ThePackLeader Wrote:
> No unusual weather? We're currently under a flood
> watch. They expect the tidal waters to rise
> roughly a meter above normal, and it could be
> greater if the storm forces a more Westerly
> track.
I get the feeling NWS issues watches if they think there's > 1% chance that something will happen. Can't tell you how many watches I've been under where there was absolutely zero impact.
You might find that the flood watch actually only applies to people in coastal areas, those near the river mostly. That's frequently the case. But since they issue them for "low lying and coastal areas in Fairfax County", the hypemachine press reports them as "all of Fairfax County".
Maybe. I haven't read the watch. Wait, I just did, and again, it's "COASTAL flood watch". Which means here in Fairfax City where I happen to impact.
But a watch is also a "conditions are right for" something, not a warning, whihc is "this is actually occuring". In other flooding anywhere as of now.
> Also, it is a large enough storm that if it
> happens to make landfall in the upper Outer Banks
> of NC, we will at the very least have
> counter-clockwise rotating clouds, and most likely
> some rain. If it stays far enough away though,
> we'll have some wind, and really amazingly clear
> air skies.
Rain. Wow. Yeah, TOP drags out the "Operation Stormwatch; your center for all news relating to this storm!" for...rain. Which happens, what, every 5 or 6 days? Not exactly particularly unusual weather.
Much ado about nothing, I expect.
Oh, and in case anyone was wondering:
Forecast for tomorrow? Clear. Friday? Partly Cloudy. Saturday? Clear. Sunday? Clear.