposal. Unless there is a county-wide boundary study, nothing will really be accepted as valid. I think that having an outside party do the study would be more fair since SB members like Stu G. seem to have a hard time being fair. I'm not even sure that having the community meetings is useful. No one who likes their current school wants to be redistricted, now or ever.

Either look at the whole county or don't change the western boundaries. Whatever change is put forward, there are at least as many reasons NOT to do it. People at Langley don't want to switch to Herndon, people at Oakton don't want to switch South Lakes, so as much as I might like to stick it to someone else, it isn't fair.

Everyone should check out the http://fairfaxcaps.org/index.html site. I know it's been discussed in here before, but it really has a lot of interesting things to consider. I think that it would be very hard to support the current proposal given some of the data. At any rate, I think that there is more than enough info to support some kind of legal action, and even if some don't agree with the lawsuit path, I hope that the SB realizes what a pain it would be for the county to have to deal with one.

How's the recall petition going?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 123 ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:39AM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: can't log in ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:39AM

"Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school, South Lakes."

Maybe that would be a reasonable solution, (moving some of Langley to Herndon and then moving North Reston to South Lakes), but I anticipate there would be at least as much opposition as there is to the current proposal. Unless there is a county-wide boundary study, nothing will really be accepted as valid. I think that having an outside party do the study would be more fair since SB members like Stu G. seem to have a hard time being fair. I'm not even sure that having the community meetings is useful. No one who likes their current school wants to be redistricted, now or ever.

Either look at the whole county or don't change the western boundaries. Whatever change is put forward, there are at least as many reasons NOT to do it. People at Langley don't want to switch to Herndon, people at Oakton don't want to switch South Lakes, so as much as I might like to stick it to someone else, it isn't fair.

Everyone should check out the http://fairfaxcaps.org/index.html site. I know it's been discussed in here before, but it really has a lot of interesting things to consider. I think that it would be very hard to support the current proposal given some of the data. At any rate, I think that there is more than enough info to support some kind of legal action, and even if some don't agree with the lawsuit path, I hope that the SB realizes what a pain it would be for the county to have to deal with one.

How's the recall petition going?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: IB Veritas ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:12PM

Baffled Wrote:

> Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school,
> South Lakes.

By this logic, how would you allocate every one of the other school pyramids? Who goes to Westfield, then? Which "town" exactly is Westfield's "town"? And Oakton? That would mean Crossfield kids to -- where exactly? Part of that has the so-called "Oak Hill" zip which is really a Herndon zip, and what town exactly are other "zips" at Crossfield? What would you say to that part of Crossfield that already goes to South Lakes and shops at Hunters Woods plaza or South Lakes Shopping center and attends events in Reston? What about Floris? Is that really an "Oakton" community school? Or could it really be Herndon, because the nearest shopping district is the Clock Tower plaza? And then we get to all the gerrymandered districts elsewhere.

If you want to define a school by its "town" you are going to be really hard-pressed to draw that map!

No dice. This county has is not divided by incorporated towns. We have loose-knit notions of "place" here. The school system is a COUNTY-WIDE system and the community in question is "Fairfax County."

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Erika ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:18PM


The fact that you actually waste time talking about me on this blog really amuses me! Maybe if you come out from behind your on-line name, the press will interview you as well!

Yes, I realize that I have probably alienated some people from Fox Mill. That being said, I still respect ALL my friends whether they are pro-Oakton, pro-South Lakes or sitting on the fence because we all come from different places and have different things driving our positions in this process. Those who know me know that I truly believe this. Those that still want to pass angry judgement... well nothing I can say is going to change a mind made up, so I am not going to waste time on something that I cannot change. Life is WAY too short.

I am sorry that some posters do not like the context of some of my emails, but I have no doubt that every single group involved in this redistricting has an email group with whom they routinely correspond. This is to share information with others that have expressed an interest. If someone wants to share that information with others I have no control over that. I don't ever believe that anything sent via email is entirely private so to expect that it might not be shared is a bit unrealistic. Therefore, I stand behind whatever I write.

Thank you,

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Erika ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:19PM


The fact that you actually waste time talking about me on this blog really amuses me!

Yes, I realize that I have probably alienated some people from Fox Mill. That being said, I still respect ALL my friends whether they are pro-Oakton, pro-South Lakes or sitting on the fence because we all come from different places and have different things driving our positions in this process. Those who know me know that I truly believe this. Those that still want to pass angry judgement... well nothing I can say is going to change a mind made up, so I am not going to waste time on something that I cannot change. Life is WAY too short.

I am sorry that some posters do not like the context of some of my emails, but I have no doubt that every single group involved in this redistricting has an email group with whom they routinely correspond. This is to share information with others that have expressed an interest. If someone wants to share that information with others I have no control over that. I don't ever believe that anything sent via email is entirely private so to expect that it might not be shared is a bit unrealistic. Therefore, I stand behind whatever I write.

Thank you,

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Erika ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:23PM


The fact that you actually waste time talking about me on this blog really amuses me!

Yes, I realize that I have probably alienated some people from Fox Mill. That being said, I still respect ALL my friends whether they are pro-Oakton, pro-South Lakes or sitting on the fence because we all come from different places and have different things driving our positions in this process. Those who know me know that I truly believe this. Those that still want to pass angry judgement... well nothing I can say is going to change a mind made up, so I am not going to waste time on something that I cannot change. Life is WAY too short.

I am sorry that you do not like the context of some of my emails, but I have no doubt that every single group involved in this redistricting has an email group with whom they routinely correspond. If someone wants to share that information with others I have no control over that nor do I care. Therefore, I stand behind whatever I write and actually use my real name!

Thank you,

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:27PM

FCPS map of Langley - big file - shows multiple streets that open up only to Route 7 plus a lot more than 2 streets that have driving access to Reston schools without going on Route 7.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: IB Veritas ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:30PM

Baffled Wrote:

> Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school,
> South Lakes.

By this logic, where would you send all the other communities in the school pyramid system?

McLean residents to McLean High School? What, exactly, is McLean? What is Westfield's "town" from which it would draw its students? Shouldn't Floris go to Herndon because so many residents there shop at the Clock Tower Plaza? Or would its homeowner association residents have to build a "Monroe Manor" elementary school because the system is should be established via HOAs? So what is Oakton's "town" or HOA? What about Crossfield? Part of that considers itself "Oak Hill" -- which is really a Herndon zip -- but it goes to Oakton. Many there shop at Franklin Farm shopping center or Fox Mill or Hunters Woods or the Clock Tower or Metrotech. Another section goes to South Lakes, and shops at Hunters Woods or South Lakes shopping centers. And Fox Mill? Those high school kids all hang out at Five Guys or Starbucks in Fox Mill shopping center, three miles from South Lakes.

What, exactly defines "Oakton" or "Vienna" or "Sully" or "McLean" or "Great Falls" or "Langely" or "Chantilly" ?? Just try to draw a map based on these notions of "town."

No dice. This county school system is not based on HOAs or incorporated towns. We have a very loose sense of "place" here. Our system is based on a COUNTY-WIDE school system and the community in question is Fairfax County.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: NewVeritas ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:34PM

Baffled Wrote:

> Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school,
> South Lakes.

By this logic, where would you send all the other communities in the school pyramid system?

McLean residents to McLean High School? What, exactly, is McLean? What is Westfield's "town" from which it would draw its students? Shouldn't Floris go to Herndon because so many residents there shop at the Clock Tower Plaza? Or would its homeowner association residents have to build a "Monroe Manor" elementary school because the system is should be established via HOAs? So what is Oakton's "town" or HOA? What about Crossfield? Part of that considers itself "Oak Hill" -- which is really a Herndon zip -- but it goes to Oakton. Many there shop at Franklin Farm shopping center or Fox Mill or Hunters Woods or the Clock Tower or Metrotech. Another section goes to South Lakes, and shops at Hunters Woods or South Lakes shopping centers. And Fox Mill? Those high school kids all hang out at Five Guys or Starbucks in Fox Mill shopping center, three miles from South Lakes.

What, exactly defines "Oakton" or "Vienna" or "Sully" or "McLean" or "Great Falls" or "Langely" or "Chantilly" ?? Just try to draw a map based on these notions of "town."

No dice. This county school system is not based on HOAs or incorporated towns. We have a very loose sense of "place" here. Our system is based on a COUNTY-WIDE school system and the community in question is Fairfax County.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Response ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:42PM

Baffled Wrote:

> Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school,
> South Lakes.

By this logic, where would you send all the other communities in the school pyramid system?

McLean residents to McLean High School? What, exactly, is McLean? What is Westfield's "town" from which it would draw its students? Shouldn't Floris go to Herndon because so many residents there shop at the Clock Tower Plaza? Or would its homeowner association residents have to build a "Monroe Manor" elementary school because the system is should be established via HOAs? So what is Oakton's "town" or HOA? What about Crossfield? Part of that considers itself "Oak Hill" -- which is really a Herndon zip -- but it goes to Oakton. Many there shop at Franklin Farm shopping center or Fox Mill or Hunters Woods or the Clock Tower or Metrotech. Another section goes to South Lakes, and shops at Hunters Woods or South Lakes shopping centers. And Fox Mill? Those high school kids all hang out at Five Guys or Starbucks in Fox Mill shopping center, three miles from South Lakes.

What, exactly defines "Oakton" or "Vienna" or "Sully" or "McLean" or "Great Falls" or "Langely" or "Chantilly" ?? Just try to draw a map based on these notions of "town."

No dice. This county school system is not based on HOAs or incorporated towns. We have a very loose sense of "place" here. Our system is based on a COUNTY-WIDE school system and the community in question is Fairfax County.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: February 04, 2008 01:28PM

-test post 1:28-


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: testing ()
Date: February 04, 2008 03:13PM

Seems like this site is acting up, just testing.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Erika ()
Date: February 04, 2008 04:28PM

Boo Hoo! You hurt my feelings by making fun of my hair :-( , now I am going to cry!


The fact that you actually waste time talking about me on this blog really makes me laugh! I find it particularly amusing because you (and others) do more to hurt your own cause by personally attacking me than anything I could possibly say! I am sure that CAPS appreciates your help.

If everyone is so envious about the amount of press coverage I get, please come out from behind your on-line identities and speak up. The press clearly favors the anti-RD perspective. They would love to talk to you.

Yes, I realize that I have probably alienated some people from Fox Mill. That being said, I still respect ALL my friends whether they are pro-Oakton, pro-South Lakes or sitting on the fence because we all come from different places and have different things driving our positions in this process. Those who know me know that I truly believe this. Those that still want to pass angry judgement on me... well, nothing I can say is going to change a mind made up and I am not going to waste time on something that I cannot change. Life is WAY too short.

I am sorry that some posters do not like the content of some of my emails. I am no different than any other person involved with this redistricting. I routinely email with select groups of people. If someone wants to share that information with others I have no control over that. I don't ever believe that anything sent via email is entirely private, so to expect that it might not be shared is a bit unrealistic. Therefore, I stand behind whatever I write.

If any of you have problems with that, sorry, I can't help you.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 05:28PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> > Does anyone know how many teachers we have
> > in FCPS? Not guidance counselors, social
> > workers, psychologists, but actual teachers?
> From P. 330 of the budget:
> "Regular classroom" teachers:
> Teacher-Kindergarten 429.5
> Teacher-Elementary (1-6) 3,522.8
> Teacher-Middle School 1,399.8
> Teacher-High School 2,493.0
> Specialists
> Teacher-Special Education 2,719.2
> Teacher Elementary - PE/Music/Art 638.6
> Teacher-Professional Technical 321.6
> Teacher-Alternative Education 222.4
> Teacher-Reading 193.0
> Teacher-Instrumental Music 151.7
> Teacher-ESOL 78.0
> Teacher-GT Resource 68.0
> Teacher-Professional Technical Academy 65.0
> Teacher-Lab 16.0
> Teacher-Work Experience Program 9.0
> Teacher-Professional Technical Projects 6.5
> Teacher-Planetarium 4.5
> Teacher-Elementary Art 3.3
> Teacher-Title I 0.5
> Teacher-Staffing Reserve 159.5
> PLUS these, paid for by "grants and self
> supporting funds":
> Teacher-Special Education 1.5
> Teacher-Title I 136.9
> Teacher-FECEP 70.0
> Teacher-Alternative Education 22.4
> No idea how much is spent on substitute teachers.

Have you done the math? How many total teachers?

Does anyone have any idea why this thread isn't updating on the main page and is still showing no new posts since mine on Saturday night?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 05:29PM

Deleted, post duplicated.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2008 11:02PM by Neen.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: test ()
Date: February 04, 2008 05:38PM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: southlakesparent ()
Date: February 04, 2008 06:08PM

A part 2 has been started for this thread since the thread has apparently reached its allotted memory usage.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 09:32PM

deleted, duplicate messages

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2008 10:59PM by Neen.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 09:37PM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> Is anyone getting error messages like this one?
> Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes
> exhausted (tried to allocate 44 bytes) in
> /var/www/fairfaxunderground/html/phorum/include/db
> /mysql.php on line 640

Yes! It is very annoying. Plus the main page is not updating for this thread.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:06PM

Problems reported.

This is a test post from the administrator. Please ignore.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:36PM

IB Veritas Wrote:
> Baffled Wrote:
> > Therefore 'Reston Kids' to Reston High school,
> > South Lakes.
> By this logic, where would you send all the other
> communities in the school pyramid system?
> What, exactly defines "Oakton" or "Vienna" or
> "Sully" or "McLean" or "Great Falls" or "Langely"
> or "Chantilly" ?? Just try to draw a map based on
> these notions of "town."
> No dice. This county school system is not based on
> HOAs or incorporated towns. We have a very loose
> sense of "place" here.

How many times are you going to make this phony argument?

Unlike the other place names, you mention, Herndon, Vienna and Reston have fixed boundaries. Reston's has been fixed and recognized by the County since 1965. There is no "loose" sense of place regarding Reston, Herndon or Vienna.

Strangely, you never address this distinction between Reston and the other places names, historic and fanciful, to which you refer.

Reston's kids at Reston's high school!

Recall Gibson!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:48PM

Fairfax town kids go to Fairfax high.

Vienna kids go to Madison.

Herndon kids (at least most of em) go to Herndon.

But somehow it makes no sense to co-locate South Lakes and Reston, with the logic being that there is at least one other school or area that's not part of a single community. Somehow its a bad thing to be going to school with the same kids you play sports with or go to the pool with.

It's interesting how there's even different logic at work with the SLHS supporters.

BTW I'm guessing that IBVeritas goes to South Lakes but doesn't live in Reston.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:01PM

>>>>BTW I'm guessing that IBVeritas goes to South Lakes but doesn't live in Reston.<<<

Yes. Isn't it interesting that SL's most ardent supporters, those most vocal here, and in the press, don't live in Reston?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:22PM

Doing the math, in FCPS we have 7,845 teachers in the classroom. The total staff is 22,047. (This does not including bus drivers, cafeteria workers, janitor, etc as all of those people are under a different category and different budgets.) That means there are 2.8 staff people supporting every single teacher. Wouldn't every professional love that level of support?! Or not?

Just imagine how small our classes would be if even half of that staff was in the classroom?!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:43PM

Neen Wrote:
> Forum Reader Wrote:
> > "Regular classroom" teachers:
> > Teacher-Kindergarten 429.5
> > Teacher-Elementary (1-6) 3,522.8
> > Teacher-Middle School 1,399.8
> > Teacher-High School 2,493.0
> >
> > Specialists
> > Teacher-Special Education 2,719.2
> > Teacher Elementary - PE/Music/Art 638.6
> > Teacher-Professional Technical 321.6
> > Teacher-Alternative Education 222.4
> > Teacher-Reading 193.0
> > Teacher-Instrumental Music 151.7
> > Teacher-ESOL 78.0
> > Teacher-GT Resource 68.0
> > Teacher-Professional Technical Academy 65.0
> > Teacher-Lab 16.0
> > Teacher-Work Experience Program 9.0
> > Teacher-Professional Technical Projects 6.5
> > Teacher-Planetarium 4.5
> > Teacher-Elementary Art 3.3
> > Teacher-Title I 0.5
> >
> > Teacher-Staffing Reserve 159.5
> >
> > PLUS these, paid for by "grants and self
> > supporting funds":
> > Teacher-Special Education 1.5
> > Teacher-Title I 136.9
> > Teacher-FECEP 70.0
> > Teacher-Alternative Education 22.4
> >
> > No idea how much is spent on substitute teachers.
> Have you done the math? How many total teachers?
Neen, the math is easy, once you decide what categories you want to add. My fellow readers can decide for themselves if they want to include specialists like "Elementary PE/Music/Art," "Reading," and "GT Resource" in the list of "teachers." Obviously, they instruct students. However, some parents would prefer to convert many of these specialists to regular classroom teachers, with the theory that if there were more classroom teachers and fewer children per class then not as many specialists would be needed, and that a kindergarten teacher ought to be able to teach kindergarten-level art, music, and PE.

But those are discussions for a different thread entirely and don't have much to do with high school redistricting. At the high school level it is a bit different. For example, a planetarium teacher IS a classroom teacher, just as a band teacher is. But while all the FCPS high schools have a band room, only a few have a planetarium. AP, IB, size, and redistricting have nothing to do with it. Unless that fine arts addition at South Lakes includes a planetarium, it won't be getting a planetarium teacher.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 04, 2008 11:54PM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> Herndon kids (at least most of em) go to Herndon.

All of the Town of Herndon goes to Herndon High School.

Neen, this SL supporter lives Reston.

Reston's kids at Reston's High School - South Lakes!

Recall Gibson!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2008 11:56PM by Thomas More.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: IB Veritas ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:12AM

What's Westfield and Chantilly's "town?" And "Oakton's"?" You all totally refused to address the question.

Furthermore, Herndon HS has kids from Reston and what can be considered "Langley." South Lakes has kids from Vienna and Herndon and "Oakton" (Crossfield). Oakton has kids from Herndon/Reston (Fox Mill) and Chantilly (Navy). And Floris? That's is part of "Westfield Town?"

You can say that "Vienna" kids go to Madison, but so do a slew of others, and that "Herndon" kids go to Herndon, but so do others.

Not to mention all the kids placing into every high school for all kinds of other reasons, like AP/IB, academy programs, MMRs.

If you even tried to make a map, you'd get skewered by all those people who fancy themselves in one "town" but are mapped by a different opinion into another. Realtors themselves fall all over each other over this. If one year they think calling someplace "Oakton" will sell houses, they do it. If calling it "Vienna" the next will do it, that's what they do. If the buyers have little kids, they sell the elementary school and other amenities. If they don't, they sell shopping and cultural attractions and leisure activities. If they work, it's ease of transportation. Then they make up names like "Oak Hill" and "Monroe Manor" and "Stratford House or Madison Park" (Reston) to make it sound gated. Whatever sells.

What's in a name? A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet. A pig as stinky.

You deliberately turned the question around to demonstrate that incorporated towns go to one school. Bully for them. But that leaves out the rest of the world, doesn't it? What defines the rest of it?

You can't answer the question, so you make one up. You have no argument for the fact that we are in a COUNTY school system.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: IB Veritas ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:15AM

And -- It is not the school board's responsibility to manage private sports programs, where people go to church, or which Scout troop they join. Those are irrelevant issues to school administration, and if you don't think so, be careful what you wish for! Imagine handing the school board those decisions!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 05, 2008 03:25AM

>>>the fact that we are in a COUNTY school system.<<<

Great! Then we should all be able to choose ANY school in the county! Awesome!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 05, 2008 03:34AM

IB Veritas Wrote:
> What's Westfield and Chantilly's "town?" And
> "Oakton's"?" You all totally refused to address
> the question.
> Furthermore, Herndon HS has kids from Reston and
> what can be considered "Langley." South Lakes has
> kids from Vienna and Herndon and "Oakton"
> (Crossfield). Oakton has kids from Herndon/Reston
> (Fox Mill) and Chantilly (Navy). And Floris?
> That's is part of "Westfield Town?"
> You can say that "Vienna" kids go to Madison, but
> so do a slew of others, and that "Herndon" kids go
> to Herndon, but so do others.
> Not to mention all the kids placing into every
> high school for all kinds of other reasons, like
> AP/IB, academy programs, MMRs.
> If you even tried to make a map, you'd get
> skewered by all those people who fancy themselves
> in one "town" but are mapped by a different
> opinion into another. Realtors themselves fall all
> over each other over this. If one year they think
> calling someplace "Oakton" will sell houses, they
> do it. If calling it "Vienna" the next will do it,
> that's what they do.

Oops, wrong again. And Oakton address cannot morph into a Vienna address. Nor does Vienna suddenly become Oakton. It only works that way in your little corner of the county.

Real estate agents can only 'sell' what people want. If subways matter, then they ca

n sell proximity, if they don't matter, they don't matter and can't be sold. No one cares about the name of your little community, other than you. No one knows the names of the myriad of sub divisions, other than the inhabitants. Nor does any family shop for a home based on the name of the development although 'Poor House Manor' may not be good for sales.

Do you really think that parents with kids don't check out the schools before they buy a house? That they just trust the real estate agent? If that were true, families would have been moving into Reston over the last 10 years. Their demographics wouldn't be what they are, and South Lakes would not have 700 empty seats.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: February 05, 2008 08:23AM

find this article from the Connection:

Tax District Discontents
More neighborhoods want out of the tax district that funds the RCC.
By Jason Hartke
April 12, 2006

Now how could ALL these people who can afford these houses NOT realize they were paying more than the FX county tax rate x assemmsnt / 100 for years????

Duh-it's elementary Mr Watson!! They saw South Lakes coming. Now to be fair, Hunter Mill had some issues with Hudgins - sometimes I think she would pave over everything and put up Eastern bloc style apartments everywhere.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 05, 2008 09:27AM

"What's Westfield and Chantilly's "town?" And "Oakton's"?" You all totally refused to address the question.'

Sorry. It seemed to be a rhetorical question. Or possibly a dumb question.

The approrpiate question is not whether schools should be limited to people from one town, or whether all school supported a town, but whether, space permitting, all residents of a town (or town-like community) should be in the same school.

There is an active (but probably ultiately quixotic) ResTOWN movement, as you might know, or might not know, if you don't live in Reston. Quite a bit of town-like pride in people who choose to live in the planned community chartered by Mr. Simon.

There's no corresponding ChantillyTown or WestfieldTown movement or even community center or homeowner association en masse or [fill in the blanks here].

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 05, 2008 09:30AM

taxpayer Wrote:
> find this article from the Connection:
> Tax District Discontents
> More neighborhoods want out of the tax district
> that funds the RCC.
> By Jason Hartke
> April 12, 2006
> Now how could ALL these people who can afford
> these houses NOT realize they were paying more
> than the FX county tax rate x assemmsnt / 100 for
> years????

It is interesting to compare the map in this article to the proposed redistricting. Clearly no one southeast of Fox Mill Road or east of Hunter Mill "belongs" to Reston. Armstrong and Aldrin clearly DO.

I wonder if one or more of the remaining speakers will use this map to suggest to the School Board exactly where the "Reston high school" boundaries should be.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 05, 2008 10:13AM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> The approrpiate question is not whether schools
> should be limited to people from one town, or
> whether all school supported a town, but whether,
> space permitting, all residents of a town (or
> town-like community) should be in the same
> school.
> There is an active (but probably ultiately
> quixotic) ResTOWN movement, as you might know, or
> might not know, if you don't live in Reston.
> Quite a bit of town-like pride in people who
> choose to live in the planned community chartered
> by Mr. Simon.
> There's no corresponding ChantillyTown or
> WestfieldTown movement or even community center or
> homeowner association en masse ...
Another philosophical question: Given the political reality that students within Fairfax City boundaries WILL attend Fairfax High School, and given the physical locations of the high schools Oakton is just about halfway between Fairfax and Madison, maybe a mile and a quarter to each), what are the logical attendance boundaries for Oakton? Maybe east of Prosperity to Falls Church; north of 50 and west of Prosperity to Oakton; south of 50 to Woodson?

[I realize these schools were built decades ago, but does anyone know WHY these high schools were built so close together?]

Back to the current topic: The movement for a ResTOWN seems like yet another reason to put a moratorium on this particular redistricting proposal.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: OMG OMG OMG! ()
Date: February 05, 2008 10:44AM

Mommy Wars! LMFAO

OMG why is this such a big deal! All the schools are just about the same!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 05, 2008 11:13AM


If you think just about all schools are the same, then why the need to redistrict? These targeted communities are being forced from their AP based high schools to an IB high school...is this the same? NOT.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: VaDriver ()
Date: February 05, 2008 12:07PM

Heads up....I just received this via email from FCPS. Have no idea if the results will impact the planned grandfathering for redistricting...you can all decide to participate or not...

Fairfax County School Board's Transportation Task Force is studying student
transportation across the school division. To support this effort, we are asking the
parents of high school students to respond to the following online survey, which consists
of 2 questions. This survey will close The on February 12th

Respond to the survey here:

1. How did your oldest high school student get to school this morning?

Rode school bus


Rode in private vehicle

Rode public transportation

2. How did your oldest high school student get home from school yesterday?

Rode school bus


Rode in private vehicle

Rode public transportation

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ffx ()
Date: February 05, 2008 12:13PM

hahaha you just messed up their survey by posting the link here. now unintended people can answer the questions! ahah

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: February 05, 2008 12:21PM

Yes, I also got that survey, but I didn't see the possible evil intent. Now it all makes sense...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 05, 2008 12:33PM

fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> Yes, I also got that survey, but I didn't see the
> possible evil intent. Now it all makes sense...

Interesting..has FCPS sent this type of survey out before for any of the previous redistrictings?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: VaDriver ()
Date: February 05, 2008 12:57PM

fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> Yes, I also got that survey, but I didn't see the
> possible evil intent. Now it all makes sense...

Baffled; Interesting..has FCPS sent this type of survey out before for any of the previous redistrictings?

Good question.

This is the first transportation survey email I’ve received, and I’ve been on the County email list since it began utilizing the internet to inform citizens of school issues.

It is possible, the County previously sent surveys home to parents in students backpacks but I have no recollection of ever seeing one.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:03PM

Here is a link to the South Lakes PTSA Web Site. I noticed that the FRM students are listed now as 28%, and the ESOL students are at 12.2%.,
these numbers are down from the 33.2% RRM and 15.1% ESOL that FC SB Staff used in December.


How did the percentages drop so dramatically in the last 2 months. I am wondering if the SB Staff inflated the figues when trying to justify socio-economics as justification for the RD, and now that SL's feels like the RD is going to happen, they felt it prudent to put a better spin on the numbers, so that those who are forced to come, will feel a little better about the school.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:25PM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> Here is a link to the South Lakes PTSA Web Site. I
> noticed that the FRM students are listed now as
> 28%, and the ESOL students are at 12.2%.,
> these numbers are down from the 33.2% RRM and
> 15.1% ESOL that FC SB Staff used in December.
> http://www.southlakesptsa.org/boundaries/SLHSGlanc
> e.pdf
> http://www.fcps.edu/fts/planning/westcoboundary/sc
> enarios/alternativeoption.pdf
> How did the percentages drop so dramatically in
> the last 2 months. I am wondering if the SB Staff
> inflated the figues when trying to justify
> socio-economics as justification for the RD, and
> now that SL's feels like the RD is going to
> happen, they felt it prudent to put a better spin
> on the numbers, so that those who are forced to
> come, will feel a little better about the school.

Strange indeed..if these numbers keep changing between the SLPTA website and FCPS and the SB, then this has not been an honest boundary study to begin with. Somebody ought to investigate this because fooling around with the public especially to the forced ones is not a smart and moral thing to do.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:28PM

VaDriver Wrote:
> fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yes, I also got that survey, but I didn't see
> the
> > possible evil intent. Now it all makes sense...
> Baffled; Interesting..has FCPS sent this type of
> survey out before for any of the previous
> redistrictings?
> --------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------
> Good question.
> This is the first transportation survey email
> I’ve received, and I’ve been on the County email
> list since it began utilizing the internet to
> inform citizens of school issues.
> It is possible, the County previously sent
> surveys home to parents in students backpacks but
> I have no recollection of ever seeing one.

This survey was sent to all parents of HS students. It has nothing to do with the redistricting, but rather the budget and transportation issues within that.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:38PM

Baffled Wrote:
> Floris Parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Here is a link to the South Lakes PTSA Web Site.
> I
> > noticed that the FRM students are listed now as
> > 28%, and the ESOL students are at 12.2%.,
> > these numbers are down from the 33.2% RRM and
> > 15.1% ESOL that FC SB Staff used in December.
> >
> >
> >
> http://www.southlakesptsa.org/boundaries/SLHSGlanc
> > e.pdf
> >
> http://www.fcps.edu/fts/planning/westcoboundary/sc
> > enarios/alternativeoption.pdf
> >
> > How did the percentages drop so dramatically in
> > the last 2 months. I am wondering if the SB
> Staff
> > inflated the figues when trying to justify
> > socio-economics as justification for the RD,
> and
> > now that SL's feels like the RD is going to
> > happen, they felt it prudent to put a better
> spin
> > on the numbers, so that those who are forced to
> > come, will feel a little better about the
> school.
> Strange indeed..if these numbers keep changing
> between the SLPTA website and FCPS and the SB,
> then this has not been an honest boundary study to
> begin with. Somebody ought to investigate this
> because fooling around with the public especially
> to the forced ones is not a smart and moral thing
> to do.

Also I noticed the student membership numbers are different..with FCPS the number is 1389 for 2008 (provided from the latest scenario) while the SLPTA website said student membership is 1435. Why is there a difference?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: yousuck ()
Date: February 05, 2008 01:46PM

Obviously in the past week, South Lakes has found, and removed all illegal immigrants, and found, and re-enrolled all those who "fled" for private school/pupil placing.

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