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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:42PM

South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:

> How about if Navy stays at Chantilly, and Oakton
> takes the Academy? Don't know the numbers, but
> that might work? Since you like academies so
> much, and think that an academy would be "helping"
> South Lakes, (which already has the MMR magnet and
> highest FRL in the study), maybe Oakton could take
> it?

That is a marvelous idea. Oakton has had no problem telling us what we should and should not get. Let's start making some suggestions about their school.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CHS mom ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:49PM

Clarifier Wrote:
> I'm still not hearing Oakton/Chantilly/Westfield
> parents complain about their numbers.
> If you look at all 8 criteria, the option proposed
> now would meet them all. Proximity and commuiting
> issues improved overall, socioeconomic balances
> significantly improved, capacity issues resolved,
> program access about to be improved as a result,
> split feeders remain the same (Floris was going to
> be split anyway; Navy boundaries moved), buffer
> for South Lakes, neighborhoods stay together.
> Of all scenarios discussed, this one affects the
> LEAST numbers of schools, and has the LEAST domino
> effects.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Madison ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:49PM

FME Mom,

"I worked my butt off to buy a house in a good school district so she would not have to associate with lower socioeconomic groups of children"

Were you scared she might catch poverty? It’s not contagious…

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:51PM

BTW, Madison remains over-capacity. So Oakton could take some of them, no? (I think Marshall is going to fight for some, though). Next time around on the next boundary changes... Time to start working the numbers.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:56PM

CHS Mom: I am really sorry you'd be a domino. Really, truly. I would not want to be in your place. Imagine what South Lakes has been going through with thousands of gladiators arrayed against it over years and years! I'd have to argue that South Lakes ITSELF has been a domino for all those years. This is helping rectify that wrong.

Maybe the next tactic is to ensure that the board allows for liberal pupil-placement. South Lakes might lose some families who just plain don't want to be there. You could continue on at Chantilly. I'd be okay with that. But I also know that those who don't want to come to South Lakes now will change their minds when they have some personal experience with the school and its ardent supporters.

(Actually, I do hope kids will place out, b/c I have to place mine IN since we're not part of this change.)

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:58PM

Ohhhhhhhh yeah!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: December 12, 2007 05:59PM

Clarifier - actually, FME Mom describes the phenomena that Kay Hymnowitz of the Manhattan writes so eloquently about. One of the delicious ironies that she points out is that the female Debevoise and Plimpton associate (that is the law firm she chose) could in fact to afford to be a single mother and provide for a child, but instead invariably chooses marriage over and over again, while the mother that cannot afford to do so (either from a financial or, more importantly, an emotional perspective) so often eschews marriage. Of course, what Hymnowitz really is relating is the pursuit of the "mission" - that is - giving offspring a good start in life - with a huge emphasis on education and nuturing. And these women, being "progressive" or "liberal" as many of them are, still when it comes down to it absolutely choose marriage, over and over again - because they know the chances of the mission being fulfilled increase greatly when having children with marriage. Really, if Hymnowitz can extol the phenomena of the "mission" - and as I said, I find it absolutely astounding that she receives almost no criticism of any type from any serious liberal or conservative quarter - FME Mom should hardly be castigated from describing the same preference in her own life, which, let's be blunt, most everyone on this board has already ascribed to in one way or another. Most all of us escape to the suburbs for their relative safety and for the quality of the schools. That's a good thing, not a bad thing, and it shouldn't be colored as a bad thing by mere invocation of white or progressive guilt.

I think there is some sacrifice involved for the greater public good with redistricting (even if the sacrifice is just a change in status quo which is upsetting to some, so I am not averring anything negative about South Lakes), so the real question is how will the schools meet that challenge. I have averred that being flexible and yet focused on high standards would help. Let's hope other share that view.

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: December 12, 2007 06:03PM

Thanks. It WAS rather inspired, wasn't it?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:03PM

Off to another Eagle Scout ceremony -- third one this year for me, 8th+ kid from our troop this year, three more in January, all from South Lakes. :-)

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: CHS mom ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:07PM

Believe me I do understand where you are coming from with the domino thing, BUT as I said before we are only 2 miles from CHS vs. 7.5 to Oakton with major traffic issues (scary for teenage drivers). We are a straight shot down Rt 50 to Stringfellow. This option only decreases the CHS population by 10% and they keep the modulars,so they should keep us too!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:12PM

Quantum: I agree that FME Mom was doing what she thought best, and that most families would choose to leave subsidized housing and poverty if they possibly could. As I've said before, I do applaud her doing well by her kids. (She did not get that, but chose to take offense instead.) But she is being too fearful of an influence FRM kids at South Lakes might have on her own kids. The percentages with the new scenario are way down, and the fact of the matter is that their values are simply not what she imagines they are.

We have said many, many times here, corroborated by students who have posted, that the "ghetto" and "gang" image people plaster on South Lakes is false, and in fact, the school has a near ideal diversity where kids of all classes and races and cultures mix and enjoy each others' company.

Prejudice against an entire "class" of people is the issue. Pre-judgement based on fear has been an ongoing issue for South Lakes, which absolutely does not deserve to be subject to it.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:19PM

Clarifier Wrote:
> ... If you look at all 8 criteria, the option proposed
> now would meet them all. Proximity and commuiting
> issues improved overall, socioeconomic balances
> significantly improved, capacity issues resolved,
> program access about to be improved as a result,
> split feeders remain the same (Floris was going to
> be split anyway; Navy boundaries moved), buffer
> for South Lakes, neighborhoods stay together. ...
"Proximity and commuiting issues" ...
... have been created for Navy. Solution: Leave Navy alone.

"capacity issues resolved"
NO - Chantilly is still overcrowded, Westfield has wasted space, Oakton 250 empty seats when it never had a problem to begin with; South Lakes so close to capacity it has no buffer. Solution: Leave Fox Mill alone. Move "excess" students from Chantilly to Westifield.

"program access about to be improved as a result"
Easier to do by simply encouraging pupil placement for whatever students want those programs.

"buffer for South Lakes"
As stated before, giving South Lakes more students than Oakton leaves South Lakes with virtually no buffer. Solution: Leave Fox Mill alone.

There is no solution that meets all eight criteria.
Better options: Liberal pupil placement (try to provide transportation) and make South Lakes a magnet.
Less good option: more split feeders. A month or two of getting to know new kids is not all that bad, especially when compared to six years of long commutes and overcrowded schools.
The option most everyone on this thread seems to like: Add Langley to the mix.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: hmmm07 ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:25PM

South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> hmmm7,
> I didn't say it eliminates dominoing, but it does
> minimize it over some of the other scenarios.
> This option weights SE balance higher than
> dominoing, which seems consistent with the
> criteria.
> How about if Navy stays at Chantilly, and Oakton
> takes the Academy? Don't know the numbers, but
> that might work? Since you like academies so
> much, and think that an academy would be "helping"
> South Lakes, (which already has the MMR magnet and
> highest FRL in the study), maybe Oakton could take
> it?

That's fine too. Unlike South Lakes, we at Oakton would be fine with taking McNair or we would be fine with taking an academy. But that all just seems like of foolish when the people at South Lakes could have done that and not felt the need to disrupt so many lives.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:29PM

Forum Reader, in spite of your seemingly unending font of knowledge, perhaps the School Board knows something that you don't. Perhaps they can address some of the less met criteria in other ways and in future adjustments.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:32PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> Thomas More Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > Do your '06 and '07 SL grads understand that
> they are legacy admits to the Country Day School?
> They most certainly do, but both worked very hard
> in high school and both were well above the school
> average for SAT and GPA; in other words, they had
> just as good a shot of getting in as any other kid
> in their class, thank you. Any particular reason
> why you are so inclined to make this about my
> kids?

You're the one who bragged about them both being IB stars and getting onto Country Day on this thread about 40 pages ago.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:33PM

hmmm07 Wrote:
> That's fine too. Unlike South Lakes, we at Oakton
> would be fine with taking McNair or we would be
> fine with taking an academy. But that all just
> seems like of foolish when the people at South
> Lakes could have done that and not felt the need
> to disrupt so many lives.

I am trying to respect your position, so I hope that you can understand that the impact of the McNair population on South Lakes would not have addressed the disparity in FRM numbers and in fact would have widened it between schools in the study. And don't forget that in all scenarios Herndon was being asked to take substantial portions of McNair. I don't hear anyone here chiding Herndon for advocating against taking McNair, and they have room to take some McNair students.

I think the comments at the Westfield meeting reflected a universal opposition to adding any more Title I kids to either Herndon or South Lakes. Even the folks in my group from Oakton, Chantilly, and Westfield agreed.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FCPS parent ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:36PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> Forum Reader, in spite of your seemingly unending
> font of knowledge, perhaps the School Board knows
> something that you don't. Perhaps they can
> address some of the less met criteria in other
> ways and in future adjustments.

The school board doesn't know anything or we would not be in this mess........
Maybe if they had listened to the many parents who tryed to speak....
less police.... more question and answers with real people
We might have gotten some where

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:39PM

Thomas More Wrote:

> You're the one who bragged about them both being
> IB stars and getting onto Country Day on this
> thread about 40 pages ago.

There is a big difference between bragging and pointing out to uninformed posters on this thread that South Lakes sends kids to good schools. Absent the SL University compilation sheet, which was later published and posted here by me, the only data I could provide was regarding my own children. If you can't see that, then too bad. You seem really ugly and petty when you denigrate the children of others. For what purpose I have not a clue. I have never attempted to do the same to yours and I ask for the same level of respect from you. You are the one who keeps putting down my Alma Mater, and despite your opinion, many think it is a fine school.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: December 12, 2007 06:49PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> Forum Reader, in spite of your seemingly unending
> font of knowledge, perhaps the School Board knows
> something that you don't. ...

Hmmm. "Boundary-Gate" in the making, right before our eyes.

What did they know and when did they know it? What aren't they telling us? Will it jeopardize National Defense to leak the big secret to us parents and taxpayers?

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: December 12, 2007 07:00PM

hmmm07 Wrote:
> South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > hmmm7,
> > I didn't say it eliminates dominoing, but it
> does
> > minimize it over some of the other scenarios.
> >
> > This option weights SE balance higher than
> > dominoing, which seems consistent with the
> > criteria.
> >
> > How about if Navy stays at Chantilly, and
> Oakton
> > takes the Academy? Don't know the numbers, but
> > that might work? Since you like academies so
> > much, and think that an academy would be
> "helping"
> > South Lakes, (which already has the MMR magnet
> and
> > highest FRL in the study), maybe Oakton could
> take
> > it?
> That's fine too. Unlike South Lakes, we at Oakton
> would be fine with taking McNair or we would be
> fine with taking an academy. But that all just
> seems like of foolish when the people at South
> Lakes could have done that and not felt the need
> to disrupt so many lives.

If that's the case, then moving the academy to Oakton might be a reasonable alternative to moving Navy kids. Perhaps you can suggest it to FCPS and your school board member. This would relieve Chantilly's numbers too. I don't know what you don't understand about the fact that our population cannot easily absorb another program or more needy kids and that other schools have the numbers to more easily absorb this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2007 07:01PM by South Lakes Pyramid parent.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:02PM

FME to Claifier

"Apparently your reading comprehension skills need improvement because I have never said anything racially inflammatory, nor did I say anything about my child playing with American Girl. Get it right before you try to insult me. If you biggest insult is that I worked my butt off to buy a house in a good school district so she would not have to associate with lower socioeconomic groups of children, well, that makes me a classist, not a racist. I love my diverse community in Fox Mill. As I said before, it's a diverse community whose diverse residents work and actively demonstrate a good work ethic to their diverse children."


If Clarifier is any example of what it means to be a Global Citizen, then God help us. She is a fool and a liar.

FME has worked hard to keep her kids out of a ghetto school, because, she, like any sane person, knows the environment is unhealthy. And, for that, Clarifier calls her a racist. That is a lie, Clarifier.

Clarifier, like most liberals, is obsessed with the color of a person's skin. And, yes, like most liberals, she accuses others of being racists almost as often as she compliments herself for being incredibly enlightened.

Clarifier, sounding almost manic as she rejoices, while FME is probably feeling sick, is a despicable person.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: hmmm07 ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:08PM

South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> hmmm07 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > hmmm7,
> > > I didn't say it eliminates dominoing, but it
> > does
> > > minimize it over some of the other scenarios.
> > >
> > > This option weights SE balance higher than
> > > dominoing, which seems consistent with the
> > > criteria.
> > >
> > > How about if Navy stays at Chantilly, and
> > Oakton
> > > takes the Academy? Don't know the numbers,
> but
> > > that might work? Since you like academies so
> > > much, and think that an academy would be
> > "helping"
> > > South Lakes, (which already has the MMR
> magnet
> > and
> > > highest FRL in the study), maybe Oakton could
> > take
> > > it?
> >
> >
> > That's fine too. Unlike South Lakes, we at
> Oakton
> > would be fine with taking McNair or we would be
> > fine with taking an academy. But that all just
> > seems like of foolish when the people at South
> > Lakes could have done that and not felt the
> need
> > to disrupt so many lives.
> Well,
> If that's the case, then moving the academy to
> Oakton might be a reasonable alternative to moving
> Navy kids. Perhaps you can suggest it to FCPS and
> your school board member. This would relieve
> Chantilly's numbers too. I don't know what you
> don't understand about the fact that our
> population cannot easily absorb another program or
> more needy kids and that other schools have the
> numbers to more easily absorb this.

If I thought for one second that my school board would listen to anything I had to say, believe me, I'd suggest it. But this entire process has turned me into such a cynic that I don't believe a word of anything any one of them would have to say. As for "absorbing" the "needy kids" I don't hear the folks at JEB Stuart complaining. Their stats are great and with a much higher proportion of "needy kids" than South Lakes. I have tried very hard throughout this whole thing to be understanding and reasonable where SL and its needs are concerned. But the way I've seen things happen over the last week or so in terms of the scenarios pretty much being what the South Lakes PTA has asked for...I'm just infuriated and will no longer support any process that takes what a very few have to say (coincidentally, those also being the ones who have the most to gain and nothing to lose) and completely ignores what the rest of the those involved have to say when making the decisions.

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Posted by: jujaham ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:12PM

seriously, everyone SHUT UP
it's degenerated into a battle of pointing out one another's typos and repeating passive aggressive accusations of racism while rehashing points that have already been made.

no one cares what school your kid goes to, and if you really care that much, pay the money to take them to a private school. what i really don't understand is that (supposedly) well-educated and successful adults are arguing with 14 YEAR OLD KIDS and are still unable to come up with truly valid reasons why their kid should not go to South Lakes. in a formal debate you are supposed to assume that you are equal to the person that you are debating with, so, honestly, how rewarding is it to intellectually one-up a TEENAGER? don't you have better things to be doing besides verbally abusing and pe-judging a school you have most likely never even visited, liiike, oh, i don't know, providing for that "oh so troubled child"?

and to the kids from South Lakes, WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? it makes no difference whatsoever if they go to the school or not. it's become a battle to defend a reputation that is going to be bad NO MATTER WHAT. it doesn't matter how bad other schools are or how well you did on this or that, you have a bad reputation and the only thing you can do to save it is to shut your mouth and show how productive and successful you really can be. someone's perception of something will not change overnight, and NOT EVERYONE WILL ALWAYS LIKE YOU. why do you even care what other people think of you if you are a student at the school? someone's got some self-consciousness issues.

all of you really just need to realize that you ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. we can keep having the meetings and talking on this forum, but NO ONE'S MIND IS GOING TO CHANGE. you can't force someone into thinking your way, and doing so usually causes them to oppose you even further, leading to this biased, pointless argument that we have now, where each side is downplaying the negative and greatly exaggerating the positive of their respective positions. THIS ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE.

i want to stop seeing catty fights and start seeing solid points and rebuttals of these points WITHOUT PEOPLE RESORTING TO UNDERHANDED INSULTS. this tactic only isolates the two sides. this is pointless. try to have actual insights about a topic, please????

that is all, with love

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: December 12, 2007 07:20PM

First of all, we have just as much to lose if no change occurs or a bad change. Secondly, I would imagine that Herndon would support this solution too, and Franklin Farm folks have this as an alternative in their talking points, so it's not just South Lakes.

I don't think this scenario is posted because it's "what SL has asked for", I think it stands on it's own as having a lot of merit against the criteria that FCPS has set out.

As for Stuart, I have no idea if they complain, so I can't comment on that.

But seriously, if Navy people have an alternative that FCPS hasn't though of, it can't hurt to ask.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:21PM

....and the gloves come off (sigh).

The last two pages are the most regrettable utterings I have read in a long time. I was hopeful during a period of relative peace that we could have learned to be prepared for this moment.

The SB is not done with this plan; there should be no rejoicing nor despairing.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:32PM

The Fox Mill people have always been a big part of Oakton HS and we will fight to keep you with us.

Judging from the election results this past Nov, this preferred proposal is not good news to the great many of you who wanted to stop this by showing Stu Gibson the door.

As you know it's never been about the commute, facilities, or demographics. Deep down it's always been about our community and pride in our school. It is ironic that just as Oakton makes the top 100 list for public schools, the school board is ready to dismantle a big part of our community. Honestly, I don't think we'll make the list again without you.

But it's not over, we'll be out in force to suggest our own alternatives. It seems the school board listened to South Lakes PTSA... this is essentially the proposal they put forth, and at one time and was posted on their web site. It's since been removed with a statement that they don't take postions... says a lot about the character of the PTSA.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:52PM


Surprised you're still posting here. That's another thing about liberals, they have no shame.

RE: this little tidbit......."Je te plumerai, BirdBrain."

HA.. Sorry, Mr. Fraud, but you'd never get passed my security system. You wouldn't even want to try.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Sharon ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:59PM

First the liberals take away your choice in educational institutions. Next, they will start on healthcare. Good luck to all.

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Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 08:00PM

TO: jujaham

Who wrote the following:

"if you really care that much, pay the money to take them to a private school"


Again, another pompous voice, from the left. Not every one can afford to send their kids to private school, you nincompoop.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 12, 2007 08:44PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> RE: this little tidbit......."Je te plumerai,
> BirdBrain."
> HA.. Sorry, Mr. Fraud, but you'd never get passed
> my security system. You wouldn't even want to try.

You crack me up, BirdBath, I like your humour!


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 12, 2007 08:46PM

Well, let us hope that the SB will abandon this redistricting effort in the end. We can continue to lobby on that behalf.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Voiceless ()
Date: December 12, 2007 08:57PM

word Wrote:
> The Fox Mill people have always been a big part of
> Oakton HS and we will fight to keep you with us.
> Judging from the election results this past Nov,
> this preferred proposal is not good news to the
> great many of you who wanted to stop this by
> showing Stu Gibson the door.
> As you know it's never been about the commute,
> facilities, or demographics. Deep down it's always
> been about our community and pride in our school.
> It is ironic that just as Oakton makes the top 100
> list for public schools, the school board is ready
> to dismantle a big part of our community.
> Honestly, I don't think we'll make the list again
> without you.
> But it's not over, we'll be out in force to
> suggest our own alternatives. It seems the school
> board listened to South Lakes PTSA... this is
> essentially the proposal they put forth, and at
> one time and was posted on their web site. It's
> since been removed with a statement that they
> don't take postions... says a lot about the
> character of the PTSA.

Agree with you completely.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Ffx Dad ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:01PM

Here are some of the positives and challenges I see with the new proposed plan.

1. Althought the new map was not drawn that way, McNair is now an island (they must cross Floris to get to Westfields as the open area is Dulles).

2. South Lakes is at capacity, which does not make sense. This honestly appears to be an excuse not to include Langley, but will again create challenges within a few years. It is important to leave some growth room at SL to minimize another change in the coming years.

3. Kudos for leaving Herndon alone.

4. Whether you agree or not with the importance, Oakton is the third ranked school (by one ranking) in VA and a top 100 US school. They have no current issues (related to the boundary study), yet they have the greatest downward impact. On top of that, the Oakton area appears to be the most densely populated in the study, so bringing them so far under capacity is likely to have long term negative impact. Like Herndon, they should probably be left intact.

5. The overcrowding at Chantilly is not addressed. In fact, they are still over building capacity and straining with the "portable" classrooms.

6. The "powers that be" need to put politics aside ... Langley is overcrowded, and Madison (which is partially included) remains over capacity. It is a travesty to see what is being proposed and on the page see a school that shares a boundary with SL remaining overcrowded.

All, I am not a fan of THIS boundary study ... I have little faith that is being done for other than political gain. However, there is a need to provide incremental value for SL students - present and future. So a proper review of boundaries is in order.

Can folks comment on the following scenario ...

1. Leave Herndon and Oakton as they are.
2. Shift Floris and McNair to SL.
3. Shift the Madison Island plus a small subset of other Madison to SL
4. Shift an additional part of Poplar Tree from Chantilly to Westfields (they are already split)
5. If numbers mandate it, add all of Crossfields to Oakton

I know this puts another title 1 school in SL, and I know that is not ideal ... but I believe this is better for everyone. The only reasonable alternative to this seems to be to include Herndon, but I fail to see how this is for the general good. I beleive in this scenario each high school has an upside (although there will never be a way to make everyone happy).

Just food for thought!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cricket ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:07PM

Ffx Dad Wrote:
> Here are some of the positives and challenges I
> see with the new proposed plan.
> 1. Althought the new map was not drawn that way,
> McNair is now an island (they must cross Floris to
> get to Westfields as the open area is Dulles).
> 2. South Lakes is at capacity, which does not
> make sense. This honestly appears to be an excuse
> not to include Langley, but will again create
> challenges within a few years. It is important to
> leave some growth room at SL to minimize another
> change in the coming years.
> 3. Kudos for leaving Herndon alone.
> 4. Whether you agree or not with the importance,
> Oakton is the third ranked school (by one ranking)
> in VA and a top 100 US school. They have no
> current issues (related to the boundary study),
> yet they have the greatest downward impact. On
> top of that, the Oakton area appears to be the
> most densely populated in the study, so bringing
> them so far under capacity is likely to have long
> term negative impact. Like Herndon, they should
> probably be left intact.
> 5. The overcrowding at Chantilly is not
> addressed. In fact, they are still over building
> capacity and straining with the "portable"
> classrooms.
> 6. The "powers that be" need to put politics
> aside ... Langley is overcrowded, and Madison
> (which is partially included) remains over
> capacity. It is a travesty to see what is being
> proposed and on the page see a school that shares
> a boundary with SL remaining overcrowded.
> All, I am not a fan of THIS boundary study ... I
> have little faith that is being done for other
> than political gain. However, there is a need to
> provide incremental value for SL students -
> present and future. So a proper review of
> boundaries is in order.
> Can folks comment on the following scenario ...
> 1. Leave Herndon and Oakton as they are.
> 2. Shift Floris and McNair to SL.
> 3. Shift the Madison Island plus a small subset
> of other Madison to SL
> 4. Shift an additional part of Poplar Tree from
> Chantilly to Westfields (they are already split)
> 5. If numbers mandate it, add all of Crossfields
> to Oakton
> I know this puts another title 1 school in SL, and
> I know that is not ideal ... but I believe this is
> better for everyone. The only reasonable
> alternative to this seems to be to include
> Herndon, but I fail to see how this is for the
> general good. I beleive in this scenario each
> high school has an upside (although there will
> never be a way to make everyone happy).
> Just food for thought!

uhh, leave Floris alone.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:08PM

I haven't seen the Floris contingent weigh on on this one, but my observation is that this is going to be seen as a really sneaky move (or shrewd depending on your perspective). It divides Floris enough so that those who stay with Westfield will feel relieved enough not to fight it, which will outweigh the area of Floris that gets sent to SLHS. Pretty clever, I must say. Anyway - in the spirit of intellectual curiosity, I posit a question to someone with the intellectual capacity of a "Quantum." From what I can derive from the enrollment projections made by FCPS (ahem), they project a 1:1 transfer of students from one FCPS high school to the new one. I find this assumption flawed, as it does not take into account parents who for a variety of reasons, will not send their children to SLHS. Pupil placement for AP, moving out of the community, moving to another county, using addresses of friends and relatives, buying rental property in a more desirable school pyramid, and of course the ubiquitous threat of sending their kids to private schools come to mind as some of the alternatives that would make kids not enroll in SLHS. On the other hand, the IB program does carry a level of cache in some circles. If more "good kids" are perceived to be attending SLHS, then some other parents may choose to pupil place into SLHS, either for IB or for general ed purposes. With that being said, I think that FCPS overestimates actual matriculation into SLHS by at least 20%. The good news is that that addresses the buffer issue. What do the intellectuals out there say/think? Any thoughts on how to get access to their estimation methodology without a $1500 FOIA bill?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Ffx Dad ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:09PM

Just so folks know ... I am not in Herndon or Fox Mill and none of the 4 original or the alternative proposals would have "moved" children. I do, however, stand on principle!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: mom from SL ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:21PM

I am not in favor of redistricting. I can't believe what I see here from other parents from our school. Most of us are not like these people. I do not live in the housing projects and I wish they were not here. They are like big playgrounds for drugs and gangs. And every parent here knows that is true. My kids are doing fine but if we could we would move from here, in a heart beat. I hate that people are being forced here just to make the place lool good. That is just wrong.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FFX Dad ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:22PM

Cricket wrote
uhh, leave Floris alone

My apologies ... I (and noone else for that matter) should have the right to affect ayone elses child or district. I was just trying to throw out a modified alternative,

Cricket is correct in his / her feelings ... we should leave everything alone and all get together (whether in SL or not) and fight for them to get the programs, and offerings their children deserve, support their new administration, and devote as much effort to ensuring the SL students are afforded more opportunities (with or without additional students).

Nobody is better than any other person, most folks are happy where they are and have pride in their school and its programs!

Thanks for understanding Cricket ... my intent was not to force on anyone else what I would not want forced on me.

And everyone, please understand that if you do not want change, that does not mean that the change is bad ... just that you are happy and comfortable where you are!

Good luck all, and more importantly to your current and future students!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Floris Parent ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:26PM

Thank you - SL Mom. In just three lines, you have given us more "Verity" than 100 pages of posts from the other SLHS contingent. There is no doubt in my mind that there are some wonderful things going on at SLHS, but there are strong drawbacks too. That's the point. Until those drawbacks are truly addressed, I see this as a losing proposition.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Seahawk Parent ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:37PM

3 logical voices - FFX DAD, FLORIS PARENT and MOM FROM SL.

So SL has some pretty good things happening ... but also some problems thta neeed to be addressed ... and we can all work together to fix them!!

The three of you should be on the SB!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Blather beater ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:38PM

mom from SL Wrote:
> I am not in favor of redistricting. I can't
> believe what I see here from other parents from
> our school. Most of us are not like these people.
> I do not live in the housing projects and I wish
> they were not here. They are like big playgrounds
> for drugs and gangs. And every parent here knows
> that is true. My kids are doing fine but if we
> could we would move from here, in a heart beat. I
> hate that people are being forced here just to
> make the place lool good. That is just wrong.

This is another BirdL blather....get real. It plays right into stereotypes.

Play fair, you whiners.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: LeaveMyKidAlone ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:42PM

You all are very intelligent. You South Lakes people have obviously spent a great deal of time on this. You have targeted small but affluent groups to help you with your Socio Economic issues. The small part may have given you and your cronies on the board the idea that we would be easy targets. Dont under estimate the affluent piece. Many of your posts discuss our property values, do you honestly feel that people living in multi million dollar homes will back down without a fight when they stand to lose 10 percent of their value. Let's say there are 30 of us, average home price $1m, average loss per home $100k,hmmmm? I wasnt part of your IB program but I would bet that a very expensive law suit maybe $250k would be less expensive for us than caving in without a fight. Not to mention the price of an education equivalent to say Oakton or Madison, lets see Flint Hill is running $25k a year. All of a sudden that law suit is sounding down right cheap. Hey if worse comes to worse we move or go private. You wont see our kids in your school, sorry Maria we wont be participating in the bake sale.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Mike ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:46PM

Ffx Dad Wrote:
> All, I am not a fan of THIS boundary study ... I
> have little faith that is being done for other
> than political gain. However, there is a need to
> provide incremental value for SL students -
> present and future. So a proper review of
> boundaries is in order.

Agree with the first part, on the second part, the need needs to be proven and all alternatives considered prior to redoing the boundary study. The stated criteria need to be reduced as there are too many competing objectives which make it impossible to reasonably satisfy all of them.

For example, I believe the most important criteria are:

1. Maintain integrity of choice (i.e. examine all alternatives to RD first with community participation and ensure there is a real need to RD before deciding on a boundary study.

2. Proximity to school (including taking into to account traffic patterns, driving times, etc.)

3. Keeping communities together

The following should be scrapped:

1. eliminating islands - this is already covered better by proximity and conflicts with the competing objective of keeping communities together (e.g. when it makes sense to move one community vs. another due to size needs/constraints.

2. balancing socioeconomics - in my view, this is the can of worms that creates all the controversy. Everyone has their own views on this and studies they can point to to support their views. Bottom line, you are responsible for where you live and which school you are assigned to. The SB needs to allocate resources where they are needed to ensure all schools meet a certain standard.

> Can folks comment on the following scenario ...
> 1. Leave Herndon and Oakton as they are.
> 2. Shift Floris and McNair to SL.

Floris has been through too much of this. They need to be left alone OR the process needs to be revised as suggested above and restarted. There need to be future guarantees and/or specified limitations on future RD efforts to provide some sense of stability for these people (and those of all areas really).

McNair would make sense to the extent RD makes sense.

> 3. Shift the Madison Island plus a small subset
> of other Madison to SL

If you're throwing Madison in entirely, then Langley needs to be considered also (again, assuming RD makes sense in the first place). If we are just talking Madison Island then it makes zero sense to uproot this group which has negligible impact on numbers.

> 4. Shift an additional part of Poplar Tree from
> Chantilly to Westfields (they are already split)

CHS is not overcrowded in my opinion - no need for this. I'm not aware of any CHS parents who believe it is, and certainly there aren't significant numbers who think so (or they would have been more visible).

> 5. If numbers mandate it, add all of Crossfields
> to Oakton

If OHS is left alone then this would not be necessary.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Mike ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:50PM

FFX Dad Wrote:
> Nobody is better than any other person, most folks
> are happy where they are and have pride in their
> school and its programs!

Yes, does anyone disagree that we would be maximizing total community happiness if everyone stayed put?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Mom from Sl ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:52PM

I don't know if FFX is kidding or not, but I don't care. It is wrong to do this to children and thier parents. I would hate this if they were making me move into a worse area that I already am in. Ifthey said my kids now would be going to a school in Washington, I would be so angry I think I would go berserk. This is wrong and I am not the only parent here who thinks this.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:56PM

LeaveMyKidAlone Wrote:
> You all are very intelligent. You South Lakes
> people have obviously spent a great deal of time
> on this. You have targeted small but affluent
> groups to help you with your Socio Economic
> issues. The small part may have given you and
> your cronies on the board the idea that we would
> be easy targets. Dont under estimate the affluent
> piece. Many of your posts discuss our property
> values, do you honestly feel that people living in
> multi million dollar homes will back down without
> a fight when they stand to lose 10 percent of
> their value. Let's say there are 30 of us,
> average home price $1m, average loss per home
> $100k,hmmmm? I wasnt part of your IB program but
> I would bet that a very expensive law suit maybe
> $250k would be less expensive for us than caving
> in without a fight. Not to mention the price of an
> education equivalent to say Oakton or Madison,
> lets see Flint Hill is running $25k a year. All
> of a sudden that law suit is sounding down right
> cheap. Hey if worse comes to worse we move or go
> private. You wont see our kids in your school,
> sorry Maria we wont be participating in the bake
> sale.

Question: If you are so affluent and so clever, why would your child not do well at South Lakes?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: MOVING ()
Date: December 12, 2007 09:58PM

Leave my kid Alone. agreed. I have already talked to realtors. I am willing to sell in a soft market just to get the hell out of here. My kids are not going to a slum of a school. I could do private, but we just want out. ASAP

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: imabulldog ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:05PM

Hey, it's been a while since I've posted on here.

So, I'm guessing that you all saw the new proposed scenario? Personally, I think it makes a lot of sense. I'm not saying that because it doesn't affect me, but it's moving the closest kids to South Lakes, and it's keeping McNair out of South Lakes. Does anyone know if they're planning on redistricting the middleschools, though? However, Fox Mill parents and students are definitely going to fight against it. Well, at least the ones I encountered at the Westfield meeting will. It should be interesting at the meeting next week, though.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Sharon ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:07PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> LeaveMyKidAlone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You all are very intelligent. You South Lakes
> > people have obviously spent a great deal of
> time
> > on this. You have targeted small but affluent
> > groups to help you with your Socio Economic
> > issues. The small part may have given you and
> > your cronies on the board the idea that we
> would
> > be easy targets. Dont under estimate the
> affluent
> > piece. Many of your posts discuss our property
> > values, do you honestly feel that people living
> in
> > multi million dollar homes will back down
> without
> > a fight when they stand to lose 10 percent of
> > their value. Let's say there are 30 of us,
> > average home price $1m, average loss per home
> > $100k,hmmmm? I wasnt part of your IB program
> but
> > I would bet that a very expensive law suit
> maybe
> > $250k would be less expensive for us than
> caving
> > in without a fight. Not to mention the price of
> an
> > education equivalent to say Oakton or Madison,
> > lets see Flint Hill is running $25k a year.
> All
> > of a sudden that law suit is sounding down
> right
> > cheap. Hey if worse comes to worse we move or
> go
> > private. You wont see our kids in your school,
> > sorry Maria we wont be participating in the
> bake
> > sale.
> Question: If you are so affluent and so clever,
> why would your child not do well at South Lakes?

What arrogance on the part of SLVerity. Are you the great decider
as to which school our children attend? Congrats to LEAVEMYKINDALONE
for having a backbone and not capitulating like some on this blog.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:21PM

imabulldog Wrote:

Welcome back, Bulldog. Thanks for your civil comments.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SayNoToSL ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:21PM

This message represents the voice of a group of parents from Floris, Fox Mill and Madison:
Regardless how great SL HS is, we hereby state that, we will never send any one of our children to SLHS. Not a chance!!!!
The redistrict is the result of the dirty work of SL PTA and corrupted county officials. It's disgusting and full of flaws. We don't want our kids to be educated under such kind of bad influence.
Do whatever you want to achieve your agenda to satisfy Stu Gibson's dirty goal.
You aren't gone to get our kids. No way, Not a chance!!!!
SLHS kids are great kids. No doubt about that. Unfortunately, SL PTA has no self esteem and deserves no respect. Shame on SL PTA and shameless county officials who causes such hard feeling to SL HS and SLHS kids.
Our kids don't mind to be friends with SLHS's kids. However, there is zero chance that they will see each other inside SLHS.
The sad part of all this mess is, we as tax payers are paying those crooks to run the county office. We pay them to destroy our own communities.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:24PM

SLVerity Wrote:
> LeaveMyKidAlone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
Many of your posts discuss our property
> > values, do you honestly feel that people living
> in multi million dollar homes will back down
> without a fight when they stand to lose 10 percent of
> > their value.

Where are all of the multi-million dollar homes?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: WhoIsSLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:29PM

By any chance you work with SL PTA behind the scene on such desperate act to force kids to move into SLHS? Why don't you go after the rich people who live in Reston, yet either are having their kids going to Lanley, or having their kids going to private school? Why don't you go ask all the Restoners to see why most of them have no desire to send their kids to SLHS?
The answer is simple, you have no courage to do so.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:34PM

I am not a member of the SLPTSA, I don't work for the County. I am a private citizen advocating for my community school. I am one voice. Most Reston families in our Pyramid go to South Lakes. Maybe you should ask Herndon why they don't want to let go of North Reston's schools.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:39PM

SLVerity to LeaveMyKidAlone:

"Question: If you are so affluent and so clever, why would your child not do well at South Lakes?"


Verity, knock, knock, anything up there in the old noggin?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:43PM

Remember, these people are race baiters, liars and let's not forget, they are GLOBAL CITIZENS.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:47PM

"Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!"

Patrick Henry

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: reunite ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:51PM

reunite reston! send aldrin to south lakes!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 10:52PM

"Give me Birdlover's neighborhood, or give me death!"

SL PTSA channeling Patrick Henry

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:01PM

>>>>Guess it's time to petition the government to move some of the ghetto out of Reston<<<<

That won't work, the rest of the county doesn't want it and Reston does.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: YaYaMaMa ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:05PM

Ffx Dad Wrote:
> Here are some of the positives and challenges I
> see with the new proposed plan.
> 1. Althought the new map was not drawn that way,
> McNair is now an island (they must cross Floris to
> get to Westfields as the open area is Dulles).
> 2. South Lakes is at capacity, which does not
> make sense. This honestly appears to be an excuse
> not to include Langley, but will again create
> challenges within a few years. It is important to
> leave some growth room at SL to minimize another
> change in the coming years.
> 3. Kudos for leaving Herndon alone.
> 4. Whether you agree or not with the importance,
> Oakton is the third ranked school (by one ranking)
> in VA and a top 100 US school. They have no
> current issues (related to the boundary study),
> yet they have the greatest downward impact. On
> top of that, the Oakton area appears to be the
> most densely populated in the study, so bringing
> them so far under capacity is likely to have long
> term negative impact. Like Herndon, they should
> probably be left intact.
> 5. The overcrowding at Chantilly is not
> addressed. In fact, they are still over building
> capacity and straining with the "portable"
> classrooms.
> 6. The "powers that be" need to put politics
> aside ... Langley is overcrowded, and Madison
> (which is partially included) remains over
> capacity. It is a travesty to see what is being
> proposed and on the page see a school that shares
> a boundary with SL remaining overcrowded.
> All, I am not a fan of THIS boundary study ... I
> have little faith that is being done for other
> than political gain. However, there is a need to
> provide incremental value for SL students -
> present and future. So a proper review of
> boundaries is in order.
> Can folks comment on the following scenario ...
> 1. Leave Herndon and Oakton as they are.
> 2. Shift Floris and McNair to SL.
> 3. Shift the Madison Island plus a small subset
> of other Madison to SL
> 4. Shift an additional part of Poplar Tree from
> Chantilly to Westfields (they are already split)
> 5. If numbers mandate it, add all of Crossfields
> to Oakton
> I know this puts another title 1 school in SL, and
> I know that is not ideal ... but I believe this is
> better for everyone. The only reasonable
> alternative to this seems to be to include
> Herndon, but I fail to see how this is for the
> general good. I beleive in this scenario each
> high school has an upside (although there will
> never be a way to make everyone happy).
> Just food for thought!

How about leave everyone alone and get rid of the stupid IB program at South Lakes. Then maybe Reston residents would attend their own schools. Why raid successful schools to fill up a failing one?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:05PM

Hey, SLVerity,

I posted a very special picture just for you over at THAT other site. Check it out.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:06PM

Neen, you know that CA is kicking herself for counting you as a supporter.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:07PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> Hey, SLVerity,
> I posted a very special picture just for you over
> at THAT other site. Check it out.

I've already seen it. As I said over there, that thread is right up your alley. Did you get my PH quote?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:08PM

"Give me Birdlover's neighborhood, or give me

SL PTSA channeling Patrick Henry

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:19PM


Patrick Henry would have despised you and your Global Citizen garbage. You clearly, would have despised him as well.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fair oaks parent ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:20PM

Under the current plan, having Fair Oaks Estates or Century Oaks or Fair Woods which is part of Navy and Chantilly go to Oakton would be an unconscionable decision. The current commute is 2.4 miles with two simple turns to arrive at CHS. If my children were to attend Oakton, they would be required to drive 6.9 miles….6.9 miles of statistically dangerous and hazardous roads, especially at rush hour or at night. Risking the lives of any of our children to fulfill capacity of another school is completely unacceptable. Just one fatality would it take to see the error of the SB's proposal. The SB is charged with guaranteeing students safety. They would be deemed negligent if they chose to force this change of our neighborhood. Despite my plea to the school board, only one member found 2 seconds to respond........and it was not Kathy Smith. Kathy, is your own child, who attends Chantilly going to be negatively affected by this change? I think not. Then, listen to the people who put you in office and keep our children at Chantilly. By doing that, you keep them safe.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: imabulldog ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:22PM

Oh, this doesn't necessarily pertain to the whole redistricting thing, but if parents are still against sending their kids to South Lakes because they have "too many fights", I'd just like to say that I think Westfield is having more fights this year than we did last year. So far, at least. Today, actually, there was a big fight outside after the last bell of the day. I couldn't see all of it, but from what I did see, some kid punched one of the administrators who was trying to stop the fight in the face. Then, some cops that were at the head of the bus line helping to facilitate the flow of traffic, ended up running down the sidewalk and tying down a few kids. I guess they cuffed them? Whatever, though.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: word ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:28PM

Msg to FairOaks Parent - A OK with Oakton if you don't want to come. Spare me the commute drama. I support stopping this in it's tracks.

However, I must say you did vote for Kathy Smith in the Navy precinct, by a sizeable margin. And it was well know prior to the election that her opponent was one who would support stopping the redistricting effort. Kathy, as with Stu, was very supportive of it. So like you said, you put her into office, hope she delivers for you. The Kinross (Oak Hill) voted overwhelmingly to eject her, ironically we are A OK.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:30PM

Oh, they had to resurrect The Bull Dog.


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: lets be fair ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:30PM

Forum Reader Wrote:
> Clarifier Wrote:
> > ... If you look at all 8 criteria, the option
> proposed
> > now would meet them all. Proximity and
> commuiting
> > issues improved overall, socioeconomic balances
> > significantly improved, capacity issues
> resolved,
> > program access about to be improved as a
> result,
> > split feeders remain the same (Floris was going
> to
> > be split anyway; Navy boundaries moved), buffer
> > for South Lakes, neighborhoods stay together.
> ...
> >
> ----------------
> "Proximity and commuiting issues" ...
> ... have been created for Navy. Solution: Leave
> Navy alone.
> "capacity issues resolved"
> NO - Chantilly is still overcrowded, Westfield has
> wasted space, Oakton 250 empty seats when it never
> had a problem to begin with; South Lakes so close
> to capacity it has no buffer. Solution: Leave Fox
> Mill alone. Move "excess" students from Chantilly
> to Westifield.
> "program access about to be improved as a result"
> Easier to do by simply encouraging pupil placement
> for whatever students want those programs.
> "buffer for South Lakes"
> As stated before, giving South Lakes more students
> than Oakton leaves South Lakes with virtually no
> buffer. Solution: Leave Fox Mill alone.
> There is no solution that meets all eight
> criteria.
> Better options: Liberal pupil placement (try to
> provide transportation) and make South Lakes a
> magnet.
> Less good option: more split feeders. A month or
> two of getting to know new kids is not all that
> bad, especially when compared to six years of long
> commutes and overcrowded schools.
> The option most everyone on this thread seems to
> like: Add Langley to the mix.

.........Langley should be part of the mix. With the worst budget crisis for FCPS right now, it will be quite a while before they get their renovation. FCPS will be cutting a significant amount of programs and services that make our school system so great, Put Langley in it now and when the new Coppermine is finished, you all can do this again.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:30PM

Sure are a lot of split personalities tonight. (Including a newcomer claiming to be from South Lakes.) The price of freedom-to-post is eternal vigilance.

Fair Oaks Parent: Does your concern for your kids extend to the concern for Fox Mill kids and the 10+ miles they have to commute to Oakton? And what about those good ol' school buses we all pay for? Both my driving teens take/took buses in inclement weather. In fact, one of them takes the Fairfax Connector occasionally. Just being a sensible and loving parent when it comes to my "drivers."

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:31PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> SLVerity,
> Patrick Henry would have despised you and your
> Global Citizen garbage. You clearly, would have
> despised him as well.

I have never spoken Global Citizen 'garbage' - you are confusing me with other posters. I believe in the superiority of the American way and our leadership in the world. Doubt me if you like, but it's true.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: imabulldog ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:33PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> Oh, they had to resurrect The Bull Dog.
> HA


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: academy to SL ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:35PM

South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> hmmm07 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > South Lakes Pyramid parent Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > hmmm7,
> > > I didn't say it eliminates dominoing, but it
> > does
> > > minimize it over some of the other scenarios.
> > >
> > > This option weights SE balance higher than
> > > dominoing, which seems consistent with the
> > > criteria.
> > >
> > > How about if Navy stays at Chantilly, and
> > Oakton
> > > takes the Academy? Don't know the numbers,
> but
> > > that might work? Since you like academies so
> > > much, and think that an academy would be
> > "helping"
> > > South Lakes, (which already has the MMR
> magnet
> > and
> > > highest FRL in the study), maybe Oakton could
> > take
> > > it?
> >
> >
> > That's fine too. Unlike South Lakes, we at
> Oakton
> > would be fine with taking McNair or we would be
> > fine with taking an academy. But that all just
> > seems like of foolish when the people at South
> > Lakes could have done that and not felt the
> need
> > to disrupt so many lives.
> Well,
> If that's the case, then moving the academy to
> Oakton might be a reasonable alternative to moving
> Navy kids. Perhaps you can suggest it to FCPS and
> your school board member. This would relieve
> Chantilly's numbers too. I don't know what you
> don't understand about the fact that our
> population cannot easily absorb another program or
> more needy kids and that other schools have the
> numbers to more easily absorb this.

......facilitating and implementing a magnet school is a multiple year process especially if you will program it to be different than a science and tech program. However, moving the academy to South Lakes makes perfect sense as it would be just a physical move. STudents attend from all over anyway. That way....all of the other schools can be left alone.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fair oaks parent ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:40PM

word Wrote:
> Msg to FairOaks Parent - A OK with Oakton if you
> don't want to come. Spare me the commute drama. I
> support stopping this in it's tracks.
> However, I must say you did vote for Kathy Smith
> in the Navy precinct, by a sizeable margin. And it
> was well know prior to the election that her
> opponent was one who would support stopping the
> redistricting effort. Kathy, as with Stu, was very
> supportive of it. So like you said, you put her
> into office, hope she delivers for you. The
> Kinross (Oak Hill) voted overwhelmingly to eject
> her, ironically we are A OK.

...forgive me.......I absolutely did NOT vote for Kathy Smith. It is a crying shame that she is in fact in office. Please remember though that half of Navy attends Oakton so that overwhelming win certainly was supported by the parent of Oakton as well. Glad for Oak Hill, however, I would not convince myself that your neighborhood is safe from change.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:44PM


Your entire crowd has been waving the GLOBAL flag and it has done damage to your cause.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fair oaks parentuhcje ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:44PM

Clarifier Wrote:
> Sure are a lot of split personalities tonight.
> (Including a newcomer claiming to be from South
> Lakes.) The price of freedom-to-post is eternal
> vigilance.
> Fair Oaks Parent: Does your concern for your kids
> extend to the concern for Fox Mill kids and the
> 10+ miles they have to commute to Oakton? And what
> about those good ol' school buses we all pay for?
> Both my driving teens take/took buses in inclement
> weather. In fact, one of them takes the Fairfax
> Connector occasionally. Just being a sensible and
> loving parent when it comes to my "drivers."

My concern absolutely extends to Fox Mill. Whether it is my teen driver or an underpaid bus driver..........no student should have to endure the unnecessary risk of a longer commute on statistically higher accident rate roads.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:47PM

>......facilitating and implementing a magnet school is a multiple year process especially if you will program it to be different than a science and tech program. However, moving the academy to South Lakes makes perfect sense as it would be just a physical move. STudents attend from all over anyway. That way....all of the other schools can be left alone.<

My turn to say "huh??" How is an academy school "perfect sense" for South Lakes but not for any other school? How would other schools like the argument that "you get an academy to MAKE people WANT to go there, and that draw people from ALL OVER and that don't contribute to boosters or in any other way?"

The idea of a magnet at a school like Westfield is that it can take up capacity without affecting the core student body that contributes to its programming and school spirit. South Lakes can't afford a magnet -- it needs that core group. Westfield already has a large enough core to support a magnet.

But this is a moot issue anyway. Magnets and academies are ideas for a future time.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: imabulldog ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:52PM

fair oaks parentuhcje Wrote:

> My concern absolutely extends to Fox Mill.
> Whether it is my teen driver or an underpaid bus
> driver..........no student should have to endure
> the unnecessary risk of a longer commute on
> statistically higher accident rate roads.

True, true. Although, most roads in Northern Virginia aren't necessarily the safest roads. Like, I have to go on 28 to get to school. If I went to South Lakes, I'd have to go on Fairfax County Parkway or West Ox. By the way, they're thinking about passing some laws in Virginia in January, saying that kids aren't allowed to get their licenses until the age of 18, and also they may start to put seat belts on school buses. My driver's ed teacher told me that, though, so I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is. If those types of laws are passed, though, it'll be safer (than it currently is) for any kid to get to school since they'd all have to ride the bus with seat belts on.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:54PM

I am the one that supports educating children for a global economy, not "the entire crowd." We have hearty debates at South Lakes over all kinds of interesting issues, all related to making our school better. The degree of global education we give our kids is among the debates. We look forward to adding our Fox Mill and Floris neighbors and friends to this lively discourse as we move South Lakes from a Fortune 900 school to a Fortune 100 school, so to speak. (Both pretty nice ranks to be, of course.)

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:56PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> SLVerity,
> Your entire crowd has been waving the GLOBAL flag
> and it has done damage to your cause.

I guess the diff between us is that I don't mind being a conservative surrounded by liberals. I think it has made me and my children better thinkers and debaters. We know who we are. I also realize that liberals are people too (something that seems to have eluded you).

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: imabulldog ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:56PM


Do you know if they county has talked about redistricting the areas of Floris and Fox Mill that will potentially be affected by the redistricting from Carson MS to a different middleschool? I haven't heard anything about that. Have you?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:56PM



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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:59PM

SLVerity writes:

"I also realize that liberals are people too"

What is this, Sesame Street?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 12, 2007 11:59PM

Clarifier Wrote:
> I am the one that supports educating children for
> a global economy, not "the entire crowd." We have
> hearty debates at South Lakes over all kinds of
> interesting issues, all related to making our
> school better. The degree of global education we
> give our kids is among the debates. We look
> forward to adding our Fox Mill and Floris
> neighbors and friends to this lively discourse as
> we move South Lakes from a Fortune 900 school to a
> Fortune 100 school, so to speak. (Both pretty nice
> ranks to be, of course.)

Clarifier, you just helped make my point to Birdlover. I am almost certain that you and I vote differently, but we get along just fine and don't hold it against each other. We care about the same things - family and community. And both look forward to a dynamic group of students at South Lakes.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Get it right ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:00AM

imabulldog Wrote:
> Clarifier,
> Do you know if they county has talked about
> redistricting the areas of Floris and Fox Mill
> that will potentially be affected by the
> redistricting from Carson MS to a different
> middleschool? I haven't heard anything about that.
> Have you?

imabulldog -

This is not supposed to change any middle schools. Hughes, if that is what you are asking about, is close to capacity.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:01AM

BirdLover Wrote:
> SLVerity writes:
> "I also realize that liberals are people too"
> _________________________________
> What is this, Sesame Street?

So jaded for one so young - or maybe you're not that young!

Check your mailbox.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2007 12:02AM by SLVerity.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: imabulldog ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:01AM

Get it right Wrote:
> imabulldog Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Clarifier,
> >
> > Do you know if they county has talked about
> > redistricting the areas of Floris and Fox Mill
> > that will potentially be affected by the
> > redistricting from Carson MS to a different
> > middleschool? I haven't heard anything about
> that.
> > Have you?
> imabulldog -
> This is not supposed to change any middle schools.
> Hughes, if that is what you are asking about, is
> close to capacity.

Yeah. Well, so is Carson, nearly. I was just asking because if they don't redistrict middleschools, the split feeder at Carson will still become worse.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Get it right ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:03AM

Hey Neen,

Your sixth sense with regard to the facilities staff and which Option they would go with is keen.

Amazing how they picked #3, but with no Madison Island, just like you predicted.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:10AM

Bulldog: I have not heard much about what will happen to middle schools. I do understand that Floris and McNair areas will be affected by the addition of Coppermine MS. I believe this option that is now in play is allowing for some flexibility as to what happens to the McNair and Floris kids once Coppermine is built.

I'd like to note that going to a non IB middle school (Carson) will not be a detriment to IB kids -- the MY (middle years) IB program is relatively new and not many middle schools/Junior high schools have implemented it. Hughes and Robinson are the only ones in Fairfax, I believe. One of the values of it is that, at least beginning in 9th grade, kids start getting used to the way IB is taught so that by the time they're in 11th grade, they have the experience.

Also, only IB diploma and certificate kids would need that fifth year of a language, which is readily available in all middle schools now. If they didn't take it then, I believe there are some options on how to gain that extra year in high school. One point also is that you don't need five years of the same language. You can split the languages. When it comes to Latin (which my son took), he had Spanish in 8th grade and moved on to Latin in 9th. (BTW, he told me tonight that he has heard Latin is by far the hardest "foreign" language exam to take.)

IBO has also worked closely with Fairfax to give it some flexibility so that it can be adopted here -- MYIB normally starts in 6th grade, but there are no "Junior High Schools" in Fairfax, which often go from 6th thru 8th grade, or alternatively, from 7th thru 9th. So it has allowed Fairfax schools to be accredited without 6th grade.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:11AM

Good night to all my global friends. I think you are all full of ( ) fill in the blank.

Next time I go Mass, I will pray for your global souls.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLVerity ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:16AM

When I am on my kneeler, I will pray for your soul, too:)

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:18AM

Fair Oaks Parent wrote: "My concern absolutely extends to Fox Mill. Whether it is my teen driver or an underpaid bus driver..........no student should have to endure the unnecessary risk of a longer commute on statistically higher accident rate roads."

Well then I'm glad you'll be supporting the new option. It is definitely better for Fox Mill commuters!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:48AM

>>>>Less than 10% reduction in overall enrollment for Chantilly and Westfield.<<<<

Didn't we always know that this wasn't about reducing enrollment at those schools but INCREASING the enrollment at South Lakes?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:50AM

>>>I think socieconomic balance is a worthy goal, but apparently you would be willing to sacrifice that for South Lakes.<<<\

You are asking THEM to sacrifice their children for that goal?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:55AM

>>>>Off to another Eagle Scout ceremony -- third one this year for me, 8th+ kid from our troop this year, three more in January, all from South Lakes. :-)<<<<

Try not to worry about it. If you don't put in on the college applications, it's not likely that they will find out about it and hold it against the boys.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:57AM

>>>Neen, you know that CA is kicking herself for counting you as a supporter.<<<

Huh? Why?

You couldn't be more wrong. Feel free to ask her.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 13, 2007 01:11AM

>>>>The SB is not done with this plan;<<<<

Why do you say that? They're done. YOu can bet that this is the plan that Stu wants.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: December 13, 2007 01:17AM

>>>>then some other parents may choose to pupil place into SLHS, either for IB<<<<

Don't count on that. Most parents don't want IB, if they did then the program would be at some of the better schools, like Langley, Madison, Oakton, McLean, TJ, etc. Parents of college bound kids want AP, not IB.

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