Know something Wrote:
> ... There were about 30 people there as well
> as 4 reporters--from print and radio. The Caps'
> "lead" said a few words and then the Caps'
> attorney announced the filing of the lawsuit.
Fairfax County sued over school redistricting
By Gregg MacDonald
A suit to stop a controversial school redistricting plan has been filed in Fairfax County Circuit Court.
On Feb. 28, the Fairfax County School Board voted 10-2 to approve boundary adjustments for South Lakes, Oakton, Chantilly and Westfield high schools, Thoreau and Hughes middle schools, and Wolftrap and Sunrise Valley Elementary Schools in an action called the “West County high schools boundary adjustment.”
On Friday, March 28, a suit was filed on behalf of 11 parents of children affected by the proposed redistricting plan, with the support of The Fairfax Coalition of Advocates for Public Schools (Fairfax CAPS).
The suit states that the School Board's decision was invalid because it was “arbitrary and capricious and undertaken in excess of its authority.”
It further maintains that the school board did not comply with its policy on school boundary adjustments and ignored information demonstrating that the redistricting does not “maintain or improve operating efficiency or instructional effectiveness of the schools impacted,” and that “the school board exceeded its statutory authority by considering the socioeconomic characteristics of the school population” in making its redistricting decision.
“The School Board's action suffers from unclear objectives, extensive process failures and unknown costs,” said Fairfax CAPS President Nick Pesce during a press conference outside Fox Mill Elementary School on Monday. “All Fairfax County parents and residents that want to prevent the school board from making flawed school boundary decisions in the future are asked to support this lawsuit,” he added.
Lisa Capalbo, budget analysis committee chairperson for FairfaxCAPS said during the press conference that although the Fairfax County School Board accounts for more than half of the county's general fund spending, its action in this case was not in line with the majority of the taxpaying citizens affected by the decision.
“In an era of budget cuts, in which the school board is simultaneously asking the county Board of Supervisors to raise taxes, it is unconscionable that no financial analysis of this redistricting was performed,” she said.
In its 2009 budget, the Fairfax County School Board doubled the amount of funding allocated for its legal defense.
“We were totally ignored,” Pesce told The Times, speaking on behalf of affected parents who are members of his organization. “There is major frustration with the process and lots of people are angry.” According to Pesce, Fairfax CAPS currently has over 800 members and is “expanding daily.”
The group will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, April 3 from 7-9 p.m. at Fox Mill Elementary. More information is available at
Paul Reigner, a spokesman for Fairfax County Public Schools, declined comment on the lawsuit.
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