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are the women on real housewives of dc cheap
Posted by: raheem935 ()
Date: August 28, 2010 12:54PM

Are Jason and Stacie Turner some cheap people?

Staff Writer


.www.streetroachpics.com .

Thrifty is a term used to describe some of the cast members of Real Housewives of DC. In past shows, the women appear to live larger then their pockets in a bad economy but not in DC. The only high roller or baller are the Salahis. Most of the people around town are gossiping that the Salahis are broke.

On the other hand,Stacie Turner is one of the cast members on real housewives of DC on the bravo network. She and her husband are very cheap and appear to know how to manage their money. For example, both of them drive later model cars dam near 12 years. Stacie drives some old Lexus with one good hubcap and, Jason Turner drives a rusted out Volvo.

If take a look at Jason business moves when it comes to purchasing a home. You noticed that he has brain. He paid 200k for their current home back in 1999 and, it is now worth 999k if not more. If we add the location or the slang term Gold coast, Jason business move in 1999 was a good one. The Gold coast is a section on 16st nw DC that has a long tradition of ballers and shot callers living there. Jason even applied for a tax deduction on his property which drops the families' tax bill by 67k.

Streetroachpics.com research found this information about Jason home and the document below says it all.


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Re: are the women on real housewives of dc cheap
Posted by: Duhhhhhhh ()
Date: August 28, 2010 05:09PM

They are all ho's... like that Salahi whench.

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Re: are the women on real housewives of dc cheap
Posted by: raheem935 ()
Date: August 28, 2010 07:45PM

why do you call them ho's

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Re: are the women on real housewives of dc cheap
Posted by: cherry T0p ()
Date: August 28, 2010 07:53PM

They are all 15 minute fame and attention whores. its sad.

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Re: are the women on real housewives of dc cheap
Posted by: raheem935 ()
Date: August 28, 2010 08:05PM

15minutes and a few million later yeah real sad

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Re: are the women on real housewives of dc cheap
Posted by: Billy Jack ()
Date: August 28, 2010 08:14PM

I'd bang them all silly, but only once each.

Most of them have been hit hard with ugly sticks.

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