Re: high school redistricting
Date: December 12, 2007 07:02PM
FME to Claifier
"Apparently your reading comprehension skills need improvement because I have never said anything racially inflammatory, nor did I say anything about my child playing with American Girl. Get it right before you try to insult me. If you biggest insult is that I worked my butt off to buy a house in a good school district so she would not have to associate with lower socioeconomic groups of children, well, that makes me a classist, not a racist. I love my diverse community in Fox Mill. As I said before, it's a diverse community whose diverse residents work and actively demonstrate a good work ethic to their diverse children."
If Clarifier is any example of what it means to be a Global Citizen, then God help us. She is a fool and a liar.
FME has worked hard to keep her kids out of a ghetto school, because, she, like any sane person, knows the environment is unhealthy. And, for that, Clarifier calls her a racist. That is a lie, Clarifier.
Clarifier, like most liberals, is obsessed with the color of a person's skin. And, yes, like most liberals, she accuses others of being racists almost as often as she compliments herself for being incredibly enlightened.
Clarifier, sounding almost manic as she rejoices, while FME is probably feeling sick, is a despicable person.