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Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Skinsfan91 ()
Date: September 13, 2010 01:21AM

Has anyone heard any news about a family that was murdered this evening off of Sydenstricker and Field Master in the West Springfield Area after an attempted robbery went wrong?

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 13, 2010 01:40AM

This thread is EXTREMELY uselessly and badly titled, but is an existing discussion of the incident:


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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: It was related to Road Rage ()
Date: September 13, 2010 05:00PM


Stephen Carr was killed by someone that lives on Conservation drive.
This was road rage related due to a speed bump issue.

Very sad!

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Fight over a speed bump?? ()
Date: September 13, 2010 05:08PM

Was this about a speed bump that was going to be installed in the neighborhood? I know there was talk about having one put in.

Is that really worth killing someone over?

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: General Patton ()
Date: September 13, 2010 05:13PM

Stephen Carr was a selfish bastard who pushed the county to install a speed bump in front of his house so that people would be forced to drive lower than the speed limit. Let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to build an obstacle on a public road. VDOT warned that this would happen eventually, but the politicians force them to do it despite universal objections from the public safety community.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: OMFG ()
Date: September 13, 2010 05:20PM

Patton was a former deputy sheriff for Alexandria,who is in jail for being a killing bastard hahahahahahaha Pig in jail.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: CrazySadMan ()
Date: September 13, 2010 08:05PM


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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: CrazySadMan ()
Date: September 13, 2010 08:06PM


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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:49PM

it's against the law to kill assholes, unless they are armed and are trying to kill or maim you or others around you. If killing "peculiar" neighbors because of their seemingly socially retarded ways was socially accepted, we would all be dead eventually due to our obvious differences.

What a fucked up mess.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: woww ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:18AM

WOW - some people are really crazy! That's just STUPID! They should give him the death penalty

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:26AM

He killed the guy for successfully petitioning the county to install a speed bump in their neighborhood? ...guess he can't drive 55 with his super big gulp through the neighborhood with a speed bump can he? The speed bump petitioner must DIE!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2010 08:27AM by Gonads & Strife.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: tmill9 ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:33AM

itchy Wrote:
> it's against the law to kill assholes, unless they
> are armed and are trying to kill or maim you or
> others around you. If killing "peculiar"
> neighbors because of their seemingly socially
> retarded ways was socially accepted, we would all
> be dead eventually due to our obvious
> differences.
> What a fucked up mess.

Man, ain't that the truth. This whole scenario could spill over into the crazy HOA self appointed police. Really astonishing.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:36AM

You all have it wrong, this was over a speed HUMP not bump, if it had been a speed bump none of this would have happened.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:40AM

I would've expected the initial assault victim to have been the shooter, not the other way around.

Sometimes I feel like having a speed bump installed in front of my asshole neighbor's house, maybe if I do it now, someone will run up in his residence like Michael Myers with a hockey mask on Elm St. I didn't know that speed bumps were actually assassination target markings, interesting. Plant a speed bump, and die. It's sort of like "The Ring".

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: no HOA there ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:40AM

That area has no HOA. There's an Orange Hunt Estates Civic Association, but it does not enforce county rules. It's more to provide information to neighborhood residents.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:40AM

seven days...

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: tmill9 ()
Date: September 14, 2010 10:05AM

no HOA there Wrote:
> That area has no HOA. There's an Orange Hunt
> Estates Civic Association, but it does not enforce
> county rules. It's more to provide information to
> neighborhood residents.

I was referring to another thread about HOAs that are NAZI wannabes. I only have a vague idea where that neighborhood is.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: http://www.vafirenews.com ()
Date: September 14, 2010 10:18AM

worm food!!
stupid f@#&
wish he could take the hump with him.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Justice! ()
Date: September 14, 2010 11:13AM

At the funeral they should circulate a petition to remove the speed bump.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 14, 2010 01:53PM

Gonads & Strife Wrote:
> He killed the guy for successfully petitioning the
> county to install a speed bump in their
> neighborhood?

No. He went over to the guy's house with a gun because they got into an altercation because of what you said. The killing happened in the heat of a confrontation. We don't know what he intended to do once the two in the house were bound up.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 14, 2010 02:36PM

OMFG Wrote:
> Patton was a former deputy sheriff for
> Alexandria,who is in jail for being a killing
> bastard hahahahahahaha Pig in jail.

This is further evidence that only police should have guns, and we need to pass laws making it a crime to shoot people without reasonable justification.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 14, 2010 02:51PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> Gonads & Strife Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He killed the guy for successfully petitioning
> the
> > county to install a speed bump in their
> > neighborhood?
> No. He went over to the guy's house with a gun
> because they got into an altercation because of
> what you said. The killing happened in the heat
> of a confrontation. We don't know what he
> intended to do once the two in the house were
> bound up.

In the words of Fruppie --- EVERYBODY ALL TOGETHER NOW! ----

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 14, 2010 06:15PM

justsayin Wrote:

> This is further evidence that only police should
> have guns, and we need to pass laws making it a
> crime to shoot people without reasonable
> justification.

Respectfully, I disagree. If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns. Aside from the many other criminal organizations that would simply smuggle in weapons and reak havoc on innocent civilians, we have a huge problem on our southern border with Los Zetas. They are a serious threat to national security. They kill and burn people in the US and Mexico with seemingly minimal opposition in the US due to their tactics. Add a "NO gun threat" from civillan opposition and they would overrun American ranches and properties all along the border. The simple fact that Arizona and Texas have castle doctrine has certainly helped keep the Zetas primarily in and along the preferred drug trafficing routes instead of across the many desolate ranches that they could overrun if "Jed" didn't have a Accuracy International in .338 Lapua Magnum that could explode a body at 2500 meters.

If we enforce the gun laws that we have and "maybe" even "consider" psychological evaluations and mandatory firearms training, it could certainly "help" keep socially retarded people from doing bad things with firearms.

Now back on the topic: I would guess that if we had the ability to look at the HR records of the "former deputy sheriff" from Alexandria, that he probably had some psychological issues that caused his leaving or being discharged from the Alexandria police force. As you all know officers, their peers, chiefs, departments and judges take care of their own. I've seen officers commit horrendous crimes that are covered up or made to look like minor offences. The 1st one of you in here who can pull some real dirt on this guy, like internal affairs or human resource complaints, gets a dinner at Bonefish.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: josey wales ()
Date: September 14, 2010 06:48PM

While it may be easy to paint all cops as corrupt and taking care of each other through coverups how do you explain the Chief of Police from Alexandria? He got in a car wreck and was arrested for DUI, then lost his job. He went to jail and did his time.

If anyone should be able to get away with a coverup it should be the head guy. I dont doubt there are coverups but I think the blame is with the government system where it is damn near impossible to fire anyone who is off probation.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 14, 2010 08:02PM

josey wales Wrote:
> While it may be easy to paint all cops as corrupt
> and taking care of each other through coverups how
> do you explain the Chief of Police from
> Alexandria? He got in a car wreck and was arrested
> for DUI, then lost his job. He went to jail and
> did his time.
> If anyone should be able to get away with a
> coverup it should be the head guy. I dont doubt
> there are coverups but I think the blame is with
> the government system where it is damn near
> impossible to fire anyone who is off probation.

I am unfamiliar with that incident, but being that all states are anti-drunk driving, as they should be, examples must be made. Especially since an accident was involved as the result of a prominant public figure being intoxicated. Look at Bill Spuge Slinger Clinton, Marion Berry etc. Once something goes public, somebody has to get a hand smacked, humilated, incarcerated. I have friends in local, state and federal law inforcement, and I have a lot of faith in our legal system, judicial system and our government despite its problems and shortcomings. The biggest problem is the human factor; we all fall short of glory when it comes to decisions and perfection. Some are better than others, but we all make mistakes.

Mr former sheriff deputy who decided to tie some guy up and then shoot/kill him for facilitating a speed bump in the neighborhood......well that's just some crazy x-cop who should have been recommended for counceling before he flew off the coo coo's nest.

Oh, and another answer to your question about how the police chief could "not" get away with it being the Chief: If your boss was an ass, would'nt you love the opportunity to taze, beat and arrest him?

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 14, 2010 10:26PM

itchy Wrote:
> justsayin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is further evidence that only police
> should
> > have guns, and we need to pass laws making it a
> > crime to shoot people without reasonable
> > justification.
> Respectfully, I disagree. If guns were outlawed,
> only outlaws would have guns. Aside from the many
> other criminal organizations that would simply
> smuggle in weapons and reak havoc on innocent
> civilians, we have a huge problem on our southern
> border with Los Zetas. They are a serious threat
> to national security. They kill and burn people
> in the US and Mexico with seemingly minimal
> opposition in the US due to their tactics. Add a
> "NO gun threat" from civillan opposition and they
> would overrun American ranches and properties all
> along the border. The simple fact that Arizona
> and Texas have castle doctrine has certainly
> helped keep the Zetas primarily in and along the
> preferred drug trafficing routes instead of across
> the many desolate ranches that they could overrun
> if "Jed" didn't have a Accuracy International in
> .338 Lapua Magnum that could explode a body at
> 2500 meters.
> If we enforce the gun laws that we have and
> "maybe" even "consider" psychological evaluations
> and mandatory firearms training, it could
> certainly "help" keep socially retarded people
> from doing bad things with firearms.
> Now back on the topic: I would guess that if we
> had the ability to look at the HR records of the
> "former deputy sheriff" from Alexandria, that he
> probably had some psychological issues that caused
> his leaving or being discharged from the
> Alexandria police force. As you all know
> officers, their peers, chiefs, departments and
> judges take care of their own. I've seen officers
> commit horrendous crimes that are covered up or
> made to look like minor offences. The 1st one of
> you in here who can pull some real dirt on this
> guy, like internal affairs or human resource
> complaints, gets a dinner at Bonefish.

To my new best friend Itchy,

I think justsayin was being sarcastic, given that he was saying only cops should have guns in a thread discussing an ex-cop having murdered someone.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 14, 2010 11:25PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> To my new best friend Itchy,
> I think justsayin was being sarcastic, given that
> he was saying only cops should have guns in a
> thread discussing an ex-cop having murdered
> someone.

I know buddy, I just like to ramble on after a rough day at work. I'll save it for the range. lol

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: One-Way ()
Date: September 15, 2010 06:58AM

josey wales Wrote:
> While it may be easy to paint all cops as corrupt
> and taking care of each other through coverups how
> do you explain the Chief of Police from
> Alexandria? He got in a car wreck and was arrested
> for DUI, then lost his job. He went to jail and
> did his time.
> If anyone should be able to get away with a
> coverup it should be the head guy. I dont doubt
> there are coverups but I think the blame is with
> the government system where it is damn near
> impossible to fire anyone who is off probation.

There were too many witnesses. His drunk driving resulted in an accident with a civilian. This one would be too difficult to cover-up.

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 15, 2010 07:12AM

Calm down itchy, we're on the same team :)

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Re: Family Killed in Springfield - Robbery gone Bad
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 15, 2010 07:27AM

justsayin Wrote:
> Calm down itchy, we're on the same team :)

It's all good; no malice intended.

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