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Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: mitch ()
Date: July 16, 2007 11:30AM

my son got a reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road.
I was in the passenger seat at the time. He had set the cruise control to
55mph when we started out on the Greenway. The cruise control had been on
the whole time, until we were 100 yards past the toll booths just before I-495.

the speed limit for the EZ Pass-only express lanes(the two far left lanes)
is apparently 35mph. 56mph is 21mph over, and anything 20mph+ had to be
written up as reckless driving.

My family just moved to this county 11 days ago from New York. I do realize
that's no excuse. The law is the law... but it just seems wrong.... even
the nice officer said NOBODY drives below 55mph through those express EZ pass
lanes.... well, if that's the case, why are tickets being handed out?

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Dirty Jersey ()
Date: July 16, 2007 12:42PM

Makes me miss those true high-speed EZ Pass lanes getting on the turnpike where you can go 55 or so mph. Just another way for the county to get $, hopefully you dont get screwed with those new fines

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: mitch ()
Date: July 16, 2007 12:53PM

That's exactly what I was thinking.... if New Jersey can do it,
why can't Virginia? Those 55mph EZ Pass lanes make the traffic
go a lot faster...

Dirty Jersey Wrote:
> Makes me miss those true high-speed EZ Pass lanes
> getting on the turnpike where you can go 55 or so
> mph. Just another way for the county to get $,
> hopefully you dont get screwed with those new
> fines

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: jabroni ()
Date: July 16, 2007 12:54PM

that is a shame to get a ticket for something like that, because i believe how no one does go under 55 when going through those fast lanes on the toll road before hitting the beltway. i think the only time people do go under 55 through those tolls is when there's too much traffic!

also, just to let you know - if the speed is 55 or above, the cop can give a reckless to 25 and over, not 20 and over - unless the speed was below 55. so the cop could have given you clemency, but decided not to. this rule might have been changed in the last year, but i had an incident with a speeding ticket last july and was going 23 over, but did not receive a reckless because of the reasoning i just stated above.

what i did was take a driving course, that was 8 hours long. when i went to court, the judge held back most of the fine and points. granted this was all before the new fines were imposed.

good luck!

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Resident2 ()
Date: July 16, 2007 02:12PM

Valentine One
Good Fucking Game

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: July 16, 2007 03:08PM

mitch Wrote:
> the speed limit for the EZ Pass-only express
> lanes(the two far left lanes)
> is apparently 35mph. 56mph is 21mph over, and
> anything 20mph+ had to be
> written up as reckless driving.

I researched as much as I had time to before posting this. Everything I found stated that the speed limit in the EZ Pass lanes is 10mph. If you were indeed going 56, that is 46 mph over, and from what I read, that limit is enforced as best as it can be...

It's not a very good Welcome to VA message for you is it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2007 03:09PM by Tia2.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: jabroni ()
Date: July 16, 2007 03:13PM

Tia2 Wrote:
> mitch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > the speed limit for the EZ Pass-only express
> > lanes(the two far left lanes)
> > is apparently 35mph. 56mph is 21mph over, and
> > anything 20mph+ had to be
> > written up as reckless driving.
> >
> >
> I researched as much as I had time to before
> posting this. Everything I found stated that the
> speed limit in the EZ Pass lanes is 10mph. If you
> were indeed going 56, that is 46 mph over, and
> from what I read, that limit is enforced as best
> as it can be...
> It's not a very good Welcome to VA message for you
> is it?

Ok, look a little harder next time when your researching Tia2. That posting of 10mph is for the EZ Pass Lanes that you see at every toll road where it says EZ Pass Lane (by itself or includes Full Service or Exact Chanage), but SOME toll roads (like the one before hitting the Beltway) have EZ Pass FAST Lanes, which allow drivers to keep a more steady speed (35mph) than having to slow down to 10mph or lower like OTHER drivers who do not own a speed pass. Make sure you know what your talking about before confusing others.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Tiacanreasearch ()
Date: July 16, 2007 03:39PM

"Ok, look a little harder next time when your researching Tia2. That posting of 10mph is for the EZ Pass Lanes that you see at every toll road where it says EZ Pass Lane (by itself or includes Full Service or Exact Chanage), but SOME toll roads (like the one before hitting the Beltway) have EZ Pass FAST Lanes, which allow drivers to keep a more steady speed (35mph) than having to slow down to 10mph or lower like OTHER drivers who do not own a speed pass. Make sure you know what your talking about before confusing others."

Tia, you ignorant slut

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Date: July 16, 2007 03:45PM

They probably made the speed limit so low because the traffic coming out of the non-EZpass lanes has to try to merge with you before you hit the toll road and its hard to get up to 55 from a dead start in less than a tenth of a mile for most minivans.

And as to why they havent installed the high-speed EZpasses, it is my understanding that the toll road is a private road so they can do (or not do) whatever the hell they please, right? If so, they dont have to pay to install all new equipment just to let people drive 20 mph faster on the on ramps.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: July 16, 2007 04:28PM

jabroni Wrote:

> also, just to let you know - if the speed is 55 or
> above, the cop can give a reckless to 25 and over,
> not 20 and over - unless the speed was below 55.
> so the cop could have given you clemency, but
> decided not to. this rule might have been changed
> in the last year, but i had an incident with a
> speeding ticket last july and was going 23 over,
> but did not receive a reckless because of the
> reasoning i just stated above.


Wreckless Driving by code, is to operate a motor vehicle, 20 mph and over the posted speed limit, or 80 mph.

There is no 25mph part I have seen for as long as I have driven. And it has been a while.

The part you did get right, is it is up to the officer to write it as wreckless, or not. For example, I once was cited for speeding vs. wreckless and was 32 mph over the speed limit. I (pre)paid my ticket and went about my life.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: jabroni ()
Date: July 16, 2007 04:32PM

if that's the code, so be it. i was told that by the officer when he pulled me over that if it is in a 55 or above, wreckless can be looked at as 25 and over. perhaps he was just trying to say to me in other words that he wouldn't write me a reckless (to his discretion) like you mentioned how it is their choice.

i love that officer for not giving me a reckless.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: N***a Please ()
Date: July 16, 2007 06:22PM

mitch Wrote:
> My family just moved to this county 11 days ago
> from New York. I do realize
> that's no excuse. The law is the law... but it
> just seems wrong.... even
> the nice officer said NOBODY drives below 55mph
> through those express EZ pass
> lanes.... well, if that's the case, why are
> tickets being handed out?

WHY are tickets being handed out? Ummmm because it's the duty of the police to enforce what we call "laws". You answered your own question. Since "everyone" goes 55 in that 35 zone (which isn't true because I go the speed limit), now the police are cracking down. If everyone was killing each other the police wouldn't "give up" and not arrest anyone. Duh. You should do what I do: drive at the speed limit. That's probably why I never get tickets. It's amazing.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 16, 2007 06:28PM

its funny, when i drive the speed limit, there never seems to be cops around. BUT there is always a lot of people tailgating and honking at me, etc. Plus i never seem to get anywhere fast

Now on the occasion in which i exceed teh speed limit, there is always a cop there, but people praise my good driving skills and i get where i wish to go within a reasonable amount of time.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 16, 2007 07:04PM

jabroni Wrote:
> also, just to let you know - if the speed is 55 or
> above, the cop can give a reckless to 25 and over,
> not 20 and over - unless the speed was below 55.
> so the cop could have given you clemency,

Sorry jabroni,

But I'm very experienced w/ speeding tickets, and it's always been reckless if over 20+ in V.A., regardless of posted speed limit.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: July 16, 2007 07:06PM

Last I checked, even though 20+ does qualify for reckless driving, the officer still has the discretion to write the ticket for speeding. Also, we have lower speed limits at toll plazas because some people still have to slow down and pay the old fashioned way -- plus the tollbooth workers shouldn't have to dodge traffic at 55-65+ miles per hour trying to walk to their tollbooth.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: July 16, 2007 07:12PM

Actually, inkahootz, the law used to be that 20+ was RD, with the following exceptions:

Speed of 80+ mph = RD, regardless of speed limit.
In a 35 mph zone, speed of 25+ = RD.

I believe that the current law is the same except it has eliminated the language about 25+ in a 35 mph zone.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 16, 2007 08:19PM

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 16, 2007 09:10PM

Bubba Wrote:
> >
> Actually, inkahootz, the law used to be that 20+
> was RD, with the following exceptions:
> Speed of 80+ mph = RD, regardless of speed limit.
> In a 35 mph zone, speed of 25+ = RD.
> I believe that the current law is the same except
> it has eliminated the language about 25+ in a 35
> mph zone.

That's exactly what I said! 20 and over is rd, although cops sometimes (at their discretion of course) will give a 21 over a reg. speeding ticket( if you have a clean record). It's always been that way. Same w/ the over 80 regardless of speed limit. Trust me I know this shit, I've gotten tickets for going over 100mph b4.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: look it up ()
Date: July 16, 2007 10:17PM


ยง 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit.

A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit or (ii) in excess of eighty miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 16, 2007 10:21PM

mitch Wrote:
> I do realize
> that's no excuse. The law is the law... but it
> just seems wrong.... even
> the nice officer said NOBODY drives below 55mph
> through those express EZ pass
> lanes.... well, if that's the case, why are
> tickets being handed out?

they want your money. just think about this, if everyone jumped off a bridge and plummeted to their death, would you? i know i would because being the only one left alive would suck.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: July 17, 2007 04:24PM

Gravis Wrote:
> they want your money. just think about this, if
> everyone jumped off a bridge and plummeted to
> their death, would you? i know i would because
> being the only one left alive would suck.

I would too.. my reason is a little more logical (i guess)... if everyone is jumping off the bridge.. theres probably a pretty damn good reason...


that ticket is freakin rediculous though... lawyers really help with reckless tickets i've noticed... its a gamble though i supposed (but usually theres a free consultation atleast)..

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: jabroni ()
Date: July 17, 2007 04:32PM

inkahootz Wrote:
> jabroni Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > also, just to let you know - if the speed is 55
> or
> > above, the cop can give a reckless to 25 and
> over,
> > not 20 and over - unless the speed was below
> 55.
> > so the cop could have given you clemency,
> Sorry jabroni,
> But I'm very experienced w/ speeding tickets, and
> it's always been reckless if over 20+ in V.A.,
> regardless of posted speed limit.

I'm sorry but do i stutter? I received a ticket for going 75-79 in a 55 without a reckless. Do the math ding dong and then you can re-experience yourself with maybe every cop that has pulled you over was just giving you what he felt you deserved. I'm sorry you're experienced with tickets and that it seems you have gotten reckless for going 20+, but the cop gave me clemency making it either illegal of what he did or you really are not experienced with the law.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: July 17, 2007 04:57PM

66 in a 35.. (although i remember the seeing the radar gun say 67)

$210 ticket... but not reckless

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 18, 2007 10:14AM

boristhebulletdodger Wrote:
> They probably made the speed limit so low because
> the traffic coming out of the non-EZpass lanes has
> to try to merge with you before you hit the toll
> road and its hard to get up to 55 from a dead
> start in less than a tenth of a mile for most
> minivans.

This, and also there's a chance some confused driver decides to switch lanes just before a toll both. While I'm all for higher limits on open roads, in some places these limits are in place.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: ... ()
Date: July 18, 2007 10:28AM

Is this 35MPH speed limit posted on a yellow sign or a white sign?

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: July 19, 2007 05:24PM

Haven't we had this friggin' discussion before? Fairfax Underground is like a wormhole in the fabric of space where the same shit keeps happening over and over again.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: boudreaux ()
Date: July 20, 2007 10:05AM

There was an article in the Metro section of the Post this morning that mentioned several Northern Virginia lawyers are eager to challenge the constitutionality of the new fees, and are just waiting for the case. If you're prepared to commit the time involved with going through the appeals process, you might want to contact them and look into having them represent your son. Here's the link to the article:


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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: July 20, 2007 10:11AM

... Wrote:
> Is this 35MPH speed limit posted on a yellow sign
> or a white sign?

It is a White sign

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: July 20, 2007 10:14AM

inkahootz Wrote:
> Bubba Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > Actually, inkahootz, the law used to be that
> 20+
> > was RD, with the following exceptions:
> >
> > Speed of 80+ mph = RD, regardless of speed
> limit.
> > In a 35 mph zone, speed of 25+ = RD.
> >
> > I believe that the current law is the same
> except
> > it has eliminated the language about 25+ in a
> 35
> > mph zone.
> That's exactly what I said! 20 and over is rd,
> although cops sometimes (at their discretion of
> course) will give a 21 over a reg. speeding
> ticket( if you have a clean record). It's always
> been that way. Same w/ the over 80 regardless of
> speed limit. Trust me I know this shit, I've
> gotten tickets for going over 100mph b4.

No, actually you said that it's "always" been 20+ is RD. Well, that isn't entirely true because, until recently, the threshold for RD in a 35 zone was 60, which is 25+. And, believe me, there are officers out there who frequently charge violations such as 80 in a 55 (and other 20+ violations) as straight speeding. It all depends on whether the officer thinks you deserve to see the judge and have the possibility of getting your license suspended.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 20, 2007 07:07PM

boudreaux Wrote:
> There was an article in the Metro section of the
> Post this morning that mentioned several Northern
> Virginia lawyers are eager to challenge the
> constitutionality of the new fees,

he already stated it was before the fees went into effect but thanks for the link.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: ... ()
Date: July 24, 2007 11:50PM

SRE Wrote:
> ... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is this 35MPH speed limit posted on a yellow
> sign
> > or a white sign?
> It is a White sign

That's a regulatory speed limit.

Yellow signs are advisory speed limits. I thought it might have been an advisory speed limit in which case the speeding ticket would indeed be invalid.

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Re: Reckless driving ticket for doing 56mph on Dulles Toll Road
Posted by: super cop ()
Date: July 27, 2007 12:21PM

Just pay attention and obey posted speed limits and you won't have these problems. Doesn't matte rwhat others do on not.

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