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Posted Sunday, February 24, 2008
The IB program at South Lakes is amazing. The teachers are dedicated, hard working, and the students are excellent in those classes. The regular level classes could use some improvement with discipline and focus. However, safety has never been a 'paramount of importance' for my children here. I'm assuming that comment below might have been written by an angry
I hope that all of the incoming students are bright enough to get into the IB courses, as this parent comment above reflects what I have heard from other SL parents who have children in South Lakes.
The Regular Level classes need "discipline and focus"
I am afraid that those kids who are going to be in the "regular classes" in South Lakes are in for a slightly different educational opportunity,than that of their siblings in Madison, Oakton and Westfield.
Oh well, I am sure that South Lakes will really be under the microscope now. It seems that in the past, it has only been the vocal, well to do parents of the IB students who have been speaking up about all of the wonderful opportunities that South Lakes offers. Very few have said anything about the "other" students and what those classes are like.
I fully expect that those parents and students from MI, FM and Floris who are not fortunate enough to place out of South Lakes, will be able to share a more unbiased opinion regarding the educational opportunities as well as other aspects of daily life in the school.
I really hope that all of the "rumors" regarding South Lakes are really just that, and that the quality of education, safety of students etc. for the general education students at South Lakes is just the same as Oakton, Madison and Westfield.
I noticed on the news yesterday that the stats on fights, weapons etc was posted on the screen, and it did not show South lakes in such a great light, as compared to Westfield. I believe that there were twice as many serious incedents at South Lakes, with there being less that half as many kids.
I am sure that our SBM's are going to take very good care of your children as they enter their new school, as it would be very embarrasing for there to be an 'Incendent" involving any of the new kids being forced into South Lakes.
Good luck to all of you in the transition.