AP vs IB Wrote:
AP vs IB Wrote:
> Here is AP vs IB: Most schools are giving more
> credits to IB
How many times do we have to point out IB High Level Courses last two years and AP courses are only one?
Your charts are both incorrect and incomplete. See:
IB Isaac takes two years of IB HL History and scores an "above average" 5 out of 7. He gets no credit from UVA. In the meantime, AP Afred takes AP World History as a sophomore, AP US History in his junior year, and AP US and Comparative Government as a senior, and scores an "above average" 4 out of 5 on all three. He gets 3 World Civ credits, 8 US history credits, and 6 government credits from UVA.
IB Isaac takes two years of IB HL English and scores a top score of 7. [By the way, in 06-07 only five students in all of FCPS earned a "seven" in HL English.] Isaac gets three credits from UVA. AP Afred takes AP US English Composition in his junior year and and AP English Literature in his senior year and scores a top score of 5 on both. He gets six credits from UVA.
IB Isaac takes two years of IB Chemistry and scores an above-average five, earning him six credits at UVA. [In 06-07 NO repeat NO FCPS students earned a "seven" in either HL Chemistry or HL Biology.] AP Alfred takes a year of AP Chem and a year of AP Bio and earns an above-average four in each, which give him twelve credits at UVA.
So far IB Isaac has nine credits from UVA. AP Alfred has 35 credits from UVA.
That is probably all the credits Issac can get at UVA because they award NO credit for Standard-Level (SL) IB coursework. But perhaps IB Isaac is one of the rare IB students who takes a fourth IB HL course, earned in the core subject of math. He does well and gets seven more credits from UVA. [In 06-07 only ONE student in all of FCPS earned a "seven" in HL Math.]
Meanwhile, AP Alfred takes AP BC Calculus, which is somehow missing from your UVA list. His above-average score of 4 gets him eight credits at UVA, plus another three credits for the "four" he earns in Statistics his senior year. That gives AP Alfred 46 credits at UVA.
Alfred gets additional AP credits from UVA for foreign language and other electives, but you get the idea. AP students are far more likely to earn far more college credit than are students in IB schools.