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Camping / Midnight Ruckus
Posted by: DrFunkenstien ()
Date: August 03, 2005 01:03PM

It is freaking hot out during the day in FFX...but at night it is awesome...Where can people grab a 24pk and chill outside / camp around here without the federallies harrassment?

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Re: Camping / Midnight Ruckus
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 01:18PM

if you don't make noise and respect others you can do that just about anywhere, my man.

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Re: Camping / Midnight Ruckus
Posted by: the fuzz ()
Date: August 03, 2005 05:52PM

Yeah, what rstidman said. Just make sure you don't make too much noise, and are relatively hidden from the street. Also - stay away from parks, illigal to be in them after dusk & cops patrol parks all the time. Lets see, what else. Ooh - probably a good idea to be within a short walk to your house. There's a much better chance of them letting you go if you can walk home than if you have to drive.
Above all, if you get stopped, use your brain, & be respectful, yes sir, no sir.

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Re: Camping / Midnight Ruckus
Posted by: hellchild ()
Date: August 04, 2005 09:07PM

if by "camp around" you actually meant camping check out Burke Lake Park. a few buddies and I went out there on a week night and were the only ones out there. we went to the mini-mart at the campground and traded the kid working the store a few beers for as much firewood we could put in the trunk of my car. technicly I don't think alcohol is allowed but we got trashed, got pretty loud and had a bonfire that reached the top of the trees, and never saw another soul after dark. I wouldn't reccomend trying that on the weekend though, I tried going there to fish one saturday and it was crazy crowded.

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Re: Camping / Midnight Ruckus
Posted by: CERTenly0943232 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:14AM

CERT want bedtime ruckus with you!

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