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Trashed Honda near Oakton HS
Posted by: Yikes ()
Date: September 20, 2010 12:01AM

Observed a totally trashed blue Honda with Connecticut plates sitting near the Oakton High School on Sutton over the weekend. Every window had been smashed, as well as the windshield. Body denting may have been related to the glass damage. Clearly there was some real emotion behind the act. By today, the car had been removed. Anyone know what was up? Area isn't known for this kind of vandalism.

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Re: Trashed Honda near Oakton HS
Posted by: dot ()
Date: September 20, 2010 03:47AM

I wonder the same thing. Saw it since Friday night. Walked by Saturday afternoon, looked way worse in the daylight. Only thing I noted was that it was a stick shift (irrelevant), and there was a bunch of clothes in the rear seats. Looks like someone/s took a bat[-like object] to the car. Doesn't look like it was random.

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Re: Trashed Honda near Oakton HS
Date: September 20, 2010 05:49PM

hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.

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