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Re: high school redistricting - GT Buses and IB vs. AP Math
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 01, 2008 08:21PM

APorIBMom Wrote:
> Interesting that you were unable to obtain the
> data on the percentage of students scoring 5 on
> the Calculus BC test. Let me help you, with some
> old data.
> In 2003-04, 124 FCPS students took HL Math.
> Exactly 4 of these 124 students, or 3.2%, score
> 7/7 on the IB HL Math test that year. In 2003-04,
> 974 students took the AP Calculus BC exam. 394
> out of the 974, or 40.5%, score 5/5.
> In 2004-05, 108 FCPS students took the HL Math
> test, and 2 of the 108 (2%) scored 7/7. That
> year, 1063 FCPS students took the AP Calc BC
> test,and 543 out of 1063 (51%) scored 5/5.
Odd that it is so hard to find the percentage of recent "5's" in AP BC Calculus. Exactly ONE FCPS student in the entire County scored a seven in HL IB Math in 06-07 and NO student, not one, in the entire FCPS system scored a seven in HL Biology, Chemistry, OR Physics.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 01, 2008 08:45PM

IB Veritas Wrote:
> One more point: Westfield, Chantilly, Oakton,
> Madision parents would be PO'd if South Lakes
> parents marched into your schools and told you how
> to "fix" all your problems.

Coming from Westfield, I can say that I would not be angry or insulted if the folks from South Lakes wanted to be good neighbors and brainstormed ideas to help us, especially if the solution we were advocating would involve taking away some of SL students.

When we engage each other in dialogue or negotiation, validating each other's concerns is of primary importance. Invalidating those concerns will immediately kill any chance of a mutually beneficial solution, and will only give rise to verbal one-upmanship, with which many here are burdened.

Given that, we must remain open to what the other rationally offers as a potential solution as a valid option. For example, those who cite the existence of trailors as a reason to conclude that that particular school is overcrowded, pose a valid argument. Is it necessarily the correct conclusion? No, but that is not important.

Both sides of the redistricting debate must embrace each other's concerns so that we can more readily find common ground, usually a pleasantly unexpected place, and work together towards creating a solution. Both sides have to be willing to make sacrifices. Otherwise we will learn to live in constant provocation, and who wants to waste their brief time here like that?

> The only one at issue
> here for Westfield and Chantilly is overcrowding
> (yes, overcrowding. 30 trailers is ovecrowding)

Okay, you bring up a valid point. Can you think of any way to absorb even more students from Westfield, and reapportion Chantilly students to help with our overcrowding? I'd like to hear.

> We're not saying a word about your "programmatic"
> issues or about who places in or out of there or
> why or how to "fix" problems with underachievement
> or how you you should take advantage of your
> "diversity" or how AP can be improved with IB or
> thrown out altogether or why there is an Exodus
> from your schools (according to the report) or why
> your scores improve or don't improve or why you
> should have a magnet or be a magnet or anything
> else.

But you would not be wrong to do so if we demanded a solution to our problem. In fact, I would be greatful that so many would offer creative ideas (obvious agitators aside) to help. Why only accept the mercurial help of a political body when I am surrounded by a bevy of well-intentioned neighbors?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2008 08:51PM by Berdhuis.

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 01, 2008 09:08PM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> Does anyone have Maria Casto's phone number or and
> e-mail address? I heard that she had a petition
> with about 500 signatures representing families
> that want to switch to South Lakes. She indicated
> that the SB would be presented with the petition
> next week. Hopefully it will be made pubic record.
> I think that it would be prudent to set up a
> voluntary meeting at Fox Mill ES, so that a head
> count can be conducted to determine exactly how
> many families want to send their children into
> South Lakes. We may not even have to RD since it
> appears that so many want to change.
> BTW, did anyone notice how many of the SL
> supporters kept saying that there are 700 empty
> seats at South Lakes? I belive that with the
> Renovation, capacity will be at 2050, and it
> appears that enrollment is at close to 1500.
> Assuming that South Lakes needs at least a 10%
> buffer in capacity for future development, and for
> the new young families that will eventually move
> into the existing SF homes. ( this assumes that at
> some point the empty nesters will either move into
> retirement homes or die), it appears that SL only
> has about 300 empty seats, which would put it at
> an enrollment size of most other schools in the
> county.
> I would expect that with all of the wonderful
> information that has been told about South Lakes,
> like the new building, new principal, soaring test
> scores, great IB curriculum and the warm and
> friendy staff and student body etc., South Lakes
> is going to see a surge in voluntary enrollments
> via Pupil placement etc.
> I believe that waiting a year, to allow the
> enrollments at South Lakes to voluntarily rise
> would be very prudent. This will also give the SB
> and Staff time to address why they have completely
> ignored many schools that are in much more
> difficult circumstances.

Do you mean Erika Castro? I don't want to give away personal info, but I can tell you that she has children at Fox Mill and Carson, which I'm sure is no state secret.

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 01, 2008 09:18PM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> IB Veritas Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Floris Parent Wrote:
> > Why
> > > do you feel that it is our responsibility to
> > > change our lives and those of our children,
> to
> > put
> > > bodies in South Lakes?
> > >
> >
> > It's not your responsibility. It's the school
> > board's responsibility. That's what they're
> going
> > to do.
> IB, It is people like you that will cause me and
> many other parents to continue to oppose the RD. I
> really believe the somehow, you have some warped
> sense of entitlement, that makes you feel that it
> is OK for others lives to be completely changed,
> for you and the other SL supporters. At this
> point, you and others like you with biased and
> one sided attitudes, will make those opposed to
> this shameful exercise of forced change fight even
> harder.
> In the event that the SB follows through on this
> RD, I am confident that those of us in Floris and
> fox Mill will continue to circumvent this RD in
> anyway possible. You may actually get some
> children, but I doubt that they will be the
> students that you seem to covet.
> Thank you again for giving me the motivation to
> continue fighting this sham of a democratic
> process.

IB Veritas sounds a lot like Clarifier. who then became truthbetold. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is a certain tone that comes through loud and clear. Please, no matter how many times you change your name, you still manage to sound the same and not really listen to what other people say. Well, we're all bigots anyway, so why bother.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 01, 2008 10:07PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> taxpayer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > McNair has a weird boundary. What are the
> > demographic splits for the different area of
> > McNair? How about the same for Floris?
> taxpayer,
> Yes, it sure does. 111 students in "North McNair"
> (that is, north of the Toll Road) attend Herndon
> HS. That is 24% of McNair's high school
> population. From what I've observed of this
> particular zone north of the Toll Road, it is
> mostly lower income and mostly Latino. These three
> diamond shaped islands look like they used to
> belong to Hutchison, but got shaved off and fed
> into McNair to balance out FRM and ESOL numbers
> between the two schools. I'll research and try to
> quantify and qualify this statement a bit later.
> Someone out there who has observed differently
> please speak up.
> But I can say with all certainty that "South
> McNair" is overwhelmingly middle income, yet still
> primarily immigrant in population from South Asia,
> East Asia, West Africa, North Africa, East Africa
> and Latin America. The South and East Asians are
> the most numerous.

Parts of Hutcheson and Floris were redistricted to McNair when it was completed. Hutcheson was later upgraded and expanded, but because of Title 3 has lower class sizes and all day kindergarten. As a result, the added size didn't result in any added program capacity thus no redistricting after that.

The high school boundaries weren't changed.

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Re: high school redistricting - GT Buses and IB vs. AP Math
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 10:31PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> APorIBMom Wrote:
> > Interesting that you were unable to obtain the
> > data on the percentage of students scoring 5 on
> > the Calculus BC test. Let me help you, with
> some
> > old data.
> >
> > In 2003-04, 124 FCPS students took HL Math.
> > Exactly 4 of these 124 students, or 3.2%, score
> > 7/7 on the IB HL Math test that year. In
> 2003-04,
> > 974 students took the AP Calculus BC exam. 394
> > out of the 974, or 40.5%, score 5/5.
> >
> > In 2004-05, 108 FCPS students took the HL Math
> > test, and 2 of the 108 (2%) scored 7/7. That
> > year, 1063 FCPS students took the AP Calc BC
> > test,and 543 out of 1063 (51%) scored 5/5.
> >
> ---
> Odd that it is so hard to find the percentage of
> recent "5's" in AP BC Calculus. Exactly ONE FCPS
> student in the entire County scored a seven in HL
> IB Math in 06-07 and NO student, not one, in the
> entire FCPS system scored a seven in HL Biology,
> Chemistry, OR Physics.

OH MY GOSH. That is truly incredible. One has to ask, again, why are we paying SO MUCH MONEY for this dopey IB program that SO FEW students can benefit from? WE had to PAY for all this training for IB teachers, and the whole program, so that NO student, NOT ONE could score the highest grade in ANY SCIENCE??

This is an absurd waste of money. I don't want to hear how much money FCPS doesn't have, and now big classes sizes are going to be, as long as we are wasting millions on a program that benefits SO few students.

Why aren't parents consulted? Why does the average class size have to increase to 30 next year when we are still wasting money on this IB program that gives some schools very small classes for a very ineffective program?

This is totally outrageous! I hope that posters will let the school board know that they do NOT appreciate their money being wasted while their child's class sizes grow and grow. Tell the board of supervisors that you do not support tax increases to pay for this waste of money.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2008 10:33PM by Neen.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 10:41PM

foxmill/carson/oakton parent Wrote:
> Floris Parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > IB Veritas Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Floris Parent Wrote:
> > > Why
> > > > do you feel that it is our responsibility
> to
> > > > change our lives and those of our children,
> > to
> > > put
> > > > bodies in South Lakes?
> > > >
> > >
> > > It's not your responsibility. It's the school
> > > board's responsibility. That's what they're
> > going
> > > to do.
> >
> > IB, It is people like you that will cause me
> and
> > many other parents to continue to oppose the RD.
> I
> > really believe the somehow, you have some
> warped
> > sense of entitlement, that makes you feel that
> it
> > is OK for others lives to be completely
> changed,
> > for you and the other SL supporters. At this
> > point, you and others like you with biased and
> > one sided attitudes, will make those opposed to
> > this shameful exercise of forced change fight
> even
> > harder.
> >
> > In the event that the SB follows through on
> this
> > RD, I am confident that those of us in Floris
> and
> > fox Mill will continue to circumvent this RD in
> > anyway possible. You may actually get some
> > children, but I doubt that they will be the
> > students that you seem to covet.
> >
> > Thank you again for giving me the motivation to
> > continue fighting this sham of a democratic
> > process.
> IB Veritas sounds a lot like Clarifier. who then
> became truthbetold. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is
> a certain tone that comes through loud and clear.
> Please, no matter how many times you change your
> name, you still manage to sound the same and not
> really listen to what other people say. Well,
> we're all bigots anyway, so why bother.

My, my, yes, IB Veritas does sound just like our dear ol' Clarifier, aka Caroline the name caller. (I wonder if she's taught her children to do the same on the playground?)

Some folks are just created more equal than others. SL's folks, lead by Caroline, will judge who are the most equal, and the most entitled, and who are the most bigoted. Then they will share their truths with the press. Gotta love those 'non judgmental' folks who love South Lakes and IB. They are so much more deserving than everyone else. Oops, I meant to say, they are so much more equal than everyone else.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 10:48PM

>>>>IB Veritas sounds a lot like Clarifier. who then became truthbetold. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is a certain tone that comes through loud and clear. Please, no matter how many times you change your name, you still manage to sound the same and not really listen to what other people say. Well, we're all bigots anyway, so why bother.<<<<

SHHHHH........of course we all knew who she was, but we wanted to play along so that the poor dear wouldn't have to change her name yet again.

Could she be MORE obvious with all these nics? No one is as nasty and rude as name calling CH.

Does she really think that she's winning hearts and minds over to SL when she calls parents bigots and racists? Or is her goal to keep kids OUT of South Lakes since no one would want their child to attend a school with such mean and nasty parents? If so, she is succeeding. She is giving parents deep resolve to avoid her school, at any and all costs.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 01, 2008 10:55PM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> IB Veritas Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----

> Of the 10 Schools with the lowest enrollment of
> students, 6 are IB
> Of the 11 Schools with the highest number ESOL
> students, 7 are IB
> Of the 12 Schools with the highest number of FRM
> students, 7 are IB
> Of the 11 Schools with the Highest Mobility rates,
> 7 are IB
> Of the 7 Schools with the Lowest SAT Scores, 5 are
> IB
> I believe that a Prudent School Board must examine
> the facts regarding “WHY” South Lakes and most of
> the other IB Schools in this County are struggling
> with enrollment and other social issues as
> compared to our AP Schools. This must be done
> before making any decisions on moving our children
> to other schools.

I'm an RD opponent, in part because of IB. But please, we all know that the SB put IB in most of the lowest scoring, lowest socioeconomic level schools in the County in an attempt to paper the scores over by retaining in-boundary and attracting out-of-boundary high achieving kids. Their attempt failed.

Why did it fail where Montgomery County succeeded at Richard Montgomery in Silver Spring? Montgomery had the good sense to put IB in a few schools and make it a magnet. Montgomery also had the good sense to have full AP programs at those schools as well. Fairfax put IB in too many schools - thereby diluting the magnet effect - and removed AP - thereby alienating many more.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 10:57PM

IB Veritas Wrote:
> Truthteller Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am not with CAPS nor did I ever say I knew
> what
> > would "cure" SLHS and made no reference to a
> > moratorium.
> >
> > Further I don't give a damn what you do at SLHS
> > because it won't involve my kids.
> >
> > Parents went to SCSS from Hayfield because they
> > believed FCPS projections. Do you?
> You were presenting an argument in support of CAPS
> arguments. If you don't give a d**m about South
> Lakes, then get out of this forum. Or start one on
> fixing the boundary process itself if that's what
> you want to do. I, for one, will pay no attention
> to a think you have to say about THIS boundary
> change, just as I pay no attention to N**n because
> she is nothing but an agitator.

Are you Mistress Mandy in real life? You sure do enjoy telling other people what to do, calling them names, and telling them how much you don't care about what they think. Other than getting off on abusing others, one might ask why YOU are here?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:04PM

>>>I'm an RD opponent, in part because of IB. But please, we all know that the SB put IB in most of the lowest scoring, lowest socioeconomic level schools in the County in an attempt to paper the scores over by retaining in-boundary and attracting out-of-boundary high achieving kids. Their attempt failed.

Why did it fail where Montgomery County succeeded at Richard Montgomery in Silver Spring? Montgomery had the good sense to put IB in a few schools and make it a magnet. Montgomery also had the good sense to have full AP programs at those schools as well. Fairfax put IB in too many schools - thereby diluting the magnet effect - and removed AP - thereby alienating many more.<<<

One would think that in this tough budget year, with a deficit of $100 million, or $100 for every man, woman, and child in FCPS, our school board might admit that some things they have done have not worked and have been far most costly than they are worth. We have SO many different programs, most of which we have no way to measure their effectiveness. Having put IB in so many schools would certainly be one of those costly mistakes. So far, our school system has admitted to NO costly mistakes, and ALL programs, failed or otherwise, will continue in FCPS. NO programs will be eliminated. None. Imagine ANY company that would work this way. Programs continue to grow, regardless of cost or effectiveness. Our taxes will also have to continue to grow.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:14PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> IB Veritas Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The only one at issue
> > here for Westfield and Chantilly is
> overcrowding
> > (yes, overcrowding. 30 trailers is ovecrowding)
> Okay, you bring up a valid point. Can you think of
> any way to absorb even more students from
> Westfield, and reapportion Chantilly students to
> help with our overcrowding? I'd like to hear.
Berdhius -
There aren't 30 trailers at Westfield any more. Most are gone. The rest would probably also be gone if/when they actually put the walls up in the lower floor of the addition.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:14PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> Floris Parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The IB curriculum is unique, as is the entire
> > concept of Reston. When a community "Chooses"
> to
> > offer a curriculum that is not offered in all
> of
> > the schools that South Lakes wants to be on par
> > with, it is not reasonable to expect to have
> the
> > same enrollment.
> I agree with most of your post but must insist on
> correcting this small portion.
> SL did not chose IB. IB was forced on SL without
> input or consultation.
> Whether the parents of the SL pyramid would chose
> IB is a very open question to which no one can
> claim to know the answer because those parents
> have never been asked.
> If the redistricting process results in a return
> of SL to AP, this SL parent, and many many others,
> would be very happy. If the SL AP supporting
> parents are the minority, we can pupil place or
> make other adjustments and survive.
> Please don't presume that IB is the choice of the
> majority of SL pyramid parents.

That would lead me to believe that parents at South Lakes will never have a choice of curriculum. They will be stuck with IB regardless. I know that you are correct. FCPS has never cared what the parents want. THEY know best. They're the professionals, blah, blah, blah..............

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: new hawk ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:20PM

South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> SL Stepford,
> I was so impressed with the SL speeches tonight, I
> couldn't believe it. We did rule!
> Sorry I missed Carney's speech last night. What
> did he say?


Good evening. My name is Dan Carney, I live in Fox Mill Estates and I'm speaking in support of Fairfax CAPS.

The time has come for this board to establish it independance from the rigid policy dictated by a single member, Stu Gibson. While it is common political courtesy for members to defer to one another, it is time for this board to discard that courtesy and break with Mr. Gibson's personally set policy and his pet school.

Like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove, Stu is going to ride this bomb all the way down because he is fanatically committed. The rest of you must not follow him.

Because Mr. Gibson put the policy before the facts, the reasons he cites for the necessity of his plan disintegrate upon examination. The truth is that South Lakes High School is Mr. Gibson's pet project. That is why South Lakes, the forth-newest of the county's twenty-five high schools, is enjoying a multimillion dollar refurbishment.

That is why the community meeting process was constricted to produce an outcome preordained by Mr. Gibson and the South Lakes PTSA. It was done to create plausible pretext for the plan to populate the vacant Stu Gibson shrine at South Lakes with students from Fox Mill, Floris and Wolf Trap according to their longstanding plan.

The case for boundary change is an indefensible fraud based on a roster of bogus justifications. The first lie is that schools of South Lakes' size cannot provide sufficient educational opportunity. In fact, it is the consumption of resources by the I.B. program that limits class choice at South Lakes. And the county has two schools-- Falls Church and Marshall-- that are smaller still. If size were truly the issue we'd be looking at the smallest schools first.

The county has two more schools of similar size to South Lakes. One of them--Stuart--is ranked 350 spots higher in the Newsweek High School rankings, was named the number one over-acheiving school in the area by The Washington Post and earned U.S. News Bronze medal award, refuting the assertion that schools of this size cannot excel. Of the five schools that are about the same size as South Lakes or smaller, Stu's scheme addresses only South Lakes.

Another of Mr. Gibson's lies is that the county wants excellence from all of its schools, not just a select few. But five other county high schools scored below South Lakes in the Washington Post local school ranking. We would be looking at those schools first, if improving ghe county's weaker schools were the real issue here.

The next lie is that the socioeconomic mix of students at South Lakes is "out of balance." But the county already has three schools with higher percentages than South Lakes of free and reduced lunch and two more that are higher than the 25 percent the county says is ideal. Of these six allegedly out of balance schools, this scheme addresses only South Lakes.

We fundamentally disagree with Stu's "We're from the government and we're here to help" philosophy. We chose our kid's schools when we bought our homes and we're sticking with that decision.

This board has no legal or moral authority to undo the decisions we have made as parents and the board has no legal or moral obligation to undo the mistakes made by others when they bought their homes. We refuse to be forcibly annexed into Reston.

It is critical that this board renounce Mr. Gibson's fraudulent kidnapping of our children.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:23PM

fmparent Wrote:
> Excellent idea Floris Parent. Erika Castro must
> have her own agent, since she gets her name in all
> the papers and also finds herself in the spotlight
> on all the local TV networks. She shouldn't be
> hard to find and yes she does live in Fox Mill.
> One of her "group" inadvertently sent me an email
> meant only for those who favor redistricting -
> unbelieveable! She went on and on about how to
> subvert attention away from us who oppose it and
> how they can "win". Good luck with that - your
> name is mud in Fox Mill Erica, if you didn't
> already know! And talk about handing someone a
> hairbrush....

One has to wonder why the out of boundary people are the biggest zealots at South Lakes? Perhaps they feel they must defend their poor choices for their children, the reasons why their children must pay for their political agendas.

Just a guess. But there must be some reason why Caroline Hemenway and Erika Castro are both out of boundary parents but are most often in the news defending South Lakes.

I bet they won't win any popularity contests in their neighborhoods! All those 'bigots' can't be feeling very friendly toward those two.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:38PM

Neen Wrote:
> fmparent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Excellent idea Floris Parent. Erika Castro
> must
> > have her own agent, since she gets her name in
> all
> > the papers and also finds herself in the
> spotlight
> > on all the local TV networks. She shouldn't be
> > hard to find and yes she does live in Fox Mill.
> > One of her "group" inadvertently sent me an
> email
> > meant only for those who favor redistricting -
> > unbelieveable! She went on and on about how to
> > subvert attention away from us who oppose it
> and
> > how they can "win". Good luck with that - your
> > name is mud in Fox Mill Erica, if you didn't
> > already know! And talk about handing someone a
> > hairbrush....
> One has to wonder why the out of boundary people
> are the biggest zealots at South Lakes? Perhaps
> they feel they must defend their poor choices for
> their children, the reasons why their children
> must pay for their political agendas.
> Just a guess. But there must be some reason why
> Caroline Hemenway and Erika Castro are both out of
> boundary parents but are most often in the news
> defending South Lakes.
> I bet they won't win any popularity contests in
> their neighborhoods! All those 'bigots' can't be
> feeling very friendly toward those two.

Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.

That's the durned minivan political agenda talking again.

Bravo for them.

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 01, 2008 11:38PM

I believe in your message of choice, however, the “P” in FCPS stands for public, which means that taxpayers fund education in Fairfax County. In that situation you are subject to the rules and governance of the SB and FCPS. One such rule is that the SB has the authority to redraw its boundary lines to manage the school system. I believe that the SB should do a better job of communicating the factors that trigger the need for redistricting but respect their authority to do so when deemed necessary. If one is looking for guarantees on school assignment without the possibility of redistricting then private school is the way to go. FCPS schools do no belong to individual community. FCPS is a county service not an entity owned by individual communities. If you choose to live in Reston you are subject to the rules of the HOA. If you choose to have your child educated in a FCPS facility you are equally subject to the rules of FCPS.

As for diversity, all schools reflect the area that they serve. I agree that some SL parents want to “cherry pick” students. I think that is wrong and should not be considered by the SB. I believe that SL suffers from having a restrictive master schedule. That issue is addressed by increasing students, any students. I think the SB should pull the necessary number of students from the closest geographic area to SL, which impacts the surrounding schools, the least, without focus on race or socioeconomic status. If that area includes McNair so be it.

“Where was the representation of the other 50% of the student body?” You raised good points in your post and speech but this comment is unfortunate. What’s your point? Is your assertion that only whites can represent whites, only Asians can represent Asians, and only blacks can represent blacks. Given the balance and reason of the other parts of this post, I hope not.

Floris Parent Wrote:
> FACTS Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SB
> >
> > Please tell me why you are not doing boundary
> > studies for the following schools, when you are
> > doing one for the western fairfax county area
> due
> > to uncapacity at South Lakes. 1443
> >
> > The below schools are all under capacity and
> also
> > need to be fixed.
> >
> >
> > STUART 1546
> >
> >
> > McLEAN 1768
> >
> > MARSHALL 1325
> >
> > LEE 1875
> >
> > HAYFIELD 1582
> >
> >
> > EDISON 1776
> >
> > Please tell me one more time why Langley is not
> > included?
> Please take a look at the graph that I have
> attached, and you will notice among other things,
> that a common theme of underenrollment is that
> most of the Schools offer the IB curriculum rather
> than AP.Here are some Statistics that warrant a
> closer look.
> After examining many questions that have arisen as
> a result of this RD Study I have concluded, that
> South Lakes and many other high schools in our
> County do, in fact have programmatic issues that
> require attention.
> Here are some facts that I gathered from the FCPS
> Web Site:
> There are 8 IB based Curriculum Schools and 17 AP
> based Curriculum Schools
> Of the 10 Schools with the lowest enrollment of
> students, 6 are IB
> Of the 11 Schools with the highest number ESOL
> students, 7 are IB
> Of the 12 Schools with the highest number of FRM
> students, 7 are IB
> Of the 11 Schools with the Highest Mobility rates,
> 7 are IB
> Of the 7 Schools with the Lowest SAT Scores, 5 are
> IB
> I believe that a Prudent School Board must examine
> the facts regarding “WHY” South Lakes and most of
> the other IB Schools in this County are showing
> lower enrollments, and higher than average
> statistics in the above areas, as compared to our
> AP Schools. This must be done before making any
> decisions on moving our children to other
> schools.
> After reviewing many facts, I now believe that the
> enrollmnts are Curriculum based rather that
> "demographics".
> I believe I saw or read somewhere that in the
> United States, there are about 23,000 high schools
> that offer an AP based curriculum, and less that
> 500 that offer an IB based curriculum. It would
> make sense to me that when parents are considering
> a relocation into Fairfax County, they are going
> to research the schools in the County, and many
> will select a neighborhood, that offers a
> curriculum that mirrors those schools that have
> acheived the highest statistical success.
> I heard from many South Lakes parents and
> supportors who repeated that the purposely "CHOSE"
> SL for their children, because "THEY" felt that a
> "non mainstream" curriculum would be a good fit
> for their students. The key word, is choice. If an
> IB curriculum was considered a better educational
> opportunity for students in Fairfax County, I am
> sure that the parents in the 17 AP based schools
> would be screaming to switch to IB.
> The IB curriculum is unique, as is the entire
> concept of Reston. When a community "Chooses" to
> offer a curriculum that is not offered in all of
> the schools that South Lakes wants to be on par
> with, it is not reasonable to expect to have the
> same enrollment. We live in one of the most
> educated Counties in the US, and the families in
> the County place a huge epmpasis on education for
> their children. If people "Choose" to send their
> children to a "Main Stream School, this does not
> mean that they are Anti" South lakes. It just
> means that they have exercised the same decision
> making rights as those of you who "Chose" to send
> your children to South Lakes.
> You cannot expect to have the benifits of a "Big"
> School as it relates to Sports and booster clubs
> etc, when you are offering an educational
> opportunity that is not being offered at the
> schools that you want to be like. This is no
> different than the families that "Choose" not to
> live in Reston, due to the fact the the HOA Master
> Association offerers additional Rules, Regs and
> fees that are in place.
> Look at it this way- Reston offers incredible
> amenities, a unique zoning situation, high HOA
> fees, a Public High School that is different that
> all of the other Western Fairfax Schools etc. For
> the families that "Choose" to buy into the Reston
> Concept, that is great for them. By the same
> token, it should not be construed as Bias for
> those families that "Chose" not to live in such a
> restrictive palnned community.
> Choice is why we have so many families from all
> over the world who have relocated to Fairfax
> County.
> For all of you South Lakes supporters who claim
> that the ANTI RD groups are afraid of Diversity,
> please take a look at the families who chose to
> speak at the SB meetings last night. I would say
> that the Floris and Fox Mill families who spoke
> are about as divers as you can get.
> Let us contrast this with what we saw in the way
> of supporters from South Lake who chose to speak
> over the last few nights. I will post exact
> numbers soon, but without question, I saw an
> overwhelming majority of Caucasian parents and
> supporters step up to the podium. Where was the
> representation of the other 50% of the student
> body?
> Please at least admit that your motives for this
> forced grab students is more than just adding
> enrollment to South Lakes. The fact that you have
> "selected" communities of primarily Asian and
> White students from Floris and Fox Mill, it sends
> us a very different message.
> You must agee, that many of you felt that the
> McNair area, was not "good enough" for South
> lakes, even though many of the homes, as well as
> the children who live in McNair are very much a
> middle class population. I believe that this shows
> a prejudice on your parts, as you made a blanket
> judgement about McNair, without looking at the
> real reasons why McNair is a Title 1 School. This
> sounds eerily familiar to the comments that SL
> supporters have stated about the "perceived"
> reasons that families choose not to send their
> children to South Lakes.
> I know that on some level the SL supporters must
> understand this.
> It is very unfortunate for South lakes that at the
> end of the day, many of the children that you seek
> to grab will not end up in SL. The reasons will be
> the same as those given by your "neighbors" in
> Herndon and North Reston, who state that while
> they support South Lakes, they would prefer to
> stay where they are, and pursue a different
> educational opportunity.
> Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, but
> after watching Stu Gibson's clear disdain for the
> Floris and Fox Mill communities (he is our SB Rep
> as well), I am completely disgusted. To watch him
> falling all over the SL supporters, and chatting
> them up as though they are family, while showing
> no effort to engage his "other" constituents, he
> showed what a true, two faced lying coward he
> really is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 01, 2008 11:39PM

I believe in your message of choice, however, the “P” in FCPS stands for public, which means that taxpayers fund education in Fairfax County. In that situation you are subject to the rules and governance of the SB and FCPS. One such rule is that the SB has the authority to redraw its boundary lines to manage the school system. I believe that the SB should do a better job of communicating the factors that trigger the need for redistricting but respect their authority to do so when deemed necessary. If one is looking for guarantees on school assignment without the possibility of redistricting then private school is the way to go. FCPS schools do no belong to individual community. FCPS is a county service not an entity owned by individual communities. If you choose to live in Reston you are subject to the rules of the HOA. If you choose to have your child educated in a FCPS facility you are equally subject to the rules of FCPS.

As for diversity, all schools reflect the area that they serve. I agree that some SL parents want to “cherry pick” students. I think that is wrong and should not be considered by the SB. I believe that SL suffers from having a restrictive master schedule. That issue is addressed by increasing students, any students. I think the SB should pull the necessary number of students from the closest geographic area to SL, which impacts the surrounding schools, the least, without focus on race or socioeconomic status. If that area includes McNair so be it.

“Where was the representation of the other 50% of the student body?” You raised good points in your post and speech but this comment is unfortunate. What’s your point? Is your assertion that only whites can represent whites, only Asians can represent Asians, and only blacks can represent blacks. Given the balance and reason of the other parts of this post, I hope not.

Floris Parent Wrote:
> FACTS Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SB
> >
> > Please tell me why you are not doing boundary
> > studies for the following schools, when you are
> > doing one for the western fairfax county area
> due
> > to uncapacity at South Lakes. 1443
> >
> > The below schools are all under capacity and
> also
> > need to be fixed.
> >
> >
> > STUART 1546
> >
> >
> > McLEAN 1768
> >
> > MARSHALL 1325
> >
> > LEE 1875
> >
> > HAYFIELD 1582
> >
> >
> > EDISON 1776
> >
> > Please tell me one more time why Langley is not
> > included?
> Please take a look at the graph that I have
> attached, and you will notice among other things,
> that a common theme of underenrollment is that
> most of the Schools offer the IB curriculum rather
> than AP.Here are some Statistics that warrant a
> closer look.
> After examining many questions that have arisen as
> a result of this RD Study I have concluded, that
> South Lakes and many other high schools in our
> County do, in fact have programmatic issues that
> require attention.
> Here are some facts that I gathered from the FCPS
> Web Site:
> There are 8 IB based Curriculum Schools and 17 AP
> based Curriculum Schools
> Of the 10 Schools with the lowest enrollment of
> students, 6 are IB
> Of the 11 Schools with the highest number ESOL
> students, 7 are IB
> Of the 12 Schools with the highest number of FRM
> students, 7 are IB
> Of the 11 Schools with the Highest Mobility rates,
> 7 are IB
> Of the 7 Schools with the Lowest SAT Scores, 5 are
> IB
> I believe that a Prudent School Board must examine
> the facts regarding “WHY” South Lakes and most of
> the other IB Schools in this County are showing
> lower enrollments, and higher than average
> statistics in the above areas, as compared to our
> AP Schools. This must be done before making any
> decisions on moving our children to other
> schools.
> After reviewing many facts, I now believe that the
> enrollmnts are Curriculum based rather that
> "demographics".
> I believe I saw or read somewhere that in the
> United States, there are about 23,000 high schools
> that offer an AP based curriculum, and less that
> 500 that offer an IB based curriculum. It would
> make sense to me that when parents are considering
> a relocation into Fairfax County, they are going
> to research the schools in the County, and many
> will select a neighborhood, that offers a
> curriculum that mirrors those schools that have
> acheived the highest statistical success.

> You cannot expect to have the benifits of a "Big"
> School as it relates to Sports and booster clubs
> etc, when you are offering an educational
> opportunity that is not being offered at the
> schools that you want to be like. This is no
> different than the families that "Choose" not to
> live in Reston, due to the fact the the HOA Master
> Association offerers additional Rules, Regs and
> fees that are in place.
> Look at it this way- Reston offers incredible
> amenities, a unique zoning situation, high HOA
> fees, a Public High School that is different that
> all of the other Western Fairfax Schools etc. For
> the families that "Choose" to buy into the Reston
> Concept, that is great for them. By the same
> token, it should not be construed as Bias for
> those families that "Chose" not to live in such a
> restrictive palnned community.
> Choice is why we have so many families from all
> over the world who have relocated to Fairfax
> County.
> For all of you South Lakes supporters who claim
> that the ANTI RD groups are afraid of Diversity,
> please take a look at the families who chose to
> speak at the SB meetings last night. I would say
> that the Floris and Fox Mill families who spoke
> are about as divers as you can get.
> Let us contrast this with what we saw in the way
> of supporters from South Lake who chose to speak
> over the last few nights. I will post exact
> numbers soon, but without question, I saw an
> overwhelming majority of Caucasian parents and
> supporters step up to the podium. Where was the
> representation of the other 50% of the student
> body?
> Please at least admit that your motives for this
> forced grab students is more than just adding
> enrollment to South Lakes. The fact that you have
> "selected" communities of primarily Asian and
> White students from Floris and Fox Mill, it sends
> us a very different message.
> You must agee, that many of you felt that the
> McNair area, was not "good enough" for South
> lakes, even though many of the homes, as well as
> the children who live in McNair are very much a
> middle class population. I believe that this shows
> a prejudice on your parts, as you made a blanket
> judgement about McNair, without looking at the
> real reasons why McNair is a Title 1 School. This
> sounds eerily familiar to the comments that SL
> supporters have stated about the "perceived"
> reasons that families choose not to send their
> children to South Lakes.
> I know that on some level the SL supporters must
> understand this.
> It is very unfortunate for South lakes that at the
> end of the day, many of the children that you seek
> to grab will not end up in SL. The reasons will be
> the same as those given by your "neighbors" in
> Herndon and North Reston, who state that while
> they support South Lakes, they would prefer to
> stay where they are, and pursue a different
> educational opportunity.
> Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, but
> after watching Stu Gibson's clear disdain for the
> Floris and Fox Mill communities (he is our SB Rep
> as well), I am completely disgusted. To watch him
> falling all over the SL supporters, and chatting
> them up as though they are family, while showing
> no effort to engage his "other" constituents, he
> showed what a true, two faced lying coward he
> really is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:40PM

Brainwashed from Woodson Wrote:
> Forum Reader: You are once again reconstructing
> what happened at Woodson and South Lakes. You and
> others like you who oppose (to put it nicely) IB,
> spread misinformation (to put it nicely) about it
> and worked up community of vocal and misguided
> opposition. Now there is a swath of people out
> there who are confused, misinformed, and
> trepidatious about IB. You've really moved the
> discussion along, haven't you.

Perhaps then you could explain what happened at SL with IB that differs from what Forum Reader has stated. Using a bunch of adjectives doesn't really move the discussion along.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:40PM

Carney rules! -thanks New Hawk

Stu has made an ass of himself and the Reston community - long time livin that one down.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:41PM

WestfieldDad Wrote:
> There aren't 30 trailers at Westfield any more.
> Most are gone. The rest would probably also be
> gone if/when they actually put the walls up in the
> lower floor of the addition.

I know, but I did not count how many are at Chantilly. I can only assume that there aren't 30 trailors. Nevertheless, through the exaggeration I am still willing to accede a point for discussion.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:42PM

Padre - still waitin on the apology

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:43PM

WestfieldDad Wrote:
> Parts of Hutcheson and Floris were redistricted to
> McNair when it was completed. Hutcheson was later
> upgraded and expanded, but because of Title 3 has
> lower class sizes and all day kindergarten. As a
> result, the added size didn't result in any added
> program capacity thus no redistricting after
> that.
> The high school boundaries weren't changed.

Thank you for clarification, WestfieldDad.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:45PM

word Wrote:
> Padre - still waitin on the apology

Don't hold your breath.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:46PM

This is SO good that it is worth posting again. So many excellent points.
> > FACTS Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > SB
> > >
> > > Please tell me why you are not doing boundary
> > > studies for the following schools, when you
> are
> > > doing one for the western fairfax county area
> > due
> > > to uncapacity at South Lakes. 1443
> > >
> > > The below schools are all under capacity and
> > also
> > > need to be fixed.
> > >
> > >
> > > STUART 1546
> > >
> > > MOUNT VERNON 1758
> > >
> > > McLEAN 1768
> > >
> > > MARSHALL 1325
> > >
> > > LEE 1875
> > >
> > > HAYFIELD 1582
> > >
> > > FALLS CHURCH 1318
> > >
> > > EDISON 1776
> > >
> > > Please tell me one more time why Langley is
> not
> > > included?
> >
> > Please take a look at the graph that I have
> > attached, and you will notice among other
> things,
> > that a common theme of underenrollment is that
> > most of the Schools offer the IB curriculum
> rather
> > than AP.Here are some Statistics that warrant a
> > closer look.
> >
> > After examining many questions that have arisen
> as
> > a result of this RD Study I have concluded,
> that
> > South Lakes and many other high schools in our
> > County do, in fact have programmatic issues
> that
> > require attention.
> >
> > Here are some facts that I gathered from the
> > Web Site:
> >
> > There are 8 IB based Curriculum Schools and 17
> AP
> > based Curriculum Schools
> >
> > Of the 10 Schools with the lowest enrollment of
> > students, 6 are IB
> > Of the 11 Schools with the highest number ESOL
> > students, 7 are IB
> > Of the 12 Schools with the highest number of
> > students, 7 are IB
> > Of the 11 Schools with the Highest Mobility
> rates,
> > 7 are IB
> > Of the 7 Schools with the Lowest SAT Scores, 5
> are
> > IB
> >
> > I believe that a Prudent School Board must
> examine
> > the facts regarding “WHY” South Lakes and most
> of
> > the other IB Schools in this County are showing
> > lower enrollments, and higher than average
> > statistics in the above areas, as compared to
> our
> > AP Schools. This must be done before making any
> > decisions on moving our children to other
> > schools.
> >
> > After reviewing many facts, I now believe that
> the
> > enrollmnts are Curriculum based rather that
> > "demographics".
> >
> > I believe I saw or read somewhere that in the
> > United States, there are about 23,000 high
> schools
> > that offer an AP based curriculum, and less
> that
> > 500 that offer an IB based curriculum. It would
> > make sense to me that when parents are
> considering
> > a relocation into Fairfax County, they are
> going
> > to research the schools in the County, and many
> > will select a neighborhood, that offers a
> > curriculum that mirrors those schools that have
> > acheived the highest statistical success.
> >
> > You cannot expect to have the benifits of a
> "Big"
> > School as it relates to Sports and booster
> clubs
> > etc, when you are offering an educational
> > opportunity that is not being offered at the
> > schools that you want to be like. This is no
> > different than the families that "Choose" not
> to
> > live in Reston, due to the fact the the HOA
> Master
> > Association offerers additional Rules, Regs and
> > fees that are in place.
> >
> > Look at it this way- Reston offers incredible
> > amenities, a unique zoning situation, high HOA
> > fees, a Public High School that is different
> that
> > all of the other Western Fairfax Schools etc.
> For
> > the families that "Choose" to buy into the
> Reston
> > Concept, that is great for them. By the same
> > token, it should not be construed as Bias for
> > those families that "Chose" not to live in such
> a
> > restrictive palnned community.
> >
> > Choice is why we have so many families from all
> > over the world who have relocated to Fairfax
> > County.
> >
> > For all of you South Lakes supporters who claim
> > that the ANTI RD groups are afraid of
> Diversity,
> > please take a look at the families who chose to
> > speak at the SB meetings last night. I would
> say
> > that the Floris and Fox Mill families who spoke
> > are about as divers as you can get.
> >
> > Let us contrast this with what we saw in the
> way
> > of supporters from South Lake who chose to
> speak
> > over the last few nights. I will post exact
> > numbers soon, but without question, I saw an
> > overwhelming majority of Caucasian parents and
> > supporters step up to the podium. Where was the
> > representation of the other 50% of the student
> > body?
> >
> > Please at least admit that your motives for
> this
> > forced grab students is more than just adding
> > enrollment to South Lakes. The fact that you
> have
> > "selected" communities of primarily Asian and
> > White students from Floris and Fox Mill, it
> sends
> > us a very different message.
> >
> > You must agee, that many of you felt that the
> > McNair area, was not "good enough" for South
> > lakes, even though many of the homes, as well
> as
> > the children who live in McNair are very much a
> > middle class population. I believe that this
> shows
> > a prejudice on your parts, as you made a
> blanket
> > judgement about McNair, without looking at the
> > real reasons why McNair is a Title 1 School.
> This
> > sounds eerily familiar to the comments that SL
> > supporters have stated about the "perceived"
> > reasons that families choose not to send their
> > children to South Lakes.
> >
> > I know that on some level the SL supporters
> must
> > understand this.
> >
> > It is very unfortunate for South lakes that at
> the
> > end of the day, many of the children that you
> seek
> > to grab will not end up in SL. The reasons will
> be
> > the same as those given by your "neighbors" in
> > Herndon and North Reston, who state that while
> > they support South Lakes, they would prefer to
> > stay where they are, and pursue a different
> > educational opportunity.
> >
> > Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, but
> > after watching Stu Gibson's clear disdain for
> the
> > Floris and Fox Mill communities (he is our SB
> Rep
> > as well), I am completely disgusted. To watch
> him
> > falling all over the SL supporters, and
> chatting
> > them up as though they are family, while
> showing
> > no effort to engage his "other" constituents,
> he
> > showed what a true, two faced lying coward he
> > really is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:47PM

Thanks - read you like a book.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:49PM

SLHS Padre Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > fmparent Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Excellent idea Floris Parent. Erika Castro
> > must
> > > have her own agent, since she gets her name
> in
> > all
> > > the papers and also finds herself in the
> > spotlight
> > > on all the local TV networks. She shouldn't
> be
> > > hard to find and yes she does live in Fox
> Mill.
> >
> > > One of her "group" inadvertently sent me an
> > email
> > > meant only for those who favor redistricting
> -
> > > unbelieveable! She went on and on about how
> to
> > > subvert attention away from us who oppose it
> > and
> > > how they can "win". Good luck with that -
> your
> > > name is mud in Fox Mill Erica, if you didn't
> > > already know! And talk about handing someone
> a
> > > hairbrush....
> >
> > One has to wonder why the out of boundary
> people
> > are the biggest zealots at South Lakes?
> Perhaps
> > they feel they must defend their poor choices
> for
> > their children, the reasons why their children
> > must pay for their political agendas.
> >
> > Just a guess. But there must be some reason
> why
> > Caroline Hemenway and Erika Castro are both out
> of
> > boundary parents but are most often in the news
> > defending South Lakes.
> >
> > I bet they won't win any popularity contests in
> > their neighborhoods! All those 'bigots' can't
> be
> > feeling very friendly toward those two.
> Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She
> wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.
> That's the durned minivan political agenda talking
> again.
> Bravo for them.

How is Castro's house moving closer to South Lakes? Pretty neat trick.

She pupil places her children in an inferior school to 'prove' her political agenda. Disgusting to use children that way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2008 11:50PM by Neen.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 01, 2008 11:52PM

The curricula nor the school sizes should have to be the same, however, any student at any school should be able to gain variety in his course schedule each semester. If every core course is offered every period than any student can take any elective offered. If core classes are limited than the options to take electives are limited.

Floris Parent Wrote:
> I have heard many supporters of this RD cite
> "equal access to resources" as grounds for this
> study. I am curious as to why our SB is not
> offering the same curriculum in "all" of our
> public schools. Does it not seem unusual to you
> that in such a large school distric, where we all
> pay for the schools, that our SB has chosen to
> implement a very unique ( unique as in the fact
> that less than 2% of the High Schools in the US
> are IB) in 33% of our schools? Why should only
> some schools have access to the IB curriculum,
> while others only have access to AP curriculum?
> This seems to say to me that the SB supports and
> agrees with the stance that not all schools should
> not be the same in size, and that the programs and
> resources and or curriculum should be different
> from one school to another.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 01, 2008 11:52PM

The curricula nor the school sizes should have to be the same, however, any student at any school should be able to gain variety in his course schedule each semester. If every core course is offered every period than any student can take any elective offered. If core classes are limited than the options to take electives are limited.

Floris Parent Wrote:
> This seems to say to me that the SB supports and
> agrees with the stance that not all schools should
> not be the same in size, and that the programs and
> resources and or curriculum should be different
> from one school to another.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 01, 2008 11:58PM

word Wrote:
> Thanks - read you like a book.


No one asked for apologies when you used "jackass", "idiot", "was the 17 year old Reston youth arrested for stabbing on Jan 1 enrolled in IB, or was he in gen ed?",

"Easier to get to college from South Lakes rather than Oakton or Westfield - less competition
Improved self defense and street smarts skills
Easier to make a sports team except basketball"

"the usual SL hacks (SL Verity, SL Padre, Pyramid, etc)"

"SLHS Parent - great job winning over the sentiment of Fox Mill and Floris, you idiot."

What's with the apology stuff? I thought you were unvarnished and blunt.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word. ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:03AM

Thanks - read you like a book.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:05AM

word. Wrote:
> Thanks - read you like a book.

dont hold your breath

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 02, 2008 12:08AM

What ever the source, the numbers include 250-300 MMR students that were placed into SL because space was available. So the non-MMR population at SLHS is closer to 1100 students.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: new hawk ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:09AM

word Wrote:
> Carney rules! -thanks New Hawk
> Stu has made an ass of himself and the Reston
> community - long time livin that one down.

My pleasure. Didn't you post a page or two back that you were addressing the SB? Why don't you post your comments?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Date: February 02, 2008 12:17AM

to add to your analogy, both teams reports to a board of directors that is responsible for optimizing performance across the teams. at times, that committee makes decisions that may alter the strength of one team to gain improvements across both team. that board of directors is the SB. they are doing the job that they should be doing.

FFX Dad Wrote:

> Bob and Mary are managers. Their teams are
> compensated based on team and individual
> productivity. While both teams are performing
> above average by industry standards, Bob's team is
> at the top of the company and Mary's is not.
> Cathy and Joe are on Bob's team (they took this
> job specifically to be on that team) and might be
> switched to Mary's - everyone believes that
> Mary's team will get better, but Cathy and Joe
> love their team and believe that they will have a
> meaningful drop in income for the next few years
> by switching. They also know it will help the
> rest of the folks on Mary's team if they were to
> switch. In the meantime, the rest of the folks on
> Bob's team know that they will not be able to
> backfill those positions if Cathy and Joe leave.
> So if Cathy and Joe are forced to switch, what
> happens. Bob's team loses income as team
> productivity goes down. Cathy and Joe lose income
> as they are moving to a good, albeit less
> productive team. Mary's team wins as their team
> productivity increases -- and potentially Cathy
> and Joe help with individual performances as well.
> WOW - Bob's team did not have internal issues,
> was performing well with the right number of
> people - and now they are suffernig.
> Bob's team is Oakton. Mary's team is SL. WOW -
> this really sucks for Oakton (not just Cathy and
> Joe). Everyone loves Mary and her team, and feels
> bad that prior issues have created this imbalance.
> They want to help, but not sacrifice if at all
> possible.
> However, if Mary were to see what she could do by
> teaming with Bob, asking for his support, and
> learning from what makes his team more successful
> all of this could be avoided. And perhaps Mary's
> team's performance would improve so there might be
> a more natural desire for more folks to join that
> team.
> SL - folks are now more aware of some of the
> challenges you are facing. And, for good or bad,
> are finally llistening and willing to help. It
> will take some serious restraint on your part, but
> if you were to be open to collaborative solutions
> (as opposed to being perceived as RD
> single-minded), we might get a community working
> together here.
> BTW, I am not suggesting your are single minded,
> but people are perceiving you as such as evidenced
> on this site. Please do not take that out of
> context - I am not stating a fact, just a
> perception (which by definition is not wrong - it
> just is).
> Good luck!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CHS ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:33AM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> WestfieldDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There aren't 30 trailers at Westfield any more.
> > Most are gone. The rest would probably also be
> > gone if/when they actually put the walls up in
> the
> > lower floor of the addition.
> I know, but I did not count how many are at
> Chantilly. I can only assume that there aren't 30
> trailors. Nevertheless, through the exaggeration I
> am still willing to accede a point for discussion.

There are not 30 trailers at Chantilly. There is one modular unit that the SB spent a couple of million dollars putting in 2 years ago. I wonder how much it will cost to remove? Oh wait, in this scenario they are not relocating enough students to remove it. So, when this is all done I guess the plan is to keep the modular unit at Chantilly and move a handful of students out to travel 7+ additional miles further to Oakton instead of the 2-3 miles they travel to Chantilly now. I guess that makes perfect sense to the FCPS facilities staff.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FACTS ()
Date: February 02, 2008 05:28AM

> after watching Stu Gibson's clear disdain for the
> Floris and Fox Mill communities (he is our SB Rep
> as well), I am completely disgusted. To watch him
> falling all over the SL supporters, and chatting
> them up as though they are family, while showing
> no effort to engage his "other" constituents, he
> showed what a true, two faced lying coward he
> really is.

Gibson needs to go now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FACTS ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:19AM

FACTS Wrote:
> > after watching Stu Gibson's clear disdain for
> the
> > Floris and Fox Mill communities (he is our SB
> Rep
> > as well), I am completely disgusted. To watch
> him
> > falling all over the SL supporters, and chatting
> > them up as though they are family, while showing
> > no effort to engage his "other" constituents, he
> > showed what a true, two faced lying coward he
> > really is.
> Gibson needs to go now.

If anyone was witness to the above, please send an email to protector51543@aol.com with your comments.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: PROTECTOR ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:44AM

I believe Mr.Gibson should resign based upon his behavior at the last two boundary meetings at Jackson ES.

See below

> After watching Stu Gibson's clear disdain for the
> Floris and Fox Mill communities (he is our SB Rep
> as well), I am completely disgusted. To watch him
> falling all over the SL supporters, and chatting
> them up as though they are family, while showing
> no effort to engage his "other" constituents, he
> showed what a true, two faced lying coward he
> really is.

Mr. Storck 2/1/08

As the chairman of the Fairfax County School Board, I am filing a formal complaint with you against Mr. Gibson. During the meetings he has violated the Strategic Governance Manual, Meeting Protocol. As a witness, he violated 1.e,1.f,1.i,1.m and 1.n.

It states in the Manual that the Board's meetings are conducted with maximum effectiveness and efficiency, members will;

1.e. Not interrupt each during debate;

1.f. Not engage in disruptive and disrespectful side conversations;

1.i. Address the merits of the issues being discussed without appealing to the biases, prejudices and emotions of the audience;

1.m. Practice respectful body language;

1.n. Listen actively when other members speak.

Please indicate if you are the correct person in which I should file this complaint or tell me who is the proper person.

In addition, I have attached my email to you regarding unacceptable decorum over the last two boundary meetings.

These meeting must be treated with respect and are not a laughing matter to you or any school board member.

email sent to you on 1/31/08 at 10:30pm.

As you know the people who are making presentations to you have deep passion and truly believe in what they are saying either for or against new boundary lines.

What is unacceptable is that some of the school board members decorum is less then appropriate? You know who you are.

Board members should look at the person who is making a presentation and stop using your computer or checking your cell phone messages.

Board members should reduce the amount of levity during the meeting and stop rushing people thru the process.

At times you have as many as five empty chairs during some presentations. This is unacceptable.

You have serious problems regarding this redistricting proposal and these problems need to be addressed by serious board members.

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Re: high school redistricting - GT Buses and IB vs. AP Math
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:56AM

APorIBMom Wrote:
> AP vs. IB, check your facts.
> Dale proposed to completely eliminate bus service
> for students with base school Level 4 classes, on
> the theory that these classes are identical to GT
> Center classes. Dean Tisdadt just clarified that
> this proposal applies not only to elementary
> school students, but also to all middle school
> students, since FCPS staff have labelled honors
> classes Level 4 if a student takes them in four
> subjects. Dr. Dale also proposed to reduce bus
> service for students whose base schools did not
> have these Level 4 classes.
> Many parents disagree with the assumption that
> because some FCPS bureaucrats give these classes
> the same label (i.e., Level 4), these classes are
> identical.
> Interesting that you were unable to obtain the
> data on the percentage of students scoring 5 on
> the Calculus BC test. Let me help you, with some
> old data.
> Back in 2002, GTAC members received a handout
> breaking out the range of scores on IB and AP
> tests overall in FCPS. In 2002-03, 3.5% of all
> FCPS IB tests had a score of 7/7, and 16.3% of all
> FCPS AP tests had a score of 5/5.
> In 2003-04, 124 FCPS students took HL Math.
> Exactly 4 of these 124 students, or 3.2%, score
> 7/7 on the IB HL Math test that year. In 2003-04,
> 974 students took the AP Calculus BC exam. 394
> out of the 974, or 40.5%, score 5/5.
> In 2004-05, 108 FCPS students took the HL Math
> test, and 2 of the 108 (2%) scored 7/7. That
> year, 1063 FCPS students took the AP Calc BC
> test,and 543 out of 1063 (51%) scored 5/5.

Thanks for the information about MS. I didn't address that aspect you are right. However, many MS GT center programs have been staffed by teachers not endorsed for that population, so perhaps in some ways the honors courses will be actually better for these students. Honors training occurs every summer, and some during the year. There hasn't been training for teachers in MS center classes, who weren't already endorsed. At the ES level Center programs, teachers were usually endorsed for that population prior to teaching the classes.

Not sure why you say it is interesting that I wasn't able to obtain the data, when you were handed data due to the committee you were on. But, thanks none the less for posting it. Without comparing the tests it is difficult to say what the difference in scores mean. Perhaps it is easier to obtain a 5 on an AP test than a 7 on an IB test, I don't know. However, you haven't been handed the most recent data, and that is what I was looking for.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: A Troll ()
Date: February 02, 2008 07:04AM

ItsTheMasterSchedule Wrote:
> . . . you are subject to the rules and
> governance of the SB and FCPS. One such rule is
> that the SB has the authority to redraw its
> boundary lines to manage the school system. I
> believe that the SB should do a better job of
> communicating the factors that trigger the need
> for redistricting but respect their authority to
> do so when deemed necessary.

If taken at their word, the SB has not made a decision on school boundaries. Rather, they are in the process of making such a decision, and have asked for input from the public to help them do so. The public is debating the issue among itself, and is providing its input to the SB, as requested. Those who are opposed to the proposed changes have as much right to participate as those who are in favor.

> If one is looking
> for guarantees on school assignment without the
> possibility of redistricting then private school
> is the way to go.

It does not appear to me that anyone is looking for a guarantee. Rather, citizens who would like to utilize the public school system that they pay for are participating in the democratic process in order to influence a decision that directly affects them.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 02, 2008 07:06AM

Neen Wrote:
> >
> One would think that in this tough budget year,
> with a deficit of $100 million, or $100 for every
> man, woman, and child in FCPS, our school board
> might admit that some things they have done have
> not worked and have been far most costly than they
> are worth. We have SO many different programs,
> most of which we have no way to measure their
> effectiveness. Having put IB in so many schools
> would certainly be one of those costly mistakes.
> So far, our school system has admitted to NO
> costly mistakes, and ALL programs, failed or
> otherwise, will continue in FCPS. NO programs
> will be eliminated. None. Imagine ANY company
> that would work this way. Programs continue to
> grow, regardless of cost or effectiveness. Our
> taxes will also have to continue to grow.

Actually, the Summit program in MS (not sure if it is at other levels)and Focus programs in ES are part of the proposed cuts. I have heard that a literacy program in HS's will also be cut.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 07:15AM

Hmm...We have a new Stepford suster. (I'll assume its a she, since all the adults at the first comment meeting who spoke in favor of SLHS was female.)

"The curricula nor the school sizes should have to be the same, however, any student at any school should be able to gain variety in his course schedule each semester. If every core course is offered every period than any student can take any elective offered. If core classes are limited than the options to take electives are limited."

OK, sure. Let's offer every core class every period, prolly lots of schools do that, huh? We better check how many kids this needs though. Let's see, four grades, with four to five academic classes per grade that are really core...english, history, math, science, language...also PE of course..and we probably should have a couple of variations, regular vs. honors for some, different languages...so that gets us to say eight core classes per grade, times four class years, that's 32 core classes, and we want to offer them each period, that's seven periods, so we need 224 sessions of core classes..with 15 kids per class, we only need 3360 kids in our school. Well, more if we want to offer electives. We better make the shrine bigger. On the upside, it should really help with the whole overcrowding thing at other schools in the district.

"What ever the source, the numbers include 250-300 MMR students that were placed into SL because space was available. So the non-MMR population at SLHS is closer to 1100 students."

How about this. I'll call South Lakes on Monday. If there are 275+ MMR students presently enrolled, I'll buy the whole SLPTSA leadership dinner at something suitably international, say, the melting pot. If there are not 275+ MMR kids, you'll either a) go away or b) stop posting wrong and silly stuff.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:20AM

> Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She
> wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.
> That's the durned minivan political agenda talking
> again.
> Bravo for them.

Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton. I am certain many of the FM parents are upset at what Castro is doing to her neighborhood..why break such a long relationship with Oakton after being cherry picked by SL? Again, if this RD doesn't go through, Castro can always pupil-place her kids to SL.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:26AM

To answer your last question, my point was to show that depite all of the retoric regarding the lack of diversity at Wesfield and Oakton, as well as many comments from the Pro-RD side, implying that we don't not want to change schools due to diversity issues in SL, the families in Fox Mill and Floris live in very divers communities, and embrace this diversity. I believe that it was very apparent in the Public meetings, that we are a very united community.

I also noted that the speakers representing pro-RD side did not reflect the same diversity, and it leads some to wonder "who" is really pushing the agendas in this RD study.

You said:

Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ItsTheMasterSchedule (IP Logged)
Date: February 01, 2008 11:39PM

I believe in your message of choice, however, the “P” in FCPS stands for public, which means that taxpayers fund education in Fairfax County. In that situation you are subject to the rules and governance of the SB and FCPS. One such rule is that the SB has the authority to redraw its boundary lines to manage the school system. I believe that the SB should do a better job of communicating the factors that trigger the need for redistricting but respect their authority to do so when deemed necessary. If one is looking for guarantees on school assignment without the possibility of redistricting then private school is the way to go. FCPS schools do no belong to individual community. FCPS is a county service not an entity owned by individual communities. If you choose to live in Reston you are subject to the rules of the HOA. If you choose to have your child educated in a FCPS facility you are equally subject to the rules of FCPS.

As for diversity, all schools reflect the area that they serve. I agree that some SL parents want to “cherry pick” students. I think that is wrong and should not be considered by the SB. I believe that SL suffers from having a restrictive master schedule. That issue is addressed by increasing students, any students. I think the SB should pull the necessary number of students from the closest geographic area to SL, which impacts the surrounding schools, the least, without focus on race or socioeconomic status. If that area includes McNair so be it.

“Where was the representation of the other 50% of the student body?” You raised good points in your post and speech but this comment is unfortunate. What’s your point? Is your assertion that only whites can represent whites, only Asians can represent Asians, and only blacks can represent blacks. Given the balance and reason of the other parts of this post, I hope not.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:26AM

"Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.

That's the durned minivan political agenda talking again.

Bravo for them."

Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton. I am certain many FM parents are p'ssed off what Castro is doing to her own neighborhood. Why break such a long relationship with Oakton after being cherry-picked by SL? Again, Castro can always pupil-place her kids to SL if this messed up RD does not go through.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:38AM

"Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.

That's the durned minivan political agenda talking again.

Bravo for them."

Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton. Do not confuse with those from North Reston area where some students are bussed 18 miles to Langley. I am certain many FM parents are p'ssed off at Castro what she is doing to her neighborhood. Why break such a long relationship with Oakton after being cherry-picked by SL? Again if this screwed up RD does not go through, Castro can always pupil place her kids to SL.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:51AM

"Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.

That's the durned minivan political agenda talking again.

Bravo for them."

Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton. Do not confuse with those from North Reston some students being bussed to Langley 18 some miles away. Why break such a long relationship with Oakton after being cherry-picked by SL? I am certain Castro has p'ssed off many FM parents what she is doing to her neighborhood. Again, if this screwed up RD does not go through, she can always pupil-place her kids to SL.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FFx Dad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:57AM

Sorry - As a member of several corporate boards you are absolutely WRONG. A Board of directors job is GOVERNANCE, not management. Yes we look out for the company at large, but we never advocate penalizing a higher performing group - in fact we would do quite the opposite. If this were happnening in one of my corporations and an employee contacted me we would hold the senior management accountable for finding a solution that does not have a perceived negative impact on the staff. At successful companies, this is why we have an ETHICS committee!

ItsTheMasterSchedule Wrote:
> to add to your analogy, both teams reports to a
> board of directors that is responsible for
> optimizing performance across the teams. at
> times, that committee makes decisions that may
> alter the strength of one team to gain
> improvements across both team. that board of
> directors is the SB. they are doing the job that
> they should be doing.
> FFX Dad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bob and Mary are managers. Their teams are
> > compensated based on team and individual
> > productivity. While both teams are performing
> > above average by industry standards, Bob's team
> is
> > at the top of the company and Mary's is not.
> > Cathy and Joe are on Bob's team (they took this
> > job specifically to be on that team) and might
> be
> > switched to Mary's - everyone believes that
> > Mary's team will get better, but Cathy and Joe
> > love their team and believe that they will have
> a
> > meaningful drop in income for the next few
> years
> > by switching. They also know it will help the
> > rest of the folks on Mary's team if they were
> to
> > switch. In the meantime, the rest of the folks
> on
> > Bob's team know that they will not be able to
> > backfill those positions if Cathy and Joe leave.
> >
> >
> > So if Cathy and Joe are forced to switch, what
> > happens. Bob's team loses income as team
> > productivity goes down. Cathy and Joe lose
> income
> > as they are moving to a good, albeit less
> > productive team. Mary's team wins as their
> team
> > productivity increases -- and potentially Cathy
> > and Joe help with individual performances as
> well.
> > WOW - Bob's team did not have internal issues,
> > was performing well with the right number of
> > people - and now they are suffernig.
> >
> > Bob's team is Oakton. Mary's team is SL. WOW
> -
> > this really sucks for Oakton (not just Cathy
> and
> > Joe). Everyone loves Mary and her team, and
> feels
> > bad that prior issues have created this
> imbalance.
> > They want to help, but not sacrifice if at
> all
> > possible.
> >
> > However, if Mary were to see what she could do
> by
> > teaming with Bob, asking for his support, and
> > learning from what makes his team more
> successful
> > all of this could be avoided. And perhaps
> Mary's
> > team's performance would improve so there might
> be
> > a more natural desire for more folks to join
> that
> > team.
> >
> > SL - folks are now more aware of some of the
> > challenges you are facing. And, for good or
> bad,
> > are finally llistening and willing to help. It
> > will take some serious restraint on your part,
> but
> > if you were to be open to collaborative
> solutions
> > (as opposed to being perceived as RD
> > single-minded), we might get a community
> working
> > together here.
> >
> > BTW, I am not suggesting your are single
> minded,
> > but people are perceiving you as such as
> evidenced
> > on this site. Please do not take that out of
> > context - I am not stating a fact, just a
> > perception (which by definition is not wrong -
> it
> > just is).
> >
> > Good luck!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:59AM

CHS Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WestfieldDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > There aren't 30 trailers at Westfield any
> more.
> >
> > > Most are gone. The rest would probably also
> be
> > > gone if/when they actually put the walls up
> in
> > the
> > > lower floor of the addition.
> >
> > I know, but I did not count how many are at
> > Chantilly. I can only assume that there aren't
> 30
> > trailors. Nevertheless, through the exaggeration
> I
> > am still willing to accede a point for
> discussion.
> There are not 30 trailers at Chantilly. There is
> one modular unit that the SB spent a couple of
> million dollars putting in 2 years ago. I wonder
> how much it will cost to remove? Oh wait, in this
> scenario they are not relocating enough students
> to remove it. So, when this is all done I guess
> the plan is to keep the modular unit at Chantilly
> and move a handful of students out to travel 7+
> additional miles further to Oakton instead of the
> 2-3 miles they travel to Chantilly now. I guess
> that makes perfect sense to the FCPS facilities
> staff.

If there is any space/economic justification for this redistricting it's that the modular could be removed given sufficient boundary change for Chantilly. Given the chosen high schools, it's the only option that isn't simply shuffling empty seats around.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:04AM

Westfield Dad,

I completely agree with your statement, and that was the point that I am making. The SB made a very bad decision in my opinion,, and I feel that this decision to palce IB curriculum in the schools with the Highest number of economically disadvantaged childern has helped to perpetuate this. If the SB wanted to improve diversity and socio-economic balances, why would that put in place a curriculum that appeals to such a narrow group of students? I believe that the RD must be halted, until an unbiased 3rd party task force can analyze the data for the last 10 years regarding the effects of IB on all of the important catagories stated as a reason for this boundary study.

I fully believe that parents and students are going to gravitate towrds those schools that offer a more main stream curriculum that is more widely accepted throughout the country. IB is a great choice to offer those students that seek a more "Global" education, but I do not believe that it is appropriate to offer such a program in 33% of our public schools, when the majority of non IB schools are showing much better overall results in educating our children.

I believe that the fact that those schools offering the IB curricluum have shown no marked improvements in SAT scores, increased enrollments, more balanced socio economics etc, proves that we need to reexamine what is best for "all" of the students in Fairfax County.

It is critical that a study be conducted "BEFORE" we start moving students to prop up low enrollments in our smaller schools.

I believe that if South Lakes were perceived as a main stream school, with the same learning environment and curriculum as the sister schools in this study, they would attract more of the main stream students into the school.

As evidenced by comments made by some parents who live outside of the current SL boundaries, there are families that "would" prefer a shorter commute, a smaller school with better opportunities to make the sports teams, a brand new building with real class rooms rather than trailors etc.

Can the SL supporters not appeal to the SB, to pause any decision on RD, until it can be determined "WHY" all of the schools in the West are growing except South Lakes" Diversity is not the issue, despite what you are saying.

Right or wrong, parents will go to the scores and stats 1st in deciding where to send their children to school. This is the reality. If the test scores in SL are perceived as lower, regardless of the reasons, parents are going to gravitate towards the schools that "look better" on paper.

> I'm an RD opponent, in part because of IB. But
> please, we all know that the SB put IB in most of
> the lowest scoring, lowest socioeconomic level
> schools in the County in an attempt to paper the
> scores over by retaining in-boundary and
> attracting out-of-boundary high achieving kids.
> Their attempt failed.
> Why did it fail where Montgomery County succeeded
> at Richard Montgomery in Silver Spring?
> Montgomery had the good sense to put IB in a few
> schools and make it a magnet. Montgomery also had
> the good sense to have full AP programs at those
> schools as well. Fairfax put IB in too many
> schools - thereby diluting the magnet effect - and
> removed AP - thereby alienating many more.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:27AM

Baffled Wrote:
> "Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She
> wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.
> That's the durned minivan political agenda talking
> again.
> Bravo for them."
> Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton. Do not
> confuse with those from North Reston some students
> being bussed to Langley 18 some miles away. Why
> break such a long relationship with Oakton after
> being cherry-picked by SL? I am certain Castro
> has p'ssed off many FM parents what she is doing
> to her neighborhood. Again, if this screwed up RD
> does not go through, she can always pupil-place
> her kids to SL.

9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:28AM

SB has painted themselves into a corner by stating a primary reason for the RD is overcrowding. I bet many think that moving Fox Mill (sacrificing) to SL and leaving everyone else alone would be much simpler. It's funny how they don't care that they are ruining one of the highest performing schools in the county/country, Oakton. SL has created quite a mess at their school and should be left to clean it up on their own, but that is not the liberal way.

I also think there is a good possibility that this gets tabled until next year w/Coppermine.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:32AM

SLHS Padre Wrote:
> Baffled Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She
> > wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.
> >
> > That's the durned minivan political agenda
> talking
> > again.
> >
> > Bravo for them."
> >
> > Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton. Do
> not
> > confuse with those from North Reston some
> students
> > being bussed to Langley 18 some miles away.
> Why
> > break such a long relationship with Oakton
> after
> > being cherry-picked by SL? I am certain Castro
> > has p'ssed off many FM parents what she is
> doing
> > to her neighborhood. Again, if this screwed up
> RD
> > does not go through, she can always pupil-place
> > her kids to SL.
> 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4

Actually it takes around 4 miles to SL from the FM area. Not 2..there are other communities like in the North Reston area that are actually 2 some miles to SL.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:47AM

word Wrote:
> SB has painted themselves into a corner by stating
> a primary reason for the RD is overcrowding. I bet
> many think that moving Fox Mill (sacrificing) to
> SL and leaving everyone else alone would be much
> simpler. It's funny how they don't care that they
> are ruining one of the highest performing schools
> in the county/country, Oakton. SL has created
> quite a mess at their school and should be left to
> clean it up on their own, but that is not the
> liberal way.
> I also think there is a good possibility that this
> gets tabled until next year w/Coppermine.

This would be very sensible to wait because the controversy over this RD is extremely high. I agree with Floris Parent, that this study be halted and a true independent 3rd party study all of this..there should be no more semi secret meetings over cherry picking certain communities and or having Stu run around like a headless chicken back and forth to his constituents getting feedback who should go to SL without even thinking there can be other options to help SL instead of diving to RD as a last option.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:48AM

Baffled Wrote:
> SLHS Padre Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Baffled Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > "Yeah. Can you believe that Castro woman? She
> > > wants to drive 4 miles a day, instead of 18.
> > >
> > > That's the durned minivan political agenda
> > talking
> > > again.
> > >
> > > Bravo for them."
> > >
> > > Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton.
> Do
> > not
> > > confuse with those from North Reston some
> > students
> > > being bussed to Langley 18 some miles away.
> > Why
> > > break such a long relationship with Oakton
> > after
> > > being cherry-picked by SL? I am certain
> Castro
> > > has p'ssed off many FM parents what she is
> > doing
> > > to her neighborhood. Again, if this screwed
> up
> > RD
> > > does not go through, she can always
> pupil-place
> > > her kids to SL.
> >
> > 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4
> Actually it takes around 4 miles to SL from the FM
> area. Not 2..there are other communities like in
> the North Reston area that are actually 2 some
> miles to SL.

From Fox Mill ES:

3.81 miles + 3.81 miles = 7.62 miles

8.63 miles + 8.63 miles = 17.26 miles

Btw: I agree that the north Reston solution is a practical option....but it's not on the table and it's not the only practical option. And there would have been another set of outraged parents...this time in Red shirts. So I'm not swayed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 02, 2008 10:04AM

A classical example how pro-sl folks love to manipulating data, while others have enough integrity to use FACTS.

Isn't it a pattern that CAPS lists their source of data without any alteration, while pro-RD folks has to use a lot of adjectives, like almost, close to, if you take out this, consider that...And these little adjectives don't come out by default, it only shows up when they are questioned, and countered by facts.

As a scientific trained mind, this seemingly dominant mindset from the adults, without even realizing the lack of intellectual integrity, is enough for me to avoid an education there.

SLHS Padre Wrote:

> 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Exactly ()
Date: February 02, 2008 10:46AM

word Wrote:
> SB has painted themselves into a corner by stating
> a primary reason for the RD is overcrowding. I bet
> many think that moving Fox Mill (sacrificing) to
> SL and leaving everyone else alone would be much
> simpler. It's funny how they don't care that they
> are ruining one of the highest performing schools
> in the county/country, Oakton. SL has created
> quite a mess at their school and should be left to
> clean it up on their own, but that is not the
> liberal way.
> I also think there is a good possibility that this
> gets tabled until next year w/Coppermine.

Oakton will not suffer much. Many of the high performing students will find ways to stay at Oakton. Many of the high performing students from Floris will also find ways to go to Oakton, because Oakton is perceived better than Westfield. Westfield will actually see a more negative impact.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: puhleeze ()
Date: February 02, 2008 10:54AM

Baffled Wrote:
> Fox Mill is not 18 miles away from Oakton.

Castro didnt say 18 she said 10.

I am
> certain many of the FM parents are upset at what
> Castro is doing to her neighborhood..why break
> such a long relationship with Oakton after being
> cherry picked by SL? Again, if this RD doesn't go
> through, Castro can always pupil-place her kids to
> SL.

Cherry picked? Schmerry picked. Fox Mill Estates is around the corner from SLHS and far from Oakton HS.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: A Perfect Mind ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:00AM

AP Wrote:
> A classical example how pro-sl folks love to
> manipulating data, while others have enough
> integrity to use FACTS.
> Isn't it a pattern that CAPS lists their source of
> data without any alteration, while pro-RD folks
> has to use a lot of adjectives, like almost, close
> to, if you take out this, consider that...And
> these little adjectives don't come out by default,
> it only shows up when they are questioned, and
> countered by facts.
> As a scientific trained mind, this seemingly
> dominant mindset from the adults, without even
> realizing the lack of intellectual integrity, is
> enough for me to avoid an education there.
> SLHS Padre Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4

Explain this comment, and explain where Baffled provided the cites to its information to satisfy your perfect, biased mind. Thank you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:19AM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> Hmm...We have a new Stepford suster. (I'll assume
> its a she, since all the adults at the first
> comment meeting who spoke in favor of SLHS was
> female.)

Are you sure about the comment above? Just asking.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: PTA's GONE BAD ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:20AM

Here is a classic abuse of power.

January 2008
Dear Friends,
I am sure that you have heard all about the boundary issues currently being debated in western Fairfax County. Westfield High School is directly impacted by whatever decision is made. The impact to Westfield concerns the number of students attending the school. Depending on which boundary proposal is selected, your child will either continue to have 3,100 classmates or could possibly have 2,500 classmates. YOU NEED TO LET THE SCHOOL BOARD KNOW HOW MANY CLASSMATES YOU WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO HAVE!
I have heard many views on the subject. One in particular troubles me: "My child is not going to be moved so I am not worried." Whether or not your own child will be sent to a different high school just means that they won't go to a different building. They WILL however be impacted. Currently Westfield High School has about 3,100 students. Whatever is done with the boundaries, those numbers will change. How much they change will depend upon where the boundaries are drawn.
Parents whose children may be moved to a new school are showing up to the boundary meetings, writing letters, proposing lawsuits, and advocating for their children. You need to do the same. Others’ opinions are being HEARD. Those of us who live in so-called “unaffected” areas are NOT. The size of a school affects not only class size, but the opportunity to play on a school team, participate in a play, and receive individual attention from teachers.
Go to http://www.fcps.edu/schlbd/members/contactsb.htm and fill out the form online. It is simple to do. Select "School Board" from the drop down box and "Yes" to include "At-Large” Members. One click sends your e-mail to the entire School Board. If you or anyone you know is interested, please sign up to speak on Sat. Feb. 9th at the last day of Public Hearings. You can go on the website and sign-up and a time slot will be issued.
In addition, email this letter to your friends and neighbors. You can copy this letter, paste it into a new email with your own signature (or forward if you like) and ask everyone in your email network to do the same. In a short period of time, the Fairfax County School Board Members will know what the parents in our community think.
Most sincerely,
Laura Floyd
Legislation Committee Chair
P.S. According to Kathy Smith (Sully District’s Rep) the School Board is receiving little input indicating that Westfield High School needs to be smaller. There is resistance from some members to make any boundary changes because they’re not hearing from parents that it’s needed. So please email the School Board and sign-up to speak on February 9th.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Anonymous ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:25AM

I didn't think school board members were supposed to be involved in pushing opinions. What are the PTA's involved for? In previous studies they have never spoken out.

Does anybody have the contact info for the President of the Council of PTA's?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:27AM

AP Wrote:
> A classical example how pro-sl folks love to
> manipulating data, while others have enough
> integrity to use FACTS.
> Isn't it a pattern that CAPS lists their source of
> data without any alteration, while pro-RD folks
> has to use a lot of adjectives, like almost, close
> to, if you take out this, consider that...And
> these little adjectives don't come out by default,
> it only shows up when they are questioned, and
> countered by facts.
> As a scientific trained mind, this seemingly
> dominant mindset from the adults, without even
> realizing the lack of intellectual integrity, is
> enough for me to avoid an education there.
> SLHS Padre Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4

In my last post, I used the distances provided from Fox Mill ES to South Lakes HS, as provided on Yahoo Map. I should have been more clear about the 2 mile distance, which was mentioned during testimony as the incremental distance marked from a turn toward SLHS, compared to going to Oakton.

I also note that the purpose of my first post was to correct Baffled's apparent befuddlement that Ms. Castro was claiming that Oakton was 18 miles from her house in Fox Mill.

In FACT, she was not. Baffled was under the misconception that Ms. Castro was referring to a one-way distance, when she actually was not. She referred to round-trip distance. Hence, my post.

Finally, Baffled -- your comrade -- used the terms "takes around 4 miles to SL from the FM area. Not 2" and "actually 2 some miles to SL." You might want to have a word re: sources and adjectives.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:28AM

Explain where 9 + 9 = 18 and 2 + 2 = 4 from. Is that the TYPICAL distance for the FM communities? If so, state how is it calculated, if not, do not spread it. Routinely using an anecdote to represent the whole community, is flawed to be at least, and build up the perception of lack of intellectual integrity.

A Perfect Mind Wrote:
> AP Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A classical example how pro-sl folks love to
> > manipulating data, while others have enough
> > integrity to use FACTS.
> >
> > Isn't it a pattern that CAPS lists their source
> of
> > data without any alteration, while pro-RD folks
> > has to use a lot of adjectives, like almost,
> close
> > to, if you take out this, consider that...And
> > these little adjectives don't come out by
> default,
> > it only shows up when they are questioned, and
> > countered by facts.
> >
> > As a scientific trained mind, this seemingly
> > dominant mindset from the adults, without even
> > realizing the lack of intellectual integrity,
> is
> > enough for me to avoid an education there.
> >
> >
> > SLHS Padre Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > >
> > > 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4
> Explain this comment, and explain where Baffled
> provided the cites to its information to satisfy
> your perfect, biased mind. Thank you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ?? ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:29AM

SLHS Padre Wrote:
> Btw: I agree that the north Reston solution is a
> practical option....but it's not on the table and
> it's not the only practical option. And there
> would have been another set of outraged
> parents...this time in Red shirts. So I'm not
> swayed.

Herndon HS attendance area is on the table. The only areas that should be moved to South Lakes now are those that would not be affected by Coppermine. Now I can see c`hnages coming for McNair East Floris and many other neighborhoods. How can they not be involved? Add to those the portion of Fox Mill that went to Floris recently.

To get a sense of resolution on South Lakes, it could receive Aldrin, the main portion of Fox Mill, plus a portion of the Madison Island and the new 41 house development going into the Island. Add 2 Langley developments and it's over.

It's possible that the very school blasted as unworthy by Herndon and South Lakes [McNair ] could be where East Floris ends up after Coppermine. Who knows? No one in the general public. Now that GT center bussing will be on a depot basis, does anyone wonder why Waples Mill is one of the schools being bussed to Hunters Woods? WP goes to Oakton and Fairfax.

Hunters Woods will need more students. Base school boundary chnages to get students in Reston schools without spending more money on specail programs? What a novel idea. FCPS has all sorts of budget reductions listed so it would be a good time to reaccess the cost of IB v AP.

Last year the school board tabled part of the South County move and staff was forced to exclude from any recommendation. A new elementary school is being built there called Laurel Hill which is near the eastern portion of Silverbrook, etc.etc.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Just say No ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:33AM

?? Wrote:
> SLHS Padre Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Btw: I agree that the north Reston solution is
> a
> > practical option....but it's not on the table
> and
> > it's not the only practical option. And there
> > would have been another set of outraged
> > parents...this time in Red shirts. So I'm not
> > swayed.
> Herndon HS attendance area is on the table. The
> only areas that should be moved to South Lakes now
> are those that would not be affected by
> Coppermine. Now I can see c`hnages coming for
> McNair East Floris and many other neighborhoods.
> How can they not be involved? Add to those the
> portion of Fox Mill that went to Floris recently.
> To get a sense of resolution on South Lakes, it
> could receive Aldrin, the main portion of Fox
> Mill, plus a portion of the Madison Island and the
> new 41 house development going into the Island.
> Add 2 Langley developments and it's over.
> It's possible that the very school blasted as
> unworthy by Herndon and South Lakes could be
> where East Floris ends up after Coppermine. Who
> knows? No one in the general public. Now that GT
> center bussing will be on a depot basis, does
> anyone wonder why Waples Mill is one of the
> schools being bussed to Hunters Woods? WP goes to
> Oakton and Fairfax.
> Hunters Woods will need more students. Base school
> boundary chnages to get students in Reston schools
> without spending more money on specail programs?
> What a novel idea. FCPS has all sorts of budget
> reductions listed so it would be a good time to
> reaccess the cost of IB v AP.
> Last year the school board tabled part of the
> South County move and staff was forced to exclude
> from any recommendation. A new elementary school
> is being built there called Laurel Hill which is
> near the eastern portion of Silverbrook, etc.etc.

South County was tabled because once again Tistadt couldn't get 2 + 2 to equal 5 and the community proved him wrong (again)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:37AM

> Here is a classic abuse of power.
> January 2008
> Dear Friends,
> Legislation Committee Chair
> VA Run PTA
... There is resistance from some members to
> make any boundary changes because they’re not
> hearing from parents that it’s needed. So please
> email the School Board and sign-up to speak on
> February 9th.

So Westfield PTA thinks they are going to sit in a building with that big fat new addition and not use it? More luxurious than a private school! I looked at school bounadries in Smith's Westfield and Chantilly area. Who stuck the airport in Gibson's Floris? Who made the greenbriar West Island? Why did they stick an academy at Chantilly? That thing could have been at South Lakes. Who made the silly Poplar tree boundary and what happened to the thing being a secondary school?

I'm sick of these HOA mamas that expect the world to be perfect.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:39AM

Just to beat a dead horse for a minute...

If you use the SLPTSA logic for a minute and draw circles around schools, one thing you find, even before you find Fox Mill, is Forestville is next to Herndon and much further from Langley than any west county area is from its high school.

It has awesome demographics, too. Lower FRL than Aldrin.

Send part of Forestville to Herndon, send Aldrin to South Lakes, stop the bleeding at SLHS by putting in AP, and you get
- 1700-1800 students at SLHS and Langley (similar to McLean, close to madison)
- Reston community consolidated at SLHS, and Herndon at HHS.
- Much shorter travel for Forestville
- improved Herndon and SLHS demographics
- Lots of angry people in red shirts who are no longer quite so enamored of redistrcting. (Add in the Langley people, what color shirts are they?)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ?? ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:39AM

Just say No Wrote:
> ?? Wrote:
> >
> South County was tabled because once again Tistadt
> couldn't get 2 + 2 to equal 5 and the community
> proved him wrong (again)

BS they wanted the middle school. Tisdadt is not incompetent. Board members like Janet O purposefully overloaded the place to aid in justification for that middle school.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:42AM

A little math lesson:

3.81 miles + 3.81 miles = 7.62 miles

8.63 miles + 8.63 miles = 17.26 miles

17.62 / 3.62 = 2.31

9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4
18 / 4 = 4.5

4.5/2.31 = 1.95 = 195%

Did you realize by 'forgetting' some details, the difference is exasperated by 195%, almost twice?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Just say No ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:48AM

?? Wrote:
> Just say No Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ?? Wrote:
> > >
> > South County was tabled because once again
> Tistadt
> > couldn't get 2 + 2 to equal 5 and the community
> > proved him wrong (again)
> BS they wanted the middle school. Tisdadt is not
> incompetent. Board members like Janet O
> purposefully overloaded the place to aid in
> justification for that middle school.

You are talking about the first boundary study which was then adjusted with the second one moving poor kids back after two years. In the second boundary study Tistadt took Lake Braddock off because it isn't losing the number of kids he predicted.

Competant? Off by 50% or $10 million. You decide.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ?? ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:10PM

Just say No Wrote:
>> Competant? Off by 50% or $10 million. You
> decide.
> http://www.springfieldconnection.com/article.asp?a
> rchive=true&article=85407&paper=72&cat=109

I did decide in Fall 2006 when I objectively reviewed all the numbers. It's all about legacy building and politics. Silverbrook etc Just Said NO with the support of polticians up to the Federal level. Incidentally , the cost of the South County SS is paid out of the county coffers. It was not a proffer. Any new land deals are possibly selling off a county resource.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:26PM

AP Wrote:
> A little math lesson:
> 3.81 miles + 3.81 miles = 7.62 miles
> 8.63 miles + 8.63 miles = 17.26 miles
> 17.62 / 3.62 = 2.31
> 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4
> 18 / 4 = 4.5
> 4.5/2.31 = 1.95 = 195%
> Did you realize by 'forgetting' some details, the
> difference is exasperated by 195%, almost twice?

Good point. The initial post exaggerated the difference, by underestimating the distance between Fox Mill and South Lakes. I subsequently provided more specific distances and the source thereof. I did not use modifiers in either.

The numbers used in the subsequent post show that, over a 183-day FCPS standard school year calendar (http://www.fcps.edu/Directives/R1344.pdf), a parent driving once a day round-trip from the Fox Mill ES to Oakton HS would drive 1,764.12 miles more, than said parent would drive the same route - over the same period -- to South Lakes.

That, of course, is based on the assumption that there is only one daily round trip, and no additional journeys for extracurricular events, PTSA meetings, etc.

Taking that number -- and assuming a MPG figure of 25 (generous) and a gas price of $3.00/gallon -- that calculates to an additional fuel price of $211.70, by my admittedly less-than-stellar math skills. I am not able to quantify the risks of driving the additional mileage, nor the additional insurance costs and maintenance expenses on a personal vehicle.

In sum: South Lakes is much closer than Oakton to the Fox Mill neighborhood.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:27PM

?? Wrote:

> ... Incidentally , the cost of the
> South County SS is paid out of the county coffers.
> It was not a proffer. Any new land deals are
> possibly selling off a county resource.

And incidentally, the South Lakes renovation (and every other school construction project) was delayed an average of TWO YEARS because the school system was forced to to pay back the bonds sold to fund this unneeded school - "unneeded" because there is space in the other southern high and middle schools for ALL of these students.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:40PM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> Just to beat a dead horse for a minute...
> If you use the SLPTSA logic for a minute and draw
> circles around schools, one thing you find, even
> before you find Fox Mill, is Forestville is next
> to Herndon and much further from Langley than any
> west county area is from its high school.
> It has awesome demographics, too. Lower FRL than
> Aldrin.
> Send part of Forestville to Herndon, send Aldrin
> to South Lakes, stop the bleeding at SLHS by
> putting in AP, and you get
> - 1700-1800 students at SLHS and Langley (similar
> to McLean, close to madison)
> - Reston community consolidated at SLHS, and
> Herndon at HHS.
> - Much shorter travel for Forestville
> - improved Herndon and SLHS demographics
> - Lots of angry people in red shirts who are no
> longer quite so enamored of redistrcting. (Add in
> the Langley people, what color shirts are they?)

This is, of course, the right answer. And the answer that would have been on the table if the SB had revisited the set of schools in the study, as they should have, when the new numbers for Westfield & Chantilly came out showing that they won't be overcrowded.

Reston Schools for Reston Students.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Reston Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:45PM

To SLHS Padre:

9/8.63 = 1.04

Wow why you are off an awful 4%. Don't you know Oakton is much closer than you ESTIMATED?

7.62 - 4 = 3.62 miles that's an awful 18.1 miles per week. Wow why you underestimate that much?? Don't you know you short changed them 3 bucks a week??

The SL folks are just awful in math.

AP Wrote:
> A little math lesson:
> 3.81 miles + 3.81 miles = 7.62 miles
> 8.63 miles + 8.63 miles = 17.26 miles
> 17.62 / 3.62 = 2.31
> 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4
> 18 / 4 = 4.5
> 4.5/2.31 = 1.95 = 195%
> Did you realize by 'forgetting' some details, the
> difference is exasperated by 195%, almost twice?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:51PM

taxpayer -

While I agree entirely with your sentiments on this, the PTA letter below is from teh Virginia Run ES PTA, not Westfield's.

Westfield's hasn't taken a position on this.

taxpayer Wrote:
> PTA's GONE BAD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Here is a classic abuse of power.
> >
> > January 2008
> > Dear Friends,
> >...
> > Legislation Committee Chair
> > VA Run PTA
> ... There is resistance from some members to
> > make any boundary changes because they’re not
> > hearing from parents that it’s needed. So
> please
> > email the School Board and sign-up to speak on
> > February 9th.
> So Westfield PTA thinks they are going to sit in a
> building with that big fat new addition and not
> use it? More luxurious than a private school! I
> looked at school bounadries in Smith's Westfield
> and Chantilly area. Who stuck the airport in
> Gibson's Floris? Who made the greenbriar West
> Island? Why did they stick an academy at
> Chantilly? That thing could have been at South
> Lakes. Who made the silly Poplar tree boundary
> and what happened to the thing being a secondary
> school?
> I'm sick of these HOA mamas that expect the world
> to be perfect.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 02, 2008 12:53PM

Instead of just mileage, or the distance from an elementary school to a high school, it would be more informative if you provided the time in minutes it takes a bus to get from your house to the high schools in question at 7 am.

Thank you in advance.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 02, 2008 01:03PM

Wrong logic. The RD is for cost saving for FCPS, not parents -- parents made the choice of driving or not, but this has nothing to do with county's savings. The same applies to students driving.

Let's just use your calculation, and assume there are 10 buses each day. So a total of saving of $2117 on a year for the whole Fox Mill communities? I think FME would love to raise the money and pay for the cost and eliminate that criteria. Not to mention the added cost to bus Navy folks, and of course double busing for a few years.

SLHS Padre Wrote:
> AP Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A little math lesson:
> >
> > 3.81 miles + 3.81 miles = 7.62 miles
> >
> > 8.63 miles + 8.63 miles = 17.26 miles
> >
> > 17.62 / 3.62 = 2.31
> >
> > 9 + 9 = 18; 2 + 2 = 4
> > 18 / 4 = 4.5
> >
> > 4.5/2.31 = 1.95 = 195%
> >
> > Did you realize by 'forgetting' some details,
> the
> > difference is exasperated by 195%, almost
> twice?
> Good point. The initial post exaggerated the
> difference, by underestimating the distance
> between Fox Mill and South Lakes. I subsequently
> provided more specific distances and the source
> thereof. I did not use modifiers in either.
> The numbers used in the subsequent post show that,
> over a 183-day FCPS standard school year calendar
> (http://www.fcps.edu/Directives/R1344.pdf), a
> parent driving once a day round-trip from the Fox
> Mill ES to Oakton HS would drive 1,764.12 miles
> more, than said parent would drive the same route
> - over the same period -- to South Lakes.
> That, of course, is based on the assumption that
> there is only one daily round trip, and no
> additional journeys for extracurricular events,
> PTSA meetings, etc.
> Taking that number -- and assuming a MPG figure of
> 25 (generous) and a gas price of $3.00/gallon --
> that calculates to an additional fuel price of
> $211.70, by my admittedly less-than-stellar math
> skills. I am not able to quantify the risks of
> driving the additional mileage, nor the additional
> insurance costs and maintenance expenses on a
> personal vehicle.
> In sum: South Lakes is much closer than Oakton to
> the Fox Mill neighborhood.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 02, 2008 01:19PM

> Here is a classic abuse of power.
> January 2008
> Dear Friends,
> I am sure that you have heard all about the
> boundary issues currently being debated in western
> Fairfax County. Westfield High School is directly
> impacted by whatever decision is made. The impact
> to Westfield concerns the number of students
> attending the school. Depending on which boundary
> proposal is selected, your child will either
> continue to have 3,100 classmates or could
> possibly have 2,500 classmates. YOU NEED TO LET
> I have heard many views on the subject. One in
> particular troubles me: "My child is not going to
> be moved so I am not worried." Whether or not your
> own child will be sent to a different high school
> just means that they won't go to a different
> building. They WILL however be impacted. Currently
> Westfield High School has about 3,100 students.
> Whatever is done with the boundaries, those
> numbers will change. How much they change will
> depend upon where the boundaries are drawn.
> Parents whose children may be moved to a new
> school are showing up to the boundary meetings,
> writing letters, proposing lawsuits, and
> advocating for their children. You need to do the
> same. Others’ opinions are being HEARD. Those of
> us who live in so-called “unaffected” areas are
> NOT. The size of a school affects not only class
> size, but the opportunity to play on a school
> team, participate in a play, and receive
> individual attention from teachers.
> Go to
> http://www.fcps.edu/schlbd/members/contactsb.htm
> and fill out the form online. It is simple to do.
> Select "School Board" from the drop down box and
> "Yes" to include "At-Large” Members. One click
> sends your e-mail to the entire School Board. If
> you or anyone you know is interested, please sign
> up to speak on Sat. Feb. 9th at the last day of
> Public Hearings. You can go on the website and
> sign-up and a time slot will be issued.
> In addition, email this letter to your friends and
> neighbors. You can copy this letter, paste it into
> a new email with your own signature (or forward if
> you like) and ask everyone in your email network
> to do the same. In a short period of time, the
> Fairfax County School Board Members will know what
> the parents in our community think.
> Most sincerely,
> Laura Floyd
> Legislation Committee Chair
> VA Run PTA
> P.S. According to Kathy Smith (Sully District’s
> Rep) the School Board is receiving little input
> indicating that Westfield High School needs to be
> smaller. There is resistance from some members to
> make any boundary changes because they’re not
> hearing from parents that it’s needed. So please
> email the School Board and sign-up to speak on
> February 9th.

Hmmm. IS this an abuse of power? They are telling parents to get involved, that one way or another redistricting affects everyone. OK so far, as long as they do not advocate a particular position.

Example: PTAs may tell parents a bond issue will be on the ballot, and what is included in the bond, but they may NOT say "Vote YES on Bonds!"

So the question becomes: Does the following advocate a particular position? If so, then contact the County Council and the District and State PTA. Remind them such advocacy violates IRS rules.

"...the School Board is receiving little input indicating that Westfield High School needs to be smaller. There is resistance from some members to make any boundary changes because they’re not hearing from parents that it’s needed. So please email the School Board and sign-up to speak on February 9th."

Telling parents to take a certain position in a boundary dispute is the first issue. The second problem is IF a PTA advocates for a particular position AND they put a piece of paper stating this position in student backpacks. If I remember correctly, the state passed a law prohibiting the use of pupils as political passenger pigeons. If this is what is happening, then contact your state Senator and Delegate to point out this violation of the law.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 01:46PM

People understand Fox Mill is closer to South Lakes than to Oakton. But they don't accept the rationale that that means they should be reassigned just because of this...Fox Mill and South Lakes have been where they are for decades. The Flint Hill neighborhoods of Madison are closer still to South Lakes, and Aldrin is one of the closer neighborhoods as well, certainly closer than Floris.

It doesn't make any sense transportation-wise to move Fox Mill out of Oakton just to move more Navy people into Oakton.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 02, 2008 02:03PM

Oakton, you may want to check your facts. I have heard that Fox Mill went to Herndon until it was moved to Oakton around 20 years ago.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 02, 2008 02:09PM

20 years = 2 decades

"Oakton, you may want to check your facts. I have heard that Fox Mill went to Herndon until it was moved to Oakton around 20 years ago."

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Befuddled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 02:15PM

The size of a school affects not only
> class
> > size, but the opportunity to play on a school
> > team, participate in a play, and receive
> > individual attention from teachers.
> > Go to
> >
> http://www.fcps.edu/schlbd/members/contactsb.htm
> > and fill out the form online. It is simple to
ask everyone in your email
> network
> > to do the same. In a short period of time, the
> > Fairfax County School Board Members will know
> what
> > the parents in our community think.

I thought the parents at Westfields didn't think it was overcrowded? That emails sounds like they want a smaller student body.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Why ()
Date: February 02, 2008 02:33PM

Why they didn't say they want a smaller school when Westfield was built? Why they didn't say it when westfield get the addition? They are OK with Westfield was built as a big school before, all of sudden, it's not working anymore.

Befuddled Wrote:
> The size of a school affects not only
> > class
> > > size, but the opportunity to play on a school
> > > team, participate in a play, and receive
> > > individual attention from teachers.
> > > Go to
> > >
> >
> http://www.fcps.edu/schlbd/members/contactsb.htm
> > > and fill out the form online. It is simple to
> ask everyone in your email
> > network
> > > to do the same. In a short period of time,
> the
> > > Fairfax County School Board Members will know
> > what
> > > the parents in our community think.
> I thought the parents at Westfields didn't think
> it was overcrowded? That emails sounds like they
> want a smaller student body.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Awesome ()
Date: February 02, 2008 03:35PM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> Just to beat a dead horse for a minute...
> If you use the SLPTSA logic for a minute and draw
> circles around schools, one thing you find, even
> before you find Fox Mill, is Forestville is next
> to Herndon and much further from Langley than any
> west county area is from its high school.
> It has awesome demographics, too. Lower FRL than
> Aldrin.
> Send part of Forestville to Herndon, send Aldrin
> to South Lakes, stop the bleeding at SLHS by
> putting in AP, and you get
> - 1700-1800 students at SLHS and Langley (similar
> to McLean, close to madison)
> - Reston community consolidated at SLHS, and
> Herndon at HHS.
> - Much shorter travel for Forestville
> - improved Herndon and SLHS demographics
> - Lots of angry people in red shirts who are no
> longer quite so enamored of redistrcting. (Add in
> the Langley people, what color shirts are they?)

Verrrrrrry interesssssssting! "Awesome" demographics, to this Oakton Parent, means lower FRM rates. Hmmmmmm. Wonder how South Lakes can get some of that?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Awesome ()
Date: February 02, 2008 03:36PM

Sounds like that Oakton parent is a NIMBY. Screw Aldrin, but not Fox Mill.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 02, 2008 04:06PM

LOL...nice comments "Awesome"...

The concern of Herndon parents has been that moving people to South Lakes must not be the detriment of Herndon, "disadvantaging" in their own words. And they themselves use FRL as one of the scorecards. I was just pointing out that the Forestville kids would be even less disadvantaged by that scorecard, thus my poetic license on "awesome"...it's 1% FRL, better than any other West County elementary school as far as I can tell. But if that's not awesome to you, we can call it whatever you like..."terrible", how's that?

And South Lakes has EXACTLY been looking for how to get "some of that"...check with Maria Allen, who wants 600 advantaged kids, where advantaged = the same thing that I referred to as awesome.

Annnnd...it is you, not me, who suggested that sending anybody to South Lakes "screws" them. (Don't show your hand like that, it will give away your whole position.) I'm just noting it helps demographics of all the schools, and reduces driving time, better than the option the staff came up with from board parameters.

Anything you'd like to share with us though? Maybe a red Tshirt?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CHS Mom ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:01PM

About the Chantilly HS modular -- think more like building and less like a trailer. It is a rectangular shaped structure with hallways, classrooms on either side, bathrooms, and offices. The only thing "trailerish" is the wooden ramps at the entrances and the fact that the students have to exit the main building and walk outside to get to the modular. I have had to visit my kids classrooms in the modular for Back to School nights and it's no small structure. Imagine about 20 trailers all opened and connected together in a large rectangle.

First of all, it would probably cost a fortune to move it somewhere else, and you would have to shrink the school a whole lot more in order to justify getting rid of it. It's huge and if you want to see it, drive around the back and take a look.

It's hard to imagine what the SB is thinking as the justification for moving the Navy kids to Oakton. It must be just because Oakton will be too small if they lose Fox Mill. Navy is so close to Chantilly and it is an easy drive either on residential streets or using 7100/50/Stringfellow. In terms of time in the car it will be an hour round trip to Oakton vs 15 minutes to Chantilly.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Proud Grad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:28PM

Best 6 years of my life!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Proud Grad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:32PM

Best 7 years of my life!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:34PM

Why Wrote:
> Why they didn't say they want a smaller school
> when Westfield was built? Why they didn't say it
> when westfield get the addition? They are OK with
> Westfield was built as a big school before, all of
> sudden, it's not working anymore.
Primarily Sully absolutely needed a new HS so they were willing to take whatever they would get. However, since Westfield was over enrolled as soon as it was built due to the dreadful projections, the Floris/McNair part has been blamed by Sully for the capacity "problem" ever since. Why was Westfield expanded to 3100? Once Westfield was built at 2500, it was no longer economic to do what should have been done in the first place - build 2 HSes that actually followed policy, one where Westfield is and the missing Oak Hill HS adjacent to Carson... (Of course, had they done so, we wouldn't have the split feeder mess at Carson either.) Before Westfield was expanded, there were discussions about turning Carson into a small HS or building the missing school out there, but Staff & the SB decided to expand Westfield instead since it was much cheaper. There is still an Oak Hill HS in the CIP in the out years, but who knows if it will ever get built.

Note, when Staff and the SB decided to build Westfield at 2500, they illegally ignored the official policy of the school system that had been in place since the mid-80s, revised in '93 that no NEW (not existing...) school EVER be built larger than 2000 students. The updated policy that Staff likes to tell us about actually weakened the original policy by adding weasel words so building NEW HSes larger than 2000 is now allowed in "exceptional circumstances..."

Note, on the sippy cup map. If one takes the sippy cup and centers a circle at Carson instead of at South Lakes, you can see just why there really should have been a HS built in Oak Hill too...

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FM ()
Date: February 02, 2008 06:54PM

my bus in fox mill picks up on average (depending on who has a car that day) 24 9th/10/11th graders. Next year between the kids our group knows there will be seven freshman. If the rising 9th graders are RD'd to SLHS adn we are allowed to finish @ OHS (YEAAAAAA) that means twice as many buses will be going through our neighborhood for the next three years. 180 school days, two round trips, probably three hours worth of labor for the bus drivers, wear and tear on twice as many buses, twice as many drivers needed.


I am not a rocket scientist (nobody at OHS is just yet) but that does not seem to be the smartest decision that FC has made considering that the school is almost 50 million in the whole and not making too many firends with the community at the current time. I really could care less, I am finishing at OHS, but I know enough from listening to the news and my parents that this is a finacially stupid move by the county. They said if this was a company much like ENRON the investigation would be (and it may still get investigated)huge.

As Jim says I am out!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 02, 2008 07:34PM

CHS Mom Wrote:
> About the Chantilly HS modular -- think more like
> building and less like a trailer. It is a
> rectangular shaped structure with hallways,
> classrooms on either side, bathrooms, and offices.

Thanks for the description. I visited Chantilly a couple of times this fall and didn't notice a vast amount of trailers. If the modular is anything like the kind of one on the backside of McNair ES, ignoring size, then I would agree that the modular is definitely more a permanent structure than temporary. I also agree that it would be a needless expense to remove it.

It appears to me that the School Board is having a devil of a time trying to explain shoehorning the student population of a growing Fairfax County into arbitrarily sized high schools of 2000. The only way to accomplish that, especially in the west, is build another high school - Oak Hill.

I think planning for that, and tolerating the current boundaries until then would be the best solution for all residents of western Fairfax County.

> It's hard to imagine what the SB is thinking as
> the justification for moving the Navy kids to
> Oakton. It must be just because Oakton will be
> too small if they lose Fox Mill. Navy is so close
> to Chantilly and it is an easy drive either on
> residential streets or using 7100/50/Stringfellow.
> In terms of time in the car it will be an hour
> round trip to Oakton vs 15 minutes to Chantilly.

I agree. How can the School Board earn respect for its redistricting criterium of reducing travel time for students when its staff proposes sending that part of Navy to Oakton? It cannot, of course.

I plainly see on a map that Fox Mill is significantly closer to South Lakes than Oakton. But it does the School Board no good to use the travel time criterium as justification to actually move Fox Mill to South Lakes, and then move Navy to Oakton.

Concerning this criterium, the School Board should either:
1. Remove it from consideration
2. Not move Navy, or any other relatively remote zone to another school
3. Move Fox Mill to South Lakes, but backfill Oakton with a relatively close zone from another school, like Madison, or not backfill at all.

Under considerations #2 and #3 would the School Board gain credibility with this particular criterium.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 02, 2008 10:16PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> CHS Mom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > About the Chantilly HS modular -- think more
> like
> > building and less like a trailer. It is a
> > rectangular shaped structure with hallways,
> > classrooms on either side, bathrooms, and
> offices.
> Thanks for the description. I visited Chantilly a
> couple of times this fall and didn't notice a vast
> amount of trailers. If the modular is anything
> like the kind of one on the backside of McNair ES,
> ignoring size, then I would agree that the modular
> is definitely more a permanent structure than
> temporary. I also agree that it would be a
> needless expense to remove it.
> It appears to me that the School Board is having a
> devil of a time trying to explain shoehorning the
> student population of a growing Fairfax County
> into arbitrarily sized high schools of 2000. The
> only way to accomplish that, especially in the
> west, is build another high school - Oak Hill.
> I think planning for that, and tolerating the
> current boundaries until then would be the best
> solution for all residents of western Fairfax
> County.
> > It's hard to imagine what the SB is thinking as
> > the justification for moving the Navy kids to
> > Oakton. It must be just because Oakton will be
> > too small if they lose Fox Mill. Navy is so
> close
> > to Chantilly and it is an easy drive either on
> > residential streets or using
> 7100/50/Stringfellow.
> > In terms of time in the car it will be an hour
> > round trip to Oakton vs 15 minutes to
> Chantilly.
> I agree. How can the School Board earn respect for
> its redistricting criterium of reducing travel
> time for students when its staff proposes sending
> that part of Navy to Oakton? It cannot, of
> course.
> I plainly see on a map that Fox Mill is
> significantly closer to South Lakes than Oakton.
> But it does the School Board no good to use the
> travel time criterium as justification to actually
> move Fox Mill to South Lakes, and then move Navy
> to Oakton.
> Concerning this criterium, the School Board should
> either:
> 1. Remove it from consideration
> 2. Not move Navy, or any other relatively remote
> zone to another school
> 3. Move Fox Mill to South Lakes, but backfill
> Oakton with a relatively close zone from another
> school, like Madison, or not backfill at all.
> Under considerations #2 and #3 would the School
> Board gain credibility with this particular
> criterium.

Consideration #1 should be taken in considerdation--that should give the school board a considerable amout of credibility--probably. And do the study all over again the right way. My daughter has a best friend who is a rising 9th grader living in the FM area and my daughter's friend's parents are very P'SSED off at the whole redistricting crap, they are ready to blow the sb's hair off and then the SLPTA ladies can give the sb hairdo suggestions. Seriously, the parents are p'ssed off since they have an older kid already attending Oakton and kept saying why FM, why not one of those astronauts schools in Reston? So again I say this study needs to be redone. Everyone has a choice and this redistricting has really disrupted many.. more like hundreds of families.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: sb_public_speaker ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:38PM

Looking at the school board public meetings, I was stunned by the behaviour of Stu Gibson. He would turn his head away or walk off when Fox Mill or Floris residents spoke, and would smile and look straigt when Reston residents spoke. His districts spans much more than reston. Is he usually always this rude?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:45PM

sb_public_speaker Wrote:
> Looking at the school board public meetings, I was stunned by the behaviour of Stu > Gibson. He would turn his head away or walk off when Fox Mill or Floris residents > spoke, and would smile and look straigt when Reston residents spoke. His districts
> spans much more than reston. Is he usually always this rude?

No, frequently the smuck is much worse.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:15AM

Floris Parent Wrote:
> Westfield Dad,
> I completely agree with your statement, and that
> was the point that I am making. The SB made a very
> bad decision in my opinion,, and I feel that this
> decision to palce IB curriculum in the schools
> with the Highest number of economically
> disadvantaged childern has helped to perpetuate
> this. If the SB wanted to improve diversity and
> socio-economic balances, why would that put in
> place a curriculum that appeals to such a narrow
> group of students? I believe that the RD must be
> halted, until an unbiased 3rd party task force can
> analyze the data for the last 10 years regarding
> the effects of IB on all of the important
> catagories stated as a reason for this boundary
> study.
> I fully believe that parents and students are
> going to gravitate towrds those schools that offer
> a more main stream curriculum that is more widely
> accepted throughout the country. IB is a great
> choice to offer those students that seek a more
> "Global" education, but I do not believe that it
> is appropriate to offer such a program in 33% of
> our public schools, when the majority of non IB
> schools are showing much better overall results in
> educating our children.
> I believe that the fact that those schools
> offering the IB curricluum have shown no marked
> improvements in SAT scores, increased
> enrollments, more balanced socio economics etc,
> proves that we need to reexamine what is best for
> "all" of the students in Fairfax County.
> It is critical that a study be conducted "BEFORE"
> we start moving students to prop up low
> enrollments in our smaller schools.
> I believe that if South Lakes were perceived as a
> main stream school, with the same learning
> environment and curriculum as the sister schools
> in this study, they would attract more of the main
> stream students into the school.
> As evidenced by comments made by some parents who
> live outside of the current SL boundaries, there
> are families that "would" prefer a shorter
> commute, a smaller school with better
> opportunities to make the sports teams, a brand
> new building with real class rooms rather than
> trailors etc.
> Can the SL supporters not appeal to the SB, to
> pause any decision on RD, until it can be
> determined "WHY" all of the schools in the West
> are growing except South Lakes" Diversity is not
> the issue, despite what you are saying.
> Right or wrong, parents will go to the scores and
> stats 1st in deciding where to send their children
> to school. This is the reality. If the test scores
> in SL are perceived as lower, regardless of the
> reasons, parents are going to gravitate towards
> the schools that "look better" on paper.
Great post. Why do we have this very expensive IB program in our schools with the most vulnerable students? Those schools ARE diverse, with many immigrant students from all over the world. They need a mainstream program, not an elite program for the top 5% of students.

Have you seen the proposed budget presentation?

Be sure to check out page 4 where they mention Oakton high school, several times. Then check out the next page where they talk about kids getting college credit for AP exams. No mention of IB. Looks like staff might also know that IB is a small, niche, program, not the mainstream program that students want and colleges recognize. It also looks like staff recognizes what a good school Oakton is.

I think you are right about South Lakes and IB. Things would quite be different if they hadn't gotten stuck with this program but had AP and then could be seen as a 'normal' high school.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 03, 2008 01:17AM

word Wrote:
> SB has painted themselves into a corner by stating
> a primary reason for the RD is overcrowding. I bet
> many think that moving Fox Mill (sacrificing) to
> SL and leaving everyone else alone would be much
> simpler. It's funny how they don't care that they
> are ruining one of the highest performing schools
> in the county/country, Oakton. SL has created
> quite a mess at their school and should be left to
> clean it up on their own, but that is not the
> liberal way.
> I also think there is a good possibility that this
> gets tabled until next year w/Coppermine.

Why do you think that? I've only heard one school board member who has said she will vote against RD and one who might vote against it.

Did you see the proposed budget? Check out pages 4 and 5. They like Oakton too!

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