Thomas More Wrote:
> Another Brick in the Wall Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thomas More Wrote:
> >
> > > > J.E.B. Stuart (which is comparable in size,
> actually more challenged in
> > > > terms of demographics) for some inspiration
> and ideas, since on a
> > > > statistical, demographically-adjusted basis
> Stuart is significantly
> > > > outperforming SL?
> >
> > > Exactly, so just what are they doing
> > > differently at Stuart?
> >
> > Take a look at this
> >
> >
> > DID=53684
> Great get, thanks.
> So how much $ to get Mel Riddile to transfer to
> SL? Or as the girls say in the Jared commercial,
> "Does he have any brothers?"
> I did notice that he's been there since 1997. And
> he did it without a redistricting. Hopefully, it
> doesn't take 10 years to turn things around at
> SL.
> If any of the SLPTSA officers are reading, how
> about getting Dr. Mel to come to a PTA meeting and
> tell us all how he does it, 'cause it ain't
> gettin' done at SL yet.
Stuart parent here, and Mel left the county; he is now principal at T.C Williams in the city of Alexandria. Pam Jones is our new principal, and is in her second year. She had been an AP there for a while, and prior to that a teacher at Stuart for 25 years.
I had been posting under the moniker of AP vs IB since I had taught at Woodson, thus know a touch of AP related stuff, and have sons at Stuart, so know IB via that aspect.
Just as an aside, while Mel did do a lot to assist Stuart transition from a school with a poor reputation in the mid 90's, to what it is now, he too had folks who didn't care for him. Politics and PR can certainly enhance any principal. My oldest son was only there for Mel's first year, and much of the time he was out of the building since that was the year he won the principal of the year award, and was indeed presenting what he did to turn things around. So, I really can't comment on how he led Stuart.
If you do want him to come to your PTA meetings or something, I am sure he would be happy to do so.