Agreed, racist comments aren’t needed. However, Fairfax County taxpayers are paying for your Prince William kids education, and what you are doing is illegal!
Everyone in Fairfax County needs to be aware about the 25-30 students at Hayfield HS who live in Prince William County and other areas not in Fairfax, who are using fake addresses to play football at an FCPS school. This is all being orchestrated by the shady new DSA, new principal and new football coach. Each one of these students are costing Fairfax taxpayers $19,972, and FCPS doesn’t wanna talk about it because they know it’s one largest recruiting scandals ever! Principal Thompson, DSA Fritts and the football coach Darryl Overton are corrupt and terrible people who only care about themselves, and they have turned their back on the Hayfield Community. When you are sneaking kids in from a different county, you are using and stealing taxpayer money. We as taxpayers must raise our voices to the superintendent about our concerns.
None of you guys moved, except there might be one kid who was originally a Hayfield. How do I know this? He went to Elementary school with many of the Hayfield kids, and kids don’t lie.
VHSL says that you have to physically move into Hayfield boundaries with a parent and vacate your previous address. Like your QB who lives in Spotsylvania, and using some poor families address to enroll because your principal bullied the school registrar, and removed the DSS who called him out.
You guys are corrupt liars!!
Pole Rd. Soldier Wrote:
> Little Johnny Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Beta male traits? The only beta males in this
> > county are Overton and his goons. You niggers
> are
> > so proud of cheating it’s funny. You really
> had
> > to recruit just because you couldn’t beat the
> > white coaches and players.
> If you acting racist makes you feel better
> that’s great! Overton and his guy’s sleep well
> at night bc of their WINNING track record and
> getting kids who can’t afford to go Private high
> school a FREE EDUCATION in both HS and College,
> that’s the real priority his guys have, and as
> long as he has that parents from those communities
> will be willing to pay an extra $100 or so a month
> to live in Hayfields district, Nothing will happen
> to Hayfield bc nothing illegal happened, if you
> understood those kid’s loyalty to Darryl then
> you’d likely try to shift your attack point and
> act like the guy was a criminal… anyway not one
> workout has been stopped those guys are full go,
> and trust they will remember these comments this
> fall!!