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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 07:21AM

Terry Wrote:
> http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?ar
> ticle=92649&paper=71&cat=110
> This is an opinion piece written by Terry Jennings
> of the SLPTSA. As many of you dont know she has
> written a column for the Reston Connection for
> years, thus explaining their obvious bias.
> I think she does a good job of explaining that the
> boundary is about getting the "right" kids and
> that it is about 'the property values stupid!"
> They dont care if you pupil place out they want
> the realestate dont you get it? The larger an
> area the higher the property values. The theory
> would be if you are someone trying to choose a new
> home but you have to drive many miles from your
> work or the new metro to avoid SL you wont. They
> need more land and they need it to come from areas
> that will help raise their comps.
> Heaven forbid that anyone oposed to RD mention
> property values. If you are a SL PTA member you
> are free to whatever you want. Its not about your
> kids its about your houses! They really dont want
> your kids and have said so.

Getting the "right" kids? What does that mean? Wouldn't that be parallel to racism or discrimination, picking the "right" kids?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: February 14, 2008 07:31AM

FCPS spends about $2000 more per year on each diploma candidate at most IB schools in direct outlay to IBO and the cost of the IB coordinator. That does not include the other extra staff for master schedule purposes or the extra cost of $133 [123 plus 10] over AP [74]for each kid that takes 1 IB test a year.

After running those numbers on a proforma I NEVER WANT TO HEAR A SINGLE COMPLAINT FROM SL's parenst of IB or SL students in IB for diplomas or certificates. If I had a kid in that boundary I'd be quite content NOT pursuing more students since it really is a big school within a school - now in luxurious [undercrowded]facilties in a like-new building. I do not understand the complaints from those parents.

I also do not want to pay all the extra IB fees - if 500 more kids take only 1 IB EXAM ANNUALLY THAT IS $103,500-36500=$67000 = 905 AP EXAM FEES.

So I have absolutely no sympathy for any school that insists on keeping IB and FCPS should have reductions in the schools operating budget to reflect the differential in cost between IB and AP.

Yeah-J Matthews likes IB so perhaps FCPS could get the money for it from the Washington Post not me or some ESOL or FRPM student's family at an AP school. They exist -look at Falls Church!!!!

There is a real cost for this boundary change plus the transportation.

Modified calendar? How much extra money is that over the new Dale August summer school? Dogwood in Reston has it.

If people really do not want IB academically then run the numbers on South Lakes with and without IB and present them officially for the public record in testimony. FCPS paid AP test fees at South Lakes? Start times? Any foreign language not currently offered that you want? Russian? Chinese?

FCPS funded Crew Team? Preferential bus routes for daily schlep plus late busses?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: You are Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 07:43AM

Terry Jennings hasn't had a school-aged child in years. You don't know what you are talking about.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 08:04AM

You are Baffled Wrote:
> Terry Jennings hasn't had a school-aged child in
> years. You don't know what you are talking about.

Her son graduated SL in 2005. That's years?

Incredibly, she did write "its all about the property values." Read the connection piece. Sheesh

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2008 08:05AM by Thomas More.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 08:26AM

The poor poor dears...French 4 and 5 are combined.

Maybe that's because the classes aren't that popular? Just a thought.

Relatively few kids qualify for fifth year of a language, and many that do, may choose the IB (or AP if available) version of the language.

The South Lakes web site lists 21 different language classes offered this year, not counting ASL.

Or maybe its that the inability change classes in the fall? Newsflash: its never easy, even in large schools.

I wonder if the South Lakes folks understand how much they sound like spoiled whiners.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Another Brick in the Wall ()
Date: February 14, 2008 08:42AM

Thomas More Wrote:
> Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The SAT is a test, while not absolutely

> > I believe that paying
> > attention in classes has a far far greater
> impact
> > on the scores than the prep courses because
> they
> > do measure what you are able to understand and
> > reason (full disclosure: I have personally
> never
> > taken one and nor have my kids).
> Now that would be naive.

Perhaps, but based on personal experience

> > I am saying all this because in the end, the
> > performance numbers do matter.
> Yes the junior year GPA is the performance number
> that matters.
> > Without them there really is no objective way to
> make judgements.
> The world, especially the world of higher
> education, is a random place where chance plays a
> greater part than most of us want to admit.

Let's try not to drag ourselves back to the dark ages. Much of mathematics was invented as a means to better understand seemingly random phenomenon, and to make better decisions based on that understanding.

> > Do
> > you have any rigorous evidence that the scores
> are
> > not, on a statistical basis, predictive of
> student
> > success?
> Its widely accept within the higher education
> professinals. Feel free to google the issue.
> Atlantic Monthly ran a great series on the SAT a
> year or two ago that lays this all out.
As you said yourself, the admissions committees look at a range of inputs, including the SAT scores. "on a statistical basis" meant all other factors being equal.

> > With no disrespect to SL and its community, the
> > relative performance numbers are out there for
> all
> > to see. Not that objectivity means anything in
> > THIS mess.
> But these numbers mean almost nothing to the
> individual student.
True, but we are talking about the government using its powers of coercion to correct a perceived problem. But we can't even agree on what the problem is. I am suggesting there is an institutional under-performance problem. The SL community seems to think the problem is an injustice regarding number of classes offered. If we cannot express the problem in terms of some specific measurement, how are we to know whether the solution is successful?

BTW, the choice of which measurement is used reflects what is valued by the organization.

> Just to be clear, I'm the parent of 4 SL students;
> one has graduated from college, one is at college,
> one is about to go and another will be at SL for
> 28 more months (yup, I counting down).

Way to go, my friend.

> I believe SL needs 300 more kids, which should
> come from Aldrin and Armstrong, to have the same
> gen ed course selection as the other schools in
> Given the disproportionate numbers of teachers at
> SL I don't know why this isn't happening already
> with current student population but have some
> speculation.
> I don't think much of the SL instructional staff
> or administration but they are as equally mediocre
> as the rest of FCPS.

Perhaps. We seem to be lacking ways to measure individual school/teacher performance. But from the outside looking it, shouldn't they be looking to J.E.B. Stuart (which is comparable in size, actually more challenged in terms of demographics) for some inspiration and ideas, since on a statistical, demographically-adjusted basis Stuart is significantly outperforming SL? This of course assumes that the performance of the school is what is valued.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 08:44AM

My neighbour told me last night that, Herndon folks are not allowed to even sign up for the 2/19 public hearing. What's going on? I was planning to speak and support moving that rich McNair neighborhood into Herndon HS.
I was also told that, SLHS folks are not allowed to sign up either. What's going on here?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Another Brick in the Wall ()
Date: February 14, 2008 08:59AM

Thomas More Wrote:
> You are Baffled Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Terry Jennings hasn't had a school-aged child
> in
> > years. You don't know what you are talking
> about.
> Her son graduated SL in 2005. That's years?
> Incredibly, she did write "its all about the
> property values." Read the connection piece.
> Sheesh

That sounds a lot more simple and transparent than a lot of the contorted reasoning seen on this board. Time to start applying Occam's Razor.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CruellaS. ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:06AM

Neen Wrote:
> Right Hand Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What is the school board limiting speakers at
> the
> > next hearing to only those areas that are
> impacted
> > by those 2 proposals? What does this mean
> between
> > the lines?
> It means they aren't really having a public
> hearing, but hearing only from those they want to
> hear from. I'd have to say that it is not good
> news for South Lakes supporters. SB is looking
> for backing for what they want to do, limit the
> number of students who are redistricted to limit
> political fallout. This reality is beginning to
> dawn on the SL folks.

Neen, Neen, Neen,
You can't see behind this mask of new scenarios? C'mon, this is just another ploy. The reality is beginning to sunset. What we have here are new scenarios that represent the ultimate depth Stu and Kathy will go to get their way. Nothing more can happen, now, except communities go against communities. Fox Mill against Fox Mill, Oak Hill against Oak Hill, Floris against Floris. These neighbors get the special invitation to throw each other under the bus on the 19th. So in the end it will appear that everybody supports Option 5. Half of Fox Mill, 2/3's of Floris, half/or all of Oak Hill will relent to the favored South Lakes PTA Option 5 or shrug and support split feeders (there are some hidden fruits hanging out there). It is all a big game. Quite amusing to Stu and Kathy. Very cruel for these communities. Wake up, this is NOT over.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AFMD ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:07AM

Did anyone else happen to read Jay Mathews article in the Fx Extra section of the post today regarding the IB/AP debate and RD?

It answered my previous question about college credit, you don't get it for just a HL class & passed test w/o the IB diploma, which was probably already discussed here and I just missed it. His take was very pro IB, more accademically challanging, but what I took from it is that it's less practical or versatile.

I would have linked it but it's not on the post website yet.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: McNarian ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:08AM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> My neighbour told me last night that, Herndon
> folks are not allowed to even sign up for the 2/19
> public hearing. What's going on? I was planning to
> speak and support moving that rich McNair
> neighborhood into Herndon HS.
> I was also told that, SLHS folks are not allowed
> to sign up either. What's going on here?

Ok that rich McNair neighborhood represents 20 students. Let them do the talking. Why should you care?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:17AM

Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> > The world, especially the world of higher
> > education, is a random place where chance plays
> > a greater part than most of us want to admit.
> Let's try not to drag ourselves back to the dark ages. Much of mathematics was > invented as a means to better understand seemingly random phenomenon,
> and to make better decisions based on that understanding.

Chaos theory is hardly medieval. Lets also not fall into the trap that a metric is informative just because it can be counted.

> As you said yourself, the admissions committees look at a range of inputs,
> including the SAT scores. "on a statistical basis" meant all other
> factors being equal.

What I wrote was not about admission committees (they don't really play much of a role, if they even exist at a college) but the lonely file reader chucking the thousands of files into three piles. The admission directors, who set the criteria bands, have, over time, become far more reliant on GPAs than SATs. [And, btw, FCPS's screwy grading system hurts its students in this evolving process.]

> True, but we are talking about the government using its powers of coercion to
> correct a perceived problem. But we can't even agree on
> what the problem is.

True, that.

> I am suggesting there is an institutional under-performance problem.

I'm suggesting it's a perception problem caused by a fixation on a useless and misleading metric. I'm also acknowledging that SL is mediocre but no more so than any other FCPS school.

> If we cannot express the problem in terms of some specific measurement, how are
> we to know whether the solution is successful?

True and the SOLs are no real help either.

> BTW, the choice of which measurement is used reflects what is valued by the organization.


> Perhaps. We seem to be lacking ways to measure individual school/teacher performance.


> But from the outside looking it, shouldn't they be looking to J.E.B. Stuart
> (which is comparable in size, actually more challenged in terms of demographics)
> for some inspiration and ideas, since on a statistical,
> demographically-adjusted basis Stuart is significantly outperforming SL?

Exactly, so just what are they doing differently at Stuart?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:19AM

AFMD Wrote:
> Did anyone else happen to read Jay Mathews article
> in the Fx Extra section of the post today
> regarding the IB/AP debate and RD?
> It answered my previous question about college
> credit, you don't get it for just a HL class &
> passed test w/o the IB diploma, which was probably
> already discussed here and I just missed it. His
> take was very pro IB, more accademically
> challanging, but what I took from it is that it's
> less practical or versatile.
> I would have linked it but it's not on the post
> website yet.

Just FYI, it is on the Admissions 101 site of the Post, and should be up on the on-line version of the Extra section by now. I did contact Jay to let him know he is incorrect where he says you don't get credit for a HL course without the diploma. Often you won't get credit for a SL course without the diploma, though GMU does offer credit for SL courses without the diploma, but most schools do accept HL courses for credit, without the diploma, if the score is high enough.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:22AM

McNarian Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My neighbour told me last night that, Herndon
> > folks are not allowed to even sign up for the
> 2/19
> > public hearing. What's going on? I was planning
> to
> > speak and support moving that rich McNair
> > neighborhood into Herndon HS.
> > I was also told that, SLHS folks are not
> allowed
> > to sign up either. What's going on here?

> Ok that rich McNair neighborhood represents 20
> students. Let them do the talking. Why should
> you care?

Why should I care? Because I am a responsible citizen and I want good students to Herndon HS so that our SAT scores will move higher. I will support any plan to move good students into Herndon HS. I don't care if they come from Title I school or not as long as they are good students from Title I. At least I am not as discrminating as SLHS PTA. They don't want anyone from Title I. Let's me say it one more time, "Herndon HS welcome good students from Title I".

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:24AM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> McNarian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > My neighbour told me last night that, Herndon
> > > folks are not allowed to even sign up for the
> > 2/19
> > > public hearing. What's going on? I was
> planning
> > to
> > > speak and support moving that rich McNair
> > > neighborhood into Herndon HS.
> > > I was also told that, SLHS folks are not
> > allowed
> > > to sign up either. What's going on here?
> >
> >
> > Ok that rich McNair neighborhood represents 20
> > students. Let them do the talking. Why should
> > you care?
> Why should I care? Because I am a responsible
> citizen and I want good students to Herndon HS so
> that our SAT scores will move higher. I will
> support any plan to move good students into
> Herndon HS. I don't care if they come from Title I
> school or not as long as they are good students
> from Title I. At least I am not as discrminating
> as SLHS PTA. They don't want anyone from Title I.
> Let's me say it one more time, "Herndon HS welcome
> good students from Title I".

What makes a "good student" in your view?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Manoj Bal ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:25AM

AP vs IB Wrote:
> AFMD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Did anyone else happen to read Jay Mathews
> article
> > in the Fx Extra section of the post today
> > regarding the IB/AP debate and RD?
> >
> > It answered my previous question about college
> > credit, you don't get it for just a HL class &
> > passed test w/o the IB diploma, which was
> probably
> > already discussed here and I just missed it.
> His
> > take was very pro IB, more accademically
> > challanging, but what I took from it is that
> it's
> > less practical or versatile.
> >
> > I would have linked it but it's not on the post
> > website yet.
> Just FYI, it is on the Admissions 101 site of the
> Post, and should be up on the on-line version of
> the Extra section by now. I did contact Jay to
> let him know he is incorrect where he says you
> don't get credit for a HL course without the
> diploma. Often you won't get credit for a SL
> course without the diploma, though GMU does offer
> credit for SL courses without the diploma, but
> most schools do accept HL courses for credit,
> without the diploma, if the score is high enough.

I also stand corrected on this. It DEPENDS on the college you are applying to, with top colleges prefering Diplomas for credits than just HL IB courses. I still think AP is more flexible. If you are looking at it strictly from college credit point of view and you are a AP scholar your chances are much higher.

I think the bottom line is, kids should be transfered to a comparable program school. If it was a AP to AP school transfer I wonder whether we would have had so much turmoil.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:30AM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Why should I care? Because I am a responsible
> citizen and I want good students to Herndon HS so
> that our SAT scores will move higher. I will
> support any plan to move good students into
> Herndon HS. I don't care if they come from Title I
> school or not as long as they are good students
> from Title I. At least I am not as discrminating
> as SLHS PTA. They don't want anyone from Title I.
> Let's me say it one more time, "Herndon HS welcome
> good students from Title I".

Great, so you support Aldrin to SL, then.

Reston kids at Reston's high school - SL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2008 09:33AM by Thomas More.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:38AM

Manoj Bal Wrote:
> AP vs IB Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > AFMD Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Did anyone else happen to read Jay Mathews
> > article
> > > in the Fx Extra section of the post today
> > > regarding the IB/AP debate and RD?
> > >
> > > It answered my previous question about
> college
> > > credit, you don't get it for just a HL class
> &
> > > passed test w/o the IB diploma, which was
> > probably
> > > already discussed here and I just missed it.
> > His
> > > take was very pro IB, more accademically
> > > challanging, but what I took from it is that
> > it's
> > > less practical or versatile.
> > >
> > > I would have linked it but it's not on the
> post
> > > website yet.
> >
> >
> > Just FYI, it is on the Admissions 101 site of
> the
> > Post, and should be up on the on-line version
> of
> > the Extra section by now. I did contact Jay to
> > let him know he is incorrect where he says you
> > don't get credit for a HL course without the
> > diploma. Often you won't get credit for a SL
> > course without the diploma, though GMU does
> offer
> > credit for SL courses without the diploma, but
> > most schools do accept HL courses for credit,
> > without the diploma, if the score is high
> enough.
> I also stand corrected on this. It DEPENDS on the
> college you are applying to, with top colleges
> prefering Diplomas for credits than just HL IB
> courses. I still think AP is more flexible. If
> you are looking at it strictly from college credit
> point of view and you are a AP scholar your
> chances are much higher.
> I think the bottom line is, kids should be
> transfered to a comparable program school. If it
> was a AP to AP school transfer I wonder whether we
> would have had so much turmoil.

I do agree with you regarding the flexibility if you are looking strictly at college credit, and are considering applying to the top schools that might not take IB credit without the diploma. However, I would think, that if you are applying to those top schools from an AP school you would need essentially all that the IB diploma kids have...6 AP courses, lots of extracurriculars (the CAS aspect of IB), etc. So, getting into those top schools would require 6 AP classes with good scores for the eventual/hopeful credit.

Perhaps one can get in with just 3 AP scores, and receive college credit for those exams/courses, wheras they might get admitted but not get credit with just 3 HL IB courses sans the diploma, but as competitive as those top schools are now, I do wonder.

The schools just below the top schools would indeed accept the student with three HL or 3 AP courses, and offer credit.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: February 14, 2008 09:39AM

Acheivement - I generally agree with your statements - SAT scores will be likely the same irrespective of attendance at most any FCPS.

I am not sure about your hypotheses, however, with regard to the nascent statistics that the test scores in the lower percentiles at SLHS are rising. You seem to ascribe that to those students being in an environment with a greater proportion of better, "middle class" type students. I am not sure if the data bears this out, and in any event, is not an easier and more concrete conclusion simply that there is a much better principal and leadership at the school than there is at the past? A culture of low expectations (or incompetence) as many suggest existed can really wreak havoc on vulnerable populations. You of course know this - nothing is more deadly to morale of a teaching staff and a school than ineffectual leadership.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 14, 2008 10:15AM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> What's going on? I was planning to
> speak and support moving that rich McNair
> neighborhood into Herndon HS.

Too bad.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Another Brick in the Wall ()
Date: February 14, 2008 10:39AM

Thomas More Wrote:

> > But from the outside looking it, shouldn't they
> be looking to J.E.B. Stuart
> > (which is comparable in size, actually more
> challenged in terms of demographics)
> > for some inspiration and ideas, since on a
> statistical,
> > demographically-adjusted basis Stuart is
> significantly outperforming SL?
> Exactly, so just what are they doing differently
> at Stuart?

Take a look at this


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 10:59AM

Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> > > But from the outside looking it, shouldn't
> they
> > be looking to J.E.B. Stuart
> > > (which is comparable in size, actually more
> > challenged in terms of demographics)
> > > for some inspiration and ideas, since on a
> > statistical,
> > > demographically-adjusted basis Stuart is
> > significantly outperforming SL?
> >
> > Exactly, so just what are they doing
> differently
> > at Stuart?
> Take a look at this
> http://www.principals.org/s_nassp/sec.asp?CID=891&;
> DID=53684

Beautiful, although I was a little alarmed at this,"One of his most significant achievements was the introduction of an International Baccalaureate (IB) program into the curriculum and JEB Stuart’s subsequent earning of the 2004 IB Inspiration Award." That's something Stu and co. can point to as "an achievement." Gulp.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 11:04AM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's going on? I was planning to
> > speak and support moving that rich McNair
> > neighborhood into Herndon HS.
> Too bad.

Too bad? Isn't this a democracy system? I just realized that even Madision folks are not allowed to speak. They must be really pissed now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FurryQtip ()
Date: February 14, 2008 11:13AM

Oakton Parent Wrote:

> I wonder if the South Lakes folks understand how
> much they sound like spoiled whiners.

No. they stuck their hairbrushes in their ears instead of on their head.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 11:14AM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > What's going on? I was planning to
> > > speak and support moving that rich McNair
> > > neighborhood into Herndon HS.
> >
> > Too bad.
> Too bad? Isn't this a democracy system? I just
> realized that even Madision folks are not allowed
> to speak. They must be really pissed now.

So I wonder who is allowed to speak then? The Oak Hill community and McNair community or people not affected by the redistricting? Oh yes you got that right about the Madison folks being seriously pissed now. Not just them but Floris/Fox Mill and everybody else being forced by the redistricting. These two new scenarios are a serious joke. Who knows a surprise new scenario might include one of those astronaut schools??

Reston Kids at Reston's HS-SL

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ,,, ()
Date: February 14, 2008 11:18AM

AP vs IB Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > McNarian Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > My neighbour told me last night that,
> Herndon
> > > > folks are not allowed to even sign up for
> the
> > > 2/19
> > > > public hearing. What's going on? I was
> > planning
> > > to
> > > > speak and support moving that rich McNair
> > > > neighborhood into Herndon HS.
> > > > I was also told that, SLHS folks are not
> > > allowed
> > > > to sign up either. What's going on here?
> > >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Ok that rich McNair neighborhood represents
> 20
> > > students. Let them do the talking. Why
> should
> > > you care?
> >
> >
> > Why should I care? Because I am a responsible
> > citizen and I want good students to Herndon HS
> so
> > that our SAT scores will move higher. I will
> > support any plan to move good students into
> > Herndon HS. I don't care if they come from Title
> I
> > school or not as long as they are good students
> > from Title I. At least I am not as
> discrminating
> > as SLHS PTA. They don't want anyone from Title
> I.
> > Let's me say it one more time, "Herndon HS
> welcome
> > good students from Title I".
> What makes a "good student" in your view?

apparently someone who is rich. see Sting's earlier posts.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Another Brick in the Wall ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:09PM

fm/c/o parent Wrote:
> Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas More Wrote:
> >
> > > > But from the outside looking it, shouldn't
> > they
> > > be looking to J.E.B. Stuart
> > > > (which is comparable in size, actually more
> > > challenged in terms of demographics)
> > > > for some inspiration and ideas, since on a
> > > statistical,
> > > > demographically-adjusted basis Stuart is
> > > significantly outperforming SL?
> > >
> > > Exactly, so just what are they doing
> > differently
> > > at Stuart?
> >
> >
> > Take a look at this
> >
> >
> http://www.principals.org/s_nassp/sec.asp?CID=891&;
> > DID=53684
> Beautiful, although I was a little alarmed at
> this,"One of his most significant achievements was
> the introduction of an International Baccalaureate
> (IB) program into the curriculum and JEB Stuart’s
> subsequent earning of the 2004 IB Inspiration
> Award." That's something Stu and co. can point to
> as "an achievement." Gulp.

I think the fact that the curriculum, school size, and demographics are similar but the results are markedly different points to something of a learning gap SL.

I personally don't doubt that an IB curriculum has some merits. However, for a number of reasons we are already looking into pupil placing out if this goes through.

Another related link: http://www.successfulpractices.org/focus.cfm

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:17PM

Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> > > J.E.B. Stuart (which is comparable in size, actually more challenged in
> > > terms of demographics) for some inspiration and ideas, since on a
> > > statistical, demographically-adjusted basis Stuart is significantly
> > > outperforming SL?
> > Exactly, so just what are they doing
> > differently at Stuart?
> Take a look at this
> http://www.principals.org/s_nassp/sec.asp?CID=891&;
> DID=53684

Great get, thanks.

So how much $ to get Mel Riddile to transfer to SL? Or as the girls say in the Jared commercial, "Does he have any brothers?"

I did notice that he's been there since 1997. And he did it without a redistricting. Hopefully, it doesn't take 10 years to turn things around at SL.

If any of the SLPTSA officers are reading, how about getting Dr. Mel to come to a PTA meeting and tell us all how he does it, 'cause it ain't gettin' done at SL yet.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:27PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
You didn't answer my question, if you're ready to take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?

I'm really serious, here.

If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL only needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin has 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day you ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone, leave a buffer for the kids from the Town Center and Reston Heights apartments and end this nightmare.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:30PM

Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> Another related link:
> http://www.successfulpractices.org/focus.cfm

I read it. Lots of platitudes not much meat.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: sl ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:39PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> You didn't answer my question, if you're ready to
> take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> I'm really serious, here.
> If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL only
> needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin has
> 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day you
> ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> leave a buffer for the kids from the Town Center
> and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> nightmare.

This is a great idea. Whaddya say Herndon?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:42PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> You didn't answer my question, if you're ready to
> take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> I'm really serious, here.

HerndonHSDad won't have it; he only wants Harris Teeter - doesn't want the bad kids who shop at Shopper's.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Manoj Bal ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:45PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> You didn't answer my question, if you're ready to
> take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> I'm really serious, here.
> If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL only
> needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin has
> 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day you
> ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> leave a buffer for the kids from the Town Center
> and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> nightmare.

Thomas More

We will recommend you for nobel peace prize award if you can achieve this.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fm/c/o parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:55PM

sl Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > You didn't answer my question, if you're ready
> to
> > take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> >
> > I'm really serious, here.
> >
> > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> only
> > needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin
> has
> > 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day
> you
> > ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> Center
> > and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> > nightmare.
> This is a great idea. Whaddya say Herndon?

As a Fox Mill parent, I am interested in anything that leaves us alone, but wouldn't sending Aldrin to SL present the same kind of problems as sending Fox Mill, Floris or any other school: IB issues, people not liking to switch schools, the negative way that some SL folks have behaved, etc. Also, since this RD isn't the correct answer to SL's problems, then sending Aldrin is no more reasonable than sending Fox Mill. (I hate to bring up pupil placing too much in the fear that FCPS will switch positions and make it difficult if they realize how many people intend to do it, but Aldrin parents can pupil place just as well as Floris and Fox Mill)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Manoj Bal ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:56PM

Manoj Bal Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > You didn't answer my question, if you're ready
> to
> > take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> >
> > I'm really serious, here.
> >
> > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> only
> > needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin
> has
> > 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day
> you
> > ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> Center
> > and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> > nightmare.
> Thomas More
> We will recommend you for nobel peace prize award
> if you can achieve this.
> :)

On a serious note, isn't this the crux of the problem. Herndon is not willing to let go aldrin. So South Lakes is underenrolled and is looking for kids outside of Reston boundaries. What a mess !!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:58PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> You didn't answer my question, if you're ready to
> take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> I'm really serious, here.
> If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL only
> needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin has
> 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day you
> ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> leave a buffer for the kids from the Town Center
> and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> nightmare.

That's not a good idea. Becuase McNair only feeds us 20+ good kids which are not enough to compensate 291. Part of the Hutchinson is very close to SLHS. It could be a good idea to provide those students to SLHS to fill up the vacacies. By doing that, Herndon HS will not be disrupted at all.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 12:58PM

Manoj Bal Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > You didn't answer my question, if you're ready
> to
> > take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> >
> > I'm really serious, here.
> >
> > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> only
> > needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin
> has
> > 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day
> you
> > ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> Center
> > and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> > nightmare.
> Thomas More
> We will recommend you for nobel peace prize award
> if you can achieve this.
> :)

Before you start filling out the papers, remember Stuy promised those folks in 2003, in violation of School Board Guidelines, that they wouldn't be redistricted to SL. Doing unethical things is part of his modus operandi, so don't hold your breath.

But really Herndon, what about it. Does the entire rest of the West County have to be tortured just so you can keep the Reston kids at Aldrin?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2008 12:58PM by Thomas More.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:08PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> Manoj Bal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas More Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > You didn't answer my question, if you're
> ready
> > to
> > > take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> > >
> > > I'm really serious, here.
> > >
> > > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> > only
> > > needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin
> > has
> > > 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day
> > you
> > > ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> > > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> > Center
> > > and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> > > nightmare.
> >
> > Thomas More
> >
> > We will recommend you for nobel peace prize
> award
> > if you can achieve this.
> >
> > :)
> Before you start filling out the papers, remember
> Stuy promised those folks in 2003, in violation of
> School Board Guidelines, that they wouldn't be
> redistricted to SL. Doing unethical things is
> part of his modus operandi, so don't hold your
> breath.
> But really Herndon, what about it. Does the
> entire rest of the West County have to be tortured
> just so you can keep the Reston kids at Aldrin?

If you look at my proposal, it makes the most sense. Please go read it again. All it does is to move part of Hutchinson to SLHS. You can take back the 20 McNairs good kids(I am hurting bad here). It has the least disruption to everyone. It's a Win Win solution.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: AP vs IB ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:12PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas More Wrote:
> >
> > > > J.E.B. Stuart (which is comparable in size,
> actually more challenged in
> > > > terms of demographics) for some inspiration
> and ideas, since on a
> > > > statistical, demographically-adjusted basis
> Stuart is significantly
> > > > outperforming SL?
> >
> > > Exactly, so just what are they doing
> > > differently at Stuart?
> >
> > Take a look at this
> >
> >
> http://www.principals.org/s_nassp/sec.asp?CID=891&;
> > DID=53684
> Great get, thanks.
> So how much $ to get Mel Riddile to transfer to
> SL? Or as the girls say in the Jared commercial,
> "Does he have any brothers?"
> I did notice that he's been there since 1997. And
> he did it without a redistricting. Hopefully, it
> doesn't take 10 years to turn things around at
> SL.
> If any of the SLPTSA officers are reading, how
> about getting Dr. Mel to come to a PTA meeting and
> tell us all how he does it, 'cause it ain't
> gettin' done at SL yet.

Stuart parent here, and Mel left the county; he is now principal at T.C Williams in the city of Alexandria. Pam Jones is our new principal, and is in her second year. She had been an AP there for a while, and prior to that a teacher at Stuart for 25 years.

I had been posting under the moniker of AP vs IB since I had taught at Woodson, thus know a touch of AP related stuff, and have sons at Stuart, so know IB via that aspect.

Just as an aside, while Mel did do a lot to assist Stuart transition from a school with a poor reputation in the mid 90's, to what it is now, he too had folks who didn't care for him. Politics and PR can certainly enhance any principal. My oldest son was only there for Mel's first year, and much of the time he was out of the building since that was the year he won the principal of the year award, and was indeed presenting what he did to turn things around. So, I really can't comment on how he led Stuart.

If you do want him to come to your PTA meetings or something, I am sure he would be happy to do so.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:14PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> ... You can take back the 20 McNairs good kids....

Please define "good kids."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:20PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > You didn't answer my question, if you're ready
> > to take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> >
> > I'm really serious, here.
> >
> > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> > only needs 1700 for full course selection; Aldrin
> > has 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which day
> > you ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris alone,
> > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> > Center and Reston Heights apartments and end this
> > nightmare.
> That's not a good idea. Because McNair only feeds
> us 20+ good kids which are not enough to
> compensate 291. Part of the Hutchinson is very
> close to SLHS. It could be a good idea to provide
> those students to SLHS to fill up the vacacies. By
> doing that, Herndon HS will not be disrupted at
> all.

Oh, no you didn't! You didn't really mean that?

Only 20+ good kids out of 360 from McNair! And all 291 at Aldrin are better than the remaining 340 at McNair! Wow!

Besides, McNair is between Hutchinson and SL and a good chunk of Hutchinson is in the Town of Herndon.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2008 01:23PM by Thomas More.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:20PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> > ... You can take back the 20 McNairs good
> kids....
> Please define "good kids."

I don't mean to insult anyone here. SLHS claimed that, they did not want to take any McNairs kids because they were from Title I school(go check the public hearing record if you don't believe on me). Herndon HS welcome them. We don't discriminate kids from Title I school like SLHS PTA does.
It's ironic that, SLHS PTA is telling the world that, they are being racially discriminated while they openly discriminated Title I kids with most of them new immigrants and Hispanic.
The fact is simple, Herndon HS has dignity and treats people fairly without discrmination. SLHS? You make your own judgement.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:28PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Forum Reader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> > > ... You can take back the 20 McNairs good
> > kids....
> >
> > Please define "good kids."
> I don't mean to insult anyone here. SLHS claimed
> that, they did not want to take any McNairs kids
> because they were from Title I school(go check the
> public hearing record if you don't believe on me).
> Herndon HS welcome them. We don't discriminate
> kids from Title I school like SLHS PTA does.
> It's ironic that, SLHS PTA is telling the world
> that, they are being racially discriminated while
> they openly discriminated Title I kids with most
> of them new immigrants and Hispanic.
> The fact is simple, Herndon HS has dignity and
> treats people fairly without discrmination. SLHS?
> You make your own judgement.

Enough with the backfilling and self congratulations ;-)

McNair for Aldrin staight up, come on!

(btw, I agree with you about the despicable attitude of the SL Boundary Group, and the SL PTA officers participating in that group, towards McNair.)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:30PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas More Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > > You didn't answer my question, if you're
> ready
> > > to take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> > >
> > > I'm really serious, here.
> > >
> > > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> > > only needs 1700 for full course selection;
> Aldrin
> > > has 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on which
> day
> > > you ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris
> alone,
> > > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> > > Center and Reston Heights apartments and end
> this
> > > nightmare.
> >
> > That's not a good idea. Because McNair only
> feeds
> > us 20+ good kids which are not enough to
> > compensate 291. Part of the Hutchinson is very
> > close to SLHS. It could be a good idea to
> provide
> > those students to SLHS to fill up the vacacies.
> By
> > doing that, Herndon HS will not be disrupted at
> > all.
> Oh, no you didn't! You didn't really mean that?
> Only 20+ good kids out of 360 from McNair! And all
> 291 at Aldrin are better than the remaining 340 at
> McNair! Wow!
> Besides, McNair is between Hutchinson and SL and a
> good chunk of Hutchinson is in the Town of
> Herndon.

I drove around there on Tuesday. A large part of the McNairs is actually commercial buildings. I have no clue why SB showed them as Residential in the map. Therefore, there would be very small amount of McNairs students will end up being sent to Herndon HS.
I have no clue why SB does that. Don't ask me.
Now, please answer my question. If you put all those 291 back to SLHS, where do you find some warm bodies to fill up the vacancies. Herndon HS will below capactiy. Another redistrict? Come on.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: navy area parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:37PM

Could we refrain from talking about "good kids" vs. "bad kids" based solely on economics? It's really unseemly and misses the point.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: langleysucks ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:40PM

How about the Langley families that rub up against the Loudon boarder man up and go to a school that is not an hour away in rush hour.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:40PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> McNair for Aldrin staight up, come on!

Sorry guys, McNair children at Sully HS. Until then, we are happy at Westfield.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:42PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Thomas More Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > > You didn't answer my question, if you're
> > ready
> > > > to take McNair at HHS, can SL have Aldrin?
> > > >
> > > > I'm really serious, here.
> > > >
> > > > If Tully was accurately quoted as saying SL
> > > > only needs 1700 for full course selection;
> > Aldrin
> > > > has 291; SL has 1400-1500 (depending on
> which
> > day
> > > > you ask), we can leave Fox Mill and Floris
> > alone,
> > > > leave a buffer for the kids from the Town
> > > > Center and Reston Heights apartments and
> end
> > this
> > > > nightmare.
> > >
> > > That's not a good idea. Because McNair only
> > feeds
> > > us 20+ good kids which are not enough to
> > > compensate 291. Part of the Hutchinson is
> very
> > > close to SLHS. It could be a good idea to
> > provide
> > > those students to SLHS to fill up the
> vacacies.
> > By
> > > doing that, Herndon HS will not be disrupted
> at
> > > all.
> >
> > Oh, no you didn't! You didn't really mean that?
> >
> > Only 20+ good kids out of 360 from McNair! And
> all
> > 291 at Aldrin are better than the remaining 340
> at
> > McNair! Wow!
> >
> > Besides, McNair is between Hutchinson and SL and
> a
> > good chunk of Hutchinson is in the Town of
> > Herndon.
> Thomas,
> I drove around there on Tuesday. A large part
> of the McNairs is actually commercial buildings. I
> have no clue why SB showed them as Residential in
> the map. Therefore, there would be very small
> amount of McNairs students will end up being sent
> to Herndon HS.
> I have no clue why SB does that. Don't ask me.
> Now, please answer my question. If you put all
> those 291 back to SLHS, where do you find some
> warm bodies to fill up the vacancies. Herndon HS
> will below capactiy. Another redistrict? Come on.

Hey how did someone know it was "20" kids from McNair? Seriously these two scenarios with lines as boundaries ..its like ok let's take that line and carve out. Stupid what these two goons. S & K did. All the more reason why this RD should be halted..too much conflict going on here.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:45PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> .. If you put all
> those 291 back to SLHS, where do you find some
> warm bodies to fill up the vacancies. Herndon HS
> will below capactiy. Another redistrict? Come on.

Why not move Reston students into the Reston high school? As for "another boundary change" what do you call moving Westfield AND Chantilly AND Oakton AND Madison students, NONE of whom live in Reston?

Re: "replacement" students for Herndon, head north: Forestville students appear to be closer to Herndon than to Langley. In addition, watch the boundaries for Coppermine.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:47PM

navy area parent Wrote:
> Could we refrain from talking about "good kids"
> vs. "bad kids" based solely on economics? It's
> really unseemly and misses the point.

Agree. But you can't blame on me. This whole thing was triggered by SLHS PTA openly claimed that, they did not want Title I kids, and since them, "good kids" and "bad kids" started to float around. SLHS PTA also implies that, McNairs kids are not high achievers and SLHS wanted high achieving students so that they could help to raise the scores. I was there on the second public hearing and I did not lie about it.
Some SLHS went even further to suggest that, SLHS was dragged down by the housing projects and they claimed that, before the housing project was built, SLHS was a dream school in the county. Can you deny that, SLHS PTA does not judge kids based on economics? As a matter of fact, it seems to me that, they are discriminating their own kids from the housing project.
At least Herndon HS parents are decent and sensitive enough to know that, we should respect Title I kids. After all, they are human beings and there are smart kids among themselves.
I have every right to say that, SLHS has no dignity. I believer a lot of SLHS parents are decent. But what their PTA did through the process really was really disgusting.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:49PM

navy area parent Wrote:
> Could we refrain from talking about "good kids"
> vs. "bad kids" based solely on economics? It's
> really unseemly and misses the point.

Can we stop talking about "good kids" vs. "bad kids" entirely? If South Lakes wants more students, leave it at that, regardless of what they look like, how much money their parents make, where they were born, special services they require, or any other criteria. Stick only to numbers - which is what we feel like at this point.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ItstheFairfaxWay ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:55PM

navy area parent Wrote:
> Could we refrain from talking about "good kids"
> vs. "bad kids" based solely on economics? It's
> really unseemly and misses the point.

Why? It's right on point. Everyone involved in this has already decided that "good school" vs. "bad school" is based solely on free & reduced lunch and esol students.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: airway ()
Date: February 14, 2008 01:55PM

Do not characterize the entire South Lakes community as the South Lakes PTA.

Options: ReplyQuote
you want to stay at Madison?
Posted by: vienna fan ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:00PM

Move into the Town of Vienna. Plenty of nice houses for sale.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SO OVER IT! ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:01PM

Thomas More,
Please don't put this on Herndon. The whole thing stinks. While you've made your opinion known loud and clear, most realize that the only way to backfill HHS ( to replace losss of Aldrin) is to redistrict Langley and that's never going to happen.

This scenerio only set us up for another inept redistricting in a few years when HHS is underenrolled for the very same reasons SL is now. Don't think that I have to spell it out....do I?

Please put the blame where it belongs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:08PM

airway Wrote:
> Do not characterize the entire South Lakes
> community as the South Lakes PTA.

Now, let me first reiterate that, I believe most of the South Lakes parents are decent people. However, let me explain to you why the public feel so bad about SLHS this time and why not only the SLHS PTA that deserves the blame:
1. During the second meeting, one of the SLHS parents debate with me on why Herndon HS took good students away from Reston and why SB should not push McNairs to SLHS because they were Title I. it upset one of the McNairs parent in my room that he almost wanted to yell at the SLHS.
2. My room has 24 people, 6 of them were SLHS students brought over to Westfield public hearing by SLHS PTA. It happened to a lot of other rooms. Now, literally, each room would consist of more than 20% SLHS students, if you do the math.

Based on all that, can you honestly say that, only SLHS PTA should take the blame on SLHS' reputation being tarnished? I read something about Gibson is a SB bully. Unfortunately, West County public is feeling that SLHS community is bullying the rest of the West County with the help from Gibson himself.

I am happy that Herndon HS is not hurting too much. As a matter of fact, I might need to thank Gibson's scenario 3 for putting some MaNairs "good kids" into Herndon HS and leaving the "bad kids" in Westfield.

I do feel bad for those who are forced into SLHS. I don't think SLHS students who treat Fox Mill and Floris kids too well. As a matter of fact, someone was posting something here saying those are nerds and there were not welcome by SLHS. Good luck to those kids.

God bless Herndon HS.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:10PM

SO OVER IT! Wrote:
> Thomas More,
> Please don't put this on Herndon. The whole thing
> stinks. While you've made your opinion known loud
> and clear, most realize that the only way to
> backfill HHS ( to replace losss of Aldrin) is to
> redistrict Langley and that's never going to
> happen.
> This scenerio only set us up for another inept
> redistricting in a few years when HHS is
> underenrolled for the very same reasons SL is now.
> Don't think that I have to spell it out....do I?
> Please put the blame where it belongs.

Langley should have been in the study. I think the cruz of the problem to this whole RD mess is not all the high schools in the West were included in the study causing a lot of conflict. Where does the blame go to? Look no further to the SB and staff and the lack of credibilty among them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:17PM

Baffled Wrote:
> SO OVER IT! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas More,
> > Please don't put this on Herndon. The whole
> thing
> > stinks. While you've made your opinion known
> loud
> > and clear, most realize that the only way to
> > backfill HHS ( to replace losss of Aldrin) is
> to
> > redistrict Langley and that's never going to
> > happen.
> >
> > This scenerio only set us up for another inept
> > redistricting in a few years when HHS is
> > underenrolled for the very same reasons SL is
> now.
> > Don't think that I have to spell it out....do I?
> >
> > Please put the blame where it belongs.
> Langley should have been in the study. I think
> the cruz of the problem to this whole RD mess is
> not all the high schools in the West were included
> in the study causing a lot of conflict. Where
> does the blame go to? Look no further to the SB
> and staff and the lack of credibilty among them

That does not sound too good for Herndon HS. I bet they will really bring the whole McNairs over to Herndon HS by then. Eventually, the Title I kids who are rejected by SLHS community now, will end up being shipped to Herndon HS as warm bodies. I am pissed. Who does SLHS think they are?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:19PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Thomas,

> I drove around there on Tuesday. A large part
> of the McNairs is actually commercial buildings. I
> have no clue why SB showed them as Residential in
> the map. Therefore, there would be very small
> amount of McNairs students will end up being sent
> to Herndon HS. I have no clue why SB does that. Don't ask me.
> Now, please answer my question. If you put all
> those 291 back to SLHS, where do you find some
> warm bodies to fill up the vacancies. Herndon HS
> will below capactiy. Another redistrict? Come on.

There's a set of maps on the FCPS website, the link to which I've long since lost but it's on this forum back in the early days.

There are 3 maps of the areas in question showing existing housing and new housing in the pipeline. I've discussed them at length on this forum, feel free to search for those entries by word.

In summary, McNair, east of Centreville Road will add 1704 dwelling units projected to add 200 hs kids to the 390 already going to Westfield from McNair. McNair, west of Centerville Road, will add 4741 dwelling units projected to add 336 hs kids.

Conclusion: McNair would more than make up for Aldrin.

So I put the question to you again Herndon, McNair for Aldrin straight up. Come on, make everybody's life easier.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: airways ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:21PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> airway Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Do not characterize the entire South Lakes
> > community as the South Lakes PTA.
> Now, let me first reiterate that, I believe most
> of the South Lakes parents are decent people.
> However, let me explain to you why the public feel
> so bad about SLHS this time and why not only the
> SLHS PTA that deserves the blame:
> 1. During the second meeting, one of the SLHS
> parents debate with me on why Herndon HS took good
> students away from Reston and why SB should not
> push McNairs to SLHS because they were Title I. it
> upset one of the McNairs parent in my room that he
> almost wanted to yell at the SLHS.

That is one parent and it is true that putting another title I school into South Lakes would not be of benefit to any of the title I students, Dogwood or Mcnair. McNair should stay at Westfield. Parents from other schools are being nasty to South Lakes just as much, if not more so I don't buy this argument.

> 2. My room has 24 people, 6 of them were SLHS
> students brought over to Westfield public hearing
> by SLHS PTA. It happened to a lot of other rooms.
> Now, literally, each room would consist of more
> than 20% SLHS students, if you do the math.

The SLPTSA is not "bring" students. Every single one of these students volunteered to come to stick up for their school which was being slandered and degraded unduefully. How do I know they all came out of their own volition? It was my siblings and their friends.

> Based on all that, can you honestly say that, only
> SLHS PTA should take the blame on SLHS' reputation
> being tarnished? I read something about Gibson is
> a SB bully. Unfortunately, West County public is
> feeling that SLHS community is bullying the rest
> of the West County with the help from Gibson
> himself.

I blame parents who, from the outset, defamed South Lakes based on rumors, causing the South Lakes community to become defensive.

> I am happy that Herndon HS is not hurting too
> much. As a matter of fact, I might need to thank
> Gibson's scenario 3 for putting some MaNairs "good
> kids" into Herndon HS and leaving the "bad kids"
> in Westfield.

Why do you feel the need to continue this good kid bad kid thing over and over.

> I do feel bad for those who are forced into SLHS.
> I don't think SLHS students who treat Fox Mill and
> Floris kids too well. As a matter of fact, someone
> was posting something here saying those are nerds
> and there were not welcome by SLHS. Good luck to
> those kids.

As of right now no one is forced to go to South Lakes. The South Lakes community loves their school just like other communities love Oakton, Chantilly, Westfield, Herndon. etc. It is obvious that the person who posted that was a troll.
> God bless Herndon HS.

Birds eat bugs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Manoj Bal ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:27PM

airways Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > airway Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Do not characterize the entire South Lakes
> > > community as the South Lakes PTA.
> >
> > Now, let me first reiterate that, I believe
> most
> > of the South Lakes parents are decent people.
> > However, let me explain to you why the public
> feel
> > so bad about SLHS this time and why not only
> the
> > SLHS PTA that deserves the blame:
> > 1. During the second meeting, one of the SLHS
> > parents debate with me on why Herndon HS took
> good
> > students away from Reston and why SB should not
> > push McNairs to SLHS because they were Title I.
> it
> > upset one of the McNairs parent in my room that
> he
> > almost wanted to yell at the SLHS.
> That is one parent and it is true that putting
> another title I school into South Lakes would not
> be of benefit to any of the title I students,
> Dogwood or Mcnair. McNair should stay at
> Westfield. Parents from other schools are being
> nasty to South Lakes just as much, if not more so
> I don't buy this argument.
> > 2. My room has 24 people, 6 of them were SLHS
> > students brought over to Westfield public
> hearing
> > by SLHS PTA. It happened to a lot of other
> rooms.
> > Now, literally, each room would consist of more
> > than 20% SLHS students, if you do the math.
> The SLPTSA is not "bring" students. Every single
> one of these students volunteered to come to stick
> up for their school which was being slandered and
> degraded unduefully. How do I know they all came
> out of their own volition? It was my siblings and
> their friends.
> >
> > Based on all that, can you honestly say that,
> only
> > SLHS PTA should take the blame on SLHS'
> reputation
> > being tarnished? I read something about Gibson
> is
> > a SB bully. Unfortunately, West County public
> is
> > feeling that SLHS community is bullying the
> rest
> > of the West County with the help from Gibson
> > himself.
> I blame parents who, from the outset, defamed
> South Lakes based on rumors, causing the South
> Lakes community to become defensive.
> >
> > I am happy that Herndon HS is not hurting too
> > much. As a matter of fact, I might need to
> thank
> > Gibson's scenario 3 for putting some MaNairs
> "good
> > kids" into Herndon HS and leaving the "bad
> kids"
> > in Westfield.
> Why do you feel the need to continue this good kid
> bad kid thing over and over.
> >
> > I do feel bad for those who are forced into
> > I don't think SLHS students who treat Fox Mill
> and
> > Floris kids too well. As a matter of fact,
> someone
> > was posting something here saying those are
> nerds
> > and there were not welcome by SLHS. Good luck
> to
> > those kids.
> As of right now no one is forced to go to South
> Lakes. The South Lakes community loves their
> school just like other communities love Oakton,
> Chantilly, Westfield, Herndon. etc. It is obvious
> that the person who posted that was a troll.
> >
> > God bless Herndon HS.
> Birds eat bugs.

And I highlight your sentence

As of right now no one is forced to go to South Lakes. The South Lakes community loves their school just like other communities love Oakton, Chantilly, Westfield, Herndon. etc. It is obvious that the person who posted that was a troll.

Where have you been? Do you know what this commotion is about. The SB is disbanding Fox Mill and Floris communities to fill South Lakes.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:27PM

SO OVER IT! Wrote:
> Thomas More,
> Please don't put this on Herndon. The whole thing
> stinks. While you've made your opinion known loud
> and clear, most realize that the only way to
> backfill HHS ( to replace losss of Aldrin) is to
> redistrict Langley and that's never going to
> happen.
> This scenerio only set us up for another inept
> redistricting in a few years when HHS is
> underenrolled for the very same reasons SL is now.
> Don't think that I have to spell it out....do I?

Please spell it out.

> Please put the blame where it belongs.

YOu mean on the HHS PTA that insisted on Stuy's illegal promise in 2003.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Single Dad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:27PM


I just learned my kid is going to have to goto South Lakes. I feel really fucking great now after reading all of this shit. What, am I supposed to buy him a gun now? The kids like 100 lbs and he's going to get the snot beat out of him everyday by gang bangers.

This is ridiculous. I thought this kind of shit only happened to other people's kids.

I swear to god if my kid turns into reject or some "emo" because of this school i will go off the deep end. When is the next meeting and how can i get involved. you dont actually expect me to read a terabyte of text to figure it out on my own.

-a guy who should have never moved here

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:34PM

airways Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > airway Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Do not characterize the entire South Lakes
> > > community as the South Lakes PTA.
> >
> > Now, let me first reiterate that, I believe
> most
> > of the South Lakes parents are decent people.
> > However, let me explain to you why the public
> feel
> > so bad about SLHS this time and why not only
> the
> > SLHS PTA that deserves the blame:
> > 1. During the second meeting, one of the SLHS
> > parents debate with me on why Herndon HS took
> good
> > students away from Reston and why SB should not
> > push McNairs to SLHS because they were Title I.
> it
> > upset one of the McNairs parent in my room that
> he
> > almost wanted to yell at the SLHS.
> That is one parent and it is true that putting
> another title I school into South Lakes would not
> be of benefit to any of the title I students,
> Dogwood or Mcnair. McNair should stay at
> Westfield. Parents from other schools are being
> nasty to South Lakes just as much, if not more so
> I don't buy this argument.
> > 2. My room has 24 people, 6 of them were SLHS
> > students brought over to Westfield public
> hearing
> > by SLHS PTA. It happened to a lot of other
> rooms.
> > Now, literally, each room would consist of more
> > than 20% SLHS students, if you do the math.
> The SLPTSA is not "bring" students. Every single
> one of these students volunteered to come to stick
> up for their school which was being slandered and
> degraded unduefully. How do I know they all came
> out of their own volition? It was my siblings and
> their friends.
> >
> > Based on all that, can you honestly say that,
> only
> > SLHS PTA should take the blame on SLHS'
> reputation
> > being tarnished? I read something about Gibson
> is
> > a SB bully. Unfortunately, West County public
> is
> > feeling that SLHS community is bullying the
> rest
> > of the West County with the help from Gibson
> > himself.
> I blame parents who, from the outset, defamed
> South Lakes based on rumors, causing the South
> Lakes community to become defensive.
> >
> > I am happy that Herndon HS is not hurting too
> > much. As a matter of fact, I might need to
> thank
> > Gibson's scenario 3 for putting some MaNairs
> "good
> > kids" into Herndon HS and leaving the "bad
> kids"
> > in Westfield.
> Why do you feel the need to continue this good kid
> bad kid thing over and over.
> >
> > I do feel bad for those who are forced into
> > I don't think SLHS students who treat Fox Mill
> and
> > Floris kids too well. As a matter of fact,
> someone
> > was posting something here saying those are
> nerds
> > and there were not welcome by SLHS. Good luck
> to
> > those kids.
> As of right now no one is forced to go to South
> Lakes. The South Lakes community loves their
> school just like other communities love Oakton,
> Chantilly, Westfield, Herndon. etc. It is obvious
> that the person who posted that was a troll.
> >
> > God bless Herndon HS.
> Birds eat bugs.

Typical SLHS attitude. Self pity and full of shit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:38PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Typical SLHS attitude. Self pity and full of shit.

Never mind that childish foolishness.

Answer that question:

Aldrin for McNair?

Reston kids at Reston's high school - SL

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HerndonHSDad ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:38PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas,
> > I drove around there on Tuesday. A large part
> > of the McNairs is actually commercial buildings.
> I
> > have no clue why SB showed them as Residential
> in
> > the map. Therefore, there would be very small
> > amount of McNairs students will end up being
> sent
> > to Herndon HS. I have no clue why SB does that.
> Don't ask me.
> >
> > Now, please answer my question. If you put all
> > those 291 back to SLHS, where do you find some
> > warm bodies to fill up the vacancies. Herndon
> HS
> > will below capactiy. Another redistrict? Come
> on.
> There's a set of maps on the FCPS website, the
> link to which I've long since lost but it's on
> this forum back in the early days.
> There are 3 maps of the areas in question showing
> existing housing and new housing in the pipeline.
> I've discussed them at length on this forum, feel
> free to search for those entries by word.
> In summary, McNair, east of Centreville Road will
> add 1704 dwelling units projected to add 200 hs
> kids to the 390 already going to Westfield from
> McNair. McNair, west of Centerville Road, will
> add 4741 dwelling units projected to add 336 hs
> kids.
> Conclusion: McNair would more than make up for
> Aldrin.
> So I put the question to you again Herndon, McNair
> for Aldrin straight up. Come on, make everybody's
> life easier.

Thomas, we have no problem accepting McNair kids. We don't discriminate against Title I like SLHS does.
Yes, McNair for Aldrin. But can we wait after those units are complete. You know, the housing market is not that good and I bet they will not build those units now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:41PM

airways Wrote:
> That is one parent and it is true that putting
> another title I school into South Lakes would not
> be of benefit to any of the title I students ...
> I blame parents who, from the outset, defamed
> South Lakes based on rumors, causing the South
> Lakes community to become defensive. ...
> Why do you feel the need to continue this good kid
> bad kid thing over and over. ...
Your arguments would carry more weight is you'd stop stereotyping and categorizing some children as "title I students" and the using that as a reason for not wanting them at SLHS.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:45PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> ... But can we wait ...

That is the point on which most of us agree: the best change at this point is NO change.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: souflakes ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:50PM

Would you be willing to pay an exorbatant amount in extra taxes to soley fund an program to revitalize South Lakes within the current boundaries with its current population?

I like that idea.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: You are Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:51PM

Dear Forum Reader,

Do Woodson kids come from the town of Woodson? Reston is a place name, not a town, and a good portion of its students are at Herndon. Oakton kids are at Madison, Herndon, Oak Hill, Centreville kids at Westfield. Get it.

Dear Thomas, things must be really slow at McCandlish & Lillard, P.C. today.

Forum Reader Wrote:
> HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> > .. If you put all
> > those 291 back to SLHS, where do you find some
> > warm bodies to fill up the vacancies. Herndon
> HS
> > will below capactiy. Another redistrict? Come
> on.
> Why not move Reston students into the Reston high
> school? As for "another boundary change" what do
> you call moving Westfield AND Chantilly AND Oakton
> AND Madison students, NONE of whom live in
> Reston?
> Re: "replacement" students for Herndon, head
> north: Forestville students appear to be closer to
> Herndon than to Langley. In addition, watch the
> boundaries for Coppermine.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: You are Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:53PM

HHS Dad, you must not have watched the public hearings, where time and again Herndon speakers said that they don't want any more Title I students and that SL should not have them either. So please stop repeating what is clearly not on the agenda of the Herndon PTSA.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 02:59PM

You are Baffled Wrote:
> HHS Dad, you must not have watched the public
> hearings, where time and again Herndon speakers
> said that they don't want any more Title I
> students and that SL should not have them either.
> So please stop repeating what is clearly not on
> the agenda of the Herndon PTSA.

Looks like someone has taken my "name". Sounds like this poster is in cahoots with HHS and SL regarding the McNair kids.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:01PM

HerndonHSDad Wrote:
> Thomas, we have no problem accepting McNair kids.
> We don't discriminate against Title I like SLHS
> does.

Neither do I, but my first priority is uniting Reston.

> Yes, McNair for Aldrin.

Good. Call the HHS PTA officers and tell them you want them to support that arrangement.

> But can we wait after
> those units are complete. You know, the housing
> market is not that good and I bet they will not
> build those units now.

I'm in no hurry either but the units are being built right now, the Coopermine ES contract was let a week or two ago and the developers already paid proffer money to FCPS so their customers kids shouldn't have to wait too long.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:04PM

You are Baffled Wrote:
> Dear Thomas, things must be really slow at
> McCandlish & Lillard, P.C. today.
I'm sure things are busier there than a one armed paper hanger in a hurricane.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Truthteller ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:07PM

Coppermine is a complete waste of taxpayers money.

They should use Hutchison rather than drag more Floris kids to a completely unnecessary Coppermine for Phase 2 of the Gibson master plan for social engineering

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: elementarykids ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:10PM

Do you have any idea how many elementary kids this will add?

Thank you!

Thomas More Wrote:

> In summary, McNair, east of Centreville Road will
> add 1704 dwelling units projected to add 200 hs
> kids to the 390 already going to Westfield from
> McNair. McNair, west of Centerville Road, will
> add 4741 dwelling units projected to add 336 hs
> kids.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:16PM

You are Baffled Wrote:
> Dear Forum Reader,
> Do Woodson kids come from the town of Woodson?
> Reston is a place name, not a town, and a good
> portion of its students are at Herndon. Oakton
> kids are at Madison, Herndon, Oak Hill,
> Centreville kids at Westfield. Get it. ...
I have no idea where the town of South Lakes might be, but Woodson, Robinson, Stuart, etc are named after people, not places.

Herndon is a town and a high school.

Reston is a planned community and special tax district. "Get it?"

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: dumb ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:18PM

Herndon has students from outside of Herndon. Get it?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: money b4 kids ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:21PM

souflakes Wrote:
> Would you be willing to pay an exorbatant amount
> in extra taxes to soley fund an program to
> revitalize South Lakes within the current
> boundaries with its current population?
> I like that idea.

I'd give my money before my kids, that's for sure.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: navy area parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:24PM

ItstheFairfaxWay Wrote:
> navy area parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Could we refrain from talking about "good kids"
> > vs. "bad kids" based solely on economics? It's
> > really unseemly and misses the point.
> Why? It's right on point. Everyone involved in
> this has already decided that "good school" vs.
> "bad school" is based solely on free & reduced
> lunch and esol students.

Are you kidding me? Test scores, curricula differences (AP vs. IB), keeping families together and even home values are the point. Not income and race. Did you read this thread? The only people talking about income and race as deciding factors of ANYTHING are the SLHS apologists.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:25PM

dumb Wrote:
> Herndon has students from outside of Herndon. Get
> it?

You point?

First you take care of your own community.

If you still have room after taking in all of "your" town's children, good, because most County residents do not live in a special tax district like Reston.

That is exactly what Fairfax City does with the high school called "Fairfax".

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:43PM

elementarykids Wrote:
> Do you have any idea how many elementary kids this
> will add?
> Thank you!
> Thomas More Wrote:
> > In summary, McNair, east of Centreville Road
> will
> > add 1704 dwelling units projected to add 200 hs
> > kids to the 390 already going to Westfield from
> > McNair. McNair, west of Centerville Road, will
> > add 4741 dwelling units projected to add 336 hs
> > kids.

Its .17 K-6 kids per garden apt. So 290 east and 806 west of Centerville Road; more than enough to fill McNair, Hutchison and Coopermine without touching Floris.

So, no, Truthteller, Coopermine is not a waste of money. FCPS better hope the contractor works fast.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:45PM

Splitting up McNair, Floris, Fox Mill, Oak Hill is completely nuts. The School Board is going about this in the wrong way.

Here's where it really should be going:

1. Herndon gets Forest Edge and Lake Anne
2. Madison gets Sunrise Valley and Terraset
3. Oakton gets Dogwood and Hunters Woods

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:49PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> You are Baffled Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> I have no idea where the town of South Lakes might
> be, but Woodson, Robinson, Stuart, etc are named
> after people, not places.
> Herndon is a town and a high school.
> Reston is a planned community and special tax
> district. "Get it?"

By any analysis, Reston is a city and should not be partitioned into two hs.

The SB wouldn't dare do it to the Town of Herndon or the Town of Vienna. They can't do it to Fairfax, since it's got a city charter and Fairfax HS is run by FCPS under contract with the City of Fairfax.

Now, we know why you chose the moniker, "You are Baffled"

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: dumb ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:50PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> dumb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Herndon has students from outside of Herndon.
> Get
> > it?
> You point?
> First you take care of your own community.
> If you still have room after taking in all of
> "your" town's children, good, because most County
> residents do not live in a special tax district
> like Reston.
> That is exactly what Fairfax City does with the
> high school called "Fairfax".

What are you talking about. Herndon does not have Floris or McNair, they are in Herndon. Herdon does have Aldrin and Armstrong and won't let them go. They are in Reston. There is a Fairfax High School in Fairfax City. They outsourced their education to FCPS.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:52PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> dumb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Herndon has students from outside of Herndon.
> Get
> > it?
> You point?
> First you take care of your own community.
> If you still have room after taking in all of
> "your" town's children, good, because most County
> residents do not live in a special tax district
> like Reston.
> That is exactly what Fairfax City does with the
> high school called "Fairfax".

And what the SB has always done with Madison and Vienna and Herndon and HHS.

Reston deserves the same treatment.

Otherwise, time for Reston to get a city charter, never mind this town stuff!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: navy area parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:54PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Splitting up McNair, Floris, Fox Mill, Oak Hill is
> completely nuts. The School Board is going about
> this in the wrong way.
> Here's where it really should be going:
> 1. Herndon gets Forest Edge and Lake Anne
> 2. Madison gets Sunrise Valley and Terraset
> 3. Oakton gets Dogwood and Hunters Woods

Sending Dogwood to Oakton would solve a bunch of problems according to the study. It makes no sense geographically but could help those kids out academically and improve SLHS's stats without seriously impacting Oakton. And they'd be on the bus too many hours a day to get into much trouble after school. As far as the social engineering proposals I've read here, I think this one makes the most sense.

I'm totally opposed to social engineering, though. So I still think the whole thing should be called off. But if we're going to do the bussing thing, it makes more sense to send disadvantaged kids into a good school and hope they improve than to send affluent ones into a bad school and hope they get everyone ELSE to improve.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: February 14, 2008 03:58PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Splitting up McNair, Floris, Fox Mill, Oak Hill is
> completely nuts. The School Board is going about
> this in the wrong way.
> Here's where it really should be going:
> 1. Herndon gets Forest Edge and Lake Anne
> 2. Madison gets Sunrise Valley and Terraset
> 3. Oakton gets Dogwood and Hunters Woods

and where would that leave for South Lakes? Sounds like it could be converted to a fcps administration building since it was renovated at 60 million instead of about to blow another 60 million on a new administration building

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:05PM

navy area parent Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Splitting up McNair, Floris, Fox Mill, Oak Hill
> is
> > completely nuts. The School Board is going
> about
> > this in the wrong way.
> >
> > Here's where it really should be going:
> >
> > 1. Herndon gets Forest Edge and Lake Anne
> > 2. Madison gets Sunrise Valley and Terraset
> > 3. Oakton gets Dogwood and Hunters Woods
> Sending Dogwood to Oakton would solve a bunch of
> problems according to the study. It makes no
> sense geographically but could help those kids out
> academically and improve SLHS's stats without
> seriously impacting Oakton. And they'd be on the
> bus too many hours a day to get into much trouble
> after school. As far as the social engineering
> proposals I've read here, I think this one makes
> the most sense.
> I'm totally opposed to social engineering, though.
> So I still think the whole thing should be called
> off. But if we're going to do the bussing thing,
> it makes more sense to send disadvantaged kids
> into a good school and hope they improve than to
> send affluent ones into a bad school and hope they
> get everyone ELSE to improve.

My partitioning of South Lakes was facetious, of course. Ah, but it's fun to think outside of parameters once in a while.

I think with the new options #11 and #12, Mr. Gibson and Ms. Smith are trying to come up with something outside of the SB's parameters a bit - perhaps brainstorming on their part? I think they will find out soon enough that creating more split feeders will gain even more hostility; and I would be surprised if the SB came to a final scenario which increased them.

Again, given the current scope, the School Board will only find new and more excruciating contradictions to their criteria.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:08PM

Reston High or a magnet following Hunters Woods model?

"and where would that leave for South Lakes? Sounds like it could be converted to a fcps administration building since it was renovated at 60 million instead of about to blow another 60 million on a new administration building

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:15PM

dumb Wrote:
> What are you talking about. Herndon does not have Floris or McNair, they are in > Herndon.

Floris and McNair are not in the TOWN of Herndon.

They may have a Herndon postal address but then so did South Reston (20191) during the first decade I lived here when it was still 22091. I still sometimes get junk mail with Herndon on it.

Oak Hill had a Herndon postal address too until the swells thought the reference was beneath the price of their mansions and pestered the Post Office non-stop to change it.

Our point, dumb one, is that Reston is a defined community with fix boundaries, established by the County, since 1965. It's got 65,000 people and its own Small Tax District (#5) into which we pay extra tax money to support the Reston Community Center, unlike the folks who live near OakMar and pay nothing extra. (Need to fix that).

There is no rational basis to partition Reston into two hs.

Reston's kids at Reston's high school - SL.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: yoyoyo ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:16PM

No need for Reston High, South Lakes will do, as it is named for the 2 lakes of South Reston (Audobon and Thoureau).

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: samgee ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:21PM

navy area parent Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Splitting up McNair, Floris, Fox Mill, Oak Hill
> is
> > completely nuts. The School Board is going
> about
> > this in the wrong way.
> >
> > Here's where it really should be going:
> >
> > 1. Herndon gets Forest Edge and Lake Anne
> > 2. Madison gets Sunrise Valley and Terraset
> > 3. Oakton gets Dogwood and Hunters Woods
> Sending Dogwood to Oakton would solve a bunch of
> problems according to the study. It makes no
> sense geographically but could help those kids out
> academically and improve SLHS's stats without
> seriously impacting Oakton. And they'd be on the
> bus too many hours a day to get into much trouble
> after school. As far as the social engineering
> proposals I've read here, I think this one makes
> the most sense.
> I'm totally opposed to social engineering, though.
> So I still think the whole thing should be called
> off. But if we're going to do the bussing thing,
> it makes more sense to send disadvantaged kids
> into a good school and hope they improve than to
> send affluent ones into a bad school and hope they
> get everyone ELSE to improve.

Dogwood is not that far from Navy. Seems like Navy can take some Dogwood students - best time to improve educational scores would be in elementary school,n-est pas?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Blue Horseshoe ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:40PM

I checked the lines at Vegas and here is what we have

Option 5 5 to 2
Option 5 with Navy taken out 3 to 1
Option 11b (Smith) 5 to 1
Option 12 (Gibson) 4 to 1
Do nothing on 2/28 6 to 1
Redo in 1 year 5 to 1

Recall of Gibson 5 to 1

Any takers?

Any other bets?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:43PM

Blue Horseshoe Wrote:
> I checked the lines at Vegas and here is what we
> have
> Option 5 5 to 2
> Option 5 with Navy taken out 3 to 1
> Option 11b (Smith) 5 to 1
> Option 12 (Gibson) 4 to 1
> Do nothing on 2/28 6 to 1
> Redo in 1 year 5 to 1
> Recall of Gibson 5 to 1
> Any takers?

If betting weren't illegal, I'd put $10 on each play across the board.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2008 04:43PM by Thomas More.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: navy area parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:51PM

samgee Wrote:
> navy area parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Berdhuis Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Splitting up McNair, Floris, Fox Mill, Oak
> Hill
> > is
> > > completely nuts. The School Board is going
> > about
> > > this in the wrong way.
> > >
> > > Here's where it really should be going:
> > >
> > > 1. Herndon gets Forest Edge and Lake Anne
> > > 2. Madison gets Sunrise Valley and Terraset
> > > 3. Oakton gets Dogwood and Hunters Woods
> >
> > Sending Dogwood to Oakton would solve a bunch
> of
> > problems according to the study. It makes no
> > sense geographically but could help those kids
> out
> > academically and improve SLHS's stats without
> > seriously impacting Oakton. And they'd be on
> the
> > bus too many hours a day to get into much
> trouble
> > after school. As far as the social engineering
> > proposals I've read here, I think this one
> makes
> > the most sense.
> >
> > I'm totally opposed to social engineering,
> though.
> > So I still think the whole thing should be
> called
> > off. But if we're going to do the bussing
> thing,
> > it makes more sense to send disadvantaged kids
> > into a good school and hope they improve than
> to
> > send affluent ones into a bad school and hope
> they
> > get everyone ELSE to improve.
> Dogwood is not that far from Navy. Seems like Navy
> can take some Dogwood students - best time to
> improve educational scores would be in elementary
> school,n-est pas?

Like I said, I'm against social engineering. But in a theoretical sense, I don't think Navy would be ruined by taking on some Dogwood kids.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: navy area parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:54PM

And I should add that that's not the issue here. Would I send my Navy kids to Dogwood? HELL NO. THAT is closer to what is being discussed by sending kids to SLHS.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: ajkdsfa ()
Date: February 14, 2008 04:57PM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: navy area parent ()
Date: February 14, 2008 05:08PM

hy·per·bo·le /haɪˈpɜrbəli/
–noun Rhetoric.
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
Compare litotes.

[Origin: 1520–30; < Gk hyperbol excess, exaggeration, throwing beyond, equiv. to hyper- hyper- + bol throw]

—Synonyms 2. overstatement.
—Antonyms 2. understatement.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: February 14, 2008 05:20PM

>>>It might be a much better sales pitch for SL to talk about the rigor of the programs and of the administration (if it were indeed true), than it is to talk about the facility, the diversity and how much good this RD is doing for the underachievers. That would be much more appealing to the parents of high achievers than the message that is being sent. TJ has been a dump for years, and they have a long list of people trying to get in.<<<

We've been trying to tell SL supporters that for months. They just won't listen. Parents care about academic rigor, not sky lights and 'diversity'.

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