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Secure ID Initiative
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 05:30PM

Secure Driver's License Issuance Process

In fall 2006, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) plans to change the process by which Virginians receive driver's licenses and photo-identification cards. The new process will enhance the security of all Virginia driver's licenses and ID cards and reduce the risk of fraud and ID theft.

If you are one of the half-million Virginians who conduct DMV transactions online, you are already familiar with the centralized process. When you conduct Internet transactions, such as renewing your driver's license and vehicle registrations or requesting a certified copy of your driving record, you print receipts and receive your desired product through the mail.

In the future, when you apply for a driver's license at a DMV office, you will receive a receipt that will permit you to drive; however you will not be able to use the receipt for identification. Your driver's license will be produced in a secure, central location and mailed to your home address.

The process of obtaining a Virginia driver's license or ID card will be similar to obtaining a U.S. passport, with shorter turn-around times. DMV anticipates delivery of your new driver's license or ID card within a week. Meantime, if you are renewing your valid driver's license, you will still be permitted to drive.

The process is in development and will be established with the flexibility to accommodate changes that may result from pending federal legislation and regulations for driver's licenses and ID cards.

To send comments or suggestions, please e-mail DMV at securelicense@dmv.virginia.gov.

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Re: Secure ID Initiative
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: August 03, 2005 11:12PM

So they are putting RFID tags in the new cards, and using a central office for creation of the cards instead of spreading the stock around. This way they can control access to the blanks. Why not say it that way, then?

What I don't like is that I still get to spend hours at the DMV when I want to renew my license in person, but I won't get a neat little card in my hand when I am done -- just a receipt that says "we promise to send your card soon".

"Honest officer, I had that receipt in my pocket, but I accidentally left it in there when I washed my jeans. I really am licensed to drive!"

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Re: Secure ID Initiative
Posted by: CERTenly129831 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:14AM

CERT make you secures so much you need no special ID!

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