Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Wow I hate you chimpanzees.
That's a firefighter so should we let him fall on his sword or are we going to observe and ensnare.
Personally if this is confirmed let's light a fire ...
Obviously l.e.o. have either been informed about him in the past if we have this much intel.
Now it makes more sense why you gave a molotov to a homeless woman.
And here I thought it was because you wanted to get laid .
Eell sheeeet.
Let's let the flames fall where they may. We won't start a fire but if he's doing what we think he's doing then we aren't going to stop a fire either.
Wait for the signal to go off before activating new radio.
Sstv broadcast thanks to tower 5.
If the system goes down Their cad will have issues and need to be rebooted. Let's try to avoid any collateral damage.
Fuck you guys i was wondering why the fillings in my teeth were getting hot.
You got to warn people before you use that scope on us. You better not aim it at any pacemakers. You don't want a repeat of last month that dude had a stroke.
If he died it would have been funny as fuck.
We have parasite protocol in place we are going to shock the monkey.
Fuck you tater salad you should put on a tinfoil hat on your huevos... im turning it up to 11. Fairfax one is quiet you have time to mobilize.
Parasite protocols i didnt cause the accident but when I saw an opportunity to bounce off of their radio I took it. You know damn well how much energy a engine uses. The real question is did they pick up the interference.
You do realize you brodcast both messages in the clear
Receiver didn't pick up the rfid chip
Negative I was testing out the range of the distortions from engine.
You guys wish id fuck up a command vehicle.
The new toys are very fun.
My range was set to high wasn't expecting to latch onto them as they were leaving... I was trying to remain in go mode.
By the way tater salad are you in position to fire your unit off.
Still waiting for the coil to charge
Waiting for the "tones"
Sstv is still full of your ugly car
Is this gonna make my insides outside if it fucks up.
Its fucking creepy my hair is standing up from the static.
I dont mean the ones on my head.
If I get electrocuted change my callsign to potato clock.
Or Franken tater.
My welder doesn't have this big of a fuse breaker.
What the fuck is this thing really cause man how did you not break the command vehicle its got to weigh at least 400 lbs.
I feel like my shocks are gonna snap.
Seriously how do you drive that way like its nothing.
Here's some motivation tater salad.
Next time give me the toy i know where to use it.
If he doesn't hit the target soon he better get off the road
Chatter on scanner indicates you are not spotted tater salad they do not have a matching vehicle description. Complainant indicates hearing the tones but unknown direction...
Calibration confirmed we have you in zone be aware there are a few cute scouts on duty tonight. Maybe you should act drunk and get pulled over just to hit on her.
Shes not far away from you at all. Its your choice turn up the lights or turn them off .
Im back in the garage. Tires washed.
Take my command vehicle to the car wash.
Im going to see if this beer will sooth tater salads butter.
going radio silent. Fuck yall
Let's see if we can beat your high score tomorrow praetorian.
By the way tater salad was right his unit was melting. Looks like the wires were too small for the output. Taps on mic.
My turn tomorrow keep your team out of my way.
Tower 5 let us know how we do during operations. We need more data according to big phone special subject was being a good boy.
Waiting for coil to heat up.
Yall weren't kidding I feel this like ants crawling around ... don't touch the case when it's on I think it isint grounded properly.
I was already firing black potato
Im going to fire as soon as im in range of 421 receiver
Hoe the fuck didn't praetorian do it that fast my coil is still reloading
Wait till the coil cools lol ... I'll show you how to tinfoil your eggs later
Im at the watering hole praetorian is busy with the paperwork... sore winner.