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where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: va123 ()
Date: July 17, 2007 10:31PM

this is my first used car.

I need you recommandations on where to do the emission inspection is better,I mean,which one easy to pass .

How much is it normally?

Thank you.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: duh ()
Date: July 17, 2007 11:02PM

Unless you know somebody in the business...it's a crap shoot as to where to go.

Depending on the year of the car...they may not have spin the wheels on the dyno-like rollers...on newer cars the machine just looks for codes in the car's computer.

I think I paid 28 bucks last time.

I've always heard to change the oil prior to the test...don't know if that's BS, or not...

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: pyramids17 ()
Date: July 17, 2007 11:02PM

ANY gas station. If they do it, there will be a sign. Your car is either going to pass or it's not. Are you looking to bribe them? Because I don't know which place is better to bribe/easier in terms of bribery...I think it's $25-30 for emissions. State inspection is less. ($15) Don't go at the end of the month, or you will be in line for hours--no joke. Was this a serious question?

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: joe ()
Date: July 17, 2007 11:09PM

Unplug the engine oxygen sensor. Then you'll pass no matter what!

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: anagogue ()
Date: July 17, 2007 11:29PM

Often, if you do fail, but fail by only a little bit, all you need to do is get a fresh tank of good gas; i.e., NOT Sunoco. Get Shell high octane, clean or replace your air filter, and you should be good to go.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: back yard mechanic ()
Date: July 18, 2007 08:49AM

This may sound crazy but if you stick a potato or firm apple up the tail pipe (far enough up that the inspector can"t see it) (use a broom handle if necessary) and run the car for 10 15 minuets before the inspection, it will pass with flying colors. I just got a 1994 ford pick up through emissions that failed for high Hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. I did the potato trick and took it to a different station.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: va123 ()
Date: July 18, 2007 01:03PM

well,another question comes then

Lots of SHELLs on the street,they are at different prices,

are they from the same source (I mean with the same quality) just the prices varies?

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: duh ()
Date: July 18, 2007 07:14PM

I have a buddy that works at the tank farms on Pickett Rd...he tells me that tanker trucks from all the brands pull up and load the same stuff.

With some brands, the driver will climb up top and dump in an additive....but other than that, folks....it's the SAME stuff.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 18, 2007 09:15PM

of course the easiest way to make you car pass is to put engine oil in the gas tank. This way, the oil lubricates the pistons and harmful emmisions dont leave the engine itself. Whereas if you do the old shove the fruit up the tailpipe trick, you may have difficulty driving you car faster than 35 mph if you cant get it out after teh inspection.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Full Time Service Advisor ()
Date: July 19, 2007 12:00AM

OK, here is the scoop. I work at a service station in Springfield, it does happen to be a Shell, we also perform emission inspections at this location. First of all, DO NOT PUT ANYTHING UP YOUR TAIL PIPE! You could harmfully damage the engine. Plugging the exhaust will restrict flow and not allow the engine to breathe, no breathing equals no where for exhaust to go which equals build up of exhaust and then bent exhaust (and probably) intake valve which equals BROKEN MOTOR! This is the worst auto advice I've ever heard. Now as far as Virginia's emission inspection program... The cost is $28 ($16 for safety, which will soon be $26 due to our fine state legislature) and is run in two different ways. First way (for vehicles prior to 1996) is the old fashioned tail pipe test reads out 3 gasses (HC,CO and NoX) and I would recommend running it without doing anything FUNNY to your vehicle as long as it is in good running order, if it fails and the numbers are close try some fuel additive (I recommend BG 44K, expensive but awesome). If it fails and the numbers are very high, take it to a specialist or someone who knows what they are talking about. For god's sake, do not shove a potato up your car's tail pipe! Second way the test is run (1996 vehicles and later) is run on a OBD-II scanner, basically your car's computer. If the check engine light is on, it fails. If it has been on recently and you had it reset (less than a week ago) the test will probably not run and they will tell you to drive your car and bring it back. If the light is off, your car should pass. The new test is a little confusing, but as long as your check engine light is off, it's pretty much no big deal. On a side note, yes most of the gas in this area comes from pretty much 2 locations. The reason the prices differ so much across the area is that the oil companies set it that way so they can maximize their profit (not the individual station owners). Want to know why the price of gas is what it is in your area? Ask big oil (or their local representitives). Hopefully my mini-essay was helpful. One more reminder, don't put anything up the tail pipe of your vehicle!

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: G MAN ()
Date: July 19, 2007 01:10AM

Full Timer up there beat me to it..... DON'T PUT ANYTHING UP YOUR TAIL PIPE!
I agree, that is the worse advice you could get.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 19, 2007 09:38AM

Full Time Service Advisor Wrote:

that is true in different many ways.

> Second way the
> test is run (1996 vehicles and later) is run on a
> OBD-II scanner, basically your car's computer.
> If the check engine light is on, it fails. If it
> has been on recently and you had it reset (less
> than a week ago) the test will probably not run
> and they will tell you to drive your car and bring
> it back. If the light is off, your car should pass.

i bought an OBD-II connector for figuring out wtf my care put on the check engine light and it's paid for itself many times. in relation to this, my brother's truck passes emissions fine but the check engine light comes on randomly. the connector can reset the "error code log" so i did that after his truck failed and it passed with no problem. the light came on later. the code that it was reporting was not helpful in the least... but it's an old truck so the sensors werent as elaborate and sophisticated as today.

oh, for all you that are interested in tweaking or just repairing your car get a OBD-II connector, you can see every detail about how your engine is running. you can buy the connector here: http://obddiagnostics.com . you will need a laptop unless you plan on bringing your whole computer outside to your car. :P

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Tim VA State Inspector ()
Date: July 19, 2007 01:32PM

That was indeed a scoop of crap "Full Time Service Advisor". I know it's hard to believe but some "tricks" really do work. I have been a state inspector for twenty two years and the potato DOES work. If you drill a hole through the center to allow exhaust to flow a little. The potato will absorb all hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide for a short period of time and allow even the worst polluters to pass. Don't put oil in your gas tank that's just stupid.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 19, 2007 02:40PM

i think the advice about blocking your tailpipe was a joke. My advice about the oil was. Kinda like this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnDk9KLezt4

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Full Time Service Advisor ()
Date: July 19, 2007 09:44PM

OK there Tim... Suppose you are right (which you aren't). What do you recommend the potato plugging fellow to do when his car comes due for a safety inspection? Being a state inspector for 22 years you should know that in that big book of yours it says something about a vehicle failing for any exhaust leaks, which is exactly what you would recommend by drilling a hole through the center. So according to your advise this unknowing person will need exhaust repairs AND a motor. I'm just trying to give positive advice here, not fool people who don't know any better into breaking their vehicle. Tim, it sounds to me like you aren't really a VA state inspector like you say you are. If you really happen to be one, I would have to hazard a guess that you had you liscense pulled by the state police at least once over the years.

For VA123... Just run your vehicle through an emission test (if you haven't already). If it fails, write in and I'll advise you of what would be the most prudent thing to do next.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 20, 2007 06:11AM

Full Time Service Advisor Wrote:
> For VA123... Just run your vehicle through an
> emission test (if you haven't already). If it
> fails, write in and I'll advise you of what would
> be the most prudent thing to do next.

yeah really, what happened to people actually fixing their car?!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: July 20, 2007 08:34AM

In your tail pipe dummy

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: joe ()
Date: July 20, 2007 09:39AM

ferfux Wrote:
> In your tail pipe dummy

Who are you talking to? Only douche bags don't quote the post they are replying too.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: July 20, 2007 10:10AM

joe Wrote:
> ferfux Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In your tail pipe dummy
> Who are you talking to? Only douche bags don't
> quote the post they are replying too.


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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: va123 ()
Date: July 20, 2007 02:55PM

Full Time Service Advisor Wrote:
> OK there Tim... Suppose you are right (which you
> aren't). What do you recommend the potato
> plugging fellow to do when his car comes due for a
> safety inspection? Being a state inspector for
> 22 years you should know that in that big book of
> yours it says something about a vehicle failing
> for any exhaust leaks, which is exactly what you
> would recommend by drilling a hole through the
> center. So according to your advise this
> unknowing person will need exhaust repairs AND a
> motor. I'm just trying to give positive advice
> here, not fool people who don't know any better
> into breaking their vehicle. Tim, it sounds to me
> like you aren't really a VA state inspector like
> you say you are. If you really happen to be one,
> I would have to hazard a guess that you had you
> liscense pulled by the state police at least once
> over the years.
> For VA123... Just run your vehicle through an
> emission test (if you haven't already). If it
> fails, write in and I'll advise you of what would
> be the most prudent thing to do next.

Thank you very much.I really apprciate your essay.

I passed emission on Wed,my car seems ok.(I get a full tank of shell before I went )

The inspector DID check the ground under my car!

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Full Time Service Advisor ()
Date: July 20, 2007 07:52PM

Glad your car passed, glad I could help.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: va123 ()
Date: July 21, 2007 02:21PM

another question comes then

my previous emission will be expired at this month,and the new one will be valid for 2 years.

My safety inspection is valid to May,2008.

How long can I renew my vehicle registration when I go DMV next monday?

to May,2008 or July 2009?

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: duh ()
Date: July 21, 2007 02:54PM

The emissions allows you to register the car for 2 years. The safety inspection has nothing to do with it.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: va123 ()
Date: July 21, 2007 03:29PM

duh Wrote:
> The emissions allows you to register the car for 2
> years. The safety inspection has nothing to do
> with it.

so,$39.5 for 2 years or $39.5/year?

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: joe ()
Date: July 22, 2007 12:22AM

va123 Wrote:
> duh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The emissions allows you to register the car for
> 2
> > years. The safety inspection has nothing to do
> > with it.
> so,$39.5 for 2 years or $39.5/year?

I think what "duh" means to say is that an emmisions test is valid for two years.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Martin form Burke ()
Date: July 26, 2007 02:01PM

Hey Tim.
I thought your advise was a load of crap, but have to thank you for saving hundreds to get my 1996 F 150 through emissions. I stuck a large russet potato (with a hole bored through the middle) in the tail pipe and used a wooden stick to push it in about 6 inches. The truck passed and even ran quieter until the potato fell out. The shop were it failed emissions said they would not guarantee the truck would pass but if I spent more than $300 on a tune up they would give it a waiver.

Thanks again for saving me a cool $300!!!!!


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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: jimmy's crusin again ()
Date: August 02, 2007 02:05PM

The potato trick worked for me. The inspector didn't find the potato he just stuck the probe in the tail pipe. I failed at the Shell in Annandale so I went to a Exxon in Springfield. The car is old and would have been a donation but now I have two years of use left. By the way the car runs perfectly and I would have had to pay the repair shop $300 for a tune up and waiver that would not have improved the exhaust quality. Potato's rule!!!!

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Felix ()
Date: August 03, 2007 02:00PM

Hey Full Time Service Advisor,

I have a 1991 Benz and it just failed (by a litte is what they said) the emissions tailpipe part of the inspection. The station where I went (Sunoco in Merriefiled) wants me to bring the car in so that I can do a troubleshoot by repair which seems a little shady to me. The guy already told me that it can get expensive especially since it a a Benz. Thanks for any help and/or advice!!!

I can give you the emissions numbers if it would help!

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: chris ()
Date: August 06, 2007 10:18AM

Hey Full Time Service Advisor,
Tim is right!!! I stuck a large russet potato up my tail pipe with a broom handle. My 1997 Crown Vic had failed for hydrocarbons. Using the potato trick it passed with flying colors.

Tim your a genius!!!!

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: August 06, 2007 11:38AM

if ya dont mind can i get serious on this question...

What gas stations around tysons do safety and emmissions insepctions, AND are open until like 6 or 6:30...

I just titled my car in VA (was from PA) - something i figured i needed to do before getting inspections, only because i thought any records would be associated with the title # rather than VIN... regardless if thats true or not.. i got stuck at the DMV until everything was closed.. I also registered - and since i had no emmissions done, they gave me tags good until end of september..

i still have no safety sticker and techincally yesterday was my deadline (my fault i know.. but hey.. i just bought a car - i'm broke)

I know theres cops @ that rt 7 onramp to 495 more than frequently.. so it would be nice to grab that sticker after i get off..

or even better - i dont suppose merchants tire does inspections.. thats a short enough walk back to work..

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 06, 2007 05:36PM

What gas stations around tysons do safety and emmissions insepctions, AND are open until like 6 or 6:30...

Commons Shell on Anderson Road, right next to the McLean Commons Safeway. I've been getting my inspections done there for over a decade and never had a hassle.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 08, 2007 04:32AM

bdimag Wrote:
> i still have no safety sticker and techincally
> yesterday was my deadline (my fault i know.. but
> hey.. i just bought a car - i'm broke)

how much does the safety sticker cost? i get the distinct feeling you are just being lazy.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: August 08, 2007 10:27AM

ya i do that sometimes.. i think it was $16.. emmissions is $27..

it was lazy... then it was getting stuck at dmv.. not so much the $ :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2007 10:27AM by bdimag.

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Re: where to do emission inspection for my car?
Posted by: resident va ()
Date: August 17, 2007 05:10PM

potato worked for me. i didn't fail I just stuck it up my 1996 jeep just incase.

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