Upycd Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What I can't stand is when the dipshit in front
> of
> > me can't move into the intersection when
> waiting
> > to make a left on green. The fuckers piss me
> off
> > because they usually miss the chance to turn
> when
> > the light turns yellow. At the very least,
> being
> > in the intersection on a green might give a car
> or
> > two behind them a chance to get through the
> > intersection as well.
> >
> > Fuckers.
> I thought it was illegal to enter an intersection
> without being able to immediately clear it, but I
> can't find anything saying so, other than a
> proposed bill that appears to never have passed.
> m+HB2319
> I'm interested in a definitive answer on this.
I would be interested in an answer on this as well. I do this sometimes, and the risk is that sometimes the oncoming traffic doesn't stop for the yellow (as the law requires them to do if they are able), and thus you get caught either going on a full red or stuck out in the middle of an intersection, both of which are dangerous.