Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
haha, you're too young to be out past midnight aren't you?
anyways, there's not really much to do at ffx towncenter at night...it's basically just a parking lot, but if you've got some friends with you, hanging out is always fun.
I'm surprised there isn't a curfew around this area for teens. I grew up in Albuquerque, and there was one for a long time. It came and went, I think its still there now. I think if you were under 17 you had to be in by 12 on a weekday, and by 1:30 on the weekend. Also if you were under 16 you couldn't have more than 1 under 18 person in your car after dark. I was lucky and never had that law when I drove..
you're not going to find people to hang with at the town center...
also, if you're only 16, yeah, you're too young to be out at 2 in the morning...
and bajin, i do believe that there is a curfew, but noone abides by it, and cops dont really care...as long as you're not doing anything stupid, cops usually just pass on by. but if you're driving, there's a 12-4:30(i think it's 4:30, it might just be 4) curfew if you're under 18, but again, unless you're doing something stupid, you're not going to get in trouble with that. it's just a b list offense that they can tack on to a ticket if they stop you.
"Drivers less than 18 years old have a midnight to 4 AM curfew, except when driving to and from work, a school sponsored activity, or with a parent or guardian in the car."
wow you are a little to young to be out at 3 am. during the day thats cool but you are a minor. At 2 to 3 am with someone at age 18 and up spells jail and or fines. I will hang with anyone as long as they are cool, but sorry can't do 3am with yah girl, Im not R Kelly, but I do own a camera haha
Is that ghetto movie theater above (the now defunct) Tower Records still in business?
A few years back when I lived in that area the ghetto theater would always get the best new releases while the good theater down the street (Fairfax Corner) had to wait. Total BS.