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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: NavyGetsOut ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:34PM

Sorry Future Seahawk, I mixed your name with See Hawk.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: People pal ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:45PM

AP Wrote:
> That surely makes a lawsuit much easier.
> "Rumor says SB now "realize" Chantilly is not over
> crowded after all."

Did you mean this Rumer?


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: COUGAR ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:48PM

With all of these posts, do not forget that the most severely impacted school is Oakton, shich (according to the SB) was only included to accomodate potential ripple effects of relieving the over-populated schools in the study. Yes, people will place in to the school, but then we have a school with 25% of the students pupil placed. That is ridiculous.

It will be interesting to see if the SB is willing to risk the resulting lawsuits of doing this.

On another note, would this not just be the same as creating an academy / magnet/ other program at SL and using that to "attract" students ... all while minimizing disruption to anyone.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:54PM

Asian immigrants don't volunteer in schools?

That explains why Ilryong Moon never sets foot in any school in FCPS, despite being a member of the school board.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:57PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:57PM

I agree it's unfair to Oakton, to Navy, to Floris...This thing started wrong, when they leave Langley and Madison out, where they boarder SLHS and are much closer, when they need to resort to a 25 year old guideline for building new schools to make WFH or Chantilly "over-enrolled".

If you look at how splitted the middle schools are or going to be, a better planning is needed. RD should not be the only solution in the first place.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:57PM

Neen Wrote:
> Asian immigrants don't volunteer in schools?
> That explains why Ilryong Moon never sets foot in
> any school in FCPS, despite being a member of the
> school board.

Really? Doesn't he have a kid currently in a FCPS school according to the SB profile?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:58PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholiooo

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 04:59PM

Baffled Wrote:
> "I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for
> my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

Corn or whoever you are, don't USE my "name". I just might as well register my name. Sheesh.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:03PM

A great man once said..

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:13PM

Baffled Wrote:
> A great man once said..
> "I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for
> my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

Corn, you can stop now.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:15PM

See Hawk Wrote:
> WestfieldDad Wrote:
> >
> > For Reston, some more kids at South Lakes, but
> the
> > final end to any possibility that the Reston
> > identity would include a Reston High School.
> > Complete with Robert E. Simon's nail in the
> > coffin.
> >
> > Congratulations.
> Thanks for the heartfelt sentiments. We also
> deeply appreciate your concern for Reston's
> integrity as a community, which appear to be
> equally sincere.

I had the good fortune to NOT grow up in Fairfax County. Alas, my children don't. When our Founders laid out the North West Territories, they had the good sense to lay out townships on a human scale. Tragically, they neglected to do the same where they lived.

So, with Thomas More, I am sad and angry about it. RES was right when he tried to create Reston as a real community. Like the Founders, his concept put human scale and people and community first. For kids, and, yes, for adults, schools are part of a thriving community.

For the same reason, I'm sad and angry about what's happened and happening to Carson/Floris/Franklin. Herndon and South Lakes pyramid structures allow and support community creation and maintenance all the way up from elementary school. Instead of the community high school Carson/Floris/Franklin should have, we communities get chopped up and thrown around whenever and where ever the SB wants whenever they need some high scoring kids.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled. ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:19PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestFieldDad ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:20PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldDad ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:26PM

AP Wrote:
> I agree it's unfair to Oakton, to Navy, to
> Floris...This thing started wrong, when they leave
> Langley and Madison out, where they boarder SLHS
> and are much closer, when they need to resort to a
> 25 year old guideline for building new schools to
> make WFH or Chantilly "over-enrolled".
Actually, it wasn't a 'guideline.' It was the official policy of the school system that no HS ever be built larger than 2000. They just ignored it when they felt like it. When they dusted it off last year, they changed the language to make it legal to ignore it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cornholio ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:27PM

Baffled Wrote:
> Baffled Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A great man once said..
> >
> >
> > "I am the Great Cornholio....I need
> TEEPEE...for
> > my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio
> Corn, you can stop now.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CornBaffled ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:28PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Old Timer ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:35PM

quantum Wrote:
> Old Timer - explain the significance of TJ being,
> as you state, mostly white and wealthy (and I
> guess asian, too). The school is more diverse
> than almost any other, except, of course, when it
> comes to native intelligence, to which it has a
> surplus. There are literally kids with national
> origins from all over the globe there. Or are the
> children of the wrong kind of race or national
> origin to fufill a progressive narrative, or at
> least your own definition of diversity? Or
> alternatively, are these really the kinds of kids
> upon which it makes sense to play racial identity
> politics? They are smart, they will, if properly
> trained, bring outsize benefits and multiplier
> factors to our economy and to our culture, and it
> is in our interest to challenge them as best we
> can. Is this really the platform upon which we
> should let typically vacuous notions of liberal
> white guilt prevail?

Ohh - "liberal white guilt," "progressive narrative," "racial identity politics." What are you talking about Quantum? I expected much more from you.

I mentioned TJ is mostly white or asian and wealthy in relation to its high average SAT scores. Duh!

We were discussing when IB was implemented in South Lakes and Forum Reader said that SL was never a "high" performing school.

To accurately measure SL performance, I said you would have to throw out TJs score as it skews the average OR reattribute the scores back to their base school.

As we should all know by now, SAT scores ARE NOT an indicator of high school excellence but are very closely correlated to parental education and wealth. At least this is the case in Fairfax county.

Before you tell me that TJ is diverse (yeah so what -the whole county is) and not wealthy, let's look at the data:

TJ demographics of students from fcps.edu:

Asian 36%
Black 1.5%
Hispanic 2.5%
White 54%
Other 6%

90% of the students at TJ are white or asian. Only 1.4% are on free and reduced lunch. Maybe asian or white parents don't let their children go on frl, who knows. But FRL is an "indicator" of demographics and wealth of the population.

TJ is 1.4% - for comparison sakes, Langley is 1%, Madison is 5%.

So, to generalize, the population at TJ is generally white or asian and wealthy. Isn't this what I said? Did I criticize the population for being white or asian or wealthy? I doubt it, as myself and most of you on this forum, fit the same critieria.

Wealth is relative - the median household income in the nation in 2006 was <$50,000. Most of the households in Fairfax County are wealthy compared to the nation as a whole. The median household income of Fairfax county residents was $100,300, that is DOUBLE the national figure. Most people in the rest of the nation (and certainly the world) believe that a household income of $100,000 is wealthy. Now, what it can get you in NoVA in terms of housing, etc. is a different story.

Forum Reader - I know many asian TJ students. The ones I know come from dual income college educated parents.

None of this is a criticism of TJ or a judgement. It is what it is.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: 0ldTimer ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:42PM

Oh one more thing folks

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:44PM

Cornholio can't touch this...you little punk

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Corn chunks ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:48PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> Cornholio can't touch this...you little punk


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 22, 2008 05:49PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: NavyGetsOut ()
Date: February 22, 2008 06:20PM

Okay I have to participate

I am the Great Cornholio...I need Tee Pee... for my BUNGHOLE--Cornholio'

Okay are we done now? May we dismiss this person with special needs from this point forward?

Cornholio - good luck to you.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Coolio redux ()
Date: February 22, 2008 06:22PM

Did I hear someone callin' out my name?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: TEEPE!!! ()
Date: February 22, 2008 06:23PM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Viewer ()
Date: February 22, 2008 06:25PM

What in the tarnation is Teepee? What does it have to do with high school redistricting? Will there be any teepee in the new school?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Concerned Paretn ()
Date: February 22, 2008 06:30PM

I am a parent of a student who currently is enrolled at Oakton....I seriously hope my student wont have to wipe his bunghole with Teepee at South Lakes....what if he has to wipe his butt with black students...or asians.....

Do they have fresh Toilet Rolls at South Lakes? What if it the teepee is to ghetto and makes my boys bum hurt?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: A concerned neighbor ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:28PM

I appreciate the insightful dialoque offered by all in this forum. Since only option 1 appeared in the agenda for the next school board meeting and the work session last night was cancelled. What is the next step?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:29PM

I am intrigued that Oakton parents are so concerned about their numbers being reduced; does that not give them more empathy for South Lakes and not less?

What are they afraid of: less sections offered, smaller sports teams, less money in the Booster coffers? Now perhaps the parents of Oakton know how we South Lakes parents have felt lo these many years (at one point, the SB tried to move portions of Crossfield to SL, but it was protested loudly by the Crossfield community).

If Oakton is worried about declining enrollments I want to know why. South Lakes would still be less enrolled with general ed students than Oakton, considering that South Lakes has an MMR magnet pulling around 85 students from surrounding communities,including Oakton, and a much larger ESOL population. That will not change, as Reston has many more affordable housing units than Oakton. Additionally, since so many Fox Mill families are threatening to pupil place back to Oakton, where is the concern? It is hard indeed to work up too much sympathy for Oakton's future plight.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CornHole ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:31PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Very Concerned Neighbor ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:34PM

Will the excess amount of poo produced by the students of Oakton coming into the South Lakes school cause the sewers to be backed up? I'd hate to think some caucasion student entering here with his loads of crap and stuffing up our toilets with "TeePee"

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: From Oakton to South Lakes ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:47PM

I think Oakton has a right to be concerned that this redistricting could shift their population from around 2300 to only 1850 if Navy doesn't get moved to replace the students being redistricted from Fox Mill to South Lakes. I would think a South Lakes parent would understand the implications for the school of such a dramatic shift. It does not seem fair to populate one school at the expense of another, particularly a school that is not overcrowded but is in the mix because part of its student body comes from neighborhoods closer to South Lakes. I am rather surprised at the apparently callous attitude you have toward the implications for Oakton. So much for looking out for the greater good. I guess no matter what side of the issue people fall on--pro or anti-RD--everyone is really just looking out for their own self interests.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: APorIBMom ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:47PM

Old Timer, I don't think that many would agree with you that any child who does not qualify for free and reduced price lunches is by definition wealthy. TJ is really a middle class school. If you want to see a school with mostly wealthy students, try Langley HS or one of the local private schools.

Old Timer Wrote:
> 90% of the students at TJ are white or asian.
> Only 1.4% are on free and reduced lunch. Maybe
> asian or white parents don't let their children go
> on frl, who knows. But FRL is an "indicator" of
> demographics and wealth of the population.
> TJ is 1.4% - for comparison sakes, Langley is 1%,
> Madison is 5%.
> So, to generalize, the population at TJ is
> generally white or asian and wealthy.
> Wealth is relative - the median household income
> in the nation in 2006 was <$50,000. Most of the
> households in Fairfax County are wealthy compared
> to the nation as a whole. The median household
> income of Fairfax county residents was $100,300,
> that is DOUBLE the national figure. Most people
> in the rest of the nation (and certainly the
> world) believe that a household income of $100,000
> is wealthy. Now, what it can get you in NoVA in
> terms of housing, etc. is a different story.
> Forum Reader - I know many asian TJ students. The
> ones I know come from dual income college educated
> parents.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: APorIBMom ()
Date: February 22, 2008 07:52PM

Accidental double post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2008 07:31AM by APorIBMom.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: TeePee ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:09AM

What about Teepee for my students bunghole? I sure hope they have good thick tissue at South Lakes... ;(

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cornholio ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:09AM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: APorIBMom. ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:12AM

Old Timer, I don't think that many would agree with you that any child who does not wipe his butt for free and reduced Teepee is by definition wealthy, especially not within the context of living in Fairfax County. TJ is really a middle class school, with a sprinkling of bungholes. If you want to see a school with more and perhaps even mostly Cornholes, try Langley HS or one of the local private schools.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldMom ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:11AM

new news? Wrote:
> I heard that Stu told the head of the SL PTA that
> the PTA must open a dialog with the new families
> about a switch to AP. Anyone have more on this?
> Of course, it could just be an empty gesture so
> Stu and the PTA can say they listened. Anyone
> have any news or context for this report?

I object to using the PTA as the voice of the community. The PTA does not represent
ethnically or economically the makeup of the student body. They are a self-selected group. Why do they go straight to the PTAs as if they were representatives?

Why don't they poll the community?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:34AM

SLVerity Wrote:
> I am intrigued that Oakton parents are so
> concerned about their numbers being reduced; ... It is hard indeed
> to work up too much sympathy for Oakton's future
> plight.

We are still back to the original question: why should students be pulled out of Oakton?

I try very hard to stick to data, not feelings, on this thread, but wouldn't you expect people to object to having children pulled out of their well-functioning environment to try to "fix" one that is not working as well?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:37AM

new news? Wrote:
> I heard that Stu told the head of the SL PTA that
> the PTA must open a dialog with the new families
> about a switch to AP. Anyone have more on this?
> Of course, it could just be an empty gesture so
> Stu and the PTA can say they listened. Anyone
> have any news or context for this report?

Let me make this clear once for all !!!

South Lakes can never offer comparable AP courses till they have IB. In these tight budget crisis times when they are cutting programs left and right, this is not going to happen, PERIOD!! And no one is getting rid of IB. It won't happen and it should not happen. There are many parents in this area who like the fact that there is an IB school nearby. I have never said IB is a bad curiculum. It is great for liberal arts.

Having said this, it is only logical to think that Students who want AP would have to look somewhere out and people who want IB will get into South Lakes. Somehow this concept of magnets school or focus school does not seem to get into the head of SB members.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:51AM

SLVerity writes:

"I am intrigued that Oakton parents are so concerned about their numbers being reduced; does that not give them more empathy for South Lakes and not less?

What are they afraid of: less sections offered, smaller sports teams, less money in the Booster coffers? Now perhaps the parents of Oakton know how we South Lakes parents have felt lo these many years (at one point, the SB tried to move portions of Crossfield to SL, but it was protested loudly by the Crossfield community).

If Oakton is worried about declining enrollments I want to know why. South Lakes would still be less enrolled with general ed students than Oakton, considering that South Lakes has an MMR magnet pulling around 85 students from surrounding communities,including Oakton, and a much larger ESOL population. That will not change, as Reston has many more affordable housing units than Oakton. Additionally, since so many Fox Mill families are threatening to pupil place back to Oakton, where is the concern? It is hard indeed to work up too much sympathy for Oakton's future plight."

I see...you just want a (another?) chance to be haughty. Nice. I thought you were usually the first one to evaluate whether options met the school board's goals, none of which call for changes at schools in balance, such as Oakton, but also Langley and Madison? But we see now that you have no interest in whether others are affected...perhaps you invite others to do likewise?

Changes to the programs at Oakton from loss of 400+ kids would be at the margins, as they will be with more kids added to South Lakes. That's not an opinion, that's a fact based on what other schools do. But it does seem a bit odd to have a plan where we put 2100+ students in a facility for 2100, and then 1850 in a facility for 2350. Not a reason to stop the presses, not a reason to bitch and moan, just odd. The only reason this plan makes sense is if you think the new people won't show up to South Lakes.

And the MMR/ESOL numbers are small impacts that wouln't affect the general education ratios. 85 out of 2100 is not many. South Lakes has 125 ESOL folks, Oakton has 90. That's much larger? You know this, but somehow manage to forget. South Lakes is always the unique victim that gets screwed over, in your world view.

I don't recall anything about changes to Crossfield districting in the fifteen years we've been here. Rumors possibly, but no proposed changes.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:53AM

WestfieldMom Wrote:
> I object to using the PTA as the voice of the
> community. The PTA does not represent
> ethnically or economically the makeup of the
> student body. They are a self-selected group.
> Why do they go straight to the PTAs as if they
> were representatives?
> Why don't they poll the community?

Where else should the administration go? You think they should hire a polling firm every time they want a rough idea of parental opinion?

The PTA is supposed to be representing all the parents, teachers, and students. Everyone is encouraged to join. Their elections are rarely contested. If you don't like the current PTA leaders, run for president next year.

Some parents do not join the PTA because they do not want any of their money sent to the state or national PTA. If that is the issue at Westfield, you can vote to become a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) instead.

Or you could could create an alternative group, "The Polling Pool of Representative Parents," or any other title you care to call yourselves.

Would this just be a polling pool, or an advocacy group? Once you get into advocacy, you are back to "a self-selected group" who has time, energy, and interest to devote to their children's school - and such a group would look a lot like the current PTA.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 23, 2008 10:59AM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> I don't recall anything about changes to
> Crossfield districting in the fifteen years we've
> been here. Rumors possibly, but no proposed
> changes.

Oakton Parent Wrote:

> I don't recall anything about changes to
> Crossfield districting in the fifteen years we've
> been here. Rumors possibly, but no proposed
> changes.

Au contraire. I attended many public hearings regarding the proposed adjustments and listened to the emotional pleas from both sides. Eventually, the SB did not redistrict kids into South Lakes pyramid, but it did result in moving the GT center from Crossfield to Hunters Woods and the establishment of the HW Magnet for Arts and Sciences. It was around 1993, if I am not mistaken, because my child entered the magnet in fall of 1995, when she was is second grade, and it was the second year of the magnet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2008 11:01AM by SLVerity.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 23, 2008 11:06AM

Oakton Parent, I am really not trying to be haughty. I am just asking why Oakton parents are concerned and wanted an honest answer. It looks like Oakton will be just about where Madison was a few years ago, and since Oakton is such a great school, with few of the demographic issues that SL has, I anticipate that its numbers will be just fine or will actually increase as folks moving into the area will be looking to the very stats that you are proud of when choosing a home.

Twenty years ago, Fox Mill was moved to Oakton, ostensibly to relieve overcrowding at Herndon and fill seats at Oakton. That was a shift made by the SB in response to changes in demographics. At the time Oakton was full of empty nesters and it only filled up in recent years as a result of new development in the West Ox corridor.

Boundary adjustments happen.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 23, 2008 11:34AM

SLV wrote:

"Boundary adjustments happen."

Let me ask you this question:

Is it logical to redistrict AP based high school families to an IB high school?

Yes or no?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 11:38AM

SLVerity Wrote:
> ... Boundary adjustments happen.

Sure. Shifting a boundary so students a moved from a a significantly OVER-crowded school to an adjacent significantly UNDER-enrolled school like Lake Braddock, Hayfield, and/or Mt Vernon is logical.

Shifting humanities-oriented "high testing" students out of over-crowded Jefferson into the under-enrolled IB "magnet" at South Lakes similarly makes a lot of sense.

Pulling roughly a third of the students out of a well-functioning "right-sized" school like Oakton makes no sense whatsoever.

Sending these children to "fix" whatever you perceive the problem (we are still waiting for a precise definition) to be at another high school is beyond nonsense and into absurd.

When parents object to this absurdity they are accused of racism, lacking empathy, and more.

And you wonder why so many of us are "turning against you"?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 11:58AM

leave_us_alone Wrote:
> ... Somehow this concept of magnets school or
> focus school does not seem to get into the head of
> SB members.

I agree, and am trying to understand why. Some possibilities:
1) Transportation issues
2) Avoiding the appearance of "elitism"
3) Base schools losing too many "high testing" schools thus jeopardizing school SOL and SAT "average" scores.

Yet FPCS seems to love high school Academies, where students are still enrolled at their base school for testing purposes and for activities but transports them to another school for one or more classes.

Suggestion: Make ALL FCPS high schools AP schools, but have IB Academies at some geographically dispersed sites that have room, like South Lakes, Mt Vernon, and Marshall. The added transportation costs will be made up by eliminating duplicated site fees, training expenses, and IB Coordinators.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 23, 2008 12:09PM

Forum Reader Wrote:

> And you wonder why so many of us are "turning
> against you"?

You've always been 'against us.' You want any non-magnet IB school in the County to go down in flames, so you can be right. Admit it.

I have stated many times that I am agnostic about the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to an AP school, but that is not for me or you to say, since neither of us have children there. It can however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent or anyone else whose community is redistricted, even if they pupil place out. I challenge them to say it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to take control of the matter.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 12:16PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> Forum Reader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And you wonder why so many of us are "turning
> > against you"?
> You've always been 'against us.' You want any
> non-magnet IB school in the County to go down in
> flames, so you can be right. Admit it.
> I have stated many times that I am agnostic about
> the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to an
> AP school, but that is not for me or you to say,
> since neither of us have children there. It can
> however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent or
> anyone else whose community is redistricted, even
> if they pupil place out. I challenge them to say
> it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to take
> control of the matter.

I think one thing all of us in this discussion can agree on.

RD proponents are saying, redistricted kids come here first and then we will drive out IB

and affected parents are saying,

You first prove your commitment to AP first by implementing AP in SL and then we will come.

Is this a fair statement?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: bbbbb ()
Date: February 23, 2008 12:52PM

"I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for my BUNGHOLE" -- Cornholio

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: getReal ()
Date: February 23, 2008 01:21PM

SLVerity, The motion to add AP was voted down 10 to 2 with Mr Gibson being vocally against adding AP in SL. I personally saw in on Ch 21. last week. What makes you think Gibson will now allow AP? SL IB elitists aligned with Mr Gibson to get more warm bodies, not programs. I will not send my kid to SL in the hope that new AP programs will come. Mr Gibson is a politician - his interest in this is done. He has solidified his support base in Reston and could care less what for FoxMill and Floris areas that voted against him. Its pupil place or move to another area. The reality is that IB is good was a elite few - eg about twenty and fourty students got the diploma in last 2 years at SL. They essentially took away the resources from the rest of the 1500+ students at SL. These elite few are surely well connected to Mr Gibson and wont settle for AP where every student gets equal access. These elite few now have more to get at SL - these few will be able to use resources meant for the new warm bodies that Mr Gibson has thrown there. SL will never be a good school - you cannot run a school for 2000 kids and tailor the programs for only 40 kids. It would be irresponsible for the parents in Fox Mill and Floris areas to allow their Kids to attend SL knowing that only a handfull there will get good education in IB

SLVerity Wrote:
> Forum Reader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And you wonder why so many of us are "turning
> > against you"?
> You've always been 'against us.' You want any
> non-magnet IB school in the County to go down in
> flames, so you can be right. Admit it.
> I have stated many times that I am agnostic about
> the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to an
> AP school, but that is not for me or you to say,
> since neither of us have children there. It can
> however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent or
> anyone else whose community is redistricted, even
> if they pupil place out. I challenge them to say
> it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to take
> control of the matter.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 01:36PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> You've always been 'against us.' You want any
> non-magnet IB school in the County to go down in
> flames, so you can be right. Admit it.
> I have stated many times that I am agnostic about
> the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to an
> AP school, but that is not for me or you to say,
> since neither of us have children there. It can
> however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent or
> anyone else whose community is redistricted, even
> if they pupil place out. I challenge them to say
> it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to take
> control of the matter.

You are getting a bit testy again. Do you not see the dichotomy in asking the rest of the the county to be concerned about the South Lakes "problem" (a problem which has still to be precisely defined) yet tell us IB is none of our business? IB costs more than AP. It is therefore the business of every taxpayer.

If you tell us your problem is simply "South Lakes doesn't have enough students" then there is NO justification in reducing the size of Oakton.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 01:44PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> SLVerity Wrote:
> > You've always been 'against us.' You want any
> > non-magnet IB school in the County to go down
> in
> > flames, so you can be right. Admit it.
> >
> > I have stated many times that I am agnostic
> about
> > the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to
> an
> > AP school, but that is not for me or you to
> say,
> > since neither of us have children there. It
> can
> > however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent or
> > anyone else whose community is redistricted,
> even
> > if they pupil place out. I challenge them to
> say
> > it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to take
> > control of the matter.
> You are getting a bit testy again. Do you not see
> the dichotomy in asking the rest of the the county
> to be concerned about the South Lakes "problem" (a
> problem which has still to be precisely defined)
> yet tell us IB is none of our business? IB costs
> more than AP. It is therefore the business of
> every taxpayer.
> If you tell us your problem is simply "South Lakes
> doesn't have enough students" then there is NO
> justification in reducing the size of Oakton.

I have heard this argument too many times now, "South Lakes does not have enough students".

Someone please answer why ALDRIN is going to Herndon. It is a reston school and needs to feed into South Lakes. This is the can of worms no one wants to open. STU GIBSON promised (against FCPS guidelines) that aldrin will feed into Herndon. Herndon surely improved their numbers and now does't want Aldrin to go. South Lakes is left hurting and now is looking South-West to fix its problems selectively chosing communities (ie declining McNair but grabbing Floris). And then they turn around and call these affected communities racist. Give me a break. It is always about South Lakes community. Who cares how many other communities they step on.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 23, 2008 02:13PM

leave_us_alone Wrote:
> Forum Reader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SLVerity Wrote:
> > > You've always been 'against us.' You want
> any
> > > non-magnet IB school in the County to go down
> > in
> > > flames, so you can be right. Admit it.
> > >
> > > I have stated many times that I am agnostic
> > about
> > > the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to
> > an
> > > AP school, but that is not for me or you to
> > say,
> > > since neither of us have children there. It
> > can
> > > however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent
> or
> > > anyone else whose community is redistricted,
> > even
> > > if they pupil place out. I challenge them to
> > say
> > > it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to
> take
> > > control of the matter.
> >
> > You are getting a bit testy again. Do you not
> see
> > the dichotomy in asking the rest of the the
> county
> > to be concerned about the South Lakes "problem"
> (a
> > problem which has still to be precisely
> defined)
> > yet tell us IB is none of our business? IB
> costs
> > more than AP. It is therefore the business of
> > every taxpayer.
> >
> > If you tell us your problem is simply "South
> Lakes
> > doesn't have enough students" then there is NO
> > justification in reducing the size of Oakton.
> I have heard this argument too many times now,
> "South Lakes does not have enough students".
> Someone please answer why ALDRIN is going to
> Herndon. It is a reston school and needs to feed
> into South Lakes. This is the can of worms no one
> wants to open. STU GIBSON promised (against FCPS
> guidelines) that aldrin will feed into Herndon.
> Herndon surely improved their numbers and now
> does't want Aldrin to go. South Lakes is left
> hurting and now is looking South-West to fix its
> problems selectively chosing communities (ie
> declining McNair but grabbing Floris). And then
> they turn around and call these affected
> communities racist. Give me a break. It is always
> about South Lakes community. Who cares how many
> other communities they step on.

Yes what Stu did was illegal about North Reston. The problem is, again Herndon High is an AP based High school. Aldrin folks will be probably so vocal just like what the Floris/FM/MI communities are doing if Aldrin was forced to go to SL. It doesn't make sense or logic to redistrict any communities until an analysis in solving the programmatic issues at SL should be addressed FIRST before any redistricting occurs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Corny chunks ()
Date: February 23, 2008 02:25PM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 02:35PM

Baffled Wrote:
> ... It doesn't make sense or logic to redistrict any
> communities until an analysis in solving the
> programmatic issues at SL should be addressed
> FIRST before any redistricting occurs.

You are correct.

If a school perceives it a problem, said problem must first be clearly stated. The following examples will NOT generate any sympathy:
- "We don't have guitar lessons."
- "There is only one XYZ teacher and Susie doesn't want to be in her class so we need enough kids to hire an additional XYZ teacher."
- "Johnie changed his mind about taking the hard math class but when he tried to shift to the easy math class he was told it was full."
- "Even though our school has as much staff as at Madison and a lower staffing ratio than at neighboring high schools, somehow we feel it is not enough."
- "If we had more students we could have an XYZ club."
- "We are about to finish our renovation."

If a school community decides its problem is that it does not have the same curriculum as at AP school, then the school should eject IB. It is that simple. Why must South Lakes take roughly a third of the students from a "right-sized" and "well-running" school (such as Oakton) to make such a change?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled. ()
Date: February 23, 2008 02:40PM

If a school community decides its problem is that it does not have the same amount of teepee for the bunghole. then the school should eject IB. It is that simple. Why must South Lakes take roughly a third of the students from a "right-sized" and "well-running" school (such as Oakton) to make such a change....do we have to wipe their butts now?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: LoL ()
Date: February 23, 2008 02:50PM

Change Isn't Easy Wrote:
> 8) This boundary change helps ensure that the
> entirety of the Fairfax County Public School
> system remains among the top in the nation.

Come on, don't be silly. You think that moving warm bodies to SL would make SL jump from a national rank around 900 to 200? The fundamental issues in SL are still there, no matter how many students are forced to move there. I certainly won't send my kids there.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:00PM

The ranking thing...

The challenge ranking thing is bogus, as I hope everybody knows...it just reflects people who take AP/IB tests. As has been mentioned here, FCPS pays for the tests, more students take them, rankings go up. Go figure.

IB schools do not do as well in the challenge ranking as AP schools, due to lower participation rates and also the structure of the program...AP schools can have students taking AP exams in the 10th grade, plus all AP courses are one year. As long as South Lakes remains an IB school, its not practical to assume it will become one of the top schools in terms of challenge rank.

To the extent that any school has a population that is struggling with SOL tests, these students are not likely to take any AP tests and will also keep the numbers lower.

I tend to side with the people that say it makes no sense to directly compare schools on aggregate metrics like overall average SAT score or challenge index, since that tells you more about who goes to those schools than the quality of education there.

However, even as I say that, I'm sure it must be the case that schools with higher percentage of students who perform well are seen as more attractive to teachers. It would be interesting to see statistics of experienced FCPS teachers who transfer into / fill openings at (say) Langley vs. Hayfield. And if a school has a larger number of experienced, talented teachers who want to teach there, that could end up providing an overall enhanced educational experience.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Grad future SL Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:03PM

Not true. Some of us (many actually) want to do what is right for the county as a whole. Option 1 is just that - right for the county as a whole, now and in the future.

I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak out for the future of this county and not just you and your kids.

Too selfish aren't you?!?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Grad future SL Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:06PM

From Oakton to South Lakes Wrote:
> I think Oakton has a right to be concerned that
> this redistricting could shift their population
> from around 2300 to only 1850 if Navy doesn't get
> moved to replace the students being redistricted
> from Fox Mill to South Lakes. I would think a
> South Lakes parent would understand the
> implications for the school of such a dramatic
> shift. It does not seem fair to populate one
> school at the expense of another, particularly a
> school that is not overcrowded but is in the mix
> because part of its student body comes from
> neighborhoods closer to South Lakes. I am rather
> surprised at the apparently callous attitude you
> have toward the implications for Oakton. So much
> for looking out for the greater good. I guess no
> matter what side of the issue people fall on--pro
> or anti-RD--everyone is really just looking out
> for their own self interests.

Not true. Some of us (many actually) want to do what is right for the county as a whole. Option 1 is just that - right for the county as a whole, now and in the future.

I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak out for the future of this county and not just you and your kids.

Too selfish aren't you?!?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:15PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> Not true. Some of us (many actually) want to do
> what is right for the county as a whole. Option 1
> is just that - right for the county as a whole,
> now and in the future.
> I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak out for
> the future of this county and not just you and
> your kids.
> Too selfish aren't you?!?

This is cute. You should probably say

Ask not what the county should do for you
Ask what you can do for the county.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:16PM

WTF are you talking about?

"Not true. Some of us (many actually) want to do what is right for the county as a whole. Option 1 is just that - right for the county as a whole, now and in the future.

I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak out for the future of this county and not just you and your kids.

Too selfish aren't you?!?"

This whole exercise at net moves kids from 1.5 elementary schools from other places (Oakton / Westfield ) to South Lakes, with possibly some other rearrangement. What possible beneficial impact does that have on the future of the county? It doesn't help the kids being moved, and I don't think South Lakes needs "fixing", at least not at the county impact level. If you were to look at all strange educational boundary situations in the county, this wouldn't even make the top five.

All the affected schools are under capacity now, or will be shortly. (Ones over capacity immediately are Chantilly, Madison and Langley, as Westfield will be below 3100 when this month's figures come out.) South Lakes capacity is running ahead of projections and is increasing to within 200 of where it has been for the last decade. There is pretty much no reason to shuffle these students around, as regards the future of the county.

As I see it, the lasting legacy of this activity could be to undermine citizen trust in the school board, as they see arbitraty decisions made for personal reasons, and school clout with the county, as the county sees the school doing things like spending money on additions that then go unused.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:33PM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> ... As long as South Lakes remains an IB school, its not
> practical to assume it will become one of the top
> schools in terms of challenge rank. ...
Not quite true. Several of the "top" schools in Jay Mathews' index are IB. Remember he loves IB and he gives credit just for showing up for an SL exam.

But you are correct in that this will not happen at South Lakes because such a small percentage of students are IB Diploma Grads.

When the IBO gave South Lakes its five-year review, the IBA evaluation noted "during the 5 years of this study, the numbers of students seeking the IB Diploma remained static" and listed this specific "Recommendation: The school should explore strategies to increase numbers of Diploma candidates."

Hmmm. Maybe we have at last discovered the real reason for this RD proposal: SLHS is under pressure to "to increase numbers of Diploma candidates."

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: whatEverHappenedToRecall ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:50PM

I hope the recall of Gibson goes through and people dont let that fall off once this RD is done. He is too crazy to be serving on the SB. Scary to have that kind of a guy having so much power. I think county residents made a huge mistake in the 1990s when they removed the oversight of the board of supervisors from SB. Checks and balances are what make democracy work, and in ffx county SB there are no checks and balances

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Grad future SL Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:54PM

Oakton Parent Wrote:
> WTF are you talking about?

Ahhh, the usual mature reaction from an anti. When you can act civilly we will have a civil discussion.

And it is a renovation - not addition - that actually reduces the capacity of SLHS.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: February 23, 2008 03:54PM

Notice that the top IB schools also offer AP classes, which skews their results up.

To those who keep speaking of Aldrin, it was placed in Herndon in 1993 or so, when SL was an AP school and many years before IB was implemented. Again, that is when SL fortunes began to decline.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 23, 2008 04:07PM

Baffled Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Asian immigrants don't volunteer in schools?
> >
> > That explains why Ilryong Moon never sets foot
> in
> > any school in FCPS, despite being a member of
> the
> > school board.
> Really? Doesn't he have a kid currently in a FCPS
> school according to the SB profile?

Yes, Moon's children went to, and now attend, TJ. He has probably visited there on back to school nights.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 23, 2008 04:13PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> I am intrigued that Oakton parents are so
> concerned about their numbers being reduced; does
> that not give them more empathy for South Lakes
> and not less?
> What are they afraid of: less sections offered,
> smaller sports teams, less money in the Booster
> coffers? Now perhaps the parents of Oakton know
> how we South Lakes parents have felt lo these many
> years (at one point, the SB tried to move portions
> of Crossfield to SL, but it was protested loudly
> by the Crossfield community).
> If Oakton is worried about declining enrollments I
> want to know why. South Lakes would still be less
> enrolled with general ed students than Oakton,
> considering that South Lakes has an MMR magnet
> pulling around 85 students from surrounding
> communities,including Oakton, and a much larger
> ESOL population. That will not change, as Reston
> has many more affordable housing units than
> Oakton. Additionally, since so many Fox Mill
> families are threatening to pupil place back to
> Oakton, where is the concern? It is hard indeed
> to work up too much sympathy for Oakton's future
> plight.

Perhaps they are concerned because Oakton doesn't get all the extra funding that SL's gets for extra staffing. They won't have those small classes that SL enjoys because it's an IB school and because it is one of the four 'special' schools that get extra funding in addition to the IB extra funding.

Oakton doesn't have subsidized housing because they don't want subsidized housing. Ditto McLean and Vienna. Reston feels differently, so they get it. So what's the problem? You want the rest of the county to subsidize your choices in Reston?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 23, 2008 04:18PM

From Oakton to South Lakes Wrote:
> I think Oakton has a right to be concerned that
> this redistricting could shift their population
> from around 2300 to only 1850 if Navy doesn't get
> moved to replace the students being redistricted
> from Fox Mill to South Lakes. I would think a
> South Lakes parent would understand the
> implications for the school of such a dramatic
> shift. It does not seem fair to populate one
> school at the expense of another, particularly a
> school that is not overcrowded but is in the mix
> because part of its student body comes from
> neighborhoods closer to South Lakes. I am rather
> surprised at the apparently callous attitude you
> have toward the implications for Oakton. So much
> for looking out for the greater good. I guess no
> matter what side of the issue people fall on--pro
> or anti-RD--everyone is really just looking out
> for their own self interests.

Aren't parents supposed to look out for their children's best interests?

Oakton will be fine with fewer students, although the school board might decide to throw them into the next redistricting. But that's a loooong way off. A school like Oakton, with 1850 students, is a good number of students.

But I do wonder how the school board will now say that Chantilly isn't overcrowded. Kathy Smith had been quite clear that Chantilly needed to be reduced in size. Oh well, things change, as do politicians. Looks like someone in the Navy neighborhood got to her.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 23, 2008 04:24PM

WestfieldMom Wrote:
> new news? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I heard that Stu told the head of the SL PTA
> that
> > the PTA must open a dialog with the new
> families
> > about a switch to AP. Anyone have more on this?
> > Of course, it could just be an empty gesture so
> > Stu and the PTA can say they listened. Anyone
> > have any news or context for this report?
> I object to using the PTA as the voice of the
> community. The PTA does not represent
> ethnically or economically the makeup of the
> student body. They are a self-selected group.
> Why do they go straight to the PTAs as if they
> were representatives?
> Why don't they poll the community?

Most of our school board were previously very active in PTA and most were on the board of the County Council of PTA, including Stu, Janie, Phil, and Brad. They prefer to listen to the PTA, and in this case, SL PTSA. Listening to the people, and surveys might tell the board something they don't want to hear. SL PTSA will always tell Stu what he wants to hear and he can then claim 'community' support.

It's too little too late for Stu and the SL PTSA to claim they will open a discussion about AP. Anyone who believes that Stu or the PTSA is open to converting SL to an AP school is a fool. It's not going to happen, not as long as Stu is on the board and the board is controlled by democrats. That's just the reality. They love IB, and that's not going to change, regardless of what the community may want.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 23, 2008 04:25PM

Can anyone tell me what this forum shuts down at night? I seem to keep missing it at night. Thanks.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen. ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:09PM

Oh...ok I figured it out...my toilet is always overflowing with Teepee...thus causing this serve to shut down...got it...

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity_ ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:11PM

I'm not sure I understand Neen...are you saying we need more toilet paper in our schools? Oakton has always had a nice amount of Teepee to flow through.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Leave us Alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:15PM

I am the Great Cornholio....I need TEEPEE...for MY BUNGHOLE!!!! -- Cornholio

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Get Realer ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:19PM

SLVerity, The motion to add TEEPEE was voted down 10 to 2 with Mr Gibson AKA CornHolio, being vocally against adding TEEPEE in SL. I personally saw doodoo on Ch 21. last week. What makes you think Gibson will now allow Corn in his bungholio?? TEEPEE elitists aligned with Mr Gibson to get more warm cornholes, not programs. I will not send my kid to Oakton in the hope that new TEEPEE will come. Mr Gibson is a politician - his interest in this is done. He has solidified his support base in Reston and could care less what for FoxMill and Floris areas that voted against him. Its pupil place or move to another area. The reality is that TEEPEE is good was a elite few - eg about twenty and fourty students got the Corn chunks in last 2 years at SL. They essentially took away the resources from the rest of the 1500+ students at Bunghole. These elite few are surely well connected to Mr Gibson and wont settle for TEEPEE where every student gets equal access. These elite few now have more to get at SL - these few will be able to use resources meant for the new warm cornchunks that Mr Gibson has thrown there. TEEPEE will never be a good enough at my school - you cannot run a school for 2000 kids and tailor the programs for only 40 kids. Not to mention only 10 toilets It would be irresponsible for the parents in Fox Mill and Floris areas to allow their Kids to attend SL knowing that only a handfull there will get good Bowel Movements.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WestfieldMom ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:24PM

With all of these posts, do not forget that the most severely impacted school is Oakton, shich (according to the SB) was only included to accomodate potential ripple effects of relieving the over-populated toilets in the study. Yes, people will place in to the toilet, but then we have a school with 25% of the students pupil placed. That is ridiculous.....we NEED MORE TEEPEE!!

It will be interesting to see if the SB is willing to risk the resulting lawsuits of doing this without proper Bunghole.

On another note, would this not just be the same as creating an Super Toilet/ Mega Toilet/ other hole in the floor at SL and using that to "attract" students ... all while minimizing TEEPEE to anyone.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:25PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> Notice that the top IB schools also offer AP
> classes, which skews their results up.
> To those who keep speaking of Aldrin, it was
> placed in Herndon in 1993 or so, when SL was an AP
> school and many years before IB was implemented.
> Again, that is when SL fortunes began to decline.

You make it sound so simple.

You forget to mention that fact that Aldrin and Armstrong don't want anything to do with South Lakes. They give reasons like Reston north of toll road is not really reston, we don't pay reston association dues, we don't use their swimming pools etc etc.

Becuase of their clout and political power, you know who Stu will never dare touch them.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:39PM

Get Realer Wrote:
> SLVerity, The motion to add TEEPEE was voted down
> 10 to 2 with Mr Gibson AKA CornHolio, being
> vocally against adding TEEPEE in SL. I personally
> saw doodoo on Ch 21. last week. What makes you
> think Gibson will now allow Corn in his
> bungholio?? TEEPEE elitists aligned with Mr Gibson
> to get more warm cornholes, not programs. I will
> not send my kid to Oakton in the hope that new
> TEEPEE will come. Mr Gibson is a politician - his
> interest in this is done. He has solidified his
> support base in Reston and could care less what
> for FoxMill and Floris areas that voted against
> him. Its pupil place or move to another area. The
> reality is that TEEPEE is good was a elite few -
> eg about twenty and fourty students got the Corn
> chunks in last 2 years at SL. They essentially
> took away the resources from the rest of the 1500+
> students at Bunghole. These elite few are surely
> well connected to Mr Gibson and wont settle for
> TEEPEE where every student gets equal access.
> These elite few now have more to get at SL - these
> few will be able to use resources meant for the
> new warm cornchunks that Mr Gibson has thrown
> there. TEEPEE will never be a good enough at my
> school - you cannot run a school for 2000 kids and
> tailor the programs for only 40 kids. Not to
> mention only 10 toilets It would be irresponsible
> for the parents in Fox Mill and Floris areas to
> allow their Kids to attend SL knowing that only a
> handfull there will get good Bowel Movements.

Just for a little amusment, what do teepees and bungholes have to do with the high school redistricting? Bungholes=students?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: South Lakes Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:42PM

Baffled Wrote:
> Get Realer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SLVerity, The motion to add TEEPEE was voted
> down
> > 10 to 2 with Mr Gibson AKA CornHolio, being
> > vocally against adding TEEPEE in SL. I
> personally
> > saw doodoo on Ch 21. last week. What makes you
> > think Gibson will now allow Corn in his
> > bungholio?? TEEPEE elitists aligned with Mr
> Gibson
> > to get more warm cornholes, not programs. I
> will
> > not send my kid to Oakton in the hope that new
> > TEEPEE will come. Mr Gibson is a politician -
> his
> > interest in this is done. He has solidified his
> > support base in Reston and could care less what
> > for FoxMill and Floris areas that voted against
> > him. Its pupil place or move to another area.
> The
> > reality is that TEEPEE is good was a elite few
> -
> > eg about twenty and fourty students got the
> Corn
> > chunks in last 2 years at SL. They essentially
> > took away the resources from the rest of the
> 1500+
> > students at Bunghole. These elite few are
> surely
> > well connected to Mr Gibson and wont settle for
> > TEEPEE where every student gets equal access.
> > These elite few now have more to get at SL -
> these
> > few will be able to use resources meant for the
> > new warm cornchunks that Mr Gibson has thrown
> > there. TEEPEE will never be a good enough at my
> > school - you cannot run a school for 2000 kids
> and
> > tailor the programs for only 40 kids. Not to
> > mention only 10 toilets It would be
> irresponsible
> > for the parents in Fox Mill and Floris areas to
> > allow their Kids to attend SL knowing that only
> a
> > handfull there will get good Bowel Movements.
> Just for a little amusment, what do teepees and
> bungholes have to do with the high school
> redistricting? Bungholes=students?

Thank you for your support of this thread Baffled. Keep up the good work. Please dont forget to wipe your butt with TEEPEE.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 23, 2008 05:45PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> SLVerity Wrote:
> > You've always been 'against us.' You want any
> > non-magnet IB school in the County to go down
> in
> > flames, so you can be right. Admit it.
> >
> > I have stated many times that I am agnostic
> about
> > the IB issue, and I would gladly return SL to
> an
> > AP school, but that is not for me or you to
> say,
> > since neither of us have children there. It
> can
> > however, be said by Baffled or Oakton Parent or
> > anyone else whose community is redistricted,
> even
> > if they pupil place out. I challenge them to
> say
> > it, to drive the curriculum agenda, and to take
> > control of the matter.

You are getting a bit testy again. Perhaps you did not have a proper poopee this morning? Do you not see the dichotomy in asking the rest of the the county to be concerned about the South Lakes "Toilet problem" (a problem which has still to be precisely defined) yet tell us TEEPEE is none of our business? Good quality toilet paper costs more than AP. It is therefore the business of every taxpayer.

If you tell us your problem is simply "South Lakes doesn't have enough TEEPEE" then there is NO justification in reducing the size of Oaktons toilets.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Grad future SL Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 06:01PM

leave_us_alone Wrote:
> Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not true. Some of us (many actually) want to
> do
> > what is right for the county as a whole. Option
> 1
> > is just that - right for the county as a whole,
> > now and in the future.
> >
> > I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak out
> for
> > the future of this county and not just you and
> > your kids.
> >
> > Too selfish aren't you?!?
> This is cute. You should probably say
> Ask not what the county should do for you
> Ask what you can do for the county.

OK since you say I'm cute, I'll reply to you. ;)

I'll say it this way. The School Board has a responsibility to do what is best for the ENTIRE county. They have to make the hard decisions that will affect not only the students in high school over the next four years but also those in the future.

They have done an excellent job in a very tough circumstance. Yes that's right, I said the school board has done an excellent job. And no I an in no way related to or indebted to anyone on the School Board.

Every time I hear the antis spout their conspiracy theories it makes me laugh even though it is incredibly sad. Just because you don't get your way doesn't mean your opinion was ignored. It could be because you are wrong!

The antis are only concerned with not having upheaval in their lives. Theirs is a short-sighted goal - don't move my cheese! They'll do anything to stop change; anything to delay a decision that will move their kids. I bet these same people wearing yellow shirts today would be eerily silent four years from now if the redistricting is delayed that long. They simply don't care about anyone but themselves.

Delay, though it is BAD for the county is a stated goal of CAPS. They don't care. Just don't do anything that they perceive will have a negative impact on their kids. Of course their arguments that their children will be negatively impacted are incredibly weak.

They demonize anyone who (gasp!) agrees with the School Board. Booing someone at a public hearing! No class! They call a board member "evil" because his opinion differs from theirs. How sick is that?

South Lakes is a good school that is rapidly improving. This redistricting plan will help South Lakes improve even more and won't negatively affect other schools. (I said schools, not people)

No one has said one thing that would make me have any reservations about my kids going to South Lakes and not Oakton. I've toured South Lakes numerous times. It's truly impressive. Bruce Butler is wonderful. Your kids will do well at his school.

So come on antis. Show me those yellow shirts aren't an expression of your cowardice. Show me that you really don't want to push redistricting off on the next batch of high schoolers. Show me that you care about the community as a whole and aren't just selfish [insert expletive here] who want to win at all costs.

Or would you rather come up with "cute" responses and ignore my challenge?!?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 06:09PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> leave_us_alone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Not true. Some of us (many actually) want
> to
> > do
> > > what is right for the county as a whole.
> Option
> > 1
> > > is just that - right for the county as a
> whole,
> > > now and in the future.
> > >
> > > I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak
> out
> > for
> > > the future of this county and not just you
> and
> > > your kids.
> > >
> > > Too selfish aren't you?!?
> >
> >
> > This is cute. You should probably say
> >
> > Ask not what the county should do for you
> > Ask what you can do for the county.
> OK since you say I'm cute, I'll reply to you. ;)
> I'll say it this way. The School Board has a
> responsibility to do what is best for the ENTIRE
> county. They have to make the hard decisions that
> will affect not only the students in high school
> over the next four years but also those in the
> future.
> They have done an excellent job in a very tough
> circumstance. Yes that's right, I said the school
> board has done an excellent job. And no I an in
> no way related to or indebted to anyone on the
> School Board.
> Every time I hear the antis spout their conspiracy
> theories it makes me laugh even though it is
> incredibly sad. Just because you don't get your
> way doesn't mean your opinion was ignored. It
> could be because you are wrong!
> The antis are only concerned with not having
> upheaval in their lives. Theirs is a
> short-sighted goal - don't move my cheese!
> They'll do anything to stop change; anything to
> delay a decision that will move their kids. I bet
> these same people wearing yellow shirts today
> would be eerily silent four years from now if the
> redistricting is delayed that long. They simply
> don't care about anyone but themselves.
> Delay, though it is BAD for the county is a stated
> goal of CAPS. They don't care. Just don't do
> anything that they perceive will have a negative
> impact on their kids. Of course their arguments
> that their children will be negatively impacted
> are incredibly weak.
> They demonize anyone who (gasp!) agrees with the
> School Board. Booing someone at a public hearing!
> No class! They call a board member "evil"
> because his opinion differs from theirs. How sick
> is that?
> South Lakes is a good school that is rapidly
> improving. This redistricting plan will help
> South Lakes improve even more and won't negatively
> affect other schools. (I said schools, not
> people)
> No one has said one thing that would make me have
> any reservations about my kids going to South
> Lakes and not Oakton. I've toured South Lakes
> numerous times. It's truly impressive. Bruce
> Butler is wonderful. Your kids will do well at
> his school.
> So come on antis. Show me those yellow shirts
> aren't an expression of your cowardice. Show me
> that you really don't want to push redistricting
> off on the next batch of high schoolers. Show me
> that you care about the community as a whole and
> aren't just selfish who want to win at all
> costs.
> Or would you rather come up with "cute" responses
> and ignore my challenge?!?

Answer this for me please.

I do not really think you are what your name says. If you are, you must be one of the 1 or 2% of the fox mill families who wants to go to South Lakes. You definitely are not from Floris or MI, because no one from here wants to go to SL.

Please do us a favour and take your child and pupil place him/her in SL. Why do you want to drag the remaining 98% with you because you want your kids to shine in SL since he/she can't do it in Oakton.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 06:24PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent writes:

"Oakton Parent Wrote:
> WTF are you talking about?

Ahhh, the usual mature reaction from an anti. When you can act civilly we will have a civil discussion.

And it is a renovation - not addition - that actually reduces the capacity of SLHS."

Sure we will. That's your excuse for ignoring what I wrote? Go ahead, let me see you make a case that the future of the county in any way is affected by the outcome of this process.

You seem a bit clueless as to things going on in the county as a whole...I was referring to the addition at Westfield, which has already attracted negative attention at the country supervisor level.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Charlie Brown's Teacher ()
Date: February 23, 2008 06:47PM

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bunghole, blah, blah, teepee, blah, blah!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Grad future SL Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:08PM

leave_us_alone Wrote:

> Answer this for me please.
> I do not really think you are what your name says.
> If you are, you must be one of the 1 or 2% of the
> fox mill families who wants to go to South Lakes.
> You definitely are not from Floris or MI, because
> no one from here wants to go to SL.
> Please do us a favour and take your child and
> pupil place him/her in SL. Why do you want to
> drag the remaining 98% with you because you want
> your kids to shine in SL since he/she can't do it
> in Oakton.

I'm really an Oakton grad and I really want my kids to go to South Lakes for numerous reasons. I don't want to "drag" anyone anywhere, but I realize that this redistricting is not only necessary but long overdue. There is no possible reason to bus my kids to Oakton. It's just too far away.

My kids go to Fox Mill and Rachel Carson and I believe they will shine wherever they go to school. I'm not afraid to send them to South Lakes.

Are you sure you speak for EVERYONE in your neighborhood? Or are you just assuming that?

Lastly, I vehemently dispute your statistics. I believe that it is more like 75% to 25% in favor of redistricting.

Of course, that just my opinion.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:19PM

"Lastly, I vehemently dispute your statistics. I believe that it is more like 75% to 25% in favor of redistricting."

To give you an idea: contrary to Ms. Castro's online petition that turned out to be mostly from SL area, Floris sent a petition with close to 600 real signitures, which were collected in just two nights. What is the percentage of houses within Floris with kids? You can figure out by yourself.

An interesting note is how Ms. Castro's petition and how Ms. Ackerman's survey was conducted and presented. Can you see the difference?

SL needs students, but where is Langley or Madison, which boarders 2/3 of SL's boundary and is only half the distance from Floris to SL? BTW, the transportation savings for Langley would be more dramatic.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: leave_us_alone ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:22PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> leave_us_alone Wrote:
> >
> >
> > Answer this for me please.
> >
> > I do not really think you are what your name
> says.
> > If you are, you must be one of the 1 or 2% of
> the
> > fox mill families who wants to go to South
> Lakes.
> > You definitely are not from Floris or MI,
> because
> > no one from here wants to go to SL.
> >
> > Please do us a favour and take your child and
> > pupil place him/her in SL. Why do you want to
> > drag the remaining 98% with you because you
> want
> > your kids to shine in SL since he/she can't do
> it
> > in Oakton.
> I'm really an Oakton grad and I really want my
> kids to go to South Lakes for numerous reasons. I
> don't want to "drag" anyone anywhere, but I
> realize that this redistricting is not only
> necessary but long overdue. There is no possible
> reason to bus my kids to Oakton. It's just too
> far away.
> My kids go to Fox Mill and Rachel Carson and I
> believe they will shine wherever they go to
> school. I'm not afraid to send them to South
> Lakes.
> Are you sure you speak for EVERYONE in your
> neighborhood? Or are you just assuming that?
> Lastly, I vehemently dispute your statistics. I
> believe that it is more like 75% to 25% in favor
> of redistricting.
> Of course, that just my opinion.

I am from Floris and I can safely say more than 75% don't want to go to South Lakes. At least fox mill has proximity to SL and commuting distance is not that much.

Try to drive Floris kids to SL in the morning. It will easily take 30 min minimum. Boundary of Reston finishes on Sunrise valley drive when you come to Monroe street. We are not part of Reston and we do not want be forced into a IB only school. We also don't appreciate the fact that you are dividing the Floris community with a single lane West Ox road. If anything, Herndon High is the closet school to us.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:23PM

Fox Mill district voted against Stu by almost a 2:1 margin, 1083 to 590, in an election where almost all the other districts supported him by 2:1. Along with Fryin Pan, they were the only districts that gave Stu less than 40% of the vote. Most gave him 65% to 75%


At this time, it was clear that Stu was in favor of redistricting Fox Mill into South Lakes. If the majority was in favor of redistricting, why did they turn out to vote for his opponent in such numbers?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:25PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> leave_us_alone Wrote:
> >
> >
> > Answer this for me please.
> >
> > I do not really think you are what your name
> says.
> > If you are, you must be one of the 1 or 2% of
> the
> > fox mill families who wants to go to South
> Lakes.
> > You definitely are not from Floris or MI,
> because
> > no one from here wants to go to SL.
> >
> > Please do us a favour and take your child and
> > pupil place him/her in SL. Why do you want to
> > drag the remaining 98% with you because you
> want
> > your kids to shine in SL since he/she can't do
> it
> > in Oakton.
> I'm really an Oakton grad and I really want my
> kids to go to South Lakes for numerous reasons. I
> don't want to "drag" anyone anywhere, but I
> realize that this redistricting is not only
> necessary but long overdue. There is no possible
> reason to bus my kids to Oakton. It's just too
> far away.
> My kids go to Fox Mill and Rachel Carson and I
> believe they will shine wherever they go to
> school. I'm not afraid to send them to South
> Lakes.
> Are you sure you speak for EVERYONE in your
> neighborhood? Or are you just assuming that?
> Lastly, I vehemently dispute your statistics. I
> believe that it is more like 75% to 25% in favor
> of redistricting.
> Of course, that just my opinion.

75% of FM in favor of RD? Hahaha. Sorry, it is more like the other way round. The results of the FM PTA president's survey that she shadily did not reveal the results was that the MAJORITY was opposed to going to SL. Only revealed that FM was opposed to being split in half. Pupil placing your child to SL is an option.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: enough with the bus-chucking already ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:53PM

AP Wrote:

> SL needs students, but where is Langley or
> Madison, which boarders 2/3 of SL's boundary and
> is only half the distance from Floris to SL? BTW,
> the transportation savings for Langley would be
> more dramatic.

Madison North has already been handed over for annexation with a nice ribbon wrapped around it but no supportable rationale

Carry on with this kind of 'throw-your-neighbors under the bus' and we'll start to think that you're from Herndon

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 23, 2008 07:58PM

i love jacking off to 40's pin ups. like those chicks painted on the Nose of b-17 bombers, Memphis belle man, she was a hip hip lady. GILF!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 23, 2008 08:00PM

ferfux Wrote:
> i love jacking off to 40's pin ups. like those
> chicks painted on the Nose of b-17 bombers,
> Memphis belle man, she was a hip hip lady. GILF!

Are you sure you landed your post to the right thread?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: observer ()
Date: February 23, 2008 08:01PM

Folks, as we are all aware, the administrators at Fairfax Underground have been tampering, once again, with this thread. Remember, they are just a few rather vulgar kids who need a good spanking. I think we can tell when a post is written by one of them, so, please don’t allow them to interfere with the discussion. Just ignore the little brats and maybe, if we're lucky, they’ll go out and play in traffic.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 23, 2008 08:05PM

bowchicka BOW BOW

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 23, 2008 08:07PM

the admins for this site dont mess with this thread. He stated in another thread that the script/memory went awry cuz there were TOO many posts for it to handle. THere is no controversy regarding content or who posts. CARY LOVES that you all are hitting up his site. You all getting bent out of shape over redistricting is HILARIOUS to us regular posters. Just keep livin man, L-I-V-I-N. Your kids will be just FIIIIIIIINE no matter WHAT school they go to. SHeeeeeeeeeeit,

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 23, 2008 08:12PM

shouldnt you people get the FUCK offline and go spend some quality time with your kids? Homeschool anyone? ANYONE?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Please Elaborate ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:01PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:

> I'll say it this way. The School Board has a
> responsibility to do what is best for the ENTIRE
> county.

Please explain how this proposed redistricting affects the entire county, or how it benefits anyone outside of the current SLHS community. Thanks.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:36PM

>>>wouldn't you expect people to object to having children pulled out of their well-functioning environment to try to "fix" one that is not working as well?<<<

Very concisely stated.

Yes, one would expect parents to object to their children being used in that manner.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Huh? ()
Date: February 23, 2008 09:40PM

Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> leave_us_alone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oakton Grad future SL Parent Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Not true. Some of us (many actually) want
> to
> > do
> > > what is right for the county as a whole.
> Option
> > 1
> > > is just that - right for the county as a
> whole,
> > > now and in the future.
> > >
> > > I challenge any of the anti crowd to speak
> out
> > for
> > > the future of this county and not just you
> and
> > > your kids.
> > >
> > > Too selfish aren't you?!?
> >
> >
> > This is cute. You should probably say
> >
> > Ask not what the county should do for you
> > Ask what you can do for the county.
> OK since you say I'm cute, I'll reply to you. ;)
> I'll say it this way. The School Board has a
> responsibility to do what is best for the ENTIRE
> county. They have to make the hard decisions that
> will affect not only the students in high school
> over the next four years but also those in the
> future.
> They have done an excellent job in a very tough
> circumstance. Yes that's right, I said the school
> board has done an excellent job. And no I an in
> no way related to or indebted to anyone on the
> School Board.
> Every time I hear the antis spout their conspiracy
> theories it makes me laugh even though it is
> incredibly sad. Just because you don't get your
> way doesn't mean your opinion was ignored. It
> could be because you are wrong!
> The antis are only concerned with not having
> upheaval in their lives. Theirs is a
> short-sighted goal - don't move my cheese!
> They'll do anything to stop change; anything to
> delay a decision that will move their kids. I bet
> these same people wearing yellow shirts today
> would be eerily silent four years from now if the
> redistricting is delayed that long. They simply
> don't care about anyone but themselves.
> Delay, though it is BAD for the county is a stated
> goal of CAPS. They don't care. Just don't do
> anything that they perceive will have a negative
> impact on their kids. Of course their arguments
> that their children will be negatively impacted
> are incredibly weak.
> They demonize anyone who (gasp!) agrees with the
> School Board. Booing someone at a public hearing!
> No class! They call a board member "evil"
> because his opinion differs from theirs. How sick
> is that?
> South Lakes is a good school that is rapidly
> improving. This redistricting plan will help
> South Lakes improve even more and won't negatively
> affect other schools. (I said schools, not
> people)
> No one has said one thing that would make me have
> any reservations about my kids going to South
> Lakes and not Oakton. I've toured South Lakes
> numerous times. It's truly impressive. Bruce
> Butler is wonderful. Your kids will do well at
> his school.
> So come on antis. Show me those yellow shirts
> aren't an expression of your cowardice. Show me
> that you really don't want to push redistricting
> off on the next batch of high schoolers. Show me
> that you care about the community as a whole and
> aren't just selfish who want to win at all
> costs.
> Or would you rather come up with "cute" responses
> and ignore my challenge?!?

My kids will do well at BB's school? Wow. I am so impressed that even though you don't know me or my family (or more importantly my rising 9th grader), and still you know what's best for my kids. It sounds as if you don't care about the larger community--you just care about South Lakes. (I get it. It's your school...but do you see me calling you selfish?) I don't want an "integrated" IB education for my child. How is that selfish? I know my son, and I know what kind of curriculum is right for him. It's these kinds of inflammatory words that create so much of the bad blood in this controversy. Don't be a name caller just because I don't want to share my child with you. It isn't personal.

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