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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 09, 2008 08:37PM

True Colors Wrote:
> There they admit that in the entire history of IB
> at southlakes about 7 years now, only 187 students
> have got the IB diploma.

An IB diploma requires you to pass six IB tests, perform 150 hours of community service, and pass a Theory of Knowledge course. It is hard work, the only problem is that American colleges do not recognise it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: March 09, 2008 08:59PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> An IB diploma requires you to pass six IB tests,
> perform 150 hours of community service, and pass a
> Theory of Knowledge course. It is hard work, the
> only problem is that American colleges do not
> recognise it.

Many colleges DO recognize the FULL IB Diploma. The problem is the full IB Diploma Programme is only suitable for about 5-7% of students and in FCPS the rest the students in the eight IB high schools are left without access to an AP program.

FCPS does not want anymore magnet programs that pull top students out of their base high schools. Consider instead an IB Academy programme at South Lakes (or at Marshall, if you prefer).

Look at Lamar Academy in McAllen Texas.

"Lamar Academy graduated the fifth class of IB students in May 2006. Our school and district are proud that all of our 99 IB students have earned diplomas over the past four years. ... The school district decided to put the programme at Lamar Academy rather than at one of the three comprehensive high schools. The programme was set up so that the students who attempted the IB Diploma Programme were still considered students at their home campus, where they participated in electives, fine arts, and athletics, while they took all of their academic (IB) classes at Lamar Academy."

Why not use this model in FCPS, which already has several high school academies. IB Diploma Candidates would still belong to their base schools, so local communities would not have to fear a "brain drain" and would still get credit for their IB students' SOL scores. Base schools would keep their football teams and guitar lessons. Base schools (including the non-academy part of South Lakes) would also ALL have full AP programs, including at a minimum AP English Comp, AP English Lit, AP Calculus AB and BC, AP sciences and foreign languages, and AP US History, Government, and World Civ.

The few students who are strong in all subject areas, can write well, can handle five years of a foreign language, AND can handle the required community service and 4,000 word essay, would still be able to earn the full IB Diploma so they would lose nothing. At the same time, all other students, regardless of where they happen to live, would have access to a full AP program. Seems like a "win" for everyone.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: March 09, 2008 09:00PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> True Colors Wrote:
> > There they admit that in the entire history of
> IB
> > at southlakes about 7 years now, only 187
> students
> > have got the IB diploma.
> An IB diploma requires you to pass six IB tests,
> perform 150 hours of community service, and pass a
> Theory of Knowledge course. It is hard work, the
> only problem is that American colleges do not
> recognise it.

So what? 27 IB diplomas / year. It is still obvious that based on the cost to the county of the IB program, it is a very inefficient program. And American colleges do recognize the full IB diploma. It is the individual IB classes without the diploma that are at a big disadvantage compared to AP.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: March 09, 2008 09:11PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> formerhick76 Wrote:
> > An IB diploma requires you to pass six IB
> tests,
> > perform 150 hours of community service, and pass
> a
> > Theory of Knowledge course. It is hard work,
> the
> > only problem is that American colleges do not
> > recognise it.
> Many colleges DO recognize the FULL IB Diploma.
> The problem is the full IB Diploma Programme is
> only suitable for about 5-7% of students and in
> FCPS the rest the students in the eight IB high
> schools are left without access to an AP program.
> FCPS does not want anymore magnet programs that
> pull top students out of their base high schools.
> Consider instead an IB Academy programme at South
> Lakes (or at Marshall, if you prefer).
> Look at Lamar Academy in McAllen Texas.
> "Lamar Academy graduated the fifth class of IB
> students in May 2006. Our school and district are
> proud that all of our 99 IB students have earned
> diplomas over the past four years. ... The school
> district decided to put the programme at Lamar
> Academy rather than at one of the three
> comprehensive high schools. The programme was set
> up so that the students who attempted the IB
> Diploma Programme were still considered students
> at their home campus, where they participated in
> electives, fine arts, and athletics, while they
> took all of their academic (IB) classes at Lamar
> Academy."
> Why not use this model in FCPS, which already has
> several high school academies. IB Diploma
> Candidates would still belong to their base
> schools, so local communities would not have to
> fear a "brain drain" and would still get credit
> for their IB students' SOL scores. Base schools
> would keep their football teams and guitar
> lessons. Base schools (including the non-academy
> part of South Lakes) would also ALL have full AP
> programs, including at a minimum AP English Comp,
> AP English Lit, AP Calculus AB and BC, AP sciences
> and foreign languages, and AP US History,
> Government, and World Civ.
> The few students who are strong in all subject
> areas, can write well, can handle five years of a
> foreign language, AND can handle the required
> community service and 4,000 word essay, would
> still be able to earn the full IB Diploma so they
> would lose nothing. At the same time, all other
> students, regardless of where they happen to live,
> would have access to a full AP program. Seems like
> a "win" for everyone.

It certainly would have had a "win" for all those affected by the RD and SL. The problem is the SB did not even bother to assign a task force to study SL and come up with ways to redesign SL's programs making it more attractive and then introduce a RD. Then this RD wouldn't have been so controversial. To an earlier post by someone else, comparing horses to students do not help one bit.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: True Colors ()
Date: March 09, 2008 09:28PM

I know IB diploma is very difficult. The point I am trying to make is twofold -
Only 187 got it in 7 years - that means it is not serving the entire student population of SLHS. The other point is that IB is irrelevant in US, as the US colleges dont care about it. Now if they put AP in SLHS they will retain all the pupil placed kids of MI, Fox Mill and Floris - that will also result in general population of SLHS benefiting. Just doing RD whichout throwing out IB, is just giving even more to those few IB diploma students at the expense of everyone else.

formerhick76 Wrote:
> True Colors Wrote:
> > There they admit that in the entire history of
> IB
> > at southlakes about 7 years now, only 187
> students
> > have got the IB diploma.
> An IB diploma requires you to pass six IB tests,
> perform 150 hours of community service, and pass a
> Theory of Knowledge course. It is hard work, the
> only problem is that American colleges do not
> recognise it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 09, 2008 09:52PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> The few students who are strong in all subject
> areas, can write well, can handle five years of a
> foreign language, AND can handle the required
> community service and 4,000 word essay, would
> still be able to earn the full IB Diploma so they
> would lose nothing. At the same time, all other
> students, regardless of where they happen to live,
> would have access to a full AP program. Seems like
> a "win" for everyone.

I agree with you here. Providing AP at South Lakes and creating IB academies at Marshall, South Lakes, and maybe Edison/Stuart would provide some evidence that the FCSB is concerned about balancing the (legitimate) desires of parents with the need to effectively use resources (i.e. unfilled seats) at schools.

I am not sure of the exact costs, especially those involved in transporting 8-12 kids each day to the academies. But, if it helps stem the parent rebellion or exodus at South Lakes or provides better opportunities for those the top students at the base schools, it may be worth it.

FWIW, my wife (West Springfield) does not want our daughter attending South Lakes or Wakefield (where we are living now). I was inclined to at least give them a chance, given the sort of education I got. But ... we'll probably be living in the Madison or Oakton zones before all is said and done.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 8th grade mom ()
Date: March 09, 2008 10:46PM

FME - Wrote:
> F*** (F*** CAPS) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > F*** CAPS Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > and Rona made a mistake there, but
> > >
> >
> > Releasing partial results which suggested that
> the
> > majority of FME would be okay with RD if they
> > could stick together, not only did a disservice
> to
> > FME but also to the other communities that were
> > about to be RD'd
> >
> > By making the RD for FME more likely (under
> > dubious pretenses), this encouraged the entire
> > ripple process - it was therefore an entirely
> > political act in the mould of Erika's SLHS
> > petition
> >
> > Rona should be able to quote numbers for
> responses
> > from non-FME emails - she knew who she sent the
> > emails to and should have corrected for this or
> > abandoned completely
> >
> > my guess - that's not your problem - your
> problem
> > is that the views of FME people were
> > overwhelmingly against RD
> >
> > to misrepresent the responses damaged the wider
> > community
> >
> > Are you suggesting that it was non FME's that
> > tipped the result that FME wanted to stay
> together
> > and that it would rather be split up?
> >
> > If so, why did she publish that result and not
> the
> > others?
> >
> > bad judgement or bias towards RD - you decide
> For all you FME folks, what was the outcome of the
> most recent FME PTA meeting? Rumor has it that
> there was virtually no talk or bitching about the
> RD, and that the FairfaxCAPS crew present was very
> quiet, and in the MINORITY.
> So all you guys who still are pushing this agendA
> of continued dissent, I would check the pulse -
> if you want to waste your time, money and
> resources to continue to divide YOUR own
> COMMUNITY, I am not sure that you even have the
> support of your own people. Why don't you use
> your energy to do something positive and tangible?
> Even for the FME community, help those looking to
> integrate ensure a smooth transition.

Do you think the lack of attendance at the recent PTA might be due to disgust and disengagement? Do you think families are "voting" with their feet? It will be curious to see if next year the FMPTA gets the same 100 percent participation that they boast about every year. Rona will be out of office then, but I wonder how much damage has been done to the organization?

Concerned about division of the community? Do you know how many pupil placement forms have been given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen and a half kids who are applying to area private schools? My child is a rising 9th grader. More than half the students in this class are expected to pupil place out. Can you imagine what it's like to have your class split in so many different pieces? Option 2 would have been better--but then I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one school and have my neighbor's home go to another.
Use our energy in a Positive and tangible way? A lawsuit!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: pupilplaceall ()
Date: March 09, 2008 10:58PM

8th grade mom Wrote:
> Concerned about division of the community? Do you
> know how many pupil placement forms have been
> given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen and a
> half kids who are applying to area private
> schools? My child is a rising 9th grader. More
> than half the students in this class are expected
> to pupil place out. Can you imagine what it's
> like to have your class split in so many different
> pieces? Option 2 would have been better--but then
> I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one school
> and have my neighbor's home go to another.
> Use our energy in a Positive and tangible way? A
> lawsuit!

To keep all the rising 9 graders together, all of them should pupil place at Oakton. If all pupil place, the RD will be reduced to the issue of transportation, but other than that things could go back to normal...

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Interesting? ()
Date: March 09, 2008 11:25PM

Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> Another Lurker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> > > I do take exception to your position that an
> > > anti-RD lawsuit has no merit.
> >
> > I'm as anti-RD as anyone, but I don't see the
> > grounds for a lawsuit. Representative democracy
> > means that we voted the idiots in, we gave 'em
> the
> > keys, they get to do what they want, within the
> > law. The controls are the ability to vote them
> > out next time, AND anything else provided by
> the
> > rules of their specific position -- in this
> case,
> > there seems to be the capacity for a recall.
> >
> > On what grounds are you suggesting a lawsuit
> would
> > prevail?
> >
> > "Their decision hurts our home values"? FCPS
> is
> > not responsible for your home values.
> >
> > "Their decision will keep my kid from <some
> > aspect of the education (s)he would have gotten
> > otherwise>"? You'd have to demonstrate that
> > within the requirements of the law, your right
> to
> > a decent education was being violated.
> Whatever
> > we may think of FCPS, the SB, IB, and/or SLHS,
> > this is a huge stretch -- considering that in
> most
> > of the country, SLHS would be the envy of the
> > other schools (i.e., if you were to prevail on
> > these grounds, those other areas would already
> > have been able to sue ?someone? for the quality
> of
> > THEIR schools).
> >
> > "Stu Gibson is an idiot"? Sorry, he was
> elected.
> > Recall him, but that's not grounds for court
> > action.
> >
> > "The process was bogus"? (Using "bogus" as a
> > placeholder for the many, many flaws discussed
> in
> > the preceding pages!) Again, they were
> elected;
> > recall 'em and/or vote the rascals out next
> time.
> >
> > I just don't see it. And please don't tell me
> > "it's a secret" -- it won't be as soon as the
> suit
> > is filed, and a few more days/weeks notice
> isn't
> > going to make any difference: the suit has
> merit
> > or not.
> >
> > P.S. On the grandfathering front: the deadline
> for
> > decisions about next year's classes is fast
> > approaching. It occurs to me that once
> schedules
> > are set, it's going to be MUCH harder to renege
> on
> > grandfathering. This suggests to me that the
> RD
> > really will only apply to freshmen, as claimed.
> > Which doesn't make it better for those
> affected,
> > of course...
> Having no legal background and no knowledge of the
> applicable statutes, I don't know what should be
> the basis of a legal challenge. I also generally
> detest this option.
> However, I am all for sending a message. We are
> stuck with this SB for 4 more years, which means
> that unless we can unite and wield a large hammer,
> they are not going to listen.
> Anyone know how many signatures are required to
> get a recall ballot initiative?

There are checks and balances in all areas of government. No goverment body--including a county school board--is above this. An elected representative's hammer can only be so big. And, our very democratic system allows regular ol' citizens to challenge laws and other decisions in a court of law. I'm glad you know so much about the law and when it is appropriate for lawyers to reveal their strategy. Like everyone else, you'll just have to wait and see. Obviously, it can't be a secret forever.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 09, 2008 11:30PM

>>>>It is not only Jay Mathew's index, every other index shows simillar results. I am really curious why SLHS want to keep IB instead of AP even when IB is dragging them down and turning off new students.<<<

They love IB for the same reason that our school board and staff loves IB. It fits their political ideology.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 09, 2008 11:38PM

Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Anyone know how many signatures are required
> to
> > get a recall ballot initiative?
> >
> > 10% of the number who voted in the election. A
> > little over 2,300.
> >
> > I would get 3000 to be safe.
> >
> > I understand nearly that number have been
> > collected but every additional signature helps.
> If I put up a website to collect "signatures"
> would that carry any weight in a legal proceeding,
> assuming that the list were cleansed for
> duplicates and out of boundary, unverifiable
> names?

That's correct. A website petition would not be recognized in court. That's why the recall signatures are on paper, on a legal recall petition.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 09, 2008 11:43PM

IBVeritas Wrote:
> South Lakes Supporters: I urge you to abandon this
> thread. The horses here have been lead to water
> and won't drink. We're on to other, more
> constructive events, including work on the
> Welcoming Committee and scheduling visits and
> information opportunities. The dozens of families
> who are fine coming to South Lakes don't lurk here
> -- they're healthily preparing for a great new
> high school experience.
> There's a reason the posts here are really
> dwindling. Only a few people are keeping up the
> negative drumbeat, and by posting here, we
> encourage them. Please. No more. Let this thread
> die a natural death.

How right you are, the horses forced into South Lakes will not drink the KoolAid, no matter how hard you try. Nor will they shut up and die a natural death. You SL folks just have to accept that you cannot control everything and everybody.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 09, 2008 11:49PM

>>>It certainly would have had a "win" for all those affected by the RD and SL. The problem is the SB did not even bother to assign a task force to study SL and come up with ways to redesign SL's programs making it more attractive and then introduce a RD. Then this RD wouldn't have been so controversial. To an earlier post by someone else, comparing horses to students do not help one bit.<<<

Why waste money on a task force when Stu can simply decide who will be forced into South Lakes?

Wasn't 'horses' a nice way of calling the new families jackasses?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 09, 2008 11:52PM

>>>Even for the FME community, help those looking to
> integrate ensure a smooth transition.<<<

What an interesting choice of words.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Parochial /Private ()
Date: March 10, 2008 12:13AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> FWIW, my wife (West Springfield) does not want our
> daughter attending South Lakes or Wakefield (where
> we are living now). I was inclined to at least
> give them a chance, given the sort of education I
> got. But ... we'll probably be living in the
> Madison or Oakton zones before all is said and
> done.


I thought that I was following you in some of your previous posts, but the above excerpt leads me to believe that you (i.e., your family, your wife) are a really elitist in terms of where your children will attend HS. The mention that neither South Lakes nor Wakefield will be acceptable, while Madison and Oakton are OK, borders on racism, or is quite possibly based directly on race. (your reference to Wakefield is the tip-off).

As for my 8th grader, if South Lakes offered anything in the way of AP math and/or science courses, he would be there nxt year (being a kid caught up in the redistricting of Madison HS).

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 10, 2008 12:31AM

How is name calling helpful? who are you to judge his decisions for his child?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:38AM

Neen Wrote:
> They love IB for the same reason that our school
> board and staff loves IB. It fits their political
> ideology.

OK, I'm confused here. How does IB different, ideologically, from AP?

I'm genuinely curious.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:45AM

Parochial /Private Wrote:
> formerhick76--
> I thought that I was following you in some of your
> previous posts, but the above excerpt leads me to
> believe that you (i.e., your family, your wife)
> are a really elitist in terms of where your
> children will attend HS. The mention that neither
> South Lakes nor Wakefield will be acceptable,
> while Madison and Oakton are OK, borders on
> racism, or is quite possibly based directly on
> race. (your reference to Wakefield is the
> tip-off).

I live in the Wakefield zone currently. Why is it racist to mention the high school zone I currently live in?

Now if I had mentioned Mount Vernon, Stuart or Lee out of the blue, you *may* have had a point, unless I were rattling off a laundry list of Northern Virginia's unfashionable schools.

Are you advising that I should engage in a screaming match with my wife so my daughter can attend (fill in unfashionable school of choice) in 14 years?

> As for my 8th grader, if South Lakes offered
> anything in the way of AP math and/or science
> courses, he would be there nxt year (being a kid
> caught up in the redistricting of Madison HS).

Actually if you want the college credit potential, see if you can get him to take NOVA classes. I took 6 credits between my junior and senior years at community college.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: March 10, 2008 09:17AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> > They love IB for the same reason that our
> school
> > board and staff loves IB. It fits their
> political
> > ideology.
> OK, I'm confused here. How does IB different,
> ideologically, from AP?

IB touts itself as international and global. It's a POS-Program of Studies that supercedes any local or national curriculum. It's also good for stduents who move and gives parenst a degree of confidence on academics at any given school.

So it's a great program for a student whose parents might be here on assignment or overseas. It is also good for small schools because they do not have to develope curriculum. IB will also analyze grading etc during the copurse of the school year [not just an end of course assessment like AP]. Think of it as out-sourcing.

If FCPS is "outsourcing" then costs should reflect this plan. It's like Edison Schools for the high end student. Would it be cost effective to can instructional services , educational accountability, GT, AP, along with all their ancillary progrmas and turn over to Edison and IBO?

With all the cash FCPS sinks into IBO those exams should be graded by IB and arrive in time for the report cards - use them as finals. Is that what is done in Europe and FCPS-IBO are out of sync on calendars?

> I'm genuinely curious.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Why? ()
Date: March 10, 2008 11:11AM

Typical patern of pro-RD: if anyone dare to say they prefer a higher ranking school than SLHS, they are elitist.

On the other hand, they think RD'd family are horses LEAD to the water. Even on the metaphor level, it's an insult.

"I thought that I was following you in some of your previous posts, but the above excerpt leads me to believe that you (i.e., your family, your wife) are a really elitist in terms of where your children will attend HS. The mention that neither South Lakes nor Wakefield will be acceptable, while Madison and Oakton are OK, borders on racism, or is quite possibly based directly on race. (your reference to Wakefield is the tip-off). "

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: March 10, 2008 11:51AM

Why? Wrote:
> Typical patern of pro-RD: if anyone dare to say
> they prefer a higher ranking school than SLHS,
> they are elitist.
> On the other hand, they think RD'd family are
> horses LEAD to the water. Even on the metaphor
> level, it's an insult.
> "I thought that I was following you in some of
> your previous posts, but the above excerpt leads
> me to believe that you (i.e., your family, your
> wife) are a really elitist in terms of where your
> children will attend HS. The mention that neither
> South Lakes nor Wakefield will be acceptable,
> while Madison and Oakton are OK, borders on
> racism, or is quite possibly based directly on
> race. (your reference to Wakefield is the
> tip-off). "

As much as I have been put off by certain people's attitudes throughout this ordeal, I don't think that anyone meant to imply that we are horses or jackasses or anything like that. The fact that some people are responding to that, however, just shows how annoyed/frustrated/insulted etc., some of us have been by this whole thing. The FM families who are going ahead and sending their rising 9th graders to SL are trying to be positive, not because they are especially happy about it but because they think that it's best to try to put on a positive face for their kids and look on the bright side (I'm not talking about the small number who supported RD all along). I guess they are trying to make lemonade after all. Please don't make it even harder by implying that they are stubborn.

How are things in the Floris community?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: March 10, 2008 12:45PM

taxpayer wrote:
IB touts itself as international and global. It's a POS

Well said.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: florispupilplace ()
Date: March 10, 2008 01:08PM

fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> How are things in the Floris community?

From what I know, all except a small handfull have pupil placed by sending in the forms or are about to send in the forms. FCPS will have more info this week on pupil placement, so give it a shot - you have nothing to lose - worst case Bruce can deny, in which you have to attend SL unless you are willing to move or can afford private school.

I learnt my lesson - next election I will get my ass of the couch and go in to vote.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer - just to make evreryone's d ()
Date: March 10, 2008 01:46PM

Here is a NEW development in Herndon that is advertising itself for Langley. Since these houses are NOT occupied they should be administratively changed to Herndon pyramid schools.


Subdivision: BLACKSTONE AT SHAKER WDS Price: $1,349,900 - For Sale
MLS ID: FX6646064

This area is between Aldrin and the Bowlamerica in Sterling. More to bus . Where's the efficiency?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fmpta ()
Date: March 10, 2008 02:04PM

8th grade mom Wrote:
> FME - Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > F*** (F*** CAPS) Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > F*** CAPS Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > and Rona made a mistake there, but
> > > > COMMUNITY!
> > > >
> > >
> > > Releasing partial results which suggested
> that
> > the
> > > majority of FME would be okay with RD if they
> > > could stick together, not only did a
> disservice
> > to
> > > FME but also to the other communities that
> were
> > > about to be RD'd
> > >
> > > By making the RD for FME more likely (under
> > > dubious pretenses), this encouraged the
> entire
> > > ripple process - it was therefore an entirely
> > > political act in the mould of Erika's SLHS
> > > petition
> > >
> > > Rona should be able to quote numbers for
> > responses
> > > from non-FME emails - she knew who she sent
> the
> > > emails to and should have corrected for this
> or
> > > abandoned completely
> > >
> > > my guess - that's not your problem - your
> > problem
> > > is that the views of FME people were
> > > overwhelmingly against RD
> > >
> > > to misrepresent the responses damaged the
> wider
> > > community
> > >
> > > Are you suggesting that it was non FME's that
> > > tipped the result that FME wanted to stay
> > together
> > > and that it would rather be split up?
> > >
> > > If so, why did she publish that result and
> not
> > the
> > > others?
> > >
> > > bad judgement or bias towards RD - you decide
> >
> >
> > For all you FME folks, what was the outcome of
> the
> > most recent FME PTA meeting? Rumor has it that
> > there was virtually no talk or bitching about
> the
> > RD, and that the FairfaxCAPS crew present was
> very
> > quiet, and in the MINORITY.
> >
> > So all you guys who still are pushing this
> agendA
> > of continued dissent, I would check the pulse
> -
> > if you want to waste your time, money and
> > resources to continue to divide YOUR own
> > COMMUNITY, I am not sure that you even have the
> > support of your own people. Why don't you use
> > your energy to do something positive and
> tangible?
> >
> >
> > Even for the FME community, help those looking
> to
> > integrate ensure a smooth transition.
> Do you think the lack of attendance at the recent
> PTA might be due to disgust and disengagement? Do
> you think families are "voting" with their feet?
> It will be curious to see if next year the FMPTA
> gets the same 100 percent participation that they
> boast about every year. Rona will be out of
> office then, but I wonder how much damage has been
> done to the organization?
> Concerned about division of the community? Do you
> know how many pupil placement forms have been
> given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen and a
> half kids who are applying to area private
> schools? My child is a rising 9th grader. More
> than half the students in this class are expected
> to pupil place out. Can you imagine what it's
> like to have your class split in so many different
> pieces? Option 2 would have been better--but then
> I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one school
> and have my neighbor's home go to another.
> Use our energy in a Positive and tangible way? A
> lawsuit!

The lack of attendence at a PTA meeting i is common. This PTA meeting actually had more in attendence the usual. Abut 10 people told me they came to support Rhona. So the lack of attendecs was not done due to disgust as the person above announced.Hurting the PTA does not do anything but hurt the children. A lawsuit based on people notgetting their way is a waste of energy and time. Obviously this person above has never been to a PTA meeting.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: wish I were fm mom ()
Date: March 10, 2008 02:55PM

I live in FM and wish I still had elementary schoolers. I've probably served on every PTA position at elementary, middel, and high schools in 2 different states. The current president of FM PTA overstepped her authority and should be removed. The PTA would not be hurt by her removal if the 1st Vice is willing to step up the task. If the current president was worth her salt she would step down and end all the chaos. But from what I understand her executive committee has decided to rally around her. If anything the children will be better off with this president gone because, in my opinion, many of my neighbors with younger children have lost faith in her. What I expect will happen is that we will see her in a similar role at Carson.....pity the kids..........

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Positive ()
Date: March 10, 2008 03:13PM

fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> Why? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Typical patern of pro-RD: if anyone dare to say
> > they prefer a higher ranking school than SLHS,
> > they are elitist.
> >
> > On the other hand, they think RD'd family are
> > horses LEAD to the water. Even on the metaphor
> > level, it's an insult.
> >
> > "I thought that I was following you in some of
> > your previous posts, but the above excerpt
> leads
> > me to believe that you (i.e., your family, your
> > wife) are a really elitist in terms of where
> your
> > children will attend HS. The mention that
> neither
> > South Lakes nor Wakefield will be acceptable,
> > while Madison and Oakton are OK, borders on
> > racism, or is quite possibly based directly on
> > race. (your reference to Wakefield is the
> > tip-off). "
> As much as I have been put off by certain people's
> attitudes throughout this ordeal, I don't think
> that anyone meant to imply that we are horses or
> jackasses or anything like that. The fact that
> some people are responding to that, however, just
> shows how annoyed/frustrated/insulted etc., some
> of us have been by this whole thing. The FM
> families who are going ahead and sending their
> rising 9th graders to SL are trying to be
> positive, not because they are especially happy
> about it but because they think that it's best to
> try to put on a positive face for their kids and
> look on the bright side (I'm not talking about the
> small number who supported RD all along). I guess
> they are trying to make lemonade after all. Please
> don't make it even harder by implying that they
> are stubborn.
> How are things in the Floris community?

Thank you for your sensible, snesitive and positive message. It is appreciated.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: March 10, 2008 03:14PM

wish I were fm mom Wrote:
> I live in FM and wish I still had elementary
> schoolers. I've probably served on every PTA
> position at elementary, middel, and high schools
> in 2 different states. The current president of FM
> PTA overstepped her authority and should be
> removed. The PTA would not be hurt by her removal
> if the 1st Vice is willing to step up the task.
> If the current president was worth her salt she
> would step down and end all the chaos. But from
> what I understand her executive committee has
> decided to rally around her. If anything the
> children will be better off with this president
> gone because, in my opinion, many of my neighbors
> with younger children have lost faith in her.
> What I expect will happen is that we will see her
> in a similar role at Carson.....pity the
> kids..........

I can confidently tell you she will NOT be a PTA officer, at least not president, at Carson.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: You Folks are Petty... ()
Date: March 10, 2008 03:31PM

...c'mon, you know who you are!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris mom of 16 years ()
Date: March 10, 2008 03:34PM

No one on this thread seems to take into consideration the damage this boundary scenario does to the Floris community. It takes 23% of Floris and moves it to a different high school. It splits our elementary school and adds a 4th split to our middle school, making it the most split apart middle school in the county. It creates something called East Floris, which will now be moved to its third high school in seven years. Our community is being sliced and diced at the hands of the School Board and the SLHS PTA (which hand selected East Floris). Where is there any sensitivity to the Floris Community? And no, it's not FAIR to the Floris community. We've already just been through this 7 short years ago. I dare say any of you readers would be upset if this happened to you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: stu's handiwork ()
Date: March 10, 2008 03:50PM

Why would Stu Gibson or SLHS care about East Floris? SLHS PTSA could do this to Floris, because they had the support of Stu Gibson. Stu is a reston resident and represents only reston. In the next election Floris and FM community should stand up their own candidate and work a campaign to bring out the voters, otherwise Stu Gibson will continue to use these other communities to serve the interests of Reston. Now he has a even deeper grudge again both Floris and FM as they openly opposed him. He will use all his power to further punish and make life difficult for Fox Mill and Floris residents. In the current school board, other members dont interfere in each other districts. So for the next 3 years expect a lot more harrassment from Stu Gibson. He may even try to split the FM community and send them to McNair when the coppermine study comes on next year. Floris is doomed in that study, as he will use that excuse to make sure that Floris gets the worst possible deal. I am sure Stu is having brainstorming sessions to come up with scenarios that are the worst for FM and Floris.

Floris mom of 16 years Wrote:
> No one on this thread seems to take into
> consideration the damage this boundary scenario
> does to the Floris community. It takes 23% of
> Floris and moves it to a different high school.
> It splits our elementary school and adds a 4th
> split to our middle school, making it the most
> split apart middle school in the county. It
> creates something called East Floris, which will
> now be moved to its third high school in seven
> years. Our community is being sliced and diced at
> the hands of the School Board and the SLHS PTA
> (which hand selected East Floris). Where is there
> any sensitivity to the Floris Community? And no,
> it's not FAIR to the Floris community. We've
> already just been through this 7 short years ago.
> I dare say any of you readers would be upset if
> this happened to you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: DoomANDGloom ()
Date: March 10, 2008 04:02PM

ALL, dont despair, the lawsuit is still our last hope. Contribute to CAPs and support the lawsuit. If all fails, move to a different area. Or even simpler, rent out your current residence and rent a place in Oakton/Madison/Westfield boundaries for 4 years.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: March 10, 2008 04:08PM

stu's handiwork Wrote:
> Why would Stu Gibson or SLHS care about East
> Floris? SLHS PTSA could do this to Floris, because
> they had the support of Stu Gibson. Stu is a
> reston resident and represents only reston. In the
> next election Floris and FM community should stand
> up their own candidate and work a campaign to
> bring out the voters, otherwise Stu Gibson will
> continue to use these other communities to serve
> the interests of Reston. Now he has a even deeper
> grudge again both Floris and FM as they openly
> opposed him. He will use all his power to further
> punish and make life difficult for Fox Mill and
> Floris residents. In the current school board,
> other members dont interfere in each other
> districts. So for the next 3 years expect a lot
> more harrassment from Stu Gibson. He may even try
> to split the FM community and send them to McNair
> when the coppermine study comes on next year.
> Floris is doomed in that study, as he will use
> that excuse to make sure that Floris gets the
> worst possible deal. I am sure Stu is having
> brainstorming sessions to come up with scenarios
> that are the worst for FM and Floris.
> Floris mom of 16 years Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No one on this thread seems to take into
> > consideration the damage this boundary scenario
> > does to the Floris community. It takes 23% of
> > Floris and moves it to a different high school.
> > It splits our elementary school and adds a 4th
> > split to our middle school, making it the most
> > split apart middle school in the county. It
> > creates something called East Floris, which
> will
> > now be moved to its third high school in seven
> > years. Our community is being sliced and diced
> at
> > the hands of the School Board and the SLHS PTA
> > (which hand selected East Floris). Where is
> there
> > any sensitivity to the Floris Community? And
> no,
> > it's not FAIR to the Floris community. We've
> > already just been through this 7 short years
> ago.
> > I dare say any of you readers would be upset if
> > this happened to you.

That is part of the reason why CAPS was formed to be a watchdog of what the SBs do with their districts. I am sure they are watching Stu especially with his "handiwork" and any future agendas he has in mind for the Hunter Mill district.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: March 10, 2008 04:13PM

DoomANDGloom Wrote:
> ALL, dont despair, the lawsuit is still our last
> hope. Contribute to CAPs and support the lawsuit.
> If all fails, move to a different area. Or even
> simpler, rent out your current residence and rent
> a place in Oakton/Madison/Westfield boundaries for
> 4 years.

Go to www.fairfaxcaps.org and look in the Announcements section. There is a link there that gives instructions for making a contribution.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: March 10, 2008 05:50PM

stu's handiwork Wrote:
> Stu is a reston resident and represents only reston.

His craveness didn't serve the interests of Reston either.

If he had, he would not have perpetuated the partition of Reston into 2 HS.

So don't blame Reston.

Other than his ego and his own fetid twisted ideology, it's very hard to discern any person or thing that Stu has ever "served" during his tenure on the SB.

> In the next election Floris and FM community should stand up their own candidate and work a campaign to bring out the voters,

Make sure that candidate seeks and obtains the Democratic Party endorsement. No one running for the other party has a prayer of election in Hunter Mill.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Mom of 16 Years ()
Date: March 10, 2008 06:18PM

I wrote a "Reflections on the Vote" letter to all the SB members and Dr. Dale. Regarding Stu Gibson's inflammatory remarks that the crux of this issue was race and percentage of ESOL students at SL, I questioned how Dr. Dale and Mr. Storck could let those comments go during the hearing. Shouldn't they have stopped him from speaking in such a toxic manner. Where are their spines? Thank goodness for Tina Hone putting him in his place. I asked Mr. Gibson to publicly apologize to Floris, Fox Mill and Madison Island for such insulting statements. Shouldn't we all demand such an apology? I took great offense to them because I taught ESL for 25 years. I adore my students. And there are two things that I do know. . . my ESL students are extremely bright and ambitious. Most may be at a lower socio-economic status, but that has nothing to do with their capabilities. And secondly, I know that my students soar in smaller school environments. I have had 40 in a class and I have had 12. Which class do you think does better? 12 of course. I cherish the one on one time with my students. I still don't understand why SL couldn't do better as a smaller school. Small brings results, especially in the ESL community. I am just so offended by the process, speaking to deaf ears, having no representation with Mr. Gibson, and continually being the targeted neighborhood for redistricting.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Mom of 16 Years ()
Date: March 10, 2008 06:20PM

Oh by the way, I haven't received one response back from my "Reflection on the Vote" letter. I even forwarded it again today to Mr. Gibson, stating "I'm still waiting for your response. I am your constituent."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: TermLimits ()
Date: March 10, 2008 06:31PM

Does anyone know how to get a question on the Nov 08 ballot to impose term limits on SB Memebers in fairfax county. If a 2 year term limit is imposed, then these characters will be booted off before they get sooooooo arrogant. At this point they all think they are above law and are acting as dictators , ruling by their whims. ffx cnty need to stand up to them now

Floris Mom of 16 Years Wrote:
> Oh by the way, I haven't received one response
> back from my "Reflection on the Vote" letter. I
> even forwarded it again today to Mr. Gibson,
> stating "I'm still waiting for your response. I
> am your constituent."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: DoomANDGloom ()
Date: March 10, 2008 06:42PM

DoomANDGloom Wrote:
> ALL, dont despair, the lawsuit is still our last
> hope. Contribute to CAPs and support the lawsuit.
> If all fails, move to a different area. Or even
> simpler, rent out your current residence and rent
> a place in Oakton/Madison/Westfield boundaries for
> 4 years.

And more thing. Remember to come back to hunter mill district in 2011 and work to vote Stu out.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Bulldog Mom ()
Date: March 10, 2008 06:47PM

Don't hold your breath. Stu doesn't bother replying to his non-SL constituents. I have sent him multiple e-mails, specifically asking for a reply, and nothing.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: March 10, 2008 06:56PM

Bulldog Mom Wrote:
> Don't hold your breath. Stu doesn't bother
> replying to his non-SL constituents. I have sent
> him multiple e-mails, specifically asking for a
> reply, and nothing.

Same here. Emails and telephone voicemails fall on deaf ears.

I have reached a conclusion that the SB is nothing but a bunch of corrupt political hacks who make behind the scene deals.

As far as Stu is concerned he is going to do it again to Floris with the Coppermine boundaries.

We have no representation period !!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:14PM

leave_us_alone Wrote:
> Bulldog Mom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Don't hold your breath. Stu doesn't bother
> > replying to his non-SL constituents. I have
> sent
> > him multiple e-mails, specifically asking for a
> > reply, and nothing.
> Same here. Emails and telephone voicemails fall
> on deaf ears.
> I have reached a conclusion that the SB is nothing
> but a bunch of corrupt political hacks who make
> behind the scene deals.
> As far as Stu is concerned he is going to do it
> again to Floris with the Coppermine boundaries.
> We have no representation period !!

Same here. I sent out personal letters and emails to the SB. Not a peep from them. Did any one of you get an auto reply from Storck's email saying he reads his emails, but doesn't have the time to reply back? It would be appropriate for Stu to do a public apology for his offensive remarks to those RDed families, but will he? I can still hear his voice booming from his speech!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Mom for 16 Years ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:17PM

I think we should all keep our documentation that Stu Gibson flagrantly ignores us (Floris and FM). I would think this dereliction of duty could be part of the grievances for the recall petition. He shows partiality; he is inflammatory; he ignores large groups of his constituents; he conspires with select school PTAs for the success of his own agendas; need I go on???

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: yes term limits! ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:35PM

TermLimits Wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get a question on the Nov
> 08 ballot to impose term limits on SB Memebers in
> fairfax county. If a 2 year term limit is imposed,
> then these characters will be booted off before
> they get sooooooo arrogant. At this point they all
> think they are above law and are acting as
> dictators , ruling by their whims. ffx cnty need
> to stand up to them now
> Floris Mom of 16 Years Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh by the way, I haven't received one response
> > back from my "Reflection on the Vote" letter.
> I
> > even forwarded it again today to Mr. Gibson,
> > stating "I'm still waiting for your response.
> I
> > am your constituent."

I believe that this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. It will help curb political alliances.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:43PM

Floris Mom of 16 Years Wrote:
> I wrote a "Reflections on the Vote" letter to all
> the SB members and Dr. Dale. Regarding Stu
> Gibson's inflammatory remarks that the crux of
> this issue was race and percentage of ESOL
> students at SL, I questioned how Dr. Dale and Mr.
> Storck could let those comments go during the
> hearing. Shouldn't they have stopped him from
> speaking in such a toxic manner. Where are their
> spines? Thank goodness for Tina Hone putting him
> in his place. I asked Mr. Gibson to publicly
> apologize to Floris, Fox Mill and Madison Island
> for such insulting statements. Shouldn't we all
> demand such an apology? I took great offense to
> them because I taught ESL for 25 years. I adore
> my students. And there are two things that I do
> know. . . my ESL students are extremely bright and
> ambitious. Most may be at a lower socio-economic
> status, but that has nothing to do with their
> capabilities. And secondly, I know that my
> students soar in smaller school environments. I
> have had 40 in a class and I have had 12. Which
> class do you think does better? 12 of course. I
> cherish the one on one time with my students. I
> still don't understand why SL couldn't do better
> as a smaller school. Small brings results,
> especially in the ESL community. I am just so
> offended by the process, speaking to deaf ears,
> having no representation with Mr. Gibson, and
> continually being the targeted neighborhood for
> redistricting.

Does anybody know why fcps came up with the idea to use a FRM/ESOL criteria for a redistricting especially with this RD? I am sure there are many bright FRM/ESOL students in our county, What was fcps' motive to reduce the FRM percentage of a school? To get wealthier parents to provide financial support through the PTA of a school? I heard that during the boundary study, there were 4 criterias. Then midway during the boundary study, the criteria of the boundary study expanded to 8. Does anybody know what the original 4 criterias were?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 8th grade mom ()
Date: March 10, 2008 07:51PM

fmpta Wrote:
> 8th grade mom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FME - Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > F*** (F*** CAPS) Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > F*** CAPS Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > and Rona made a mistake there, but
> > > > > COMMUNITY!
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Releasing partial results which suggested
> > that
> > > the
> > > > majority of FME would be okay with RD if
> they
> > > > could stick together, not only did a
> > disservice
> > > to
> > > > FME but also to the other communities that
> > were
> > > > about to be RD'd
> > > >
> > > > By making the RD for FME more likely (under
> > > > dubious pretenses), this encouraged the
> > entire
> > > > ripple process - it was therefore an
> entirely
> > > > political act in the mould of Erika's SLHS
> > > > petition
> > > >
> > > > Rona should be able to quote numbers for
> > > responses
> > > > from non-FME emails - she knew who she sent
> > the
> > > > emails to and should have corrected for
> this
> > or
> > > > abandoned completely
> > > >
> > > > my guess - that's not your problem - your
> > > problem
> > > > is that the views of FME people were
> > > > overwhelmingly against RD
> > > >
> > > > to misrepresent the responses damaged the
> > wider
> > > > community
> > > >
> > > > Are you suggesting that it was non FME's
> that
> > > > tipped the result that FME wanted to stay
> > > together
> > > > and that it would rather be split up?
> > > >
> > > > If so, why did she publish that result and
> > not
> > > the
> > > > others?
> > > >
> > > > bad judgement or bias towards RD - you
> decide
> > >
> > >
> > > For all you FME folks, what was the outcome
> of
> > the
> > > most recent FME PTA meeting? Rumor has it
> that
> > > there was virtually no talk or bitching about
> > the
> > > RD, and that the FairfaxCAPS crew present was
> > very
> > > quiet, and in the MINORITY.
> > >
> > > So all you guys who still are pushing this
> > agendA
> > > of continued dissent, I would check the pulse
> > -
> > > if you want to waste your time, money and
> > > resources to continue to divide YOUR own
> > > COMMUNITY, I am not sure that you even have
> the
> > > support of your own people. Why don't you
> use
> > > your energy to do something positive and
> > tangible?
> > >
> > >
> > > Even for the FME community, help those
> looking
> > to
> > > integrate ensure a smooth transition.
> >
> >
> > Do you think the lack of attendance at the
> recent
> > PTA might be due to disgust and disengagement?
> Do
> > you think families are "voting" with their feet?
> > It will be curious to see if next year the
> > gets the same 100 percent participation that
> they
> > boast about every year. Rona will be out of
> > office then, but I wonder how much damage has
> been
> > done to the organization?
> >
> > Concerned about division of the community? Do
> you
> > know how many pupil placement forms have been
> > given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen and
> a
> > half kids who are applying to area private
> > schools? My child is a rising 9th grader. More
> > than half the students in this class are
> expected
> > to pupil place out. Can you imagine what it's
> > like to have your class split in so many
> different
> > pieces? Option 2 would have been better--but
> then
> > I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one
> school
> > and have my neighbor's home go to another.
> > Use our energy in a Positive and tangible way?
> A
> > lawsuit!
> The lack of attendence at a PTA meeting i is
> common. This PTA meeting actually had more in
> attendence the usual. Abut 10 people told me they
> came to support Rhona. So the lack of attendecs
> was not done due to disgust as the person above
> announced.Hurting the PTA does not do anything but
> hurt the children. A lawsuit based on people
> notgetting their way is a waste of energy and
> time. Obviously this person above has never been
> to a PTA meeting.

The fact that Rona (no "H") had 10 supporters does not mean the PTA membership supports what she has done (survey--and lack of information disclosure regarding the survey.) Please do not speak for people who were not there. You have no idea why certain people didn't atend. I know there is a great deal of disgust and disengagment by members of the FM community. I think many families no longer trust the FMPTA. While they certainly don't want this lack of trust to hurt their children, they no longer feel good about their school's PTA. It will take a long time to undue the damage done to this PTA organization. (BTW, in the past I've been to many PTA meetings.)

I don't know why you think the lawsuit will be about "not getting our way and a waste of time." First, please don't worry about us wasting our time. Second, this is not about "not getting our way." It will be about standing up for our rights--and not getting railroaded by a deal-making, special-interest school board. Even if you are happy with their decision (and obviously you are), you have to admit (and several school board members agreed) that the boundary process and plan were flawed. Why should we accept flawed? How do we look at our children and say that "This is flawed, that was flawed, but we have to accept it." What garbage is that? We owe it to our children to stand up. Is it a harder path to take? Yes. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it still the right thing to do? Yes!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: TermLimits ()
Date: March 10, 2008 08:01PM

But how ? What is needed for this? At this point there will be public support if we can get it on the ballot.

yes term limits! Wrote:
> TermLimits Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Does anyone know how to get a question on the
> Nov
> > 08 ballot to impose term limits on SB Memebers
> in
> > fairfax county. If a 2 year term limit is
> imposed,
> > then these characters will be booted off before
> > they get sooooooo arrogant. At this point they
> all
> > think they are above law and are acting as
> > dictators , ruling by their whims. ffx cnty
> need
> > to stand up to them now
> >
> > Floris Mom of 16 Years Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Oh by the way, I haven't received one
> response
> > > back from my "Reflection on the Vote" letter.
> > I
> > > even forwarded it again today to Mr. Gibson,
> > > stating "I'm still waiting for your response.
> > I
> > > am your constituent."
> I believe that this is an important issue that
> needs to be addressed. It will help curb
> political alliances.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Yes term limits! ()
Date: March 10, 2008 08:28PM

TermLimits Wrote:
> But how ? What is needed for this? At this point
> there will be public support if we can get it on
> the ballot.
yes term limits! Wrote:
> TermLimits Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Does anyone know how to get a question on the
> Nov
> > 08 ballot to impose term limits on SB Memebers
> in
> > fairfax county. If a 2 year term limit is
> imposed,
> > then these characters will be booted off before
> > they get sooooooo arrogant. At this point they
> all
> > think they are above law and are acting as
> > dictators , ruling by their whims. ffx cnty
> need
> > to stand up to them now

> I believe that this is an important issue that
> needs to be addressed. It will help curb
> political alliances.

Any lawyers out there who might know about term limits?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fmpta ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:00PM

8th grade mom Wrote:
> fmpta Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 8th grade mom Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > FME - Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > F*** (F*** CAPS) Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > F*** CAPS Wrote:
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > -----
> > > > > and Rona made a mistake there, but
> > > > > > COMMUNITY!
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Releasing partial results which suggested
> > > that
> > > > the
> > > > > majority of FME would be okay with RD if
> > they
> > > > > could stick together, not only did a
> > > disservice
> > > > to
> > > > > FME but also to the other communities
> that
> > > were
> > > > > about to be RD'd
> > > > >
> > > > > By making the RD for FME more likely
> (under
> > > > > dubious pretenses), this encouraged the
> > > entire
> > > > > ripple process - it was therefore an
> > entirely
> > > > > political act in the mould of Erika's
> > > > > petition
> > > > >
> > > > > Rona should be able to quote numbers for
> > > > responses
> > > > > from non-FME emails - she knew who she
> sent
> > > the
> > > > > emails to and should have corrected for
> > this
> > > or
> > > > > abandoned completely
> > > > >
> > > > > my guess - that's not your problem - your
> > > > problem
> > > > > is that the views of FME people were
> > > > > overwhelmingly against RD
> > > > >
> > > > > to misrepresent the responses damaged the
> > > wider
> > > > > community
> > > > >
> > > > > Are you suggesting that it was non FME's
> > that
> > > > > tipped the result that FME wanted to stay
> > > > together
> > > > > and that it would rather be split up?
> > > > >
> > > > > If so, why did she publish that result
> and
> > > not
> > > > the
> > > > > others?
> > > > >
> > > > > bad judgement or bias towards RD - you
> > decide
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > For all you FME folks, what was the outcome
> > of
> > > the
> > > > most recent FME PTA meeting? Rumor has it
> > that
> > > > there was virtually no talk or bitching
> about
> > > the
> > > > RD, and that the FairfaxCAPS crew present
> was
> > > very
> > > > quiet, and in the MINORITY.
> > > >
> > > > So all you guys who still are pushing this
> > > agendA
> > > > of continued dissent, I would check the
> pulse
> >
> > > -
> > > > if you want to waste your time, money and
> > > > resources to continue to divide YOUR own
> > > > COMMUNITY, I am not sure that you even have
> > the
> > > > support of your own people. Why don't you
> > use
> > > > your energy to do something positive and
> > > tangible?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Even for the FME community, help those
> > looking
> > > to
> > > > integrate ensure a smooth transition.
> > >
> > >
> > > Do you think the lack of attendance at the
> > recent
> > > PTA might be due to disgust and disengagement?
> > Do
> > > you think families are "voting" with their
> feet?
> >
> > > It will be curious to see if next year the
> > > gets the same 100 percent participation that
> > they
> > > boast about every year. Rona will be out of
> > > office then, but I wonder how much damage has
> > been
> > > done to the organization?
> > >
> > > Concerned about division of the community?
> Do
> > you
> > > know how many pupil placement forms have been
> > > given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen
> and
> > a
> > > half kids who are applying to area private
> > > schools? My child is a rising 9th grader.
> More
> > > than half the students in this class are
> > expected
> > > to pupil place out. Can you imagine what
> it's
> > > like to have your class split in so many
> > different
> > > pieces? Option 2 would have been better--but
> > then
> > > I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one
> > school
> > > and have my neighbor's home go to another.
> > > Use our energy in a Positive and tangible way?
> > A
> > > lawsuit!
> >
> >
> > The lack of attendence at a PTA meeting i is
> > common. This PTA meeting actually had more in
> > attendence the usual. Abut 10 people told me
> they
> > came to support Rhona. So the lack of
> attendecs
> > was not done due to disgust as the person above
> > announced.Hurting the PTA does not do anything
> but
> > hurt the children. A lawsuit based on people
> > notgetting their way is a waste of energy and
> > time. Obviously this person above has never
> been
> > to a PTA meeting.
> The fact that Rona (no "H") had 10 supporters does
> not mean the PTA membership supports what she has
> done (survey--and lack of information disclosure
> regarding the survey.) Please do not speak for
> people who were not there. You have no idea why
> certain people didn't atend. I know there is a
> great deal of disgust and disengagment by members
> of the FM community. I think many families no
> longer trust the FMPTA. While they certainly
> don't want this lack of trust to hurt their
> children, they no longer feel good about their
> school's PTA. It will take a long time to undue
> the damage done to this PTA organization. (BTW, in
> the past I've been to many PTA meetings.)
> I don't know why you think the lawsuit will be
> about "not getting our way and a waste of time."
> First, please don't worry about us wasting our
> time. Second, this is not about "not getting our
> way." It will be about standing up for our
> rights--and not getting railroaded by a
> deal-making, special-interest school board. Even
> if you are happy with their decision (and
> obviously you are), you have to admit (and several
> school board members agreed) that the boundary
> process and plan were flawed. Why should we
> accept flawed? How do we look at our children and
> say that "This is flawed, that was flawed, but we
> have to accept it." What garbage is that? We owe
> it to our children to stand up. Is it a harder
> path to take? Yes. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it
> still the right thing to do? Yes!

Please ! my point was the meeting more crowded then I have ever seen a PTA meeting. So I think I can speak about it . Obviously you have not been to many meetings and I go to all of them so you can not speak for what goes on at meeting you were not at. So do not talk to me about speaking for others. Also Drop the we when you talk about what we owe our children. I owe my children a good education which I know they will get at south lakes. The process was not flawed. you think it was because you did not get what you wanted. YOu do not have to look at your children and say this is flawed with out fact. Please outline for me what is flawed in the process. and what child would ask that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:15PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> > They love IB for the same reason that our
> school
> > board and staff loves IB. It fits their
> political
> > ideology.
> OK, I'm confused here. How does IB different,
> ideologically, from AP?
> I'm genuinely curious.

Liberals love IB because it is Eurocentric. It's based in Europe, there is little US history and no US Government. It's not about the US, it's about the global fill-in-the-blank. It's big on community service to the correct causes, global warming, ecology, and other globe hugging causes. Democrats think anything that is not about the US is better than any program that is based in the US. A program that is Euro focused is better than a program that is US focused. Europe, and the rest of the world, is just way cooler than the US. The US is just embarrassing, with all our success, money, and higher standards of living. Better to focus on the closer to socialism countries of Europe.

What our school board forgets is that very few students in Fairfax county go to college in Europe or India or Africa. More than 99% of those who go to college after FCPS, attend a college in the US. Therefore a US college prep program, one that prepares our students for college in the US, makes more sense (not to mention far cheaper) than a program that prepares students for college on other continents. For those students who are rich enough to attend the Sorbonne after high school, perhaps one IB school in FCPS, would be nice. More than one or two such special schools is a waste of money, and not the best training for US colleges.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:33PM

>>>>Please outline for me what is flawed in the process. and what child would ask that.<<<

Huh? Why would children be involved in the process?

Surely you know why the process was flawed! The many flaws have been stated here a zillion times. The community wasn't involved from the beginning, the areas chose did not include some of the areas closest to South Lakes,(the famed sippy cup map), students 3 miles from SL's were not in the study but those 8 miles away were. The SB goals were not met, the community meetings were a joke, some people had representation on the school board, some did not, problems at South Lakes were not addressed, and for the first time EVER in the US, students are being taken from an AP school, and put into an academic program they never wanted, a niche educational program that is not focused on preparing students for colleges in the US, but preparing them for colleges in Europe. Since the parents want their child to attend a US college, not a European university, they want a US college preparation course. Is that too much to ask for in a county this wealthy? Can't their children get a real, US, college prep program? Never before has any child in the US been forced to attend a European university prep school. The argument is that these US public school students have a right to the same US college prep program as every other child in the US and not be forced into a European prep program.

Need I continue with all the flaws in this redistricting? There are many more which you will find by reading through this forum.

BTW, you don't have to copy every lengthy previous post to respond to a post. It's annoying to have scroll through half a page of previous posts before getting to a response.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Ecko ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:37PM

fmpta Wrote:
> 8th grade mom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > fmpta Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > 8th grade mom Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > FME - Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > F*** (F*** CAPS) Wrote:
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > -----
> > > > > > F*** CAPS Wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > -----
> > > > > > and Rona made a mistake there, but
> > THE
> > > > > > > COMMUNITY!
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Releasing partial results which
> suggested
> > > > that
> > > > > the
> > > > > > majority of FME would be okay with RD
> if
> > > they
> > > > > > could stick together, not only did a
> > > > disservice
> > > > > to
> > > > > > FME but also to the other communities
> > that
> > > > were
> > > > > > about to be RD'd
> > > > > >
> > > > > > By making the RD for FME more likely
> > (under
> > > > > > dubious pretenses), this encouraged the
> > > > entire
> > > > > > ripple process - it was therefore an
> > > entirely
> > > > > > political act in the mould of Erika's
> > SLHS
> > > > > > petition
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Rona should be able to quote numbers
> for
> > > > > responses
> > > > > > from non-FME emails - she knew who she
> > sent
> > > > the
> > > > > > emails to and should have corrected for
> > > this
> > > > or
> > > > > > abandoned completely
> > > > > >
> > > > > > my guess - that's not your problem -
> your
> > > > > problem
> > > > > > is that the views of FME people were
> > > > > > overwhelmingly against RD
> > > > > >
> > > > > > to misrepresent the responses damaged
> the
> > > > wider
> > > > > > community
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Are you suggesting that it was non
> FME's
> > > that
> > > > > > tipped the result that FME wanted to
> stay
> > > > > together
> > > > > > and that it would rather be split up?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If so, why did she publish that result
> > and
> > > > not
> > > > > the
> > > > > > others?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > bad judgement or bias towards RD - you
> > > decide
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > For all you FME folks, what was the
> outcome
> > > of
> > > > the
> > > > > most recent FME PTA meeting? Rumor has
> it
> > > that
> > > > > there was virtually no talk or bitching
> > about
> > > > the
> > > > > RD, and that the FairfaxCAPS crew present
> > was
> > > > very
> > > > > quiet, and in the MINORITY.
> > > > >
> > > > > So all you guys who still are pushing
> this
> > > > agendA
> > > > > of continued dissent, I would check the
> > pulse
> > >
> > > > -
> > > > > if you want to waste your time, money and
> > > > > resources to continue to divide YOUR own
> > > > > COMMUNITY, I am not sure that you even
> have
> > > the
> > > > > support of your own people. Why don't
> you
> > > use
> > > > > your energy to do something positive and
> > > > tangible?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Even for the FME community, help those
> > > looking
> > > > to
> > > > > integrate ensure a smooth transition.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Do you think the lack of attendance at the
> > > recent
> > > > PTA might be due to disgust and
> disengagement?
> >
> > > Do
> > > > you think families are "voting" with their
> > feet?
> > >
> > > > It will be curious to see if next year the
> > > FMPTA
> > > > gets the same 100 percent participation
> that
> > > they
> > > > boast about every year. Rona will be out
> of
> > > > office then, but I wonder how much damage
> has
> > > been
> > > > done to the organization?
> > > >
> > > > Concerned about division of the community?
> > Do
> > > you
> > > > know how many pupil placement forms have
> been
> > > > given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen
> > and
> > > a
> > > > half kids who are applying to area private
> > > > schools? My child is a rising 9th grader.
> > More
> > > > than half the students in this class are
> > > expected
> > > > to pupil place out. Can you imagine what
> > it's
> > > > like to have your class split in so many
> > > different
> > > > pieces? Option 2 would have been
> better--but
> > > then
> > > > I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one
> > > school
> > > > and have my neighbor's home go to another.
> > > > Use our energy in a Positive and tangible
> way?
> >
> > > A
> > > > lawsuit!
> > >
> > >
> > > The lack of attendence at a PTA meeting i is
> > > common. This PTA meeting actually had more in
> > > attendence the usual. Abut 10 people told me
> > they
> > > came to support Rhona. So the lack of
> > attendecs
> > > was not done due to disgust as the person
> above
> > > announced.Hurting the PTA does not do
> anything
> > but
> > > hurt the children. A lawsuit based on people
> > > notgetting their way is a waste of energy and
> > > time. Obviously this person above has never
> > been
> > > to a PTA meeting.
> >
> > The fact that Rona (no "H") had 10 supporters
> does
> > not mean the PTA membership supports what she
> has
> > done (survey--and lack of information
> disclosure
> > regarding the survey.) Please do not speak for
> > people who were not there. You have no idea
> why
> > certain people didn't atend. I know there is a
> > great deal of disgust and disengagment by
> members
> > of the FM community. I think many families no
> > longer trust the FMPTA. While they certainly
> > don't want this lack of trust to hurt their
> > children, they no longer feel good about their
> > school's PTA. It will take a long time to undue
> > the damage done to this PTA organization. (BTW,
> in
> > the past I've been to many PTA meetings.)
> >
> > I don't know why you think the lawsuit will be
> > about "not getting our way and a waste of time."
> > First, please don't worry about us wasting our
> > time. Second, this is not about "not getting
> our
> > way." It will be about standing up for our
> > rights--and not getting railroaded by a
> > deal-making, special-interest school board.
> Even
> > if you are happy with their decision (and
> > obviously you are), you have to admit (and
> several
> > school board members agreed) that the boundary
> > process and plan were flawed. Why should we
> > accept flawed? How do we look at our children
> and
> > say that "This is flawed, that was flawed, but
> we
> > have to accept it." What garbage is that? We
> owe
> > it to our children to stand up. Is it a harder
> > path to take? Yes. Is it expensive? Yes. Is
> it
> > still the right thing to do? Yes!
> Please ! my point was the meeting more crowded
> then I have ever seen a PTA meeting. So I think I
> can speak about it . Obviously you have not been
> to many meetings and I go to all of them so you
> can not speak for what goes on at meeting you were
> not at. So do not talk to me about speaking for
> others. Also Drop the we when you talk about what
> we owe our children. I owe my children a good
> education which I know they will get at south
> lakes. The process was not flawed. you think it
> was because you did not get what you wanted. YOu
> do not have to look at your children and say this
> is flawed with out fact. Please outline for me
> what is flawed in the process. and what child
> would ask that.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Taormina ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:39PM

Interesting? Wrote:
> Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another Lurker Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> > > > I do take exception to your position that
> an
> > > > anti-RD lawsuit has no merit.
> > >
> > > I'm as anti-RD as anyone, but I don't see the
> > > grounds for a lawsuit. Representative
> democracy
> > > means that we voted the idiots in, we gave
> 'em
> > the
> > > keys, they get to do what they want, within
> the
> > > law. The controls are the ability to vote
> them
> > > out next time, AND anything else provided by
> > the
> > > rules of their specific position -- in this
> > case,
> > > there seems to be the capacity for a recall.
> > >
> > > On what grounds are you suggesting a lawsuit
> > would
> > > prevail?
> > >
> > > "Their decision hurts our home values"? FCPS
> > is
> > > not responsible for your home values.
> > >
> > > "Their decision will keep my kid from
> <some
> > > aspect of the education (s)he would have
> gotten
> > > otherwise>"? You'd have to demonstrate
> that
> > > within the requirements of the law, your
> right
> > to
> > > a decent education was being violated.
> > Whatever
> > > we may think of FCPS, the SB, IB, and/or
> > > this is a huge stretch -- considering that in
> > most
> > > of the country, SLHS would be the envy of the
> > > other schools (i.e., if you were to prevail
> on
> > > these grounds, those other areas would
> already
> > > have been able to sue ?someone? for the
> quality
> > of
> > > THEIR schools).
> > >
> > > "Stu Gibson is an idiot"? Sorry, he was
> > elected.
> > > Recall him, but that's not grounds for court
> > > action.
> > >
> > > "The process was bogus"? (Using "bogus" as a
> > > placeholder for the many, many flaws
> discussed
> > in
> > > the preceding pages!) Again, they were
> > elected;
> > > recall 'em and/or vote the rascals out next
> > time.
> > >
> > > I just don't see it. And please don't tell
> me
> > > "it's a secret" -- it won't be as soon as the
> > suit
> > > is filed, and a few more days/weeks notice
> > isn't
> > > going to make any difference: the suit has
> > merit
> > > or not.
> > >
> > > P.S. On the grandfathering front: the
> deadline
> > for
> > > decisions about next year's classes is fast
> > > approaching. It occurs to me that once
> > schedules
> > > are set, it's going to be MUCH harder to
> renege
> > on
> > > grandfathering. This suggests to me that the
> > RD
> > > really will only apply to freshmen, as
> claimed.
> >
> > > Which doesn't make it better for those
> > affected,
> > > of course...
> >
> >
> > Having no legal background and no knowledge of
> the
> > applicable statutes, I don't know what should
> be
> > the basis of a legal challenge. I also
> generally
> > detest this option.
> >
> > However, I am all for sending a message. We
> are
> > stuck with this SB for 4 more years, which
> means
> > that unless we can unite and wield a large
> hammer,
> > they are not going to listen.
> >
> > Anyone know how many signatures are required to
> > get a recall ballot initiative?
> There are checks and balances in all areas of
> government. No goverment body--including a county
> school board--is above this. An elected
> representative's hammer can only be so big. And,
> our very democratic system allows regular ol'
> citizens to challenge laws and other decisions in
> a court of law. I'm glad you know so much about
> the law and when it is appropriate for lawyers to
> reveal their strategy. Like everyone else, you'll
> just have to wait and see. Obviously, it can't be
> a secret forever.

Good point!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:41PM

DoomANDGloom Wrote:
> ALL, dont despair, the lawsuit is still our last
> hope. Contribute to CAPs and support the lawsuit.
> If all fails, move to a different area. Or even
> simpler, rent out your current residence and rent
> a place in Oakton/Madison/Westfield boundaries for
> 4 years.

Or stay where you are but rent an apartment in the district you want to be in. Use that address. Heck, you can even live there during the week. Kinda like camping out.

Will the lawsuit challenge IB as your children are not being treated equally in FCPS? Your children do not have the same US college prep courses that the rest of the county students have available. How can they discriminate against some students this way? Is it fair that some students in FCPS only have access to a European college prep program, one that hurts them in receiving credits in US colleges, and in preparing them for US colleges? Yes, IB might be helpful in applying to foreign universities, but most students go to US colleges. Shouldn't a US program be the default program for all kids, since 99+% of students will attend college in the US, and not in Europe? Shouldn't IB be voluntary for those who want to attend college in Europe and elsewhere? Why should some students be forced into a European prep program when they want a US prep program? Sounds like discrimination to me.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BuyAVowel ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:41PM

Baffled Wrote:
> LogicalEnding Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is an analogy. Obviously the degree of wrong
> > being done here is different - but it is a
> valid
> > analogy. Stu Gibson ( the self proclaimed
> decider
> > ) is analogous to Hitler, the 10 SB members his
> > Nazi party. The annexed areas are analogous to
> > the parts of Europe Hitler invaded. The smart
> > students who are all planning on AP are
> analogous
> > to the resistance fighers in France and other
> > countries who were hunted down by the Nazis -
> > these students in this case are being forced
> out
> > of their homes and are being told to go away
> > (pupil place or sell their houses in fire sales
> in
> > a down market). Pure IB loving families who
> > support Gibson, will replace these empty houses
> so
> > that he can win the next election (just as
> power
> > hungry as Hitler. Fox Mill and Floris areas
> voted
> > against him so he had to take action to make
> sure
> > those voters are not there by 2011 elections.
> What
> > better way to force them out of their houses
> than
> > this RD, take away their acadamic programs and
> > these school oriented voters will be forced to
> > move!) The lawsuits are like the resistance
> > movements formed all across Europe.
> >
> > P.S. The IB loving families that Gibson want to
> > plant in all these annexed areas, after all the
> AP
> > people are forced out, dont have high school
> age
> > kids. So very soon this Hitler is going to be
> back
> > saying the community has aged in place and SLHS
> > needs more areas. Adjoining communities beware.
> > Just as no one was safe when Hitler was in power
> ,
> > dont think that you are ok just because you
> > escaped this round of RD. Gibson will come
> after
> > you eventually to force you out of your houses
> in
> > the next round of RD.
> >
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > LogicalEnding Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > SLHS Padre Dos Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > ---
> > > > >
> > > > > And the reason we disagree is because of
> > the
> > > > many,
> > > > > and continued attacks based on a lot of
> > > rumors
> > > > and
> > > > > misperceptions that some continue to
> > > perpetuate
> > > > > about SL, about the conspiracy, about the
> > > > school
> > > > > board, now about the principal, the list
> > just
> > > > > keeps growing. Is never seems to end.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > It will never end till a just solution is
> > > reached.
> > > > Stu and SLHS has annexed a large area and
> > have
> > > > taken away opportunities that those areas
> had
> > > till
> > > > now. These annexed areas are being asked
> just
> > > to
> > > > serve the interests of SLHS and are being
> > told
> > > > that their rights and needs are unimportant
> > as
> > > > compared to SLHS.
> > > > Look at history - What if every one in
> Europe
> > > had
> > > > just agreed to end the fight after Hitler
> had
> > > > invaded most of Europe and agreed to live
> > under
> > > > Hitler's rule? Anytime when one group of
> > > people
> > > > by their hold on power try to benefit at
> > > another
> > > > group's expense there will be great and
> > > constant
> > > > opposition. It is human nature to fight
> > against
> > > > abuse.
> > >
> > >
> > > Oh pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase.
> What's
> > > with you guys and the WWII. Abuse ? Abuse
> is
> > > when one beats one's spouse.
> Which is why we really need to have him recalled
> even though this recall is related to a separate
> incident, unfortunately. I have never seen such a
> bullying sb member treating those hard working
> RDed families and disrupting them blisteringly and
> even to his own colleagues and them turning in to
> support him in whatever agenda he wants.

I support this...is there a recall petition drive underway?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 8th grade mom ()
Date: March 10, 2008 10:43PM

fmpta Wrote:
> 8th grade mom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > fmpta Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > 8th grade mom Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > FME - Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > F*** (F*** CAPS) Wrote:
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > -----
> > > > > > F*** CAPS Wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > -----
> > > > > > and Rona made a mistake there, but
> > THE
> > > > > > > COMMUNITY!
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Releasing partial results which
> suggested
> > > > that
> > > > > the
> > > > > > majority of FME would be okay with RD
> if
> > > they
> > > > > > could stick together, not only did a
> > > > disservice
> > > > > to
> > > > > > FME but also to the other communities
> > that
> > > > were
> > > > > > about to be RD'd
> > > > > >
> > > > > > By making the RD for FME more likely
> > (under
> > > > > > dubious pretenses), this encouraged the
> > > > entire
> > > > > > ripple process - it was therefore an
> > > entirely
> > > > > > political act in the mould of Erika's
> > SLHS
> > > > > > petition
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Rona should be able to quote numbers
> for
> > > > > responses
> > > > > > from non-FME emails - she knew who she
> > sent
> > > > the
> > > > > > emails to and should have corrected for
> > > this
> > > > or
> > > > > > abandoned completely
> > > > > >
> > > > > > my guess - that's not your problem -
> your
> > > > > problem
> > > > > > is that the views of FME people were
> > > > > > overwhelmingly against RD
> > > > > >
> > > > > > to misrepresent the responses damaged
> the
> > > > wider
> > > > > > community
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Are you suggesting that it was non
> FME's
> > > that
> > > > > > tipped the result that FME wanted to
> stay
> > > > > together
> > > > > > and that it would rather be split up?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If so, why did she publish that result
> > and
> > > > not
> > > > > the
> > > > > > others?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > bad judgement or bias towards RD - you
> > > decide
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > For all you FME folks, what was the
> outcome
> > > of
> > > > the
> > > > > most recent FME PTA meeting? Rumor has
> it
> > > that
> > > > > there was virtually no talk or bitching
> > about
> > > > the
> > > > > RD, and that the FairfaxCAPS crew present
> > was
> > > > very
> > > > > quiet, and in the MINORITY.
> > > > >
> > > > > So all you guys who still are pushing
> this
> > > > agendA
> > > > > of continued dissent, I would check the
> > pulse
> > >
> > > > -
> > > > > if you want to waste your time, money and
> > > > > resources to continue to divide YOUR own
> > > > > COMMUNITY, I am not sure that you even
> have
> > > the
> > > > > support of your own people. Why don't
> you
> > > use
> > > > > your energy to do something positive and
> > > > tangible?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Even for the FME community, help those
> > > looking
> > > > to
> > > > > integrate ensure a smooth transition.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Do you think the lack of attendance at the
> > > recent
> > > > PTA might be due to disgust and
> disengagement?
> >
> > > Do
> > > > you think families are "voting" with their
> > feet?
> > >
> > > > It will be curious to see if next year the
> > > FMPTA
> > > > gets the same 100 percent participation
> that
> > > they
> > > > boast about every year. Rona will be out
> of
> > > > office then, but I wonder how much damage
> has
> > > been
> > > > done to the organization?
> > > >
> > > > Concerned about division of the community?
> > Do
> > > you
> > > > know how many pupil placement forms have
> been
> > > > given to Bruce Butler already? Or the dozen
> > and
> > > a
> > > > half kids who are applying to area private
> > > > schools? My child is a rising 9th grader.
> > More
> > > > than half the students in this class are
> > > expected
> > > > to pupil place out. Can you imagine what
> > it's
> > > > like to have your class split in so many
> > > different
> > > > pieces? Option 2 would have been
> better--but
> > > then
> > > > I couldn't vote for my home to stay at one
> > > school
> > > > and have my neighbor's home go to another.
> > > > Use our energy in a Positive and tangible
> way?
> >
> > > A
> > > > lawsuit!
> > >
> > >
> > > The lack of attendence at a PTA meeting i is
> > > common. This PTA meeting actually had more in
> > > attendence the usual. Abut 10 people told me
> > they
> > > came to support Rhona. So the lack of
> > attendecs
> > > was not done due to disgust as the person
> above
> > > announced.Hurting the PTA does not do
> anything
> > but
> > > hurt the children. A lawsuit based on people
> > > notgetting their way is a waste of energy and
> > > time. Obviously this person above has never
> > been
> > > to a PTA meeting.
> >
> > The fact that Rona (no "H") had 10 supporters
> does
> > not mean the PTA membership supports what she
> has
> > done (survey--and lack of information
> disclosure
> > regarding the survey.) Please do not speak for
> > people who were not there. You have no idea
> why
> > certain people didn't atend. I know there is a
> > great deal of disgust and disengagment by
> members
> > of the FM community. I think many families no
> > longer trust the FMPTA. While they certainly
> > don't want this lack of trust to hurt their
> > children, they no longer feel good about their
> > school's PTA. It will take a long time to undue
> > the damage done to this PTA organization. (BTW,
> in
> > the past I've been to many PTA meetings.)
> >
> > I don't know why you think the lawsuit will be
> > about "not getting our way and a waste of time."
> > First, please don't worry about us wasting our
> > time. Second, this is not about "not getting
> our
> > way." It will be about standing up for our
> > rights--and not getting railroaded by a
> > deal-making, special-interest school board.
> Even
> > if you are happy with their decision (and
> > obviously you are), you have to admit (and
> several
> > school board members agreed) that the boundary
> > process and plan were flawed. Why should we
> > accept flawed? How do we look at our children
> and
> > say that "This is flawed, that was flawed, but
> we
> > have to accept it." What garbage is that? We
> owe
> > it to our children to stand up. Is it a harder
> > path to take? Yes. Is it expensive? Yes. Is
> it
> > still the right thing to do? Yes!
> Please ! my point was the meeting more crowded
> then I have ever seen a PTA meeting. So I think I
> can speak about it . Obviously you have not been
> to many meetings and I go to all of them so you
> can not speak for what goes on at meeting you were
> not at. So do not talk to me about speaking for
> others. Also Drop the we when you talk about what
> we owe our children. I owe my children a good
> education which I know they will get at south
> lakes. The process was not flawed. you think it
> was because you did not get what you wanted. YOu
> do not have to look at your children and say this
> is flawed with out fact. Please outline for me
> what is flawed in the process. and what child
> would ask that.

The meeting was "crowded" with Rona's friends. You know it and I know it. The crowd was there in case someone brought the motion to have her removed from office--and she wanted votes. It's understandable, it's human, but it doesn't change the reason for the Rona-friendly "crowd". Also, in this situation, I am very comfortable using the royal we. Why? Because I have personally talked to dozens of families who feel totally railroaded by the RD--and betrayed by certain individuals in this community who have manipulated data to forward their own agendas. If you don't know that the vast majority of this community has been against the RD then you have had your head in the sand.
I am not suggesting your child cannot get a good education at South Lakes. I am talking about a process that excluded Langley and the vast majority of Madison (schools that border South Lakes), refused to acknowledge that there was no severe overcrowding at Westfields and Chantilly (per their own study), and put the interests of SL IB students above all else. (There's more...there are others on this forum who have said this much better than I can. Feel free to scroll back.) Didn't you hear Board Member Phil N-E say when he voted that the process and plan were flawed?
I owe honesty and integrity to my children. I owe them answers to questions. I owe them a parent who won't be a sheep. My child is a rising 9th grader...and rising 9th graders absolutely (and sadly) know what is going on. (BTW, I am not suggesting that they dread the idea of going to South Lakes...they just want to be treated fairly and honorably. And, they especially feel bad for the children of Madison Island and Navy. They know a bad deal when they see it.) Perhaps you have much younger children (in fact I am sure you have much younger children.) Risng 9th graders are 13 and 14 year olds and they get it. If you had a rising 9th grader, you would know this too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WarHock ()
Date: March 10, 2008 11:03PM

There is a quaint little home on Lawyers Road very near downtown Vienna that has a "For Rent" sign in the yard. Madison HS district all the way. Go rent it, and pupil placement/RD will be behind you.

I only hope that the owner is someone who is trying to capitalize on this rare opportunity that RD has brought about.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 8th grade mom - confusion ()
Date: March 10, 2008 11:13PM

So which one was it?

Do you think the lack of attendance at the recent PTA might be due to disgust and disengagement?


The meeting was "crowded" with Rona's friends

So was it not attended or was it crowded?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: U9 ()
Date: March 10, 2008 11:16PM

Neen Wrote:
> Liberals love IB because it is Eurocentric. It's
> based in Europe, there is little US history and no
> US Government. It's not about the US, it's about
> the global fill-in-the-blank. It's big on
> community service to the correct causes, global
> warming, ecology, and other globe hugging causes.
> Democrats think anything that is not about the US
> is better than any program that is based in the
> US. A program that is Euro focused is better than
> a program that is US focused. Europe, and the
> rest of the world, is just way cooler than the US.
> The US is just embarrassing, with all our
> success, money, and higher standards of living.
> Better to focus on the closer to socialism
> countries of Europe.
> What our school board forgets is that very few
> students in Fairfax county go to college in Europe
> or India or Africa. More than 99% of those who go
> to college after FCPS, attend a college in the US.
> Therefore a US college prep program, one that
> prepares our students for college in the US, makes
> more sense (not to mention far cheaper) than a
> program that prepares students for college on
> other continents. For those students who are rich
> enough to attend the Sorbonne after high school,
> perhaps one IB school in FCPS, would be nice.
> More than one or two such special schools is a
> waste of money, and not the best training for US
> colleges.

I think everyone gets by now that you believe that everything the SB does is driven by an ultra-liberal ideology. This thread might be half as long if a) people wouldn't quote long posts in their entirety to add their .02 and b) you would cite your liberal ideology mantra every, oh I don't know, say 5 pages instead of every one?

This comming from a poster who has never voted Democrat because I'm an AMERI-CAN not an AMERI-CANT!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: March 10, 2008 11:21PM

"They know a bad deal when they see it.) Perhaps you have much younger children (in fact I am sure you have much younger children.) Risng 9th graders are 13 and 14 year olds and they get it. If you had a rising 9th grader, you would know this too."

Oh yes ..my rising 9th grader who will be 15 this fall knows what is going on around here. She said it is the kids who will be going to school and felt that the rising 9th graders had the right to choose the AP or the IB programs provided they be educated about what these programs had to offer. She was shocked to hear some of the SB's speeches during the final boundary hearing. She even said why did the student rep say that we were here to make lemonade out of a lemon?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: IsPupilPlacementWorkingOut ()
Date: March 11, 2008 12:01AM

Since I can't watch this thread 24/7 I was wondering whether the pupil placement option wasn't working out so well since there still seems to be a lot of highly agitated chatter. With the SB vote over and pupil placement sounding like a metaphysical certainty, why does this pissing contest seem to have no end?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: PupilPlacementHassles ()
Date: March 11, 2008 12:21AM

Easier said than done. Bruce is interviewing every applicant. Not only that Floris students are being asked to go to Herndon. Since Herndon is at capacity, come June 1, Gibson and Co will force these kids to go to SL saying that there is no capacity at Herndon. FCPS is keeping Westfield and Chantilly - the other 2 close AP schools off limits even after taking hundreds of students out of there. Madison is already overcrowded and Oakton is too far away from Floris. Do you seriously think that Gibson after spending so much time trapping his prey is going to let them escape via pupil placement?

IsPupilPlacementWorkingOut Wrote:
> Since I can't watch this thread 24/7 I was
> wondering whether the pupil placement option
> wasn't working out so well since there still seems
> to be a lot of highly agitated chatter. With the
> SB vote over and pupil placement sounding like a
> metaphysical certainty, why does this pissing
> contest seem to have no end?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 8th grade mom ()
Date: March 11, 2008 12:23AM

8th grade mom - confusion Wrote:
> So which one was it?
> Do you think the lack of attendance at the recent
> PTA might be due to disgust and disengagement?
> or
> The meeting was "crowded" with Rona's friends
> So was it not attended or was it crowded?

Please don't be dense. Why do you think I had the word "crowded" in quotation marks?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 11, 2008 01:18AM

WarHock Wrote:
> There is a quaint little home on Lawyers Road very
> near downtown Vienna that has a "For Rent" sign in
> the yard. Madison HS district all the way. Go
> rent it, and pupil placement/RD will be behind
> you.
> I only hope that the owner is someone who is
> trying to capitalize on this rare opportunity that
> RD has brought about.

No, they are not. The house was for sale last year, didn't sell and they are now renting it out. It's quite close to Madison and in the town of Vienna, so redistricting would never be an issue for them.

But I don't think I would call a typical 1970's split level 'quaint'.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 11, 2008 01:25AM

>>>I think everyone gets by now that you believe that everything the SB does is driven by an ultra-liberal ideology. This thread might be half as long if a) people wouldn't quote long posts in their entirety to add their .02 and b) you would cite your liberal ideology mantra every, oh I don't know, say 5 pages instead of every one?

This comming from a poster who has never voted Democrat because I'm an AMERI-CAN not an AMERI-CANT!<<<<

BUZZZZZ...........wrongo. I have voted for many democrats, including Dukakis, Clinton, and Stu Gibson. See, even conservatives do stupid things now and then. Thankfully, by looking at what was really happening in FCPS, it's not likely I would ever vote democrat again. Seeing what their ideology has done to kids over the last 40 years, especially poor, Black, kids, has turned me off of them for good.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 11, 2008 01:26AM

I forgot to add, I agree with you totally that people need to stop quoting these ridiculously long posts. Come on folks, it just isn't necessary and it is tedious.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 11, 2008 01:29AM

Baffled Wrote:
> "They know a bad deal when they see it.) Perhaps
> you have much younger children (in fact I am sure
> you have much younger children.) Risng 9th graders
> are 13 and 14 year olds and they get it. If you
> had a rising 9th grader, you would know this
> too."
> Oh yes ..my rising 9th grader who will be 15 this
> fall knows what is going on around here. She said
> it is the kids who will be going to school and
> felt that the rising 9th graders had the right to
> choose the AP or the IB programs provided they be
> educated about what these programs had to offer.
> She was shocked to hear some of the SB's speeches
> during the final boundary hearing. She even said
> why did the student rep say that we were here to
> make lemonade out of a lemon?

Out of the mouths of babes............

You have a very wise child.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: March 11, 2008 01:31AM

>>>>asier said than done. Bruce is interviewing every applicant. Not only that Floris students are being asked to go to Herndon. Since Herndon is at capacity, come June 1, Gibson and Co will force these kids to go to SL saying that there is no capacity at Herndon. FCPS is keeping Westfield and Chantilly - the other 2 close AP schools off limits even after taking hundreds of students out of there. Madison is already overcrowded and Oakton is too far away from Floris. Do you seriously think that Gibson after spending so much time trapping his prey is going to let them escape via pupil placement?<<<<

How does Herndon suddenly reach capacity in June? How do we know that students can't pupil place at Westfield or Chantilly? Or are all of these things rumors?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: March 11, 2008 06:34AM

IB is a POS

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Date: March 11, 2008 07:56AM

Neen Wrote:
> >>>>asier said than done. Bruce is interviewing
> every applicant. Not only that Floris students are
> being asked to go to Herndon. Since Herndon is at
> capacity, come June 1, Gibson and Co will force
> these kids to go to SL saying that there is no
> capacity at Herndon. FCPS is keeping Westfield and
> Chantilly - the other 2 close AP schools off
> limits even after taking hundreds of students out
> of there. Madison is already overcrowded and
> Oakton is too far away from Floris. Do you
> seriously think that Gibson after spending so much
> time trapping his prey is going to let them escape
> via pupil placement?<<<<
> How does Herndon suddenly reach capacity in June?
> How do we know that students can't pupil place at
> Westfield or Chantilly? Or are all of these
> things rumors?


Bruce won't sign off on anything except Herndon. I have heard it from many parents. This is a grand plan. Populate Herndon and South Lakes at the expense of Floris kids. Floris always has been a football.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: wrongo ()
Date: March 11, 2008 08:13AM

fmpta Wrote:
The process was not flawed. you think it
> was because you did not get what you wanted.

And by the same token, you believe the process was a good and true one, because you got what you wanted.

Let's face facts here, several school board members said the process was flawed but they were voting for it any way.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: March 11, 2008 08:56AM

"Bruce won't sign off on anything except Herndon. I have heard it from many parents."

What happens when Herndon is judged to be at capacity? It seems that pupil placing is a right, not a privilege. Will some students be directed to Herndon HS, and others allowed to Madison, Westfield, or Oakton? That seems unfair because it might depend on when the form was submitted, and that shouldn't be the case.

I wonder if FCPS is hoping that saying that the student has to go to HHS discourages parents from pursuing pupil placement (no offense to HHS, but obviously we'd want to pupil place at our original school, especially since buses are still going through the neighborhood).

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: IsPupilPlacementWorkingOut ()
Date: March 11, 2008 09:03AM

fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> "Bruce won't sign off on anything except Herndon.
> I have heard it from many parents."
> What happens when Herndon is judged to be at
> capacity? It seems that pupil placing is a right,
> not a privilege. Will some students be directed to
> Herndon HS, and others allowed to Madison,
> Westfield, or Oakton? That seems unfair because it
> might depend on when the form was submitted, and
> that shouldn't be the case.
> I wonder if FCPS is hoping that saying that the
> student has to go to HHS discourages parents from
> pursuing pupil placement (no offense to HHS, but
> obviously we'd want to pupil place at our original
> school, especially since buses are still going
> through the neighborhood).

Is HHS the closest AP school to Floris? If so, then I thought that this assignment was in line with the pupil placement guidelines. I don't recall seeing that you could pick ANY high school. What about the non-Floris families? Are they being directed to HHS as well, or have they had success getting back to Chantilly, Westfield or Oakton?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: March 11, 2008 09:14AM

IsPupilPlacementWorkingOut Wrote:
> fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Bruce won't sign off on anything except
> Herndon.
> > I have heard it from many parents."
> >
> > What happens when Herndon is judged to be at
> > capacity? It seems that pupil placing is a
> right,
> > not a privilege. Will some students be directed
> to
> > Herndon HS, and others allowed to Madison,
> > Westfield, or Oakton? That seems unfair because
> it
> > might depend on when the form was submitted,
> and
> > that shouldn't be the case.
> >
> > I wonder if FCPS is hoping that saying that the
> > student has to go to HHS discourages parents
> from
> > pursuing pupil placement (no offense to HHS,
> but
> > obviously we'd want to pupil place at our
> original
> > school, especially since buses are still going
> > through the neighborhood).
> Is HHS the closest AP school to Floris? If so,
> then I thought that this assignment was in line
> with the pupil placement guidelines. I don't
> recall seeing that you could pick ANY high school.
> What about the non-Floris families? Are they
> being directed to HHS as well, or have they had
> success getting back to Chantilly, Westfield or
> Oakton?

True, you can't pick any school, but I think that HHS can't absorb 100 9th graders. Also, supposedly the same conditions apply for Floris, Fox Mill, and MI students. Last time I checked, any student that has SL as his/her base school can AP pupil place into HHS or Madison. It doesn't matter what elementary school the student attended. I know some families that have submitted pupil placement forms, and they weren't told that they couldn't go to Oakton, but no promises were made and they don't have anything in writing. (people with siblings at Oakton have no problem). Also, things may have changed in the last week or so. I don't know anyone who actually has a letter saying that their placement at their choice of school has been approved. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, I just don't know.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: March 11, 2008 09:48AM

Anyone have any idea as to how many pupil placement forms SL might be sitting on? By the way, in contrast to redistricting, arbitrary or capricious conduct in denying placements to schools may very well leave the schools open to litigation risk, and one would think that the School Board's lawyers have advised the same. In any event, it would be interesting to hear a best guess at to the numbers at issue.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: March 11, 2008 09:56AM

quantum Wrote:
> Anyone have any idea as to how many pupil
> placement forms SL might be sitting on? By the
> way, in contrast to redistricting, arbitrary or
> capricious conduct in denying placements to
> schools may very well leave the schools open to
> litigation risk, and one would think that the
> School Board's lawyers have advised the same. In
> any event, it would be interesting to hear a best
> guess at to the numbers at issue.

My guess,

1) Out of 139 from Fox mill, if we assume 60% then about 80.

2) I know about 25 from Floris.

3) About 10 from Madison.

So roughly 115.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:01AM

leave us alone - so let's do a little extrapolation (knowing that we are engaging in speculation). This is a pupil placement rate (at least in terms of request) of about at least 60% - maybe more - near 70%? If so, then the redistricting is a failure - and the stack of pupil placement forms is concrete testimony to that. And this first year is crucial - it will set expectations for years to come. Any comments, or am I being a bit hasty to come to any conclusions, even ones that I admit are very preliminary?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:08AM

One thing that may get some students from FM and Floris to Oakton is Japanese, which HHS probably doesn't have.

I'm not sure we'd be able to guess the pupil placement numbers with any accuracy. Rumor has it that BB expects 1/3 to 1/2 of students (RD rising 9th graders) to request pupil placement. However, BB is (understandably) trying to convince some or most of them to give SL a try. I haven't heard that he is being heavy handed about it, although I know that some would say that he shouldn't try to persuade anyone who submits the form, that's not his job. I suspect that someone in the admin office or SB is pushing for him to keep as many at SL as possible, either by selling them on SL or telling them that HHS is their only AP option.

I actually think that the first year will be the highest for pupil placement, but that doesn't mean that the RD isn't a failure. I've been against it from the start so I'd be very pleased to see it reversed, through lawsuit or other means.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2008 10:11AM by fm/c/o parent.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: future ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:12AM

quantum Wrote:
> leave us alone - so let's do a little
> extrapolation (knowing that we are engaging in
> speculation). This is a pupil placement rate (at
> least in terms of request) of about at least 60% -
> maybe more - near 70%? If so, then the
> redistricting is a failure - and the stack of
> pupil placement forms is concrete testimony to
> that. And this first year is crucial - it will
> set expectations for years to come. Any comments,
> or am I being a bit hasty to come to any
> conclusions, even ones that I admit are very
> preliminary?

Not necessarily. Every year more and more of the younger families that are currently worried about South Lakes/IB will hear back from their neighbors who went that it is a great school and they won't feel the need to pupil place. The SB knows this and won't be basing success on the first year.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:14AM

It was pointed out to the School Board, that instead of forcing everyone into South Lakes via redistricting and pupil placing more than 50% for AP/IB reasons (in this case I think it is close to 70%), would it not be more practical to,

Ask Fox Mill/Floris parents who are interested in IB program and provide them with transportation to attract kids to South Lakes. I can't imagine it taking more than 2 buses maximum to ferry the kids to and from South Lakes in this case.

But that proposal ran into opposition because that makes South Lakes Magnet/Focus school. Or maybe they thought they will not get enough kids with this approach.

I think bottom line is, IB school is forced on kids who were slated to go to AP school. Pupil placement is an option but without transportation and applying every year for pupil placement it is only an option for committed parents. Rest of the crowd will go into South Lakes because they have no option (or they prefer IB). Lets face it, are these the kids that South Lakes wants to boost their scores?

I also know for a fact that school board knew about this up front. Because when asked about overcrowding at South Lakes (because of the redistricting their number was supposed to be 2000 + in 2012), Tisdatt is on record saying "oh!! We don't really expect all these kids to show up!!"

Like someone said before, what a farce.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:18AM

Neen Wrote:

> Seeing what their ideology has done to kids over the last 40 years,
> especially poor, Black, kids, has turned me off of them for good.

40 years ago, de facto segregation was still present in much of the Commonwealth. Sadly, only in the 1970s did a lot of the suspicion among Blacks of the school systems begin to get erased. (Ironic aside, the all-white schools in the Boston busing debacle actually were worse then the schools the Boston authorities wanted to send their kids to.)

Part of the problem I have with the Republican education agenda in FCPS (didn't Bryckner get defeated a few years ago?) is that it seems to assume (1) Parents are operating in 100% good faith and will act to keep their kids in line, (2) Teachers/administrators won't abuse the authority given to them to deal with 'troublemakers' (at many schools it seems this is define as anyone who dresses funny), and that (3) the 20-30% who don't excel under phonics, Saxon math, etc., can just go to hell. This is just what I see, maybe I'm looking at things wrongly.

I have seen one Black law professor (and not one of the usual conservative suspects) argue that perhaps things would have been better had the NAACP worked to force states/localities to make Black schools truly equal as opposed to the Brown strategy of reversing Plessy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: hmm? ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:22AM

future Wrote:
> quantum Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > leave us alone - so let's do a little
> > extrapolation (knowing that we are engaging in
> > speculation). This is a pupil placement rate
> (at
> > least in terms of request) of about at least 60%
> -
> > maybe more - near 70%? If so, then the
> > redistricting is a failure - and the stack of
> > pupil placement forms is concrete testimony to
> > that. And this first year is crucial - it will
> > set expectations for years to come. Any
> comments,
> > or am I being a bit hasty to come to any
> > conclusions, even ones that I admit are very
> > preliminary?
> Not necessarily. Every year more and more of the
> younger families that are currently worried about
> South Lakes/IB will hear back from their neighbors
> who went that it is a great school and they won't
> feel the need to pupil place. The SB knows this
> and won't be basing success on the first year.


I will give you your point that South Lakes is greatest school in Fairfax County. No questions asked.

You pro-RD people still think AP vs IB is a non issue. Parents and their children will decide that. Trust me, my son and I have spent at least 20 hours on this topic. We have

a) Extensively gone through the literature.

b) Analyzed my son's strengths and weaknesses.

c) Interviewed IB and AP students.

d) Looked at college credit issues.

We have reached the conclusion that AP is the way to go for my son. Please don't continue to ignore this flaw in South Lakes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:35AM

Neen Wrote:
> Liberals love IB because it is Eurocentric. It's
> based in Europe, there is little US history and no
> US Government. It's not about the US, it's about

OK, so missing Government/Civics is important. You have something here.

> the global fill-in-the-blank. It's big on
> community service to the correct causes, global
> warming, ecology, and other globe hugging causes.

Reasonable people can disagree on whether (1) the current global warming is man-made or (2) whether this is a case of the cure being worse than the disease. I'm not sure why you make the disparaging remarks about 'globe hugging causes.'

> Democrats think anything that is not about the US
> is better than any program that is based in the
> US. A program that is Euro focused is better than
> a program that is US focused. Europe, and the
> rest of the world, is just way cooler than the US.

OK, now you're going off into right field here. I've seen plenty of America hate coming from the Paulistinians and Buchanan supporters. One could even argue with the blunders Bush has made his supporters must hate America.

> The US is just embarrassing, with all our
> success, money, and higher standards of living.
> Better to focus on the closer to socialism
> countries of Europe.

If you are in the top 60-70% of the American social pyramid, you're doing just fine, probably better than the top 60-70% of Europe. I'd hazard a guess that the bottom 30-40% of Europeans are better off than our bottom 30-40%.

> What our school board forgets is that very few
> students in Fairfax county go to college in Europe
> or India or Africa. More than 99% of those who go
> to college after FCPS, attend a college in the US.

Yep. You're right. The biggest weakness, by far, of the IB programme is that American colleges just don't accept IB classes for credit. Are the classes equally rigorous? I'd like to think it comes out to a wash, with some AP classes easier and vice-versa. Some with ideological bias will of course just make assumptions one way or the other.

> Therefore a US college prep program, one that
> prepares our students for college in the US, makes
> more sense (not to mention far cheaper) than a

I haven't seen the cost comparison between IB and AP in terms of what it costs the school district. If IB is significantly more expensive then it makes sense to ditch it for that and the 'American colleges don't accept it' angle.

> program that prepares students for college on
> other continents. For those students who are rich
> enough to attend the Sorbonne after high school,
> perhaps one IB school in FCPS, would be nice.

Just set it up at Langley then. ;)

> More than one or two such special schools is a
> waste of money, and not the best training for US
> colleges.

Of course, the alternative might be for American colleges to accept IB classes of equal rigor. That would cost colleges money to investigate and the such (or school districts money to prove the equal rigor.)

I have voted straight ticket Dem since 2003, and believe IB should simply go away in the absence of American colleges accepting it. If American colleges start accepting IB credit, then that's fine, we can argue about two relatively equal commodities. But right now, one is far more useful to its recipients than the other.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Truth About Neen ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:49AM

A little bird told me that Neen campaigned for Stu, so we can thank her for his tenure. Even though she says the process was 'flawed' she is pleased that her precious Madison was left out of the process. She has no clue about how to teach poor children, since she chose a mostly white and middle class to affluent community to live in (Town of Vienna), had children in GT, and directed her volunteer efforts toward the top 5% of students, not the bottom 50%.

Since she voted for Stu and Clinton (so much for her judgement), I guess she is a former limousine liberal/ now elite libertarian/conservative. She degrades anyone here who makes their own choice (if it's IB) or who chooses the humanities, even though she has said herself that she is not the math/science type. She seems like one of those Moms who lived through her children, since she brags here about her son the engineer, and that is why she now spends so much time on FU; no life of her own. She never says a word about her other son, so I guess since he didn't make it to TJ there is not much to brag about.

Judge for yourself.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: future ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:50AM

hmm? Wrote:
> future Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > Not necessarily. Every year more and more of
> the
> > younger families that are currently worried
> about
> > South Lakes/IB will hear back from their
> neighbors
> > who went that it is a great school and they
> won't
> > feel the need to pupil place. The SB knows this
> > and won't be basing success on the first year.
> Future,
> I will give you your point that South Lakes is
> greatest school in Fairfax County. No questions
> asked.
> You pro-RD people still think AP vs IB is a non
> issue. Parents and their children will decide
> that. Trust me, my son and I have spent at least
> 20 hours on this topic. We have
> a) Extensively gone through the literature.
> b) Analyzed my son's strengths and weaknesses.
> c) Interviewed IB and AP students.
> d) Looked at college credit issues.
> We have reached the conclusion that AP is the way
> to go for my son. Please don't continue to ignore
> this flaw in South Lakes.

I never said that you did not have the right to look into both programs and decide which is better for your children, why are you being so defensive? I did say that with time, those that are currently up in arms about the decision might find that when they hype has died down, it will be more important for them to attend the community school (yes, South Lakes will eventually become your community school) and the differences between IB and AP will not seem as great. This is the case in the current SL district. Not all families are pro-IB but most do not see it as a need to switch schools.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: boring ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:55AM

Truth About Neen Wrote:
> A little bird told me that Neen campaigned for
> Stu, so we can thank her for his tenure. Even
> though she says the process was 'flawed' she is
> pleased that her precious Madison was left out of
> the process. She has no clue about how to teach
> poor children, since she chose a mostly white and
> middle class to affluent community to live in
> (Town of Vienna), had children in GT, and directed
> her volunteer efforts toward the top 5% of
> students, not the bottom 50%.
> Since she voted for Stu and Clinton (so much for
> her judgement), I guess she is a former limousine
> liberal/ now elite libertarian/conservative. She
> degrades anyone here who makes their own choice
> (if it's IB) or who chooses the humanities, even
> though she has said herself that she is not the
> math/science type. She seems like one of those
> Moms who lived through her children, since she
> brags here about her son the engineer, and that is
> why she now spends so much time on FU; no life of
> her own. She never says a word about her other
> son, so I guess since he didn't make it to TJ
> there is not much to brag about.
> Judge for yourself.

Who cares.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: nemesis ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:56AM

1) Anyone who thinks they can judge a human being on the basis of posts of Fairfax Underground is fooling themselves. Neen is an amazing person and has advocated on more issues than you know. If the little bird was from the SL pyramid, have you ever considered the fact that your sources evidence the same bias you have?

2) If you think ad hominem attacks will help the SL cause, think again. When you get unhappy with the strength of her criticisms, you attack her personally thinking she will back down. Haven't you realized by now it isn't going to work? The strength of your ideas will be borne out in the marketplace. If people hear good things and you're welcoming, they'll come. If not, they won't come. Attacking Neen does zippo to aid your cause or convince people you're open minded enough to have people with differing viewpoints join the SL community. In fact, it does the opposite.

Truth About Neen Wrote:
> A little bird told me that Neen campaigned for
> Stu, so we can thank her for his tenure. Even
> though she says the process was 'flawed' she is
> pleased that her precious Madison was left out of
> the process. She has no clue about how to teach
> poor children, since she chose a mostly white and
> middle class to affluent community to live in
> (Town of Vienna), had children in GT, and directed
> her volunteer efforts toward the top 5% of
> students, not the bottom 50%.
> Since she voted for Stu and Clinton (so much for
> her judgement), I guess she is a former limousine
> liberal/ now elite libertarian/conservative. She
> degrades anyone here who makes their own choice
> (if it's IB) or who chooses the humanities, even
> though she has said herself that she is not the
> math/science type. She seems like one of those
> Moms who lived through her children, since she
> brags here about her son the engineer, and that is
> why she now spends so much time on FU; no life of
> her own. She never says a word about her other
> son, so I guess since he didn't make it to TJ
> there is not much to brag about.
> Judge for yourself.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Moo ()
Date: March 11, 2008 10:59AM

No one has had success with any pupil placement yet, have they? Does anyone really know where they are going? Does anyone have a signed form in hand? Since people don't have the final, signed-off form in hand, they are second-guessing their fate. What are they doing with AP/sibling requests for Chantilly or Westfield? What are they doing with sibling requests? Why is it fair to force families (many of them single-parent families) to split their children apart and drive all over creation just to make the HS experience work? Although, Floris has been told their closest school for AP is Herndon, the outcome is unknown for their requests. Of course, most Floris students headed to Herndon will know very few kids and will stick out like sore thumbs. Why not run an AP bus through Fox Mill and Floris to Oakton? There are ways to make this work with out making things so damn difficult on the students and their families. You can believe that most parents of Floris-based AP PP requests will end up sending their student to wherever in the school, even if it is mid-county, as long as it is not SL. Of course, what a way to wreck a community and completely cause planning nightmares at RCMS, but this isn't the county's business. Now, instead of focusing on education and SOLs, RCMS is too busy pouring over lists of student's addresses trying to figure out "who lives where?" so they can herd them into the right rooms for their orientations (much like the second and third townhall meetings). Can you say "moo" ?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:02AM

> I never said that you did not have the right to
> look into both programs and decide which is better
> for your children, why are you being so defensive?
> I did say that with time, those that are currently
> up in arms about the decision might find that when
> they hype has died down, it will be more important
> for them to attend the community school (yes,
> South Lakes will eventually become your community
> school) and the differences between IB and AP will
> not seem as great. This is the case in the current
> SL district. Not all families are pro-IB but most
> do not see it as a need to switch schools.


Nice!! Now SL is a community school. You hatch neighborhoods, grab kids from everywhere into your community school. North Reston does not want to do anything with this South Lakes community school I suppose.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: future ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:08AM

leave_us_alone Wrote:
> > I never said that you did not have the right to
> > look into both programs and decide which is
> better
> > for your children, why are you being so
> defensive?
> > I did say that with time, those that are
> currently
> > up in arms about the decision might find that
> when
> > they hype has died down, it will be more
> important
> > for them to attend the community school (yes,
> > South Lakes will eventually become your
> community
> > school) and the differences between IB and AP
> will
> > not seem as great. This is the case in the
> current
> > SL district. Not all families are pro-IB but
> most
> > do not see it as a need to switch schools.
> Future,
> Nice!! Now SL is a community school. You hatch
> neighborhoods, grab kids from everywhere into your
> community school. North Reston does not want to do
> anything with this South Lakes community school I
> suppose.

Yes, South Lakes has always been a community school and now you are part of that community. Just like Oakton is a "community" school even though Fox Mill is no where near Oakton. It has nothing to do with towns/addresses.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:15AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> ... I haven't seen the cost comparison between IB and
> AP in terms of what it costs the school district.
> If IB is significantly more expensive then it
> makes sense to ditch it for that and the 'American
> colleges don't accept it' angle.

School Board member Kaye Kory asked this as a budget question (Question #4, FY 2009, dated January 23, 2008).
Using FCPS data for 2007:
Cost: AP $2.1M / IB $2.0M
Number of exams taken: AP 28,598 / IB 5,488
Students who took at least one AP exam 13,856 / at least one IB exam 2,146

That makes IB five to six and a half times MORE expensive than AP, depending on whether you measure cost per exam or cost per student.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:25AM

> Yes, South Lakes has always been a community
> school and now you are part of that community.
> Just like Oakton is a "community" school even
> though Fox Mill is no where near Oakton. It has
> nothing to do with towns/addresses.

Hmm. Don't know about others, but at least me and my family will never be part of this South Lakes community. We feel more like annexation against our will.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:26AM

"Yes, South Lakes has always been a community school and now you are part of that community. Just like Oakton is a "community" school even though Fox Mill is no where near Oakton. It has nothing to do with towns/addresses."

Fox Mill has been with Oakton for 20 years and that is a very long time. I still think Aldrin in Reston which is closer to SL should have gone to SL before Fox Mill was plucked out. What is more these redistricted families won't be able to enjoy the Reston special tax rates of using pools, etc because they do not live in Reston and yet have to go to South Lakes.

Options: ReplyQuote
AP and IB
Posted by: hmm? ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:28AM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> School Board member Kaye Kory asked this as a
> budget question (Question #4, FY 2009, dated
> January 23, 2008).
> Using FCPS data for 2007:
> Cost: AP $2.1M / IB $2.0M
> Number of exams taken: AP 28,598 / IB 5,488
> Students who took at least one AP exam 13,856 / at
> least one IB exam 2,146
> That makes IB five to six and a half times MORE
> expensive than AP, depending on whether you
> measure cost per exam or cost per student.

Holy Crap!!

What kind of numbers are this? Let me see, what conclusion can we draw out of this?

How about for starters, AP is more mainstream program.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:29AM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> School Board member Kaye Kory asked this as a
> budget question (Question #4, FY 2009, dated
> January 23, 2008).
> Using FCPS data for 2007:
> Cost: AP $2.1M / IB $2.0M
> Number of exams taken: AP 28,598 / IB 5,488
> Students who took at least one AP exam 13,856 / at
> least one IB exam 2,146
> That makes IB five to six and a half times MORE
> expensive than AP, depending on whether you
> measure cost per exam or cost per student.

There might be some economics of scale going on, but until nearly all American colleges start accepting IB, it makes it worthless to implement IB on a wider scale.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:32AM

> There might be some economics of scale going on,
> but until nearly all American colleges start
> accepting IB, it makes it worthless to implement
> IB on a wider scale.

Ok. If that is the case, how about bringing this up in SL PTSA meeting?

Oh! I forgot, you really want the redistricted parents and students to drive this agenda of driving out IB in SL. It is not your cause to fight right?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: future ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:35AM

1. Fox Mill is closer to South Lakes than Aldrin is. But yes, Aldrin should have come first. But they didn't and this is the situation we are in.
2. There are parts of Reston that are not in the special tax district that go to SL and they get along just fine as part of the SL community. (Shaker Woods, Polo Club, GF Crossing, etc.)
3. I said that "IN TIME" this will occur. The entire point of the first post was that the RD will not be judged on its first year. 20 years ago FM was part of the Herndon community. 10 years from now it will absolutely consider itself part of SL.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:38AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> Forum Reader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > School Board member Kaye Kory asked this as a
> > budget question (Question #4, FY 2009, dated
> > January 23, 2008).
> > Using FCPS data for 2007:
> > Cost: AP $2.1M / IB $2.0M
> > Number of exams taken: AP 28,598 / IB 5,488
> > Students who took at least one AP exam 13,856 /
> at
> > least one IB exam 2,146
> >
> > That makes IB five to six and a half times MORE
> > expensive than AP, depending on whether you
> > measure cost per exam or cost per student.
> There might be some economics of scale going on,
> but until nearly all American colleges start
> accepting IB, it makes it worthless to implement
> IB on a wider scale.

There are NO economies of scale in IB. IBO is a non-profit business and FX is a cash cow. FX intends to advertise a increase in tax rate of maybe $.03. Might not do it but have to advertise it.

Middle years IB is almost 1 million dollars and does not exist at Robinson and Marshall nor the middle school feeders for them. Robinson has 2 IB coordinators for DIPLOMA candidates. Think about it - would you expect an Instructional Coach for every 40 students at TJ? IB is buying mercedes SUV when a dodge durango works just fine.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:40AM

Future - the problem with your premise is that people have been hearing what a great school - I believe "gem" is the term - South Lakes is for quite some time now and yet the school has continued with a significant number of good students staying away from it. I suppose that one could posit (as you are) that increased exposure to the school by way of forced administrative march will change things, but my intuition is that given the hard feelings engendered by this redistricting process that only truly superior academic performance will do that - a tough challenge to overcome, particularly when many are not well disposed to the program of instruction. I understand why you would want to be optimistic - and you may be ultimately be right - but the historical data is not on your side and the school board did not act in a way so as to encourage a sea change in attitude. And I do disagree that the first year is not a bellweather - of course it is....I can just imagine realtors already whispering, but yes, other schools are available with a pupil placement request - the first year's data hence will be exceedingly important and if you think realtors and other community types with a vested interest don't engage in that kind of behavior, think again. (They have been doing it for years to South Lakes and the pro-RD people know it - hence the vigor by which the redistricting was fought for). But my point is I think a good one - if there is only a 35% or so take up rate - meaning that there is a net gain of at most 50 students a year - what will have taken place is a heck of amount of rancor and energy to add 200 students over a four year period. And it will spawn even more of a cottage industry than already exists to avoid the school or pupil place around the school - which of course has its own circularity and self defeating attributes - putting the school in a no different position than it is today and the people supporting the school's gem like attributes being inexorably called upon to play the role of "victims" deserving of sympathy and help. Again, hardly an enticing prospect for improvement.

Moo - your post is prescient in that it reminds us of the dangers of speculating. But the school board must tread carefully here - it can't make the universal (and public) promise, on one hand, of choice between an AP and IB school, and then make that choice meaningless or illusory through an arbitrary or ridiculous offer of placement. And I do agree that the schools have no placed themselves in administrative hell as opposed to focusing on academics and educational matters. But this is what we have come to expect, right?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:42AM

future Wrote:
> 1. Fox Mill is closer to South Lakes than Aldrin
> is. But yes, Aldrin should have come first...

Fox Mill has residences further from South Lakes than Aldrin residences. Once again Aldrin has no changes and once again new construction near Herndon High is going to Langley schools instead of Armstrong or Aldrin. I'm sick of paying for this junk.

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