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Oakton highschool Cheerleading is imploding
Posted by: SamIAm ()
Date: May 19, 2023 10:16AM

The blacks were given the harsh reality that Oakton highschool does not want them at their school coaching cheerleading. Everyone knows that some of these people cause a lot of drama and encourage drama with young ladies so after two years of failed attempts to bring in a black lady to lead the cougars, the cheer moms and cheerleaders tried to bring awareness to administration. I heard it back fired causing a racial uproar. I saw it on the news and WP posted an article about it.
The coach who I won’t reveal but it’s easy to find was removed after one season for speaking to the students about sex and alcohol. Administration decide to remove her and her friend who led the inappropriate discussions that had nothing to do with cheer. This is I heard directly from many cheerleaders. They did not want this coach to come back. The nature of the article was pretty bad however.
I expect a overhaul of administration in the future

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Re: Oakton highschool Cheerleading is imploding
Posted by: Real_American ()
Date: May 19, 2023 10:31AM

We must put an end to antiWhiteism.

Join Going Free and become a part of White Wellbeing today!

Head over to Jason Kohne of No White Guilt.

Tell them BlueAcid sent you.


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